Perhaps VERBALISM might be
A word that describes what we see
On line every day
As Rhymes come our way,
Especially if written by me.
--- Maggie

VERBALISM IS logorrhea,
Throwing out words as panacea
For insecurity,
An immaturity,
To which we all cry, "Mama mia!"
--- Daniel Ford

VERBALISM's a surfeit of words,
Used by man converyer-absurds,
Who spout a large spate,
But what's on the plate?
Not one good idea, just turds.
--- Chris Papa

Though skilled in word use, the VERBALIST
Must use his thoughts like a herbalist,
Thus seeking to find
The essence of mind,
Suffused there in layers of schist.
--- Daniel Ford

Who distorts meanings does VERBICIDE
And must be punished. We must decide
If the verbatim seeds
In such distorted weeds
Suffer from doses of herbicide.
--- Daniel Ford

On a rail out of town he would ride,
That grinning VERBICIDE.
You know who I mean;
It's the guy on the screen
Who wants to be your stockmarket "guide".
--- Norm Brust

Puns are named vulgar VERBICIDE
By lackwits prone to deride.
Yet to snap like a whip
With a most witty quip,
Takes more brains than most can provide.
--- Luana Nemaste

A limerick scribbler snide,
Lascivious content won't hide,
Nor entendre shun,
Attribute to nun
The foulest of lay VERBICIDE.
--- Chris Papa

VERBICIDE, when intentionally done
To produce that groaner, the pun,
May get some folk's wrath,
But plows a straight path
Towards great intellectual fun.
--- Chris Papa

Repeat nonsense, VERBIGERATION
For language has reverberation,
Like limbno lyric,
Nonsense satyric,
Allegoric alliteration.
--- Daniel Ford

The Pledge of Allegiance of our nation
Demonstrates youngster's automation,
So oft repeated,
But never while seated,
An exercise in VERBIGERATION.
--- Kim Adams

Like, what is VERBIGERATION?
I would like, like, an explanation.
I don't like, get it.
I would even, like, bet it
Is a, like, teen-age affectation.
--- Norm Brust

VERBIGERATION, repeated phrase
That puts listeners into a haze,
Comes with politions
Of politicians,
Who spout silly slogans these days.
--- Chris Papa

There once was a writer VERBOSE,
Who of words had a big overdose.
She gabbled, she babbled,
In strange art-forms dabbled,
Till her readers became lachrymose.
--- Esther Hecht

The wordiness of the VERBOSE,
Behavior somewhat grandiose,
Not merely chatty
Or even catty,
Decidedly lacks the jocose.
--- Daniel Ford

A dour professor, morose,
Gave dull lectures, all very gross.
He detailed digestion
And without question
Was most flatulent and VERBOSE.
--- Chris Papa

Excessively verbal, VERBOSE,
A rhetorical overdose,
Defines bad writing;
Communication blighting.
And rendering readers comatose.
--- Norm Brust

Five words are enough for most signs;
A limerick has only five lines.
So cut out the bull,
The cup is quite full.
Verbosity should be subject to fines.
--- Norm Brust

When we just give in to base wishes,
In pursuit of pastimes suspicious,
We either gain weight
Or meet a worse fate,
From VERBOTEN sins, most delicious.
--- Chris Papa

Some politicians that we vote in
Have vices they seem to gloat in.
They diddle their aides
And treat them like maids,
Forgetting such acts are VERBOTEN.
--- Norm Brust

Relating to truth, VERIDICAL,
Is also value druidical.
But Senator Fogg
Just won't hug a log;
He feels it a risk political.
--- Daniel Ford

If the truth be known, yea VERILY.
I approach the wife but warily.
For many's the slip
'Twixt caress and a hip
That causes dismissal airily.
--- Daniel Ford

The old gent pressed his love VERILY,
Wishing to bed a maid merrily.
But 60 years young,
He was not too well hung,
Needing Viagra summarily.
--- Chris Papa

Is technique Old Masters impart.
Now widely decried,
The moderns deride,
As elitist dreck from old fart.
--- Daniel

Often belies a crude attidute,
Which was not well served,
Verite deserved,
And needs strong dose of humilitude.
--- Daniel Ford

An overly pompous and vain dude,
The Emperor strutted around nude.
He thought he wore clothes,
So the story goes,
--- Ken

Enhances the bold liars' touch,
Like Chiefs and their Veeps,
Those pols, lying creeps,
Who use the 'almost' as a crutch.
--- Chris Papa

That which is truth, VERITABLE,
Is testable, heritable.
If Reno be just,
The evidence must
Be specific and credible.
--- Daniel Ford

The trouble, I think, that we know,
About old maid Janet Reno,
Deserves a black spot,
There's no "veritas in her vino."
--- Daniel Ford

The sourness from green fruit's VERJUICE
Is hard to swallow, though some will sluice
Tart acidity
With avidity,
Perhaps hoping some tart to seduce.
--- Daniel Ford

The height of real wedded abuse
Is a spouse as sour as VERJUICE.
With agita double
In a sea of trouble;
The marriage, like pile of refuse.
--- Chris Papa

VERNAL's that time of the year
When men oft have focus quite clear.
The fire in the loin
With female to join,
And girls are heard to say "Oh dear!"
--- Barrie Eksteen

The promise of equinox VERNAL,
Brings hope that is ever eternal.
Changing Winter grey
To sunny Spring day,
And waking to bird songs infernal.
--- Chris Papa

This is file kbl

Though our birds migrate in seasons VERNAL,
It's really not too infernal.
Their chirps do not vex
'Cause they do eat insects,
For which Alaskans give thanks eternal.
--- Barb

