I used to aim for DEBONAIR.
But now, I really don't care.
My new goal's survival
For which there's no rival,
'Cause hereafter, there is no there.
--- Norm Brust

Sophisticated, suave, DEBONAIR,
The Bobby did stroll SoHo's night air.
His eagerness showed,
He was then furloughed
For pinching the London derriere.
--- Daniel Ford

To be cool and seem DEBONAIR,
Acquire that suave savoir faire,
I have heard it taught
Requires but naught
Save tea sipped with pinky in air.
--- Chris Papa

Though DEBONAIR and with much beauty,
And at times a little bit snooty,
Tired of a dull life,
And work's 8 to 5 strife,
She said, "I'll divorce, get some booty."
--- Gene

From their locker room the players DEBOUCH,
Each wearing a colorful swoosh.
On your impressionable psyche
Burns the image of Nike,
Like a modern-day Egyptian cartouche.
--- Norm Brust

When playing with intern on couch,
Take care no seed will DEBOUCH,
'Cause DNA stain
Results in great pain
And loud political OUCH!
--- Chris Papa

When shot in the thigh did bleed, meant
Probe for the pellets it'd need, meant
To clean up the track,
Get clean tissue back;
That's called "surgical DEBRIDEMENT."
--- Chris Papa

When I go to a function or fete,
Thrown in with some others I'd hate,
To talk for a time;
The reason sublime,
Is most are just DECEREBRATE.
--- Chris

When his cortical fuctions go wild,
You should DECEREBRATE your young child:
A blown cerebellum
Will quite swiftly tell 'em
That adults want 'docile' and 'mild'.
--- Eva Amata

DECEREBRATE, to pith one's brain foam,
Leaves personality monocychrome:
Veritable zombie;
Fitch, no Abercrombie.
The heart is beating, but no one's home.
--- Daniel Ford

It's obvious for all to see
That Saddam, the day he did flee,
Was in quite a fix;
No time to deep six.
The best he could do was "deep three."
--- Gary Hallock

Illegal skimming, DEFALCATE,
In Arabia calls for fate
In manner most blythe,
With falciform scythe,
The hand is removed, if not pate.
--- Daniel Ford

Manager with bank funds skated,
'Twas told them he'd DEFALCATED.
Caught, placed in a cell,
Said after a spell,
"This rat hole is overated."
--- Chris Papa

Our freedoms he'll take on a whim
And rights to attorney make thin;
Unlike Richardson, (Nixon's Attorney general)
He won't mischief shun.
But who can DEFENESTRATE him?
--- Elois

Got a vivid demonstration
When Archibald Cox
Was blown out of his socks
By the Nixon administration.
--- Norm Brust

A terrible deed one suspects,
Was from tower high,
Though victims got by
As broken Bohemian wrecks.
--- Chris Papa

Postpone, delay, put off or DEFER,
There's no doubt for procrastinateur.
That what must be done
For life in the sun,
Is what wolves from the door will deter.
--- Daniel Ford

Presidential minions' DEFERENCE
Acknowledges power reference,
Where by the commands,
"Execute!" he stands,
Beheading all system efferents.
--- Daniel Ford

According someone due DEFERENCE
Depends on your point of reference.
When you're reflecting
Or genuflecting,
You can't know another's preference.
--- Daniel Ford

Ex-Presidents obtain DEFERENCE,
And most have the good common sense
To successors abide,
Save Slick Willy snide,
Who shows bad-mouthing his preference.
--- Chris Papa

A Presidential preference,
Should deserve proper reverence.
Except those at the top
Should their egos stop,
And desist from "Viva la DEFERENCE".
--- Chris Papa

When your black powder does DEFLAGRATE,
Whether self or jerk did conflagrate,
You'd better remember
Escape route from ember,
And how your feet should fast peragrate.
--- Daniel Ford

Independence Day picnics, a spate,
Do feature a barbecue plate,
With menu inspired,
Once the grill is fired,
To slabs of meat then DEFLAGRATE.
--- Chris Papa

