Hermit Dave never held a CONCLAVE,
Is almost alone in his cave,
Except for still lady
Who aids his plot shady,
Avoiding the depths of a grave.
--- Chris Papa

The meetings Dave holds, CONCLAVITY,
With ladies skipping grave's gravity,
Aren't so mutual
As is usual,
When darling Dave does depravity.
--- Daniel Ford

Poor Seamus met end quite CONDIGN,
But his demise to fruit don't assign.
For grain that was mashed
Was what got him smashed,
Along with wheels of lorry align.
--- Larry McGrath

He said, with a smug look CONDIGN,
That smacked of a leer, quite vulpine,
"You've had some nice drinks,
And it's time, methinks.
Now will it be your place or mine?"
--- Chris Papa

She replied, "I don't care where you go,
As long as your feet are not slow.
It shall not be to mine --
I would find it CONDIGN
If you went to the hot place below!"
--- Eva Amata

Behave in a manner contrary;
Your friends for a day,
Then foes right away
For emolument monetary.
--- Chris Papa

There once was a group of CONDOTTIERI
Whose appearance was extraordinary.
Their armour was pink
And oft lined with mink,
'Cause their leader was a flaming fairy.
--- Norm Brust

Story telling, CONFABULAATION,
Fills in details with fabrication;
It's an artful dodge,
Unless at lake lodge,
With spirit of Scottish libation.
--- Daniel Ford

I once knew a doctor CONFRERE
Psychiatrist with insights rare.
His patients he'd cure
From all thoughts impure,
Though he diddled his kid's young au pair.
--- Chris Papa

There are several things that I share
With Chris, my poetic CONFRERE.
We both aim for smut
And like to kick butt,
Since as in love, in limericks all's fair.
--- Norm Brust

At dog shows who would ever guess
Size and shape in CONGENERIC mess,
Which varies in form.
That what is canine norm,
Astonishes me, I confess.
--- Chris Papa

They're beasts that are quite large or small.
Some hardly may have hair at all.
While others lack snout
Or have spots about,
But all quickly heed the chow call.
--- Chris Papa

Things coinciding are CONGRUENT,
Together flowing as confluent.
But split loving pair
May soon find that they're
Not still swimming with the affluent.
--- Daniel Ford

Samson, Slick Willy, CONGRUENT,
Brought down for wild sex life pursuant.
While first, it is said,
Lost hair in hot bed,
The other got head from sex truant.
--- Chris Papa

Identical forms CONGRUENT
And experience confluent
Make poetic life
With patable wife,
If one is temptress eschewant.
--- Daniel Ford

Said Queen Bee to drone from the hive,
About act in which they'd CONNIVE,
"You'll get some sex rare,
Way up in the air,
Climaxing in your deadly dive."
--- Chris Papa

Right after they leaarn how to dirve,
Teenagers are known to CONNIVE
To borrow your wheels.
With constant appeals,
They pelt you with deceptive jive!
--- Observer

The CONSPECTUS writers are blessed;
Of long themes they extract the zest,
And if they are good,
It is understood,
May even make Readers Digest.
--- Chris Papa

Is not man a wonderful thing?
A marvel of which angels sing.
This worshipped CONSPECTUS
Of Homo erectus
Is the equivalent of bada-boom, bada-bing.
--- Norm Brust

CONTANGO sounds like interest paid,
To this economist of top grade.
Covering inflation
And sellers elation
That's almost as high as being laid.
--- Larry

She said that she'd like to be paid,
As lame excuse I quickly made.
Meant she'd get pay real;
Three for the usual two buck trade.
--- Chris Papa

Credit cards are one big CONTANGO.
If you want to go, with plastic, you can go
On a tropical vacation
To a Caribbean nation,
Where you'll feast on papaya and mango.
--- Norm Brust

The outline of figure, CONTOUR,
Brought me some thoughts quite impure.
But that is man's fate:
To see a figure-eight
As outlines of a woman's figure.
--- Daniel Ford

When I think of a word like CONTOUR,
It brings charms of the females' allure.
To males, hormone led,
Such thoughts in his head,
Are more than he can often endure.
--- Chris Papa

Mousieur, who had on a peel slipped,
When on his feet once again quipped,
To have stepped upon
Fruit que mon dierriere flipped."
--- Frank

A wee lad led life CONTUMACIOUS.
Behaved in ways other than gracious.
When adult life came,
Continued his game,
Writing bold limericks salacious.
--- Chris Papa

My mother thought me CONTUMACIOUS;
Her view, however, was fallacious.
Not me, a devil,
Or much less, a rebel.
I was merely being audacious.
--- Norm Brust

Strong drink in excess, displays us
In ways that may not be too gracious,
And loses us friends
Because it just ends
Up loud and so contumacious.
--- J'Carlin

Rebellious teens CONTUMACIOUS
Are problems in homes less spacious,
Where the strain on nerves
Continually serves
To make the parents less gracious.
--- Daniel Ford

Obstinate or CONTUMACIOUS,
Rebellious teen is not gracious,
And heaps contumely
Till we are fumely,
And wishing for climes more spacious.
--- Daniel Ford

Emotional teens CONTUMACIOUS
Oft have an appetite rapacious.
But must spend time quelling
Some nether part swelling,
Inappropriately tumacious.
--- Daniel Ford

Considering youth's evenescence
Without guaranteed renascence
With nether part score
While you still can, before
Tumescence give way to senescence.
--- Fran

CONTUMELIOUS, done with a sneer,
CONTUMACIOUS, pest, out of here!,
Their Gemini presence,
Unlike tumenescence,
Another "Gezundheit!", I fear.
--- Daniel Ford