According to the Wall Street Journal.
When the season turns to VERNAL,
Your mood may turn blue
'Cause your taxes are due,
To the Revenue Service Internal.
--- Norm Brust

A.G. plenipotentiary (Attorney General)
Follows rules evidentiary,
Which do not include
To sent to penitentiary.
--- Daniel Ford

Scribblings one finds on the VERSO
Most oft are the poor reader's curse-o.
They follow the fad,
Are to "Mom and Dad."
And often are not very terse-o.
--- Chris Papa

The backside of page is the VERSO,
As recto reflects the vice versa.
Anatomist's recto,
Procto perfecto,
Is reflected backside of torso.
--- Daniel Ford

Such evening flourishing VESPERTINE,
May leave behind rosy stains as sign;
They ain't crepuscular,
But rather pustular
Skin signs of degauchery and wine.
--- Daniel Ford

He sought out visits VESPERTINE,
Did Don Juan, the old libertine,
Who oft was in flight
On each moonlit night,
But leaving stains where he had been.
--- Chris Papa

Of eventide we sing VESPERTINE
And make our way, rather serpentine,
Into the hayloft,
Where we may find soft
Little friends with like tastes Phillistine.
--- Daniel Ford

As post-meridian becomes VESPERTINE,
Try opening a bottle of wine.
Sit on you ass,
Fill up a glass
And enjoy the fruits of the vine.
--- Norm Brust

Don Juan in a VESPERTINE visit,
Loved languid lady exquisite.
But on the next morn,
Nits would crotch adorn.
Nice pay for his night's work, or is it?
--- Chris Papa

White House behavior, VESUVIAN,
Takes on an air quite Tartuvian.
Though I think that Moliere
Has given more care
To outcomes and fall-out pluvian.
--- Daniel Ford

New "phone sex" without interruption,
In White House den of corruption,
Stay on the wire,
While sating desire,
Get VESUVIAN eruption.
--- Chris Papa

So what kind of rhyme have you sent,
About readers in laughter bent?
I know what you meant
But for this event,
I intend to add more torment.
--- Chris Papa

Abrogating rules limerickal,
So often supernumerical,
Has produced a thread
That may leave us dead
From robust laughing hysterical.
--- Daniel Ford

There was an ex-airman, a vet,
Whose tall tales required you vet.
If not you can bet
That what you might get
Was rabid, and then need a vet.
--- Chris Papa

Old Bob was a Marine Corp VET,
Who schooled to become a cur VET;
Male dogs sobbed,
When they had been Bobbed;
Spays paid for his shiny Corvette.
--- Phil Kinay

The seemingly safe way to play,
To stay out of other folks way,
Is straddle the fence.
You'll get lumps immense
And VIA MEDIA dismay.
--- Chris Papa

A dish which is relished is VIAND,
May also appeal to eye and
In combination
Such a temptation
May bring pretty prices at high end.
--- Daniel Ford

The gourmets, large portions exchew.
Enjoying a VIAND or two,
Gourmands, it is said,
Will fress much, instead.
And of quality, haven't a clue.
--- Chris Papa

My daughter and husband love sushi,
The thought of which makes me feel wooshi.
I'm not out of my head;
Cook the fish if it's dead.
Such VIANDS down toilet I'd flooshi.
--- Elois

A curvaceous "member of tribe",
A bombshell of sexual VIBE,
Who, with ready whine,
Would loving decline,
In ways just too sick to describe.
--- Chris Papa

Gay guy, gaudy, gregarious,
Practiced vices VICARIOUS.
At formal buffet
He pleasured away;
His penile hold, precarious.
--- Chris Papa

A priest with behaviour nefarious,
Preferred all his sex VICARIOUS.
He hid under the bed
Of a couple, unwed,
Who found him and said, "Please marry us."
--- Norm Brust

The hermit would try by means various,
To perk up his sex life precarious.
But he lacked the dough
For women, and so
He settled for thrills quite VICARIOUS.
--- Chris Papa

He grew up in the age of Aquarius,
Stimulated by sex and drugs various,
And of course Rock and Roll.
But they all took their toll,
Now pleasures are mostly VICARIOUS.
--- J'Carlin

Getting caught in a CIRCLE VICIOUS
May have an effect quite pernicious.
You'd better to leave it
Or else you may grieve it
And end up with result malicious.
--- Chris

Vicissitudinal trauma,
Accompanied often by drama,
Brings men to the brink
And drives them to drink,
While women run home to their mama.
--- Gary Hallock

VICISSITUDES rampant beset us,
At every turn contretemps met us.
In one quaint interlude,
We strolled in the nude,
Until the gendarmes came to get us.
--- Jim D

It does seem quite pointless to brood
Over each slight VICISSITUDE;
The change of direction
That alters perfection
And is sour Discontent's food.
--- Chris Papa

The year's ups and downs, VICISSITUDES,
Left no room for any lassitude.
The nation's trials
Tribulation styles,
Make peace-keeping a necessitude.
--- Daniel

I've decided that love's not for prudes;
It brings many VICISSITUDES.
Since one little kiss
From just the right Miss
Will bring up that "horn" which protrudes.
--- Chris Papa

Salutations to the VICTUALER
And also the toothpick whittler
For such fine repast,
Which we know will last,
Certainly not make us littler.
--- Daniel Ford

The VICTUALER, important job,
Buys beans, bread, steaks, corn-on-the-cob.
You need not pay much;
The salary such
Is based on how much each can rob.
--- Chris Papa

VIDELICET, which just means 'namely',
Contracts to 'viz' rather lamely.
Your big chance to show
How much that you know,
By useing it all, rather gamely.

(namely = viz)
--- Chris Papa