Yes, Lehrer created a fuss
And the way that he did it was thus:
Dr. Werner von Braun
Was the one he took on;
Werner's lawyers did much more than cuss.
--- John Miller

Tom's leanings were far left of center;
An area I seldom enter.
But I have to admire
His clever satire,
And the verse of which he was inventor.
--- John Miller

As I was about to entwine
With a girl I found oh-so-divine,
His song, "Be Prepared"
Most likely then spared
The world from kids, both hers and mine.
--- John Miller

Although I'm a Tom Lehrer fan,
He didn't write limericks, man.
And neither do you,
So go off and screw
That harpy who wed your old man.
--- Tiddy Ogg

I want to try hunting right now,
But I'm quite a bit tipsy somehow.
So being the bearer
Of Songs By Tom Lehrer,
I'll shoot hunters, and wardens, and cow
--- Anon

When Tom Lehrer wrote "Vatican Rag",
He wern't spoofing some ancient hag.
Though I must confess
When the Pope wears his dress,
My confidence in HAGIARCHY starts to sag.
--- Norm Brust

A Boston sub-deb named Brooks,
Whose hobby was reading sex books.
She married a Cabot
Who looked like a rabbit,
And deftly lived up to his looks.
--- Anon

Through the cafes of Paris they'd dash,
The couple had lots of panache.
When Gertrude was poke-less,
Miss Alice B. Tolklas
Would offer Miss Stein her mustache.
--- Silvia S Crockett P0104

Ann Nicole some skiing runs ran,
But when she fell down on her can,
The SITZMARK impression
Was such a dimension,
A large avalanche then began.
--- Chris Papa

Now Anna Nicole's case extreme;
She answered a sick old man's dream.
To her king-sized bust,
He left troubled trust,
With marriage judged by Court Supreme.
--- Chris Papa

A devil named Anton LaVey
Was accustomed to having his way.
As he once said to Satan
"This place is no Peyton,
But I've managed to make it all pay."
--- Neal Wilgus P8205

The trouble with Betty Friedan
Is she misses the whole point of man.
When God made the penis
He was thinking of Venus;
Betty thinks of a trip to the can.
--- P8112A

Even one as white as me,
Felt sadness, but no glee,
At the sad death
Of the Widow X.
Goodbye to Mrs Shabazz...Betty.
--- Jim Weaver Collection

Shiela said of old bhagwan Sheree,
"His pecker hangs down to his knee.
With the girls he's a card,
Only time it gets hard
Is when the old fart has to pee."
--- Clarence E Boyle P8807

Said Brant to his wife and young daughters,
"We suffered for weeks in cramped quarters!
Although I'm no sook, (stupid, cowardly person)
I'm glad that it took
Just two days to get past the reporters.

(Who is Brant - McW))
--- David Miller

There was a young man from Eurasia,
Who toasted his balls in a brazier,
Till they grew quite as hot (Till they grew so tough)
As the the glamorous twat, (As to scuff the tough muff)
Of Miss Brenda Diana Duff Frazier.
--- L1418

There was a young man from East Asia,
The size of whose cock would amaze ya'.
It was wrinkled and rough
And just fit the muff
Of Brenda Diana Duff-Frazier
--- Jim Weaver Collection

Said a shepherd of central Eurasia,
As he warmed his hands at his brazier,
"I'd much rather sleep
With one of my sheep,
Than with Brenda Diana Duff Frazier."

(40's debutante, Life Magazine, etc.)
--- William K Alsop Jr

We've numerous carnival freaks
Like midgets, fat ladies, and geeks,
But the worst one, by far,
Weird, outre', and bizarre,
Is one that we've had several weeks.
--- John Dohner P8605

A dog-faced boy, Jo-Jo, he is.
The best thing to enter show biz.
He can lay in the halls
And lick both his balls,
Apart or together -- Gee Whiz!
--- John Dohner P8605

And yes, we've got one or two bitches
(The kind who will keep you in stitches)
For they thing, for a drink,
You will get out your dink
And lay them in meadows and ditches.
--- John Dohner P8605

So saunter in quickly, please do,
And catch this review ere it's through,
Then perhaps you'll believe
What we have up our sleeve
Is clever, enthralling -- and new!
--- John Dohner P8605

There once was a dame, Carrie Nation,
Who suffered constant menstruation.
She asked, "Why can't I
(Who will never be 'dry')
With a hatchet, cut off men's libations?"
--- Jim Weaver Collection

