The election is too close to call.
Please postpone the inaugural ball.
Let us pick someone quick;
The suspense makes me sick.
My erection is starting to fall.
--- Mr B

There once was a fucker called Al
Who lost an election, cried "Foul!"
He wants counts until
He ascends to the hill;
Wish he knew how to throw in the towel.
--- Anon

Media pundits prattle inane.
Two years of presidential campaign,
Now past election date,
Droning lawyer's debate.
We aren't exactly popping champagne
--- Anon

Thousands of people, or more
Voted twice on one ballot, for Gore.
These ballots were tossed
And so, their man lost
The battle, if not the whole war.
--- Dr Limerick 05-11-01

I'm saddened, but shall not be bitter,
To see the vote thrown down the shitter.
(Though I had such high hopes
With Bush on the ropes,
That Gore wouldn't be such a quitter.)
--- Anon

But in suits to discard absentees,
Because Goppers filled in the ID's,
Judges Lewis and Clark
Dismissed and remarked
We read voter intention with ease.
--- Election 2000

It's clear that a blunder was made;
The voting machines there in Dade
Were supposed to survive
'Til November 5,
Then see that Dem votes were mislaid.
--- Dr Limerick 09-11-02

The exit polls seldom do lie,
And they said Al Gore is our guy.
But who knows for certain
With Floridians 'hind the curtain,
And chad that won't let loose and fly.
--- Anon

From the networks, here's news that will stun:
Gore has Florida over and done...
Now it's too close to call;
Now George has it all.
Now we haven't a clue who has won!
--- Prof M-G

The turmoil reeks of impropriety
Unheard of in civilized society.
In state governed by Jed
The numbers ran red,
Like the wine to quench "Dubya's" sobriety.

(Jed Bush - Governor of Florida)
--- Anon

A clearly bemused Anita Hill,
Eyed pubic hair topping her swill.
"I make you this promise,
If it's one from C. Thomas,
That homeboy be needin' some skill."
--- John D

The radical feminist, Bella
Can filibuster a capella;
She's begging us still
To deliver her bill --
Or for that matter, any young fella.
--- William F Buckley P8606

There was a male chauvinist pig,
Who bought a stuffed bra and a wig,
And started rehearsin',
To be a chairperson,
In case Bella Abzug won big.
--- John Ciardi

Cynthia McKinney, a politician from Dekalb,
Caught much flak for her imbecilic blab.
Her brain sprung a leak,
While trying to seek
Attention. My balls she can grab!
--- Anon

"What have I done?", said Christine,
"I've ruined the party machine.
To lie in the nude
Is not very rude,
But to lie in the House is obscene."

(Christine Keeler caused PM J. Profumo to lie to Parliament)
--- E O Parrot G2294

Philanderer Congressman Condit
Denied it! My word is my bond! It
Turns out he was lying
And now he's denying
He knows where his lover's absconded.
--- Peter Wilkins

A woman named Dolley cried, "Run!
Those Limeys are having their fun!
Though my week's washing burns
(As every child learns)
I must try to save Washington.
--- Elaine Watson P9502

It's a bit of an old sticky wicket,
The Democratic slate, should you pick it.
A rewarmed new deal!
With real sex appeal!
For they've gotten three boobs on one ticket.
--- Arthur Deex P8409

A pollster remarked with a shush,
The election may well be a push;
One highly does rate,
One wins a debate --
For a VP spot each has a Bush.
--- E E Potts P8411

There once was a man named Mondale
Who needed a person not male.
She must have big tits
To satisfy Fritz --
Not to mention some beaver for sale.
--- Bob Jones P8411

For thirty-four years I've been married,
Droned Condidt to Chung, as they parried.
You ask if I'm moral?
Without any quarrel,
'Twas only with Chandra I tarried.
--- Peter Wilkins

A lady who's running with Fritz
Revealed her finances by bits
With indignance abound;
But Zaccaro came 'round;
Maybe Gerry has more "cheek" than tits!
--- LaDonna Jones P8411

There once was a woman named Gore
Whose husband in bed was a bore.
When asked what position
She wished for coition,
She said, "On the fellow next door."
--- Bob Giandomenico P9103

