A timid and meek Chinese bride
Added poison to meat, nicely fried.
Though the flavor was hellish,
The groom ate with such relish,
The verdict was chop suey-cide.

(in Ellery Queen magazine)
--- E C Sanborn P9108

My satellite laser invention
(So cool it defies comprehension)
Carved the moon with your name
And it gave me no shame
'Cause I did it to grab your attention.
--- Virge

Don't try to deny it, my dear --
You're drawn to my saturnine sneer.
Though you're brusque and remote,
I can't help but note
That you tremble whenever I'm near.
--- Virge

It's important that you understand,
All men beside me will seem bland.
Those Bohemian effete
Boys can never compete
'Gainst a man with the world in his hand.
--- Virge

My minions thought I was bizarre
After I'd gone a fraction too far,
With my devastation
Of a middle-east nation.
I should have just bought a big car.
--- Virge

There's no one can come before you
And nothing that I wouldn't do.
I raze the Greek Isles
For just one of your smiles
(And Malta and Sicily too).
--- Virge

The moments you gave me today
Are pleasures I'd love to replay.
Your beauty divine,
So sweet and so fine,
I cannot allow to decay.
--- Virge

So call me a romantic crank
'Cause the ethylene glycol you drank
Was a toast to forever --
To pledge that I'll never
Pull the plug on your cryogen-tank.
--- Virge

On the death of a woman from Gardiner,
They discovered a bucket of lard in her;
They also found oil
And aluminum foil,
And daffodil bulbs from the yard in her.
--- Limber Limericks

There once was a woman named Munch
Who poisoned here husband at lunch;
He perished that night,
To his spouse's delight,
From the lye that she stirred in his punch.
--- Cap'n Bean P0406

The tombstone of Solomon Dale
Is aging and terribly frail;
His wife was a loon;
They married in June;
They say he was poisoned by ale.
--- Cap'n Bean P0307

The lady is so fond of macaroni,
Her husband flavored hers with antimony.
Very soon he'll be free
With no large attorney fee;
No divorce, and better still, no alimony.
--- Arnie Schoenbrun P0203

Said the young wife, "You think you're so smart!
Your PEJORATIVE words break my heart.
Now I've poisoned your food
Just for being rude,
But I'll love you 'til death do us part!"
--- Observer

In a nursing home run by Pol Pot,
Hyperactive residents got shot.
But naughtly old Fred
Wouldn't stay in his bed;
Poisoned mush, for dinner, he got.
--- Anon

A beer-loving fellow named Mort,
His life was suddenly cut short,
When his wife fed him steak,
With a section of cake,
And a poisonous bottle of port.
--- Cap'n Bean P0202

Said a gleeful young man from Torquay,
"This is rather a red-letter day.
I've poisoned with sherbert
My rich Uncle Herbert,
Whose health never seemed to decay."
--- Anon

There once was a poor King of Tonga,
But he isn't king any longa;
His wife, scheming queen,
On poisons was keen,
And also, considerably stronga.
--- Armand E Singer 967

"It's the damnest thing I've ever seen."
Said the wily Detective McQueen!
"I had thought for a time
She had taken strychnine,
Being British, though, she took strychnine."
--- L C Fitzhugh P0111

There was a fellow named Clare,
Depressed to the point of despair;
He took his own life
After killing his wife
And reciting his very last prayer.
--- Cap'n Bean P0900

Wifey Three was about to expire
From Hubby bluebeard's garrote wire;
He said, "Now to wed Four,
And then a few more,
It's a bitch, but I soon can retire."
--- Ann Gasser P8904

The landscaper, Claudious Grower,
He chopped up his wife with his mower.
Then he ground up her parts
In some rusty old carts,
And he whisked them away with his blower.
--- Cap'n Bean P0508

The female Black Widow has smarts --
Once mated, she kills counterparts.
It makes sense to me,
I'd have to agree --
Stop the snoring before it starts!
--- Anon

Beware of the women who're Jewish;
They all are born to be shrewish.
They'll nag and harangue
Till you want them to hang
And watch their faces turn bluish.
--- Rob Weiner

