I tried it just once on my pet;
And experience I won't soon forget.
I was thrusting about
And she turned with a pout,
Then squawked, "Have you got it in yet?"
--- Tom Allen

But what to do if there's no chick;
I guess I need to jerk my prick.
Or walk to a club,
Find a girl that will rub
Or suck my dick so it's not thick.
--- Joschi

There was a young fellow, a Kurd,
Who attempted to bugger a bird.
He picked up a sparrow
Whose ass was too narrow--
The whole bloody thing was absurd!
--- G1335b

I once a canary had, too;
Decided I'd paint the bird blue.
Folk said it would die,
But I gave it a try,
It squeaked a bit but it pulled through.
--- Anon

But green would be better, think I;
The bird though, did curl up and die.
It wasn't the paint
That caused this complaint,
The blowlamp was turned up too high.
--- Anon

A certain professor named Yarrow
Had trouble seducing a sparrow.
When he'd given up hopin'
He pried her jaws open,
And filled up her bill with his marrow.
--- L1737

A raven cock sat full of woe;
His ladyfriend had just told him "No!
You, bub, I ain't marryin',
You're too full of carrion;
You'd better go off and eat crow!"
--- Tiddy Ogg

There was a young preacher from China,
Who loved boys but thought birds diviner.
But he gets no tail;
In fact, he's in jail,
Being charged with corrupting a mynah.
--- Donald Dimock

"I've examined this birdie's vagina,"
Said the vet, "and in South Carolina,
An indictment is due
For contributing to
The delinquency, suh, of a mynah!"
--- Playboy Mag J F O'Conner

There was a young sailor from Yarrow
Who tried to bung-scuttle a sparrow.
But he failed to succeed
In this dastardly deed,
For the bones of its ass were too narrow.
--- G1335a

There was an old maid from New Haven
Whose desires were unhealthy and craven.
She scattered live ants
On the seat of her pants,
And had them pecked off by a raven.
--- G1291

There once was an Old Man of Whitehaven,
Who danced a quadrille with a Raven;
But they said, "It's absurd
To encourage this bird!"
"But," he sobbed, "It's this raven I'm craven'."
--- Edwardian Leer 066

A gymnastic raven named Pete,
Could juggle his balls with his feet!
Said Pete with a tweet,
As he fondled his meat,
"Now ain't that a helluva feat?"
--- Magunda

Ther was a young man from New Haven,
Who had an affair with a raven.
He said with a grin,
As he wiped off his chin,
--- L0625

There was an old lady of Harrow,
Whose views were exceedingly narrow.
At the end of her paths,
She built two bird baths,
For the different sexes of sparrow.
--- Anon

"Tits like coconuts!" he said.
She overheard -- her face turned red.
"Let me explain;
Come to the pane,
See, sparrows prefer the bread."
--- Fred

There once was a sergeant named Schmitt,
Who wanted a crime to commit.
He thought raping women
Was a little too common,
So he buggered an aged tomtit.
--- L0643

The absurd and antique Annie Besant
Accosted an innocent pheasant.
It said, "Of a surety
I'll tell Krishnamurti,
And that would be very unpleasant."

(this doesn't make a lot of sense)
--- A Crowley G1187

Said a young dude who decided to bribe his
Mamma to procure him an ibis:
"Don't get me a crane,
It would give me a pain
If you knew how exclusive the tribe is."
--- G1188 A Crowley

"Rate, did you say," cried Cadger, "rate?
I fuck at the regular spadger rate!
Bring me a duck!
I'll teach you to fuck:
I swear I would scorn to exaggerate!"

