For years it's been all the rage
To see swans die on the stage,
Depending who's dancing
The swan song and prancing.
Alas, her "pointe" muscles will age.
--- Barb

I hope that my country's not wrong,
And though all folks don't go along,
The coming attack
On poisoned Iraq
Will prove to be Saddam's swan song.
--- Chris Papa

South Asia is all in a swivet,
There's SARS and they'll just have to live it,
With death at the brink,
'Cause some Chinese think
It's okay to sleep with a civet.
--- Chris Papa

A wonderful word is the swivet;
We don't know just whence we deriv'it.
But I think that I've
Got a clue; look up swive.
It's something you do 'neath the privet.
--- Nancy

A Professor with seduction in sight,
Detained a young coed one night.
"SYLLEPSIS we'll learn,
And hence we will turn
Out both the word work and the light."
--- Chris Papa

"She at once raised her skirt and my hopes,"
Is one of those literary tropes
That enlivens writing
With a phrase that is biting,
Though not quite as clever as Pope's.
--- Norm Brust

"She'd tear off to work and her clothes!"
Describes Sally Rand off to pose.
SYLLEPSIS of sorts
That welcomes retorts,
Though not from her fans, I'd suppose.
--- Chris Papa

The SYLPH is a wafer-thin waif,
Enchanting the woodsman thought safe
From the tempting wiles,
Ethereal smiles
Of goddesses starting to chafe.
--- Daniel Ford

Some women are lucky to be
Sylph-like, but you must agree...
Good jeans can do
Wonders for you!
But genetics! It holds the key!
--- Maggie

Now, lovely SYLPHS it now seems
Catch the woodsmen quick in their dreams,
And with songs and chants,
Amid huffs and pants,
Capture souls with twinkles and gleams.
--- Daniel Ford

The moral is this, then, dear friend,
If skinny you'd be in the end,
Just eat less than all,
And then they will call
You SYLPH and new chocolates will send.
--- Chris Papa

The perfect place to woo fair maids,
Is there among the SYLVAN shades,
With lea of soft grass,
To comfort the lass,
With pleasure till setting sun fades.
--- Chris Papa

SYMPOSIA we have today,
Have changed from original way.
Most are quite dry,
Although they do try
To engage in cerebral play.
--- Chris Papa

SYMPOSIA, I've been to a few;
Some I enjoyed, some I slept through.
But I like to go
To be in the know,
If the subject is one I might do.
--- Maggie

In movies with war action keen,
Repeated obligatory scene:
"We'll never come back,
Now let's start attack.
Synchronicity fix first, old Bean."
--- Chris Papa

Malpractice, the bane of bad doc,
Who practiced in ways most ad hoc;
Result was pathetic,
Decried by the law as pure "schlock!"
--- Chris Papa

SYZYGY, three lined up in the skies,
Lovely astronomic exercise,
Is one of those words
Divided in thirds
By those suggestive figures, the Y's.
--- Daniel Ford

Eat fish on Friday, way to go,
Because our Pastors told us so.
By Papal decree,
We're meat-taboo free,
Now eat hamburger Sloppy Joe.
--- Elois

There once was a man from Lhasa
Whose mind was TABULA RASA.
He got on a plane
He thought went to Spain,
But ended up in Mombassa.
--- Norm Brust

TABULA RASA, unplowed ground,
Like children's minds, I'll be bound.
Today as a rule,
Through efforts of school,
Are left in the state they are found!
--- Chris Papa

I remember those TACITURN days,
When my daughter would us amaze,
With word or two;
Now it's all we can do
To get her out of this loquacious phase!
--- Sheryl A Lemma

On dates she was quite TACITURN,
But when he'd her heart and hand earn,
And were wed duly,
She showed her mouth truly,
And for former silence he'd yearn.
--- Chris Papa