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CONTUMELY is more than derision,
And results from conscious decision,
To do someone wrong,
By passing along
Harsh words of a bitter division.
--- Chris Papa

CONURBATION, (let us give thanks)
Has been no problem in Fairbanks.
The cold, with its clout,
Weeds cheechakos out,
And keeps hardier souls in its ranks!
--- Barb

Aggregated towns, CONURBATION,
Makes trouble in my observation;
Architectural massed urbation.
--- Daniel Ford

New Jersey's a sad CONURBATION.
A spill of suburban stagnation
Near New York City
And Philly, the pity;
Now Garden State is concrete station.
--- Chris Papa

CONURBATION is good I suppose,
Except when each large city grows,
In time gets mature.
There's one thing for sure,
And that is, much larger ghettos.
--- Chris Papa

When nuns do gather CONVENTICLE,
In worship habits identical,
They are humble folks
Who like telling jokes
And stories that do convent tickle.
--- Daniel Ford

A knowledgeable one's CONVERSANT
With subjects others find aversant, h

Degrees into ring,
He may find respondents recursant.
--- Daniel Ford

A Ph.D. title you'll fling,
By being CONVERSANT on thing
Which nobody knows.
So all knowledge grows
By increments that you might bring.
--- Chris Papa

Scholarly PhD's you should note,
Often a renaissance flair they tote.
The language they speak,
With thoughts that are weird and remote.
--- Gene

Feasting company CONVIVIAL
Must not be considered trivial;
For long duration,
Joy of libation
Produces effects oblivial.
--- Daniel Ford

CONVIVIAL dining's a hoot;
With friends you can get on a toot,
But it's diet botching,
When you are weight watching
And are diabetic to boot.
--- Chris Papa

I've just been to a college CONVOCATION.
You can't believe the endless bloviation.
The students were bored.
Some even snored.
It's academic self-flagellation.
--- Norm Brust

The lover, in ways to behave'll
Surely the better parts save'll,
And firstly make sure
He takes a COOK'S TOUR,
Around rim of lady's sweet navel.
--- Chris Papa

Looking to make an amatory connection,
I sought a travel agent's direction.
She found a COOK'S TOUR
Of every whore,
In Amsterdam's red-light section.
--- Norm brust

With regard to its origination,
COPACETIC is happy sensation,
Experience by
Good sex on the fly,
Esthetic of fine copulation.
--- Chris Papa

The world's just fine when COPACETIC,
No longer feeling so frenetic.
The pressure's all off;
The green grass is soft;
Relaxing the only esthetic.
--- Daniel Ford

When it comes to COPACETIC,
The etymologists are pathetic.
A Harlem Jew
Taught the Black Hebrew?
Sure! Then he trained them to be athletic.
--- Norm Brust

I've chestnut trees gracefull and tall,
About COPPICE, spiky fruits fall.
My hands take a beating,
Alas, there's no eating,
Since nuts are so withered and small.
--- Chris Papa

"Oh woodsman, please spare that tree!"
Is the tree-huggers' constant plea.
But the woodsman just chops,
Since he owns the copse,
And sells firewood to you and to me.
--- Chris Papa

A copse is surrounded by trees;
Not the plural of 'cop', if you please.
Once you add the 'e',
It's easy to see
It's no help with bold burglaries.
--- Chris Papa

If thickets of tree growth are copses,
I think I'll pull out all the stopses
And postulate here
That when it's cut clear,
The lumberjack wood have fine cropses.
--- Gary Hallock

So! A triflin' man's a coquet?
Here's one thing on which you can bet.
We won't be taken in
By his flirtatious whim.
Gals are smarter than that, you can bet!
--- Barb

COQUETRY is strictly for frails.
Lechery is the term used for males.
Though different in flavor,
Both terms define behavior
Which succeeds less often that if fails.
--- Norm Brust

I really like this naughty word;
It has charm...when French accent's heard.
Although it is true
That a female who
Can master this act, is a bird?
--- Maggie

Von Braun, the father of rocketry,
Was an absolute sucker for COQUETRY;
"Zey rise rahzer higher
Vhen fuelled by desire,
Vich vould have helped plenty at Lockerbie."
--- Eva Amata

Some men practice COQUETRY, too.
And coquet's a male, through and through.
It does not seem "coquette",
Would then same name get,
Since from barnyard cock title grew.
--- Chris Papa

"By her COQUETRY," wrote Marcel Proust,
"She was giving his rooster a boost."
But the bird that was crowing
And strutting and glowing
Was sure not the coq on the roost.
--- Eva Amata

Flirtatious behavior, COQUETRY,
Is emotional, not rocketry.
Designed to produce
Risings to seduce,
With rude expressions of poetry.
--- Daniel Ford

Although our dear readers may howl,
To learn COQUETRY, (tongue in jowl),
Describes, with much tact,
A warm lady's act,
Or raising part named after fowl. (cock)
--- Chris Papa

The shoemaker is a CORDWAINER,
So busy he's also abstainer.
Devotion to leather's
Determining whether
The mate he finds is weird or saner.
--- Daniel Ford

A starving CORDWAINER named Mikey
Made running shoes he called "Spikey."
Their sales were low down,
Till he moved to town
And christened the new sneaks as "Nike".
--- Chris Papa

A mad monk used to make merry,
With sex in a dark cemetary;
His lovers all willing,
It's called "necrophilling",
Quite cheap, the grave COROLLARY.
--- Chris Papa

You're thinking of Willy again,
The ora's not goal of most men,
Who seek gentle sheath,
Devoid of sharp teeth,
And saliva's juice, in soft "den".
--- Anon