Sprightly Sally sauteed a sardine.
Hence, resulting insulting cuisine.
But her beau didn't care,
For thin panties she'd wear,
As his SALTANT, sweet somersault queen.
--- Elois

Sallys sister, alliterative Alice,
Fondled friend Fred's fearsome phallus.
So smell of sardine,
Made macho marine
Purr a portal of pleasure palace.
--- Chris Papa

SALTATION ain't what I desire.
As with trouble, my life might mire.
Such quick movement brisk
Might carry the risk
Of going from pan into fire.
--- Chris Papa

SALTATION I hardly ever show;
The last time it happened, you know,
Was when at forge work,
Some young playful jerk
Dropped an anvil on top of my toe.
--- Chris Papa

He saw in SALUBRIOUS Sal
A beautiful beddable gal;
In him and his health,
She simply saw wealth;
He gets what he wants -- and she shall.
--- Nick

Though nobody else understands
The thrill that I get from his hands.
These four understand
Bartholin's and
The lesser vestibular glands.
--- Nicola

Svelte leaness, SALUBRIOUS sign,
To be thin is next to divine.
Or that's how it seems
To those with broad beams,
And big pots, just like yours and mine.
--- Chris Papa

The SAMIZDAT, pest to regime,
Is likely to curdle its cream,
Inviting the noose
With printed word use,
Subversive to utmost extreme.
--- Chris Papa

Underground publishing, SAMIZDAT,
Offers gadflies a chance at potshot;
When raising questions
Upsets digestions,
Some accepted, some is not.
--- Daniel Ford

A cool customer displays SANG-FROID
In the face of adversity's maw.
Before he gets bit,
He halts the visit,
So his SANG-FROID won't suffer a thaw.
--- Daniel Ford

A young man wil talent SANG-FROID,
Was having affair, ooh-la-la.
Mad husband espied,
The cool youth replied,
"I'll go before coming, Ta, ta!"
--- Chris Papa

If that young man maintains his habit,
Pursuing urges like a rabbit,
He'll need a strong heart
And steel nether part,
For mad husband may come to grab it.
--- Daniel Ford

French politicians give me a pain.
But boycot the language? That's insane!
I'll lose my SANGFROID
When some dumb bourgeois
Starts shouting "Remember the Maine!"
--- Norm Brust

We'll see how much SANGFROID remains,
After U.S. troops go to pains
Detailing French aid,
For which Saddam paid,
Exposing French ill-gotten gains.
--- Chris Papa

The SANGUINE don't know how to cry,
So the woes of their lives pass them by.
A psychology session
Reveals much repression;
Do they smirk at the world as they die?
--- Eva Amata

The SANGUINE are ruddy and jolly;
They grin at the world and its folly.
They laugh at the fates
(Which at times irritates)
And never say "Jeez" or "By Golly"!
--- Eva Amata

SANSCULOTTE, that radical class,
Stout liberals of fire and brass,
Who are quick to bare
Their butts to the air,
And moon, just as soon as harass.
--- Chris Papa

A SANSCULOTTE slob, oft unwashed,
On onions and leeks daily noshed;
All smelly, unkempt,
From soap quite exempt.
"That 'frog' word is fitting," he joshed.
--- Chris Papa

Said an angry SANSCULOTTE,
"King Louis' reign is shot.
It isn't pleasant
Being a peasant.
It's time to split up the pot."
--- Norm Brust

I just got back from a matinee.
It was supposed to be an good play.
Theater, this is not.
Let's all go back to Clarence Day.