A flighty young floozie named Bennett,
On checking her cunt's current tenant,
Found the randy old Governor
Was frantically shovenor,
And waiting was half of the Senate.
--- G1741

Before Bill arrived at the top,
Hillary Rodham the "Rodham" did drop.
But after the election
Hyphenated name erection
Superceded a housekeeping mop.
--- Thomas G Keller P9507

Democracy -- a sham and a bore;
No-one cares if Dubya beats Gore.
If Hillary wins in NY,
Folks there'd go "Oh my;"
For a senator, they'd now have a whore.
--- Anon

Like thunder, when heard from afar,
Roars our new Senatorial star --
When she's on the attack
Old Bill just leans back
And lights up his favorite cigar.
--- Rhymewriter

Remember when Indira Gandhi
Stopped off at a bar for a brandy?
Her sari was slit
And exposed her left tit,
And the barman yelled, "Jeez, ain't that handy!"
--- Arthur Deex P8112

I once plied Indira Ghandi
With champagne on the rocks, laced with brandy.
At first I was wary
Of that slit in her sari,
But it makes foreign relations quite handy.
--- Arthur Deex P8311

An Attorney-General named Janet
Was the first girl AG on the planet.
And excepting for Waco
And when the Boss was a fake-o,
Her facade was the picture of granite.
--- Don Hart

The Republicans at a convention,
Everyone can feel the high tension.
For Elizabeth Dole
To raise Bob in the poll,
For Bob she forgot to mention.
--- Erin Dowe

Elizabeth's husband, Old Bob,
Was born with a very short knob.
But with Liz's deft hand,
It could fully expand
Till it looked more like corn on the cob!
--- Stan the Man

Elizabeth said with a sob,
"A man dropped his drawers on the job!"
But it wasn't Pres Billy
That flashed his John Willy;
'Twas the knob of her old husband Bob!
--- Stan the Man

This is file whl

A Republican named Robert Dole,
Was questioned regarding a poll.
Elizabeth, when asked
Said "His pole is grotesque!",
Because of her humor so droll.
--- Big D

Folks called Mary Lincoln a shrew,
For she bullied the whole White House crew.
Said she, "I give you my pledge,
If he'd married Ann Rutledge,
You'd have Mrs. Douglas to rue!"
--- Elaine Watson P9502

Bill said our taxes must grow
So redistribution can flow.
But Nancy has said it
And we won't forget it;
When dealing with dopes, just say no.
--- Jim Weaver Collection

When I'm plagued by microscopic bugs.
I am met with amused looks and shrugs,
When I state my position
To any physician,
"Nancy R. told me 'Say NO to drugs'."
--- Loren C Fitzhugh P9710

Two women were scratched from the list:
Miss Adams, Ms. Walters (both hissed):
One'd mothered a bastard --
She'd never be mastered;
The other would never be missed.
--- Laurence Perrine P8411

Our Congressmen we can't excuse,
For morals and trust they abuse.
To get out of this fix
Elect those with no pricks,
So their office they cannot misuse.
--- Albin Chaplin 3024-1854

On this Bible I'm happy to swear
I'll hire Ross's stylist for my hair,
And solemnly affirm
That during my term,
At gals with big tits I'll not stare.
--- Harry Rubin P9301a

When the First Lady whose name was Hillary,
Ordered agents to hold their artillery.
They tried other ways,
But started a blaze,
So she punished them all in the pillory.
--- Anon

Politicians, it seems, always knock
Sex, alcohol, drugs, and rock.
But tobacco is fine,
And so's beer and wine,
And they'll rock any gal who likes cock!
--- Blowcephus T9801

There's a note from Dick Morris that's shady.
"Just arrived is a Diamond Jim Brady.
But our rooms are all filled
With the customers billed.
Do you think you can spare the First Lady?"
--- David Finely P9704

There once was a guy from New York,
Who had an eraser-sized dork.
With penis erected,
When he got elected,
A whore sucked his dork for some pork.
--- Jim Weaver Collection

Al Gore's wife, the proper Miss Tipper,
Eschews talk that to some may be hipper.
Terms that are lewd
Should not be valued,
Lest our youth be induced to unzipper.
--- Thomas G Keller P9508 a

I'm amazed that we haven't heard more
From the Mrs. V.P., Tipper Gore,
Who never was able
To put on the label
A code to make album sales soar.
--- Loren C Fitzhugh P9508

As election day nears, comes the push:
They exhort us to get off our tush,
But I say, what the hey,
Why vote; either way
We've got a vice-president "Bush."

