Our candidates vie in servility
While pretending to heights of humility.
They would jack-off a goat
To garner that vote,
And end up as a public liability.
--- G2730

A candidate sometimes emotes
In language that nobody quotes
And tries to gain favor
With words that none savor;
He loses electoral votes.
--- R J Winkler P8411

By promises often grotesque,
Impractical though picturesque,
Some candidates lie
Appearing to try
To make the campaign a burlesque.
--- R J Winkler P8411

Once Bryan was chosen to run,
He made 600 speeches, while none
Was made by his foe,
And wouldn't you know
That McKinley, who stayed at home, won!
--- A N Wilkins P8411

It's nice when you hope for the best,
Though both of your choices have messed
With truth and with morals
And wives who wear florals,
But you have to choose one when you're pressed.
--- Archie

I look forward to upcoming race;
There will be a new dumbness to face.
And I don't care who
I throw dig or two,
It will help keep each in their place.
--- Chris Papa

The candidates early and late
Argued, should they debate?
Though each one demanded
The other be candid,
They could not agree on a date.
--- Laurence Perrine P8411

"Since the media," said Candidate Crumb,
"Often garble my speeches, how come,
I wonder, don't they
Misquote me the day
When I manage to say something dumb?"
--- A N Wilkins P8411

When campaigning, all candidates lie;
To smear their opponents they try.
With no hesitation
They besmirch reputation,
So, why don't the slander laws apply?
--- Arnie Schoenbrun P0212

A new one has entered the race
To live in The White House (nice place).
But this one's so lame
(I'll not say his name)
I hardly can keep a straight face.
--- Anon

It is not strange that he with his gall,
Won the outlying districts last fall.
His opponents maintain,
For he, in the campaign,
Was out lying, they say, in them all.
--- A N Wilkins P8411

As through the primaries we plod,
The smiles and the smirks appear odd.
It certainly grates
That most candidates
Project a ral phoney FACADE.
--- Chris Papa

A political speaker named Hutch
Said, "The audience noises are such,
I can't hear myself speak!"
Said his foe, tongue in cheek,
"Don't worry, you're not missing much!"
--- Observer

The candidate spoke without fail
Of his record at Princeton and Yale.
But the record he had
Was quite different and bad,
For he really meant prison and jail.
--- Don Moore P0412

A pig-farmer who lived in Secaucus
Used to run each fourth year for high office;
You'd not then need a lighthouse
To find the old Whitehouse,
But the neighbors sure would have been raucous.
--- J Maynard Kaplan

"Despite my good friend the debunker,"
The candidate told Mr. Bunker,
"I am not by right
A real troglodyte.
I'm merely," he said, "a spelunker."
--- A N Wilkins P8411

There once was a poet from Maine
Who detested language inane.
Said she, with disdain,
"I fear this campaign
Rhetoric will drive me insane."
--- Lynn Mostafa

The funniest thing that we've seen
Is watching the candidates preen.
To save their own neck,
They're endorsing high tech
Right here in the town of Racine!
--- Neal Wilgus P8507

In bed, the poor candidate tossed
And considered the race that he'd lost.
He would miss the debates
In all those great states--
But mainly he rued what it cost.
--- Norm Storer P9612

The election's important, I'm told;
But the candidates all leave me cold.
Though none of them will
Be as evil as Bill,
'Twill still be the "same old same old."
--- John Miller

When the 'pols' are illicitly boffin',
Till their poles and their poll numbers soften,
Perhaps we can vote
Just like that old quote:
That their 'standings are rising' too often.
--- Stargazer

"I don't care where they come from," said Routh,
"Politicians from North or from South.
From States or the city,
It sure is a pity,
They talk from both sides of their mouth!"
--- Clarence E Boyle P8411

It seems the political class
Is akin to a fish like a bass;
For boffins have found,
In research quite sound,
That each can talk out of its ass.
--- Tiddy Ogg