A swan, reticent and TACITURN,
Perceived as having a classy turn,
Did trumpet out loud
When disturbed by the crowd
Of glaucous gulls and a brassy tern.
--- Daniel Ford

Bleeding-heart doubters of TALION,
Blubber for every rapscallion.
We'll flood from those dears,
Who shed bitter tears,
Competing for Sobbers's Medallion.
--- Chris Papa

For punishment fitting the crime,
We should drown limerick writers in slime:
For such dubious wit --
Or for wasting hours, they should do time.
--- Eva Amata

Predicting the weather is folly.
Best forget it and just be jolly.
Like the folks in Juarez,
Where the weatherman says:
"Chili today. Hot TAMALE!"
--- Norm Brust

Many a crafty wench'll
Take off on a path TANGENTIAL,
When the subject is "action".
So to get satisfaction,
Staying focused is highly essential.
--- Norm Brust

Since youth and good looks he did lack,
He'd try a TANGENTIAL attack.
When wooing a maid,
His trump card he played,
By showing his money, a stack.
--- Chris Papa

The result, I am sorry to say,
Is that most gals just walked away.
Except zaftig blonde,
Exceedingly fond
Of cash; that helped Ann Nicole play.
--- Chris Papa

While under the spell of martini,
Tom tore sweet Tessa's TANKINI.
Her merkin espied,
He clumsily tried
The portal to park his stiff weenie.
--- Chris Papa

The trumpet fanfare, a TANTARA,
Announcing the queen in tiara,
A regal bombast
In full brassy blast,
Is heard for the court to Sahara.
--- Daniel Ford

To G&S fans, large and small,
TANTARA's most familiar call.
It helps police dance
In play of Penzance,
As pirates they seek to forestall.
--- Chris Papa

It also brings on loudest cheers,
When sounded throughout "March of Peers,"
Who nobly parade
In cheery charade,
As they become fairies, my dears.
--- Chris Papa

This is file khl

TANTIVY of children's feet,
The sound that would joyously greet,
The ringing of bell,
Whose tolling would tell,
"It's time now to recess and eat!"
--- Chris Papa

The TANTIVY of modern day life
Is full-up with scorn and with strife.
When we meet up with others,
Whom we should treat as brothers,
The air with invective is rife.
--- Eric Seaberg

The cure for our common TANTIVY
Is mossy old rocks, walls with ivy,
Where in peace we are furled
But for most of the world,
They just want a water-flushing privy.
--- Eric Seaberg

There was a young sound man named Snead
Who, when during a play was a need,
Produced sounds of canter
Above actor's banter.
I guess tantivy just wasn't his speed!
--- Barb

The sound effects man was a flop!
He tried each and every prop,
Then he found coconut shells
Said lots of "Oh hells!";
No tantivy, only clip-clop!
--- Barb

Took Hoffman from life oh so banal,
And into weird sex world would channel,
The poet, boat rocked,
With lady defrocked,
TAPPERTIT in Venetian canal.
--- Chris Papa

"Dappertuto" in Offenbach scenes,
I wonder what it also means.
An evil old gent,
On misery bent,
Trades souls for his hot beauty queens.
--- Chris Papa

What kind of a guy is that Dickens?,
With sex, every new plot he thickens.
His scenery graphic,
Funny named traffic,
The pulse of each odd novel quickens.
--- Chris Papa

Anglers, as Simon TAPPERTIT,
Believe lures Dolly sure to fit,
And that they'll hook her
And on the grill cook her,
Served with risotto under it.
--- Daniel Ford

Dolly Varden, sexy gal who had "it",
Erected the clerk quite a bit.
She wouldn't give much,
But he'd sneak in a touch,
And earned the nickname, TAPPERTIT.
--- Chris Papa

Idaho's Dolly Varden trout
Which my best flies does truly flout,
Flashing gills of titian
Her flash of silver turns about.
--- Daniel Ford