A ghoulish old fellow in Kent
Encrusted his wife in cement;
He said, with a sneer,
"I was careful, my dear,
To follow your natural bent."
--- Morris Bishop P8804

There was a young woman named Glory;
About her, I'll tell you a story.
One day in a rage
Killed her man for his wage.
How she did it, I'm think it too gory.
--- Arthur Pattaffy

As a lover he was not a demon,
That grizzled old salt of a seaman.
But his wife craved a child,
Though her mate she reviled...
She's drowned him since freezing his semen.
--- TuttaGioia

A murder performed with a knife
Robbed Darius Meek of his wife;
He mourned her for days
In a grief-stricken haze,
And was lost for the rest of his life.
--- Cap'n Bean P0412

A vindictive old fellow from laurel
Got involved in a family quarrel;
So he picked up his knife
And castrated his wife,
And some other acts highly immoral.
--- Hugh Oliver A060B

A disgruntled knife-thrower named Fife,
Was busy cleaning his knife.
To his utter despair
His knife jumped in the air
And entered the heart of his wife.
--- Al Chaplin P9404

Maria was killed in her sleep
By her husband -- a brute and a creep.
She was giving and kind;
He was out of his mind.
Their community's horror was deep.
--- Cap'n Bean P0606

There was a young fellow named Gloser,
Whose wife was a constant opposer.
So he snuffed out her life
With a big butcher knife,
And he put her right through the disposer.
--- Albin Chaplin

When careless old Julius Caesar
Shut his wife in a prototype freezer --
Although he was pleased
With his deep-frozen peas,
It would take more than peas to appeaser.
--- Nick D Kim

A nasty man, Old Ebeneezer,
Was mean to his wife, the old geezer.
She said, without bitchin',
"Come into the kitchen."
(You'll find the old boy in the freezer.)
--- Ogden Nield

This is file afm

It's a challenge to take your own life.
I once tried with a Swiss-Army-knife.
So I opened a vein,
And I let the blood drain,
But I got bored and just killed my wife.
--- Jason Taniguchi

A man had a pet gourmet ocelot,
And also a wife who would boss a lot.
He applied remoulade
To her fast-asleep bod.
The ocelot sure like that sauce a lot.
--- Sally Porter P8812

An angry young lady named Jill
Killed her husband with gas from the grill.
She wasn't contrite,
But fainted outright
When she got the gas-company bill!

(in Ellery Queen magazine)
--- Richard Maples P9108

In her murder case, strange Agnes Pence,
While depriving her spouse of his sense,
Laid him deep 'neath the sod,
With a fillet of Cod.
She then pled the Battered Fish defense.
--- Loren Fitzhugh

Admitted a psycho named Daw;
"I sliced up my wife with a saw;
If I get the yen,
I'll do it again;
I'll not be held down by the law."
--- Armand Singer

There was an old man in La Grange
Who stuffed his old wife in the range;
When she asked him, "What for?"
He said through the door,
"We both need a rest and a change."
--- Lims Unlimited

An expert onanist named Bart
Tutored many a man in his art,
Till in desperation
A great delegation
Of neglected wives tore him apart.
--- G2083

There was a magician named Herridge
Whose dear wife was wont to disparage,
So on stage in full view,
She was cut clean in two
For the magic had gone from their marriage.
--- Albin Chaplin

There was a young man of Geneva
Who threatened his wife he would leave her.
"Oh, darling," she said,
"You are losing your head!"
And she chopped it clean off with a cleaver.
--- Mary Danby - 2nd Armada

I married this bitchy old cow;
To her I had given my vow.
If I killed her dead
The day we first met,
I'd be out of the slammer by now!
--- Blowcephus TP9802

With a leg of lamb, mad Mrs Kim
Put an end to her poor husband, Jim,
Who was thus vindicated,
For she lied when she'd stated
That he'd never go out on a limb.
--- Graham Lester

Fred wasn't known as a lawn preener;
He was thought to be more of a dreamer.
His wife screamed "More fertilizer!"
So he shot; pulverized her;
Now his lawn is pest free and much greener.