(Author of Life With Father)
--- Norm Brust

SARDOODLEDOM, don't care to visit.
The viewing is torture, exquisite.
A play of great thought,
With real action naught.
I think it's a play, or is it?
--- Chris Papa

Plays formulaic, SARDOODLEDOM,
Leave plenty of time to doodle some.
Attention they lose;
Investors recuse.
So playwrights won't into OODLE$ come.
--- Daniel Ford

Sartorial splendor comes high.
I'm cheap, so I don't even try.
For literal "beans",
I'll wear out my jeans
And in shabby old clothes, get by.
--- Chris Papa

When I was a kid, we'd no dough;
My clothing was quite poor, just so.
The outlook SARTORIAL
Was quite arboreal,
As from trees I'd swing to and fro.
--- Chris Papa

When into a tailor's I strolled,
'You dress to the left', I was told.
I later egressed,
Impeccably pressed
On every SARTORIAL fold.
--- Nick

In tailored fine clothes SARTORIAL,
Covering defects coporeal,
We go on spending
And not doubt ending
Our trek from ancestors arboreal.
--- Daniel Ford

Tailored elegance SARTORIAL
Is not province professorial.
But those few who do
Will tatters eschew,
When posing for school pictorial.
--- Daniel Ford

No matter your rank or your class,
The action not given a pass,
Comes from children flip,
Who yearn for "fat lip",
When treating their parents to SASS
--- Chris Papa

Impertinent back talk is SASS,
Not limited to teens on grass;
In Saskatchewan
Will SASS get you one
Of Mothers's sharp swats on the ass.
--- Daniel Ford

A satchel, suitcase or valise;
A cozy box lined all in fleece,
For the average boffin,
A cheap pine box coffin,
Is all you need when you decease.
--- Eric Seaberg

In his quest for sex SATIETY,
Norm neared great impropriety,
As village girls scattered,
But to him what mattered
Was his wish for sweet variety.
--- Chris Papa

Norm achieves SATIETY
Without meanacing society.
When he clears the decks,
It's for food, not sex;
A choice driven by age, not piety.
--- Norm Brust

SATURNIAN time is age when
Dirty old guys, now and then,
Think fondly of love,
But when push comes to shove,
Can but wish they were much younger men.
--- Chris Papa

This is file jol

This week I beat my rival Bernie In
The local pool room tourney in
A game of eight-ball.
I'm now standing tall
And the future looks SATURNIAN.
--- Norm Brust

Those golden ages SATURNIAN,
As told in old songs Hibernian,
The wishes of guys
Influenced by wines sauternian.
--- Daniel Ford

A dorm that had coeds so fine,
That guys, wanting dates, stood in line.
One girl's disposition
Would freeze all ambition.
The word was: forget Satyr Nine.
--- Bob Dvorak

Sam slept with his SATURNINE Sue;
Who, though she sure knew what to do,
Performed acts so slow,
That he didn't know
If she beat Hermit Dave in a screw.
--- Chris Papa

A horny lecher is the SATYR,
Who takes the Sabines now and later.
And when he's angling
Or merely dangling,
Needs the hands of a master baiter.
--- Daniel Ford

He thought, "I would like to date her,
And ravish her, just like a SATYR."
Then played out his folly
With a plastic dolly,
Who's life-sized when you inflate her.
--- Chris Papa

That Sabine abductor, the dude,
Leching for action real lewd,
Took ladies and tore 'em,
Right there in the Forum;
I think he deserves to be booed!
--- Chris Papa

In hot skillet of garlic SAUTE
A fresh and tender fish filet,
With veg julienne,
And wine (you know when)
Will make yourself a lovely soiree.
--- Daniel Ford

Friend Dennis, will catch fish, SAUTE
Flavored in most unique way.
With capers and wine,
It just tastes divine
At end of a great Lake George day.
--- Chris Papa

The evangelist, blessings would dole
To sinners -- conversion his goal.
Though he would deny it,
His tale, I don't buy it.
He just wants to SAVVY your soul.
--- Cyn

The SCAPEGOATS we always attack,
Because they can never fight back.
They bear all the blame
From hunts that inflame,
Or groups that seem to have the knack.
--- Chris Papa