A minister high, an Iraqi,
Told wild taradiddles; the lackey
Professed great success
Repelling us, Yes!
But I think he's been given the sacky.
--- Gary Hallock

TARADIDDLE, as fluffy as air,
As small lie by those who may share
A word of great meter,
To describe what a cheater
Sets forth as a truth, with great flair.
--- Chris Papa

When caught with hand in cookie jar,
A young lad who'd punishment bar,
As any smart kid'll
So Mom can see how bright you are.
--- Chris Papa

TARADIDDLE, little white lie
That helps a poor fellow get by,
To hide venial sin;
May breathing space win.
You never can tell, till you try.
--- Chris Papa

When I hear that mambo beat,
I have to leap to my feet.
Despite my back pains,
As I surrender to the Latin heat.
--- Norm Brust

TARANTISM may be quite neat,
Though something I'd never complete.
I don't have the urge
To join a wild surge,
Because I'm cursed with two left feet.
--- Chris Papa

Those urges to dance, TARANTISM,
As many other errant-isms,
Are just the arrangement
For navel engagement,
That might be done when parent isn't.
--- Daniel Ford

Teresa the Tart teasingly TARRIED
And affairs with all comers carried;
The profligate gal
Had many quick pal,
But was never one to be married
--- Chris Papa

The maiden, a little bit harried
Because her monthly menses TARRIED.
But he who was cause
For biological pause,
Proposed and now they are married.
--- Barb

Delaying with Terry we TARRY,
But we would be smart to be wary;
Despite entreaties
From all of her sweeties,
Proposals and thrusts she did parry.
--- Daniel Ford

Oh TARRY and marry and carry.
Or TARRY and carry and marry.
There once was one route
To keep good repute;
Take any route now, no one's chary.
--- Elois

The young bride said, "I am no TARTAR;
You've no reason to become a martyr.
But you made me mad,
So I'll let your dad
Be the one to remove my garter!"
--- Observer

Before wedding, it's a "no-starter,"
That if a young lady's a TARTAR,
Once you are wed,
You'll find a cold bed
And suffer as celibate martyr.
--- Chris Papa

The checkered fabric TATTERSALL,
The dark line of which scatters all
Sidelights from the side
For the small and wide
Attempting to make fatters tall.
--- Daniel Ford

In answering bright fashion's call,
A jacket I'd don, TATTERSALL,
In hope I'd look 'cool',
Except today's rule,
Needs casual slop to enthrall.
--- Chris Papa

Euphemisms are just where we're at,
Like saying you're chubby not fat.
Todays word I see,
Is the same way for me,
A TATTLE is like a 'fink rat'!
--- Chris Papa

Wordy chattering is TATTLE,
Lubricating social battle;
Aside form "telling on,"
Means that we're dwelling on
The curve of loquacious prattle.
--- Daniel Ford

With words Gilbert had way to fiddle,
Though 'dissemble' comes down the middle,
As dressing for "lie",
'Tis better, "Oh fie,
Young Strephon has told 'taradiddle'"
--- Chris Papa

Of models, one is provided dope
That says that they are clothed in TAUPE.
However they're dressed,
There isn't much breast
For a big horny fellow to grope.
--- Chris Papa

I feel like such a dope.
I've reached the end of my rope,
'Cause here's one time
I can't find a rhyme
That's mine, just mine, for TAUPE.

(all one-syllable)
--- Norm Brust

The moleskin color often called TAUPE,
Is frequently in the fashion scope,
Where its muted tones
Cover model clones,
Whose diet consists of cantaloupe.
--- Daniel Ford

Teasing Tess was titillating;
A TAWDRY tart scintillating.
She'd harden mens' staffs,
And amid all the laughs,
Quickly leave them alone, without mating.
--- Chris Papa

TAWDRY mean bit of a mess,
Not something you'd care to confess,
Like loving a lass,
In quick manner, crass,
Thus spilling some sperm on her dress.
--- Chris Papa