(Sat Eve Post limerick contest)
--- Patrick

Said a package dispatcher named Thatcher,
"My unfaithful young wife, when I catch her,
I shall package with care
But without any air,
For it's thus that I plan to dispatch her."

(in Ellery Queen magazine)
--- Mark Grenier P9108

A polygamous chieftain, a Bantu,
Said, "It's bad killing wives; I don't want to,
But it's hard to discriminate
Between which to eliminate
And which ones are worth hanging on to."
--- Armand E Singer 260

"It's murder!" the widowed one cried.
"No, ma'am," the patrolman replied.
"In a case of this nature,
The correct nomenclature
Is 'Cause of death: poss. homicide.'"
--- Laurence Perrine P8903

I've been married for thirty four years;
I'm the victim of media smears.
I'd tell you the rest
But I'm saving the best
For a jury composed of my peers.
--- Arthur Deex P0109

Here lies the handsome John Miller,
A kind man and a social pillar.
He married a gal
He thought was a pal,
But was really a serial killer.
--- H A Marewich

The judges tried Pascal of Knock,
For wife murder. He stood in the dock.
He said to their faces,
"I broke nuts with braces,
An' the oul' one fell dead with shell-shock!"
--- 500 Irish Jokes & Lims

Crazy old gunslinger Pete,
Did a trick that just couldn't be beat.
Using only one eye,
Shot his wife from the sky;
The sheriff said "Murder!" Pete, "Skeet!"
--- Anon

A husband who lives in Manila,
Hates his wife and he wanted to kill her.
To shoot her, it's best
Just below the left breast;
He did so and smashed her patella.
--- Arnie Schoenbrun

Said and angry old man of Schenectady,
"By God, ma'am, I'll fracture your neck today!"
Then he ended the life
Of his long-faithful wife.
So he finally did it, by heck, did he?
--- Anon

There was an old man and his wife,
Who lived in the bitterest strife;
He opened the stove,
Pushed her in with a shove,
And cried, "There, you pest of my life."
--- C Wells 1864 (Bibby)

There is an old broad from Westminster,
Pug ugly, a tailor-made spinster.
But she murdered three mates;
Live grenades up their nates.
This scandalous tale makes my skin stir.
--- Armand Singer

His wife gave him nothing but strife,
So the pygmy king ended her life.
Shrunk her head -- made it small;
Hung it up on the wall,
So the world got its first "trophy wife!"
--- Arnie Schoenbrun P0510Q

The problems that plague Mr. Fife
Like how to get rid of his wife;
Divorce is expensive,
And poison's offensive,
And shootings worth twenty to life.
--- Armand E Singer 918

There was a young miner named Seth,
Who said he'd love his wife to her death.
He tried poisons and drugs;
To trip her with rugs;
He died first from a shortage of breath.
--- Arthur Pattaffy

While soaking in bubbles and oils,
Her husband threw in heating coils.
As she flopped 'round the tub,
He said, "You're scrubbed, you fat bag of boils!"
--- Cruelty Jones

A sheepherder made yesterday's news.
While repairing the barn, using screws.
His wife shot him dead--
She thought that he said
He was there in the barn, screwing ewes.
--- Jim Menger P9205

There was a young fellow from Fife,
Who had a big row with his wife.
He lost half his nose,
Two-thirds of his toes,
One ear, seven teeth, and his life.
--- T R Ybarra

He was always correcting her grammar.
He said, when she said with a yammer,
"The reindeer are falling."
"The rain, dear, IS falling."
She beat him to death with a hammer.
--- Al Willis

In Boston, a young maiden aunt
Entered into an amorous entente
With a neophyte draftsman,
A blundering craftsman,
Who rendered her promptly enceinte.
--- G1979

Showing no sense of fatherly pride,
And displaying a greedier side,
Our draftsman (Sicilian)
Shagged a comely Brazilian,
And was caught by his common-law bride.
--- G1980

Now our mother-to-be was so miffed
That her mental estate went adrift.
She embarked on a scheme
Not quite proper, 'twould seem,
For the fine Boston family of Gift.
--- G1981

She went up to her paramour's pad
And dispatched him; but having gone mad,
She, with surgical skill,
Amputated his quill
Which qualified him as a dad.
--- G1982