The brunt of the blame falls on SCAPEGOAT,
So it's good if he wears a great coat
To dull slings and arrows
Whose bruises and harrows
Might drive him to flee in escape boat.
--- Daniel Ford

If smallpox we'd wish to prevent,
Vaccinia is heaven sent
To SCARIFY those,
Lest virus expose
Them to bioterror event.
--- Chris Papa

SCHADENFREUDE, envy's bad name,
Diminishing another's fame,
Better not gloat,
Else misfortune's coat
May fit upon you, much the same.
--- Chris Papa

SCHADENFREUDE is the wicked delight;
The secret wish that someone else might
Get caught in acts new
That you'd like to do;
If only you weren't so up tight.
--- Chris Papa

SCHADENFREUDE, German for "gloat",
The joy that some would devote
To some guy whose sailing,
But now stuck with bailing,
As water floods into his boat.
--- Chris Papa

SCHADENFREUDE, in which we take joy
In the pains that some others annoy,
Must be carefully watched.
For the joy may be scotched,
If the pains should our own good destroy.
--- Daniel Ford

At base of cliffs covered with SCHIST,
The talus is fanned with a twist.
To climb up such slate
Brings slippery fate,
Lest belay is tight in the fist.
--- Daniel Ford

Although it may come as a blow,
To all, it's important to know,
A geologist
Knows granite from SCHIST,
But sometimes not 'ass from elbow'.
--- Chris Papa

There's nothing but pity to feel
For poor bugger known as SCHLEMIEL.
He gets stick's wrong end,
And misfortunes tend
To pile up, as Fortune's raw deal.
--- Chris Papa

Haven't we all met one or two?
A poor SCHLEMIEL, who just won't do.
He just seems so sad,
He's never a cad...
But you sure are glad he is not you!
--- Maggie

When SCHMALTZing Matilda is played,
Australians recall that decade
When life was just brill,
Pre-Aids and post-pill,
And everyone always got laid.
--- Nick

The other SCHMALTZ, that we don't eat,
Helps get you dear ladies in heat;
If guy will but throw in,
He'll then get to go in
Place that is sure hard to beat.
--- Chris Papa

Whether fond sentiment to a wife,
Or something you spread with a knife,
The tribe members know,
That history will show
Pure SCHMALTZ is the essence of life!
--- Chris Papa

A SCHMENDRICK in search of a wife
Encountered rejection and strife,
From JAPs was excluded (Jewish-American princess)
He took a path new, did
With shicksa, new queen of his life. (goy girl)
--- Chris Papa

We've had schlemiel and schlemazel. Now this!
Here's SCHMENDRICK to complete the edifice
Of Jewish jerks.
That's the whole works!
Can we now this subject please dismiss?
--- Norm Brust

A yenta will quickly enthuse,
Whenever there's a chance to SCHMOOZE.
It is her obsession,
Dirt-dealing profession,
Where only the subjects might lose.
--- Chris Papa

I'm assigned to a job I'd not choose;
It amounts to: I just have to SCHMOOZE.
I talk to a guest
And ask what they liked best,
While on their trip. How can I lose?
--- Barb

While networking requires one to SCHMOOZE
With company you just might not choose,
It's best to stay light,
Avoid words that bite,
At least until the end of the cruise.
--- Daniel Ford

Oh, why so many words for "jerk",
When most any of them would work.
We've yet to get "schmuck,"
And with any luck,
That'll be the last one to lurk.
--- Chris Papa

When he's ofered a job, he'll decline,
While he displays his "work for food" sign.
The goal of a SCHNORRER
Is to leave you poorer,
His attitue's "what's yours, is mine!"
--- Observer

A SCHNORRER will stay cool and calm,
And never show sign of a qualm,
And he'll quote you scripture,
And smile as he rips your
Last dollar from your sweaty palm!
--- Observer

A SCHNORRER would never preclude
Your valuables except for food.
He'll take what you've got,
The beans and the pot;
He's out to get all you've accrued!
--- Observer