(spadger - a sparrow or small boy)
--- A Crowley G1189

On the duck, he did excellent work; he
Destroyed it; he never got jerky.
He smoothly went on
To a goose and a swan,
And we left him untired with a turkey.
--- A Crowley G1190

A professor of ethical culture
Once said to his class, "'Twould insult your
Intelligence if
I said I got stiff
For anything less than a vulture."
--- Crowley G1191

Paul Proper vowed virtue a cinch is:
His tool was a foot and four inches.
He thought it was legal
To bugger an eagle,
But utterly wrong to fuck finches.
--- A Crowley G1192

His twin brother, Puritan Peter,
Whose prick measured one millimeter,
Thought Hell would break loose
If one got a goose,
But a saint may be stuck on a skeeter.
--- A Crowley G1193

She said, "There you go! False alarm again!
You bally old bounder, get calm again!
I once taught a starling
To answer to 'Darling,'
But I'm usually faithful to ptarmigan."
--- A Crowley G1194

A fellow who fucked as but few can
Had a fancy to try with a toucan.
He owned like a man
The collapse of his plan:
"I can't -- but I bet none of you can!"
--- A Crowley G1195

A frantic fanatical friar,
In love with a large lammergeier,
In spite of his sins
He knew why, when it spins,
Is a mouse--for the fewer the higher.
--- A Crowley G1196

A clergyman said to a girl, "You
Love fucking: Jehovah will hurl you
To Hell if you love it
So much that you covet
The criminal cock of a curlew!"
--- A Crowley G1197

Like the virgin who pouted, "By Jingo,
I never yet fucked a flamingo!"
We bought him a bride,
But he fumbled and sighed,
"Here, damnit, I can't make my thing go!"
--- A Crowley G1198

A hoary old sinner named Sinnet,
Took his prick out and started to skin it.
He muttered, "though that key
Was fat old Blavatsky,
I could do in a pinch with a linnet."
--- A Crowley G1199

The boy who buggered a sea mew
Was tempted to tackle an emu.
He said, when he lost,
"Though our love has been crossed,
I shall always sincerely esteem you."
--- A Crowley G1200

The son of a merciful Mandarin
Once said, "Could I but get a gander in
The family way,
I should openly say
I considered it fancy philanderin'."
--- A Crowley G1201

In France I once met a flamingo;
'Twas love at first sight. I said "Bingo!"
And stalked it all day
In the sea and soleil,
Then I pounced and I stuffed it, by jingo!
--- Peter Wilkins

This is file mkk

Well you may be just quite a bard,
But to catch this pink bird is not hard.
It stands very still,
Looking down its crooked bill,
On the edge of my neighbor's front yard.
--- Jeanie Taylor

Herons and cranes have been squawking;
They've heard John's after some porking.
Don't believe all you've heard,
Because he's just a bird
Watcher accused of a storking.
--- Tiddy Ogg

John's fowl play has caused him bad luck;
He's now sneezing and starting to chuck.
It's from stuffing the ends
Of his fine feathered friends;
He's caught avian flu from his duck.
--- David Miller

Oh yes! Poor old John. Once he used
To boast of the girls he had goosed.
They're now all old hags,
So it's cormorants and shags
And gannets by him are abused.
--- Tiddy Ogg

I admit to fowl play -- but abused?
Of the ducks and the ganders I've used,
They mostly come back
For at least one more whack
And then waddle away quite enthused!
--- John Miller

The girls I once courted, full throttle,
Are bitch and all on the bottle.
And can't be accused
Of acting enthused,
But all of them now tend to waddle!
--- John Miller

In grade school, I had the bad luck;
Bold Tammy said, "Go fuck a duck!"
"How loud can you quack,"
I asked; got a smack,
Just like I'd been hit by a truck.
--- John Miller

That hard blow, it addled my brain.
But I think that it may explain
Why Dad found six hens
Lying dead in their pens,
Their faces showing pleasure and pain.
--- John Miller

Young Olive the Ostrich was shy
And when pestered by Ossie-the-guy,
Turned as red as a beet
From her beak to her feet,
As she flapped in an effort to fly.
--- Peter Wilkins

Of course, she stayed firmly on land
So she buried her head in the sand;
A mistake -- for her rump
Thus exposed for a hump,
Caused young Ossie to slam in his gland.
--- Peter Wilkins

