So what, you'll not try to rhyme DENIZEN?
Tell Miller to drop that red hen he's in.
Not that hard a trick --
Your lime-ass I'll kick...
I'll bury my size 13 tennies in!

I'm not friggin' Alfred Lord Tennyson,
So stop trying' to act so damn menacin'!
You did kick my ass,
But this limerick should pass
And I'll have the last word (yes, it's DENIZEN)!
--- Randog

DENTIGEROUS dogs are all right;
They guard everything there in sight.
Though the wherewithal
Of chihuahua small
Is surely more bark that its bite.
--- Chris Papa

He thought his thing a matter of pride,
But when seeking some on the side,
The professional miss
Was quick to dismiss
"It" and puny stature DERIDE.
--- Chris Papa

The old pro of the oldest trade plied
Chose to DERIDE and to remark snide.
Our boy didn't care;
He was already there;
May as well go along for the ride.
--- Phil Kinay

Hip Hop may be le DERNIER CRI
But it doesn't do anything for me.
Those ill-kempt boyz
And their endless noise
Should be banned by popular decree.
--- Norm Brust

DERNIER CRI's last word is THE LOOK.
You must get it, by hook or by crook!
Yet once you have,
Madison Ave
Will make "lasts" 'til your last buck is took.
--- Phil Kinay

Ebonics, DERNIER CRI of our youth,
If I were to tell you the truth,
I can't understand.
Yet throughout the land,
They speak in a manner uncouth.
--- Chris Papa

In belittling, we do DEROGATE,
But if overheard may devastate.
"Get it off your chest"
May sometimes feel best.
But do take care ere deonerate.
--- Daniel Ford

Hoisting apparatus, DERRICK,
Named for a hangman barbaric,
Lost it's meaning gallows
For miscreant callows,
And now lifts shiploads generic.
--- Daniel Ford

Fill barrels of oil to the bung,
The stuff that from DERRICK is sprung.
Although now I see,
'Twas named for real person, well-hung!
--- Chris Papa

A stunt driver will, on occasion,
Forgo all his wheel lubrication.
With bearing goo,
Creates a quite noisy sensation.
--- Gary Hallock

DERRING-DO deeds are quite reckless,
Admired by others quite feckless,
Who'd rather, it's said,
Just stay home in bed,
And try to get by with a speck less.
--- Chris Papa

Each darling of DERRING-DO deeds
Has all that a hero e'er needs.
Testes larger than brain,
Exempt from all pain,
And even when cut, never bleeds.
--- Chris Papa

The DESPOT becomes a ruler
who just gets crueler and crueler.
Ideally the masses
Will get off their asses
And reduce him into a puler.

(Pule - to puke and stool at same time - McW)
--- Barb

She married a sexual DESPOT,
Who demanded raw sex on the spot.
So she joined S-M band,
Supplied with whips grand,
Then gave as good as she got.
--- Chris Papa

In prison Saddam Hussein got
His supper, canned dog food, but not
To bad did he feel
To eat such a meal;
He burped, the remarked, "Hits despot!"
--- Gary Hallock

Poor humans, most have dreadful fate:
With age some of them DESSICATE,
While some ere decease
Will have an increase,
All blubber from excessive weight.
--- Chris Papa

Large closets foster DESUETUDE,
As clothes and shoes gain plenitude.
Now you can sing blues
About all my shoes,
But please don't step on da suede, Dude.
--- Daniel Ford

Over linguistic matter I brood,
About use of word DESUETUDE.
I'll never refuse
To use word "disuse";
Same thing, but without attitude.
--- Chris Papa

DEUS EX MACHINA is facile.
When the heroine is trapped in a castle,
Down from the sky
Comes a guy who can fly,
Sparing the playwright much hassle.
--- Norm Brust

Supporting lead, DEUTERAGONIST,
For some actor's a drag they insist.
When Polly's Aunt Hannah
Was second banana,
She hired a heckling antagonist.
--- Daniel Ford

We seldom, if ever, have seen a
Case where a DEUS EX MACHINA
Was any more needed.
The voters felt cheated.
Could someone send God a subpoena?
--- Gary Hallock

The first word I've got is "DEVENNEY";
'Twas better I hadn't got any.
I think it's a shame
That a family name
Is the first to come up from so many.