When engaging in deglutition,
Here's a fact that needs recognition:
I hope that you've heard
When you eat every word,
There's little or no real nutrition.
--- Barb

The tongue and throat in DEGLUTITION
Work for eating and imbibition,
But many a bloke
Has had oft to choke
From inadequate mouth dentition.
--- Daniel Ford

A rapid decline, DEGRINGOLADE,
This fellow cowboy's rodomontade.
For ladies he met
Did soon cool his jet.
And now he is in Durango, laid.
--- Daniel Ford

The stock market investor prayed
That there would be no DEGRINGOLADE.
But he got into trouble,
When the Internet bubble
Burst and his fortune decayed.
--- Norm Brust

A nasty strep virus in stealth
Leads to DEGRINGOLADE of family's health.
Contagious daughter and spouse
Make me disinfect the house,
When I should be out acquiring wealth.
--- Sheryl

A sudden tumble, DEGRINGOLADE,
Isn't quite something one might applaud.
Unless one lacked tact
And Jack and Jill act
Did land before the Marquis de Sade.
--- Daniel Ford

It's not nice for wounds to DEHISCE,
Because with the coming abyss,
Good healing's delayed;
Need more than band-aid
To get the cut edges to kiss.
--- Chris Papa

When fruit and leaves from their source DEHISCE,
Caretakers worry something's amiss.
But it's nature's call
When fruit and leaves fall;
Such reponding to hormones is bliss.
--- Daniel Ford

Introduced to a nubile miss,
He suggested a moment of bliss.
Once they were in bed,
He unsheathed his head,
And shortly after it began to DEHISCE.
--- Norm Brust

He smiled as the buxom brunette,
Her pussy DEHISCENT and wet,
Took him in her hand,
Positioned it and
Descended upon his baguette.
--- Nick

This is file hjl

Though beneath her staion, Queen does DEIGN
To treat subjects with equal disdain.
The Bobby and cabby
So shoddy and shabby,
Will still have allegiance to this dame.
--- Daniel Ford

Whilst Queen DEIGNED use of drain plain,
Her hubby the King strained in vain.
To his despair,
Just royal air
Was all he could show for his pain.
--- Phil Kinay

When to use the pot, the Queen DEIGNED,
Ladies-in-waiting, though pained,
Smiled at the discharge
With compliments large
And ecstatic pleasure, all feigned.
--- Chris Papa

DEIPNOSOPHIST dines with mots bon,
Clever stories and talking on,
With topics sundry,
"Dinner with Andre,"
In the manner of Wallace Shawn.

(good conversationalist at meals)
--- Daniel Ford

DEIPNOSOPHIST, I know only one,
Eating with him isn't much fun.
Once I've cleaned my plate,
I suffer the fate,
Listening for hours till he's done!

(good conversationalist at meals)
--- Chris Papa

DEIPNOSOPHISTS aren't much fun,
It ain't like they just "eat and run",
Cobwebs long will grow,
As onward they go,
Still yacking, long after you're done.
--- Chris Papa

But I've a few pals who tell jokes,
The kind "just between us male folks",
They're dangerous too,
Because as you chew,
Loud laughter yields quips, gasps and chokes.
--- Chris Papa

For long-legged lasses I'd dither
And feel foot-long flames my loins wither,
So I'm searching still
For one gal who will
Do me a DEKKO-come-hither.
--- Chris Papa

Use of eight-letter words does escape
Being bound by the censor's red tape.
Those words more subtle
Defy rebuttal
And keep readers from four-letter scrape.
--- Daniel Ford

Our Congress I'd like to DELATE,
Since instead of work they debate
And sell to who'll buy them.
I think we should try them
Or at least get a tax rebate.
--- Chris Papa

My detractor I must DELATE;
Of this, there will be no debate.
I'll continue to opine
To those with no spine,
Be they friend, co-worker, or mate.
--- Ken Horn