"That hurts! Now just stop it, I beg."
Said Olive, "Now take out your peg."
"If you think that my flirting",
Said Ossie, "is hurting
Just wait 'til you're laying the egg."
--- Peter Wilkins

A science researcher, my bro,
Said, "There's something that you ought to know.
Not ewe, mare, or duck
Is the beastie to fuck,
An ostrich's the best place to go."
--- SantyClz

He said it (I swear that it's true,
Though I wonder just how he knew)
"An ostrich vagina
The most human kinda"
(Did he try every beast in the zoo?)
--- SantyClz

I quickly replied, "I declare,
That's why, when an ostrich you scare,
It so cowardly stands
With its head 'neath the sands,
And its ass waving high in the air."
--- SantyClz

My parrot flies into a rage;
His libido he needs to assuage.
In the absence of Pollys,
Joe gets all his jollies
From screwing the bars of his cage.
--- Anon

I told him one day quite emphat-
ically, "Shut it!", and threw in the cat;
Let the terrible din
Of the fighting begin,
As they slashed at each other and spat.
--- Anon

After 25 minutes or so
Of this battle which went to and fro;
'Midst the feathers and fur,
Heard a satisfied purr
From my cat, who lay flat beneath Joe.
--- Anon

There once was a young man from Harrow,
Who wanted to make love to a sparrow.
The sparrow said, "No!
You can't have a go.
The hole in my arse is too narrow."
--- Jim Weaver Collection

He then tried it on with a duck;
He thought he'd have much better luck.
As he attempted to pass
That feathered fowl's ass,
They both got run down by a truck.
--- Jim Weaver Collection

He even had a go at a hawk
With a plan involving a fork.
But that bird too, said "No
You can't have a go!"
Just fancy a bird that can talk.
--- Jim Weaver Collection

At last, on a date with a hen,
He got the come on just when
With a hellova cluck,
Now it can't give a fuck,
So he's settled instead for blond men!
--- Jim Weaver Collection

There once was the Bird and the Bee,
Symbolic of what sex should be.
But now they're passe
'Cause children today
Have talk shows and Cable TV.
--- Irving Superior P9604a

Next about Birds and the Bees,
In red-lighted districts one sees
A male and female
Arranging a sale,
Exchanging their words and the fees.
--- Irving Superior P9604

Next for the Birds and the Bees
To help in avoiding disease,
And/or masturbation
And phone conversation,
Buy condoms with full guarantees.
--- Irving Superior P9604

Next of the Bird and the Bee,
On condoms with full guarantee,
If doubts still endure
And still you're not sure,
Instead of one condom, use three.
--- Irving Superior P9604

My dad explained that a bird
Has a lot to do with that word,
And sex for the bees
Involves peonies,
But the answer he gave is absurd.
--- Al Willis P9604

All the bees walk through flowers with glee.
Then they fly away to a tree.
The birds touch the pollen,
And I know it's appallin',
But that's what I think, and I'm three.
--- Al Willis P9604

A Boy Scout from Stockton-on-Tees
Was exceedingly anxious to please.
He said "For a bob
I will do any job,"
So he learned about birds and the bees.
--- Eric Bent

A bee was perturbed with lips pursed.
She said, "Things out to be reversed.
The birds and the bees,
Should be changed, if you please.
And now it's our turn to be first."
--- Al Willis P9604

The children of birds and the bees
While sitting on their parents knees,
As asking about...
Are told without doubt
Of microbes, mosquitoes and fleas.
--- Irving Superior P9604

A bird and a bee make a date.
But they find that they simply can't mate.
So the bird finds a bird
Who knows the F-word,
And the bee chases bees interstate.
--- Al Willis P9604

Little Al said, "Dad, tell me, big guy,
How the birds and the bees multiply.
Are they able to ball
With their peckers so small?
Do they manage to screw on the fly?"
--- William Nesbit P9604

A conundrum which is yet extant,
But to which I'll now give a new slant.
For the answer I thirst.
Which do you think came first,
Was it the chicken or the eggplant?
--- Loren Fitzhugh P9912