There once was a mooner named Bonnet.
When asked of his best, be bragged on it.
"I once hung a moon
On a bright night in June,
And astronauts landed upon it."
--- David Miller

A young lady lawyer named Hort,
Was undoubtedly guilty of tort:
She'd peed in the tea
Of defendant's Q.C.
And dropped her briefs in full view of the court.

(Q.C. - ??)
--- G2362

Have you heard of Rocky Raccoon?
He got caught up in a typhoon.
Blown glass cut his fur cut,
Right off of his butt.
Now every night there's a full moon.
--- Marlene Lewis

That glass went the speed of a rocket,
His tail, as you say, it did dock it.
He surveyed that spot:
"At least I will not
Be worn by that damned Davy Crockett."
--- Anon

She often gets lots of snickers
When doing yard work in her knickers.
But when they harrass,
She justs bares her ass,
And tells them all kindly to lick hers.
--- Anon

The well known pornography queen
Sat on top of the Xerox machine.
She made copies en mass,
To peddle her ass,
In brochures with her piles tinted green.
--- Arnie Schoenbrun P0311

There was a young lady from Grasse,
Who loved showing folks her bare ass.
With skirts up, and bent over,
She'd waddle through clover,
Which some people thought rather crass.
--- G2355

The opera's musical style
Grew tedious after a while.
To the company's rage,
I snuck onto the stage
And flashed them a vertical smile.
--- Dick Potts P8602a

A dude from Canberra named Square
Had an arse end all covered with hair.
When he mooned Mary Lou,
She freaked out. So would you.
Who can bear a Canberra can, bare?
--- Michael Weinstein P8611

This Earth with strange folk does abound,
Who think the Earth's flat and not round,
And it seems they cannot
Tell, I'm sure you know what,
From a hole which you find in the ground.
--- Albin Chaplin 3024 P9708a

Asteroids are rocky debris.
If we look at them closely we see
Rocks that are crumbled,
And jumbled and tumbled,
Pulled 'round by the sun's gravity.
--- Parisi and Dye

A man from the small Isle of Wight
Once went on a far eclipse flight.
The weather was bad,
Girls were not to be had,
And the moon veered away out of spite.
--- Isaac Asimov

Zero G's awkward for lovers,
Particularly pushers and shovers.
The problems of docking
And then interlocking,
Are greatly increased when one hovers.
--- Frank Ney

Though this lady may think she is thrilling,
Her victims are far less than willing,
Amidst sci.astro curses
And Satanic verses,
Are simply her fodder for killing.
--- Greg Neill

Today is the equinox day,
So dark nights are now on the way.
But cold you can face
In a warm girl's embrace,
Or a sheep's, or a guy's if you're gay.
--- Tiddy Ogg

An astronaut, fond of his flings,
With a whore did spectacular things.
But just like the shuttle,
His troubles weren't subtle
When she blew out his faulty O-rings!
--- Neal Wilgus P8607

A philosopher finding a stone,
Said, "The history of this is unknown.
It might be from Mars,
Or one of the stars,
And no doubt cause the hole in the ozone!"
--- Observer

A physicist readily shows
From the rate at which radiance grows
That matter, one day,
Will have fizzled away.
But the puzzle is how it arose.
--- T Thorneley P0111A

The Antarctic's impossibly white,
And its polar snow's ever so bright.
In December, all day,
I have heard people say:
"In midwinter, it's always midnight."
--- David Morin

There once was a lady named Nancy
Who made real astronomers antsy.
They'd talk themselves hoarse,
While Nancy, of course,
Still spouted what tickled her fancy.
--- Bill Owen

An ass-fucking astronomer, Floyd,
With his skinny boyfriend was annoyed.
"I've searched all of space
And can't find a trace
Of a brown hole or meatier 'roid."
--- Cyber Wizard

Yelled my Astro professor named Bob,
"What's the three-degree background, you slob?"
I replied, "Sad to say,
Ph.D. to B.A.
It is no guarantee of a job!"
--- Stargazer David M Smith