Her nasal septum diagnosed DEVIOUS,
So she had a thought mischievious.
"Since I need a nose job,
I give it a little bob
And get rid of this profile Levy-ous.
--- Norm Brust

Deceptive wanderer DEVIOUS
Must not be ever oblivious.
For when he is caught,
The judge just may not
Have empathy for his life previous.
--- Daniel Ford

There once was a DEVIOUS dame
Who plied the old street walker's game.
Her earnings secure
From guys premature,
Though quick, they were all charged the same.
--- Chris Papa

She lived to old age with nice perks,
The bounty from judges and clerks.
Her grave, now well-groomed,
Has saying entombed,
"It came to me from many jerks!"
--- Chris Papa

The moist character of the DEWY
Might suggest tasty morsel chewy.
But often it's just
Some grape juice must,
Fermented and drunk till ennui.
--- Daniel Ford

A love-stricken fellow named Dewey
Woke one morning to a world somewhat dewy.
He turned to his mate,
And said, "Let's sleep in late.
We don't waste times like this, do we?"
--- Bob Dvorak

"Now Alice, why is your back DEWY?
Have you had fun with a horny new he?
Or were you star gazing
With cattle grazing.
Don't give me that large bunch of hooey!"
--- Chris Papa

Adroit skills employed by the dextrous,
With either hand are ambidexterous.
That dish of a doll
Who could do it all
Is probably now ambisextrous.
--- Daniel Ford

The dutiful exhibit DHARMA
And thus preserve their next life's karma,
Wherever they land
Or having at hand
Some tools, collectively called arma.
--- Daniel Ford

This is file iil

There once was a backwoods farmer,
Who neglected his connubial DHARMA.
Leaving his wife to weep.
He did it with sheep,
Saying "What she don't know won't harm 'er"
--- Norm Brust

The DHARMA we learn from our folks
Is oft the subject of jokes,
Since left to devices,
They hope each child nice is,
And careful of what their tyke smokes.
--- Chris Papa

More or less, I take life as it comes,
Like the hero of "Dharma Bums."
In late fifties and sixties,
With a case of the "drifties",
Kerouac wrote of Beatnik's ho-hums.
--- Barb

When my personal imp (always near)
Pours DIABLERIE into my ear,
And stokes up the fire
Of Puckish desire,
You gentlemen'd better stand clear!
--- Eva Amata

Though once it meant dealing with devil,
Today on a much different level,
Just mischievous things;
Pranks, in which others may revel.
--- Chris Papa

Now I know what I'm missing!
What I need to improve the kissing:
Just be right!
Black magic...But hissing.
--- Maggie

A DIADEM that's put on the head
Is a crowning glory, it is said.
But the piercing of skins
Where the glans head begins,
To me seems just like pumping lead.
--- Barrie Eksteen

I've wondered about Santa Claus.
Does he have a long DIAPAUSE.
And boredom eternal
Through the season vernal;
Is he into the elfettes drawers?
--- Chris Papa

Since he labors for a worthy cause,
Santa is entitled to some flaws.
So let him diddle elfettes,
Or even reindeer pets,
While Mrs Clause goes through menopause.
--- Norm Brust

Young bucks' ardor, it seems, has few flaws.
And even I recall maidens' applause.
Alas, as old coot,
It's a one gun salute;
Before encore, I must have DIAPAUSE.
--- Phil Kinay

She wore a DIAPHANOUS gown,
For their real big date on the town.
But he was forlorn,
'Cause bulging front "horn",
Inconveniently wouldn't stay down.
--- Chris Papa

DIASTEMA means a tooth gap,
The kind that much debris can trap,
But it brought great fame,
To old what-his-name,
The smiling, Mad Comics, droll chap.