When Congress Bill Clinton DELATED,
Many Dems deemed the reaction inflated.
"After all," they said,
"She was not in his bed;
Our hero was merely fellated."
--- Norm Brust

DEMAGOGUERY, pols have perfected,
Saying whatever's expected.
Just pulling our leg
Until they renege,
Right after they become elected.
--- Chris Papa

The practiced DEMAGOGUE
Emits a perfumed fog
Of honeyed words
Which, like so many turds,
Your brain, like old plumbing, will clog.
--- Norm Brust

You can't really have a dialogue
If one of the speakers is a DEMAGOGUE.
On your ear he will chew
With his own biased view,
Producing no light and much fog.
--- Norm Brust

Oh DEMAGOGUE, had you your druthers,
You'd rob your sister and your brothers.
May bird of foo
Present to you
The gift he gives deserving others.
--- Elois

DEMAGOGUES, devils perfect 'em,
For voters with brains up their rectum,
Scream promises rash
For more jobs and cash,
To make sure the boobs will elect 'em.
--- Chris Papa

In Congress the seats DEMARCATE
Political differences great,
Where good colleagues sit
And clenched teeth grit,
Accomplishing little but hate.
--- Chris Papa

My wife thinks it's good to DEMARCATE
The time: which is early and late;
My comings and goings,
My to-ings and fro-ings
She clearly loves to delineate.
--- Barrie Eksteen

I kill famous folks, that's my line,
And I like them to die while they dine.
I showed up a bit late.
Still assassinate,
But what DEMARCATE was strychnine.
--- Gary Hallock

DEMARCATE is word very fine;
I'd slip into verses of mine,
Except for the fact,
When choices are stacked,
I just don't know where to draw line.
--- Chris Papa

When choices are stacked, we elate
And find no need to DEMARCATE.
We tell them its fine;
Just get in line;
We'll enjoy one and all 'til its late.
--- J'Carlin

Yes, how you DEMEAN where you're sitting,
Depends greatly on what there's fitting.
So bow in Japan,
Shake hands in Tappan,
And please go nowhere if your spitting.
--- Daniel Ford

A damsel of demur DEMEANOR,
Decidedly zaftig, not leaner,
Was oft heard to say,
She'd eschew the lay
'Cause she thought chewing food was much keener.
--- Chris Papa

Some ladies perforce have to feign
Their joy in their proper DEMESNE;
But when they're elsewhere,
It's there that they share
Enjoyment complete with their swain.
--- Nick

Most limericists dwell in DEMESNE,
Salacious, suggestive terrain,
With five lines that scan,
According to plan,
On a low, loving, lyrical lane.
--- Chris Papa

At some DEMOTIC lingua Chris balks.
And no ebonics lesson Dan chalks.
But whatever the chatter,
We all know what matters:
In this world it's money that talks.
--- Phil Kinay

There's praise for the lingua DEMOTIC;
Some forms are even exotic.
Except for the phonics
Of current ebonics,
Which grate and seem quite chaotic.
--- Chris Papa

Women's fashions once deemed erotic
Have not become rather DEMOTIC.
But though navels are exposed,
Models are still posed
In attitudes that seem robotic.
--- Norm Brust

The common and vulgar, DEMOTIC,
Have effects on people hypnotic,
But constant exposure
In confined enclosure
Makes mental processes necrotic.
--- Daniel Ford

The current Ebonic DEMOTIC
Relates not to matters exotic,
But, rather a way
To keep those at bay
With us old folks whose way seems despotic.
--- Larry McGrath

We've each done much the same thing;
We would devise a neat lingual ring.
To keep us opaque
And tested to break
The patience and ire 'twould bring.
--- Larry McGrath

I'm not friggin' Alfred Lord Tennyson,
So stop trying to act so damn menacin'!
You did kick my ass,
But this Limerick should pass
And I'll have the last word (yes, it's DENIZEN)!

Dictionary-dot-com has my word
Of the day to which now you're referred.
When defined, it means "dweller"
Or down-home-type feller:
It's DENIZEN. Haven't you heard?
--- Randog