(George Bush and Geraldine Ferraro)
--- Robin K Willoughby P8411

One wonders how Walter Mondale
Could be caused so severely to fail.
It could be that Gerry
Was reputed to carry
Crushed orchids around in a pail!
--- C R Openshaw P8501

All you Washington interns take note:
Steer clear of political goats.
They reject ties that bind
All they want is to find
A recepticle for their wild oats.
--- Betty Ann Cansano

A smart pol, whom we'll call Michael Flanigan,
Was elected to office, then ran again;
But the second time 'round,
He was quickly uncrowned,
On account of a first term shenanigan.
--- J Maynard Kaplan

"I promise to lower your taxes!",
The candidate poetically waxes,
"I'll do that for you,
I won't rest till I do,"
But once elected, all he does is relaxes.
--- Pamela Cohen

"Don't be silly!" I cry in dismay,
"You know that it can't be this way!
When speaking of taxes,
He never relaxes;
He'll screw you some more every day!"
--- Pamela Cohen

The local elections are due
And I'll vote for the councillor who
Is least likely to lie;
But that's pie in the sky
For they all talk a load of old poo...
--- Brian Belge

...On issues like poverty, wealth,
Education and National Health.
If they promise no rises
In tax, no surprises;
They then introduce them by stealth.
--- Brian Belge

I guess, then, it's all down to me;
And my pledge is that beer shall be free
Of all taxes and duties
And served by young beauties,
Whose cups runneth over. Yippee!
--- Brian Belge

Both of our choices do suck,
We're up to our ass in this muck.
It's Dole or Clinton,
Arrange a SIT-IN,
Because some of us do give a fuck.
--- Mindy & Richalyn

Butthead said, "Bevis, now is our chance!
Let's appeal to our constituents!
GOP's leading five
Ate each other alive,
And Slick Willie can't keep up his pants!"
--- William N Nesbit P9604

When politicians act like Jesus,
They sneakily try to deceive us.
Two who play this role
Are Clinton and Dole,
Or should I say Butthead and Bevis?
--- Tom Patton P9604

The Reps and the Dems raise their voice,
Praising nominees, and rejoice.
But 'twixt Bevis and Butthead,
Who's the real nut-head?
Or is "None Of Above" the best choice?
--- Stu Lucas P9604

A candidate known for his bulsh,
Gave a speech so incredibly fulsh,
That I give you my word,
The like's not been heard,
Since Harding, or maybe Cal Culsh.
--- John Ciardi

So what's with campaigning prose?
So boring and far too verbose.
A GMO lim? (what's GMO? - McW)
I think not, you're dim.
Go stuff TNT up your nose.
--- Anon

One ad is which Truth is rejected,
Begins with "If I am elected..."
And two times as bad
As even this ad,
Begins with "If I'm RE-elected."
--- Irving Superior P9709

If the GOP's message is Dole's,
And the Dems push their socialist goals,
Will the B and B pair
Get a huge write-in share?
Will M. Mouse beat them out at the polls?

(B and B - Bevis and Butthead)
--- Stu Lucas P9604

Candidates engage in speeches,
Far beyond where their mind reaches.
The message they GARBLE,
With tongues of marble,
Applauded by party-hack leeches.
--- Chris Papa

When we asked Mr. Cartwright today
If he'd seek a house seat -- yea or nay?
He said, " I'll have none
Of political fun;
Nominated, I'll run -- far away!"
--- Robin K Willoughby P8411

I agree, theres too many right wingers,
And boy they come up with some zingers.
Hypocritcal pervs
With a shitload of nerves,
To be pointing their own smelly fingers.
--- Anon

"I'll be glad when we're through this campaign,"
Said the candidate wading through rain.
"I wear out my shoes
Trying hard not to lose.
It's like boot camp, and sure is a pain."
--- Laurence Perrine P8411