(Alfred E. Newman)
--- Chris Papa

Bitter denouncing DIATRIBE,
Not practice to which I ascribe,
Is hardly seductive
And counter-productive
And may cause others to imbibe.
--- Daniel Ford

Instructional techniques DIDACTIC
Do not always leave one climactic.
So some diversion
Or slight perversion
May be needed, perhaps tie tactic.
--- Daniel Ford

Bill's lesson in sex ed, DIDACTIC,
Was, "Gals, it is better to whack dick,
With your lips and cheek,
'NOT SEX; (so to speak)
And no need to use prophylactic."
--- Chris Papa

But please heed this frantic refrain,
Don't spread seed all over the plain,
'Cause some of the town
Knows when you "go down",
If your blue dresses show stain."
--- Chris Papa

No one would call me DIFFIDENT.
Compared to most folks, I'm different.
I blow my own horn.
With doubt, I'm not torn.
As a result, I'm behind in my rent.
--- Norm Brust

There once was a DIFFIDENT guy,
Excessively bashful and shy.
She sunned every maid,
And so I'm afraid,
He uses his palm to get by.
--- Chris Papa

There once was a DIFFIDENT guy,
Excessively awkward and shy.
"I'd like to go out,
But I'm not about
To let ladies unzip my fly!"
--- Chris Papa

Reluctant, timid and DIFFIDENT,
The young man's mien is not confident.
It's obvious that
He's more bureaucrat,
Than a rabble-rousing dissident.
--- Daniel Ford

DIFFIDENT is opposite of bold
And I suppose if it be told,
If that sort of guy
Won't "shenanigans" try,
I suspect it's because he is cold.
--- Barb

A DIGLOT, this judge on the bench,
Could preside in either Italian or French.
But whether uomo or homme,
It's toast you become
If you didn't behave like a mensch.
--- Norm Brust

A DIGLOT I know said, "How
Do animals talk? I avow
My cat knows what's what--
In France she's le chat,
But when there, cats still say, 'Miaou!"
--- Bob Dvorak

A DIGLOT I knew said, "Among
The talents I have with my tongue,
I also have pair
To charm ladies fair;
All part of my being "well hung".
--- Chris Papa

Premature ejaculators...women razz 'em.
So take a DILATORY approach to orgasm.
You'll be a hero
Instead of a zero,
When you hold back till her final spasm.
--- Norm Brust

Procrastination DILATORY
Leads to creating silly story
To cover delay,
Though you'd better pray
The boss won't sent you to purgatory.
--- Daniel Ford

When accused of being DILATORY,
I usually make up a story
About traffic delays,
Or being lost in a maze,
Or something equally hoary.
--- Norm Brust

In Georgia, I was once among
Those with a DILATORY tongue.
I'd wait till they drawled
Thoroughly "You all"ed,
And found I was no longer young.
--- Chris Papa

The arts dabbler who is DILETTANTE,
Not mistaken for pro nonchalant,
Will nevertheless
A great love express
For the subject, like some debutante.
--- Daniel Ford

There once was a young DILETTANTE,
Who discovered no one that did want
His pictures, quite crude,
Of himself in the nude,
Since he really had nothing to flaunt.
--- J'Carlin

A deluge oft goes DILUVIAL
From heavenly flows effluvial.
But in ages cold,
The ice flows are bold,
And push aside ridges alluvial.
--- Daniel Ford

Noah, in God's eye approvial,
Was warned of event DILUVIAL.
Got species aboard
In large howling horde,
And set sail on the ocean pluvial.
--- Chris Papa

Our world's atmospheric pollution
Cries out for a simple solution.
Forstall smoking blights
By forbidding lights
To those who'd bring breath DIMINUTION.
--- Chris Papa