When the race for the moon runs its course,
And women are sent there by force,
Will the men they embrace,
In the world's outer space,
Start to call making love, "outercourse"?
--- G2581A

An expert on things astrophysical
Developed a countenance quizzical.
When I told him one day,
"Oh sir, I can say
Our relationship is purely physical."
--- Kay R Devicci

Sex relations (in case you have missed them)
Feel so good that we just can't resist 'em.
So we placed a nude plaque
On a six-booster pack
And shot the thing out of our system.
--- Melvin B Lewis P8312

The Pioneer probes will enlighten,
Inform, and in general, brighten
The evening's TV
Notwithstanding the silence of Titan. (see first letters)

(Probe In Outerspace, Nearly Extrasolar, Elicits Response)
--- John M Ford P8211

When the lady was taking her schooling,
The system she thought she was fooling.
By avoiding all science,
She proclaimed her defiance;
Now she's hopeless at sci.astro dueling.
--- Greg Neill

Oh, planet names, yes I suppose
There are those who some would oppose.
When I asked young Janet,
"What's my fav'rite planet?"
She punched me right square in the nose.
--- Anon

The question we ask every night,
As we look past the pale moon light:
Can there be anyone
Who lives far from the Sun?
Or is solitude our final plight?
--- Neal Krawetz

Abductee, Sir Joseph O'Toole,
Now heads an astronomy school.
He longs for the feel
Of thin, probing steel.
That's why he's a star-gazing fool.
--- Anon

Most females, it seems, can't absorb it,
For the virile emission of Corbett
Extrudes far too fast:
The results of his blast
Are ten dollies today out in orbit.
--- G2566

A vacuum's defined as a space
Which objects of some sort did grace.
They've been taken away,
Just to where I can't say,
And nothing was put in their place.
--- Albin Chaplin 3024 P9708

Van Allen's Belt, at first glance
Seems to cover a mighty expanse --
But a belt in the sky
Leaves me wondering why
No mention is made of the pants!
--- New Comic Lims P8211

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The astronomer asked young Miss Ford
If she ever the stars had explored.
She replied, "In the night
I see stars clear and bright,
When I lie on my back and I'm bored."
--- Albin Chaplin 3024-0147

A beautiful goddess named Quarm
Once stuffed a black hole where its warm.
Her imploding tang
Led to the Big Bang.
She's everywhere now, without form.
--- H Welchel

A star wanderer named Chase
Fell through a black hole in space.
Having split and reknit,
He queried, troubled in wit,
"Did I reincarnate or efface?"
--- M B Spitzler P8309

There was a young fellow named Cole
Who ventured too near a black hole.
His dv by dt
Was quite wondrous to see,
But now all that's left is his soul.
--- A P French

Patrick Moore, while practising astronomy,
Came across an enormous anomaly;
A giant pudenda
Not on his agenda,
Must be part of the Black hole ecomomy.
--- Anon

Young Einstein was always on track,
Explaining the ways of holes black.
"Giant star or comet,
Through space-warp GROMMET,
So now there's no light coming back!"
--- Chris Papa

A black hole's mouth is agape;
And not even light can escape.
For a while, hit or miss,
Now, they're known to exist,
And folks are all bent out of shape.
--- Tom Campbell

Dear S': I note with distress
The length of your yardstick is less,
And please wind your clock
To make it tick-tock
More briskly. Your faithful friend, S.
--- Edward H Green PR9703

The negro astronomer Cole
Liked tail, though research was his goal;
By peering through glasses
At countless dark asses,
He found yet another black hole.
--- Armand E Singer 683

Light passed a black hole from Nantucket,
Where his pull was so great he would suck it.
He said with a grin,
As he pulled the light in,
"With Hawking radiation, I'll chuck it!"
--- David Morin et al

Steven Hawking can prove with a plot
Whether we will or will not
Expand without limit
Or end in an intimate
Space which is all in one spot.
--- Larry Dahl A