When Ericka hears of this folly,
She'll catch her a fish and, by golly,
She'll hold to her ear
Its ass and will hear
Hit tunes by the late Buddy Holly.
--- Travis Brasell

Canadian fish, quite sinister,
Speak through their ass to administer
All the laws of the sea.
It doesn't surprise me --
They learned it from our Prime Minister!
--- Ericka

Term limits ain't no panacea;
They're just one more crackpot idea.
Rural mayors and sheriffs
Just cannot be there if
You have to replace them each year.
--- Dr Limerick 01-31-02

A candidate, once, it was noted,
Disturbed all the poeple who voted
No end, when he said,
"Do not be misled..."
Then something unfit to be quoted.
--- R J Winkler P8411

"When I told them," said Candidate Stout,
"That I never had paid any lout
For a vote in my life,
Everyone but my wife
Stood up and then promptly walked out."
--- A N Wilkins P8411

"Windy speeches provide the life serum
Of campaigns, and the faithful all cheer 'em,
Though they're frequently quoted,"
The candidate noted,
"When I make 'em, I don't have to hear 'em.
--- A N Wilkins P8411

"After all the wild charges and blames,
When it's over," declared Mr. James,
"The fellow who wins
Won't, despite all his sins,
Be as bad as the other guy claims."
--- A N Wilkins P8411

Those pompous pols play royal rex,
And slaver for SUB ROSA sex,
With those recent born,
Who prove to be thorn
And turn long careers into wrecks.
--- Chris Papa

Loud cheers for the whole GOP
Rang out for Dole's choice for V.P.
The American dream
Will be safe with this team.
Renewed hope for the "Land of the Free!"
--- Jim Weaver Collection

Bob Dole and Jack Kemp won't be beat.
Their trumpet will not sound retreat.
In the front you will find them
With the whole team behind them.
Democrats will be knocked off their feet!
--- Jim Weaver Collection

This is file wgl

Said Kemp to his running mate Dole,
"Look where we are in this poll!
With three days to go,
We're behind Ross Perot!
I feel like such an asshole!"
--- Jim Weaver Collection

Bush Sr may have won without Quayle, though.
We can't rule out the effect of Perot.
Double digits for Ross,
Gave George Senior the toss,
And of course Bill worked crowds like a pro.
--- Phil Kinay

Working for Bradley is quite a thrill.
But, please, don't let yourself get ill.
Parting with his own wealth
To cover his worker's health,
Proved too much for old "dollar Bill".
--- David A Brooks Q

An election held in the States
Was to decide political fates.
But outside the U. S.
No-one could care less,
For Bush, or for Gore, or their mates.
--- Anon

The debate candidates strolled while talking,
A technique to score style points while walking.
But when Bob's turn came, Bill
Did not try to stand still.
It sure looke like a clear case of stalking.
--- Jim Weaver Collection

Clinton or Dole -- who knows?
Both are really big foes!
Just make your selection --
Neither's perfection --
Or try your luck with Perot.
--- Lem R Ick

Bill and Bob stand up, toe to toe;
Slinging mud at each other, real slow.
By the time the dirt clears,
It confirms your worst fears --
The man looking good is Perot.
--- Don Daniels

With the choice between Clinton and Dole,
I find not a gap but a hole.
At least Clinton has humor,
While Dole is a gloomer.
Let's see what it does at the poll.
--- Kathi Webster

There once was a senator called Dole
Who hadn't much mirth in his soul.
But he's anxious to win
So he'd best learn to grin
Or he'll lose to Perot at the poll.
--- Mesterton-Gibbons

There is something I want to make clear
As the Clinton-Dole contest draws near:
When Bill battles the Lion,
Clinton's fur will be flyin',
It's the bite, not the roar, Bill should fear!
--- Jim Weaver Collection

The incumbent is crooked, I know;
The Republican platform's all show.
Maybe Dole's not so quick,
But Slick Willy's too slick,
And I can't waste my vote on Perot!
--- John Miller