The ladies in Cambridge are talking
'Bout a physicist named Stephen Hawking:
"He says the hole munches
Whatever it touches,
So it's pointless to mend this black stocking."
--- Haywire TP9804

There once was a prof lacking prudence,
Who studied a black hole's refusance
To show hide nor hair
Of what he tossed there,
Including the last of his students!
--- Robert Garisto

The astronaut reached the event
Horizon and Poof! He was bent
By a squeezing sensation,
When sucked through the black hole's keen vent.
--- Randog

If you take out a home loan today,
With a full thirty years to repay,
You'll be owner in full
Just when gravity's pull
Sends a meteor crashing your way!
--- Prof M-G

Scientist lately have said,
A meteor soon will imbed
Itself in the Earth;
For all that it's worth,
How many species will it make dead?
--- Arden

The crash will be one for the books.
No more sea birds will rest in their nooks.
No more summer days
Along beaches and quays,
And all summer eve, I'll Miss Brooks.
--- Irish

"Aw shucks! It is going to miss!"
Said the little green man with a hiss.
"Perhaps we should budget
Enough power to nudge it
To an orbit preciser than this?"
--- John Miller

Earth moves in elliptical orbits;
Perigee, apogee sure fits.
Let's hope it avoids
Those big asteroids;
They'd burn us to ass destroyed-bits
--- Anon

In bed with his wife was old Seth,
From straining he seemed out of breath.
When the meteor struck,
By a stroke of good luck,
He came as he went to his death.
--- Bob Birch P9809

When the vast comet struck, it was light,
But the dust laden air brought the night,
And the subsequent gloom
Spelled the small planet's doom.
In the end, Chicken Little was right.
--- A N Wilkins P9811

A comet hit London kerPOW!
Said the last one alive, "Holy cow!
Hope and glory have passed.
I'm the first and the last...
I'm the alpha and omega now.
--- Rory Ewins Q

There once was a lady named Nancy,
Whose musings on sci.astro were fancy.
The 12th planet was said
To hit us on the head,
All because gravity is so chancy.
--- Paul Campbell

When the great meltdown is nigh,
And the flames everywhere reach the sky,
I'll say "Goodbye, Rover,"
And lean real far over,
And then kiss my big ass goodbye.
--- Al Willis

We're about to crash into a planet
Made almost entirely of granite.
They're trying to block it
By means of a rocket,
But no-one seems willing to man it.
--- Anon

The odds that the Earth is destroyed
By the recently-found asteroid:
Only one in a thousand,
Not two in a thousand,
So relax and don't be paranoid.
--- Dr Limerick 11-07-00

A comet called "Shoemaker-three"
Dropped into the Caspian Sea;
Although it would pale
On the grand cosmic scale,
'Twas sufficient to vaporize me.
--- Nick D Kim

To scientists, my hat I doff,
But at spatial statistics, I scoff.
There's more dingleberries
Than butt holes. My worry's
The "ass to rhoid" ratio's off.
--- Irish

We have radar for jet aviation,
And satellites, missiles, space stations;
Hundreds of telescopes
Surrounding the globe;
They all missed the stellar cremation.

(Bolide explosion over Atlantic)
--- Dr Limerick

There's a comet that rates as a "10";
"Dirty snowball" it's called now and then.
They should take my advice,
Call the thing "Vanilla Ice";
It'll never be heard from again.

(Vanilla Ice - ephermal music group)
--- Larry Hollister

Some folks in the east would have sworn,
That last evening's sky had been torn
By a bright fireball,
That streaked and did fall
On a field in PA full of corn.
--- David Lauridsen

What was that strange UFO,
That caused the night sky to glow?
Well, the mystery is solved
And the question resolved.
Here's the answer, just so you'll know.
--- David Lauridsen

To the spectators both far and near,
That are asking, "What did I hear?"
The boom and the flash
Was simply the crash
Of Gary Condit's career.
--- David Lauridsen