The U.S. elections? How quaint!
All connections to reason is faint.
And as for debate,
'Twas all second-rate,
'Cause Lincoln and Douglas they ain't!
--- John Miller

The counting last time truly sucks; (2000)
It had the Dems muttering fucks,
'Cause Bush didn't win.
He only got in
By slipping somebody some bucks.
--- SFA

By now, I don't care which one wins.
Each comes with his own set of sins.
This one is a nerd.
That one is a turd.
Don't like the way either one grins.
--- Anon

With them both, we walk a tight wire,
On which of these bozos to hire.
I'll vote for the dummy.
Gore makes me feel rummy;
I never could stomach a liar.
--- Anon

The Dems, by the latest reports,
Will quickly resort to the courts,
If in case they should lose.
I guess in their shoes,
Even Commies would be lousy sports.
--- SFA

This election is causing me pain;
Voting I might have to abstain.
Al Gore's views spin
To political wind,
And Bush makes me wish for McCain!
--- Christopher Anton

Seems this year I have no real choices
'Mongst candidates clamoring voices.
We've a Clintonesque lackey
And a Texan, quite tacky,
Spewing standard political noises.
--- Christopher Anton

There's still time to go to the store
To get gifts for my buddy, Al Gore.
Though a few days remain,
If we count them again,
I'm sure that we'll turn up some more.
--- Anon

The counting most surely was bad,
But I was taught as a lad:
If the ump says "You're out!"
It's no good to pout,
Just hang in there like a good chad.
--- John Miller

A wanna-be Speaker named Bob
Addressed the liberal mob:
He said, "You will fry
Deep in Hell when you die,
Than he screwed himself out of a job.
--- Nancy Cahill

They talk with conviction and piety,
To hide oh so much impropriety.
Whichever one gets in,
As said Solzenytzyn,
It's a boil on the ass of society.
--- Tiddy Ogg

If a person could possibly mix
Two candidates, then it would fix
The unfortunate trend
Of Dubya to spend,
And Dean's socialist health plan to nix.

--- Tomer Shiran

Like Clinton in many respects,
Both lie and have many defects. (Bush and Kerry, 2004)
But you can be sure
Though neither is pure,
Neither's as much oversexed.
--- John Miller

We don't know how all this unwinds;
They both seek to influence our minds.
Sure, though each one will bring us,
Bush has blood on his fingers
And Kerry's show red stuff from Heinz.
--- Dirruk

He's got dough from his Portugee whore,
And the White House would be a nice score.
But the "Curse of Bambino,"
Plus the fact he needs "Beano",
Means he'll lose like the Bosox of yore.
--- Ward Hardman

It's sad that George Bush can't debate;
Dissent is his well known pet hate.
He gets really mad,
When his arguments bad
Are destroyed by the best candidate.
--- Robin T Cox

So why are you fussing at me?
This group has been lame, I'll agree.
But what should I do
When the only damn screw,
I expect is from Bush or Kerry.
--- John Miller

So why not just send us a note
Of your love-life with sheep, cow and goat.
Or how about a whirl
With a lovely young girl?
(A live one might be quite remote.)
--- John Miller

If we did put a girl between Kerry
And Bush when she still had a cherry
And they had a chance
To get into her pants,
Would the fur fly with Laura and Terry?
--- John Miller

In November the voters will decide
And the winners will swell up with pride.
But they won't know for sure
If their instincts were pure,
And the President's Jekyll or Hyde.
--- Tom Patton P0408

You all know ex-President Clinton,
And how by the lust he was bitten.
Now he's pushing for Clark,
But he's in the dark.
In the White House Dean will be sittin'.
--- Anon

Next week we will see the sparks fly
As we pick who can tell the best lie.
Won't it be a grand scene
After this Halloween
When the whole mess ends up in a tie?
--- John Miller