Miss Parker opined with great wit;
That if owners of yoni and tit,
At a frat house weekend
Were laid end to end,
It wouldn't surprise her a bit.
--- Larry Davis P9004

Doctor Barnard exchanged the first hearts,
Made of genuine cardiac parts.
When a girl named Denise
Gave her heart, post-decease,
To one Lou, till the flu worked it's arts.
--- Anon

Edward Jenner, the Gloucestershire doctor,
With a bit of the pox that had pocked her,
Gave a lassie to lad
The cow pox that she had
And so small pox, immunity's locked door.
--- Anon

To Elizabeth Arden you flee!
She's the best, you can take it from me.
From body massage
To cosmetic triage,
No man treats you better than she!
--- Annie Jay

They said she was just a cruel tease,
When the foreplay she'd frequently freeze.
"I'm Emily Post!
I'll not let you coast!
No blow-job until you say please!"
--- TuttaGioia

Despite Betty Friedan's fierce cry,
There are some rights we men must deny.
Think you'll allow, sirs,
That feminine trousers,
Need not be equipped with a fly.
--- Anon

The observant philosopher, Black,
Stuck his prick in Miss Stein from the back.
Then he fucked her in front
And he said of her cunt,
That a crack is a crack is a crack.
--- Albin Chaplin 3024-0478

An explorer of note once did hunt
Through the masses of hair out in front
Of Miss Stein's crotch hirsute,
And observed, so astute
That a cunt is a cunt is a cunt.
--- Albin Chaplin 3024-0477

To Miss Stein, this philosopher slick
As a fucker was far, far too quick,
So his pecker she sucked
And she said, "I deduct
That a prick is a prick is a prick."
--- Albin Chaplin 3024-0479

As Gloria Leonard would say,
The lighting's the optimum way
To contrast the erotic
With porno and its clique,
Yet that subject's totally gray.

(She said diff between porn and erotic was lighting - McW)
--- Michael Polo P9004

This is file rlm

Women's lib Steinem, Glorious Gloria!
Floating around in phantasmagoria.
Since we now have the "pill",
Lib is over the hill.
It will never play in Peoria.
--- Edward C Wolfert P8112

"Your hat's festooned in back," I told Nellis,
"I don't have a festoon and I'm jealous."
The reply that I heard,
To the point, seemed absurd,
"That thing's known as a Havelock, Ellis."
--- Loren Fitzhugh P0209

Said the wise Henry David Thoreau,
"One must watch where one's money doth go.
Be prudent, be frugal,
Heed not Gotham's bugle.
Though, for me, it's the Club Med-a-Go-Go."
--- Arthur Deex P0204

Mr Kissinger kisses the misses,
And smiles, "What a blissful life this is!"
But a loathsome disease
Puts an end to his ease:
Now Kissinger misses the kisses.
--- Laurence Perrine P8512

According to H. D. Thoreau,
You should get into Nature's sweet flow,
And live in the woods,
Spurn luxury goods --
And eat only fast foods, to-go.
--- Norm Storer P9812

Some thought Hugh Hefner HERETIC,
When he pumped his bunny esthetic,
But he had last laugh,
Possessing a staff
That kept the old man energetic.
--- Chris Papa

Jackie Mason makes many a crack,
And he's rude when he jokes and talks back.
His wit is so acid;
Would we want him more placid?
Will life ever basify Jack?

(American standup comedian)
--- Sheila B

Looky there: it's old Jimmy, ajog!
All the neighbors are watching, agog.
There he goes, out the gate,
Down the street, and no, wait!
Mr Fixx has dropped dead as a log.

(Jim Fixx - author of jogging book)
--- Anon

Pray tell me if you should know
The name of the man, friend or foe,
Believer or scoffer,
Who last saw Jimmy Hoffa.
The answer's, of course, Jacques Costeau.
--- Arthur Deex P8607

Salk thought it might be quite keen
To stop polio, which he had seen.
With flasks and with vials,
Through many odd trials,
He discovered a brand new vaccine!
--- Zeno

Be the match made in Heaven or Hell,
Who could date a renowned ne'er-do-well?
But a famous no-use?
Some one please introduce
Kato Kaylin to Monica L!
--- Prof M-G

Sipping a glass of fine port,
While the butler swept up the ort,
He told raucous tales
Of gales, whales and frails.
He was an Ern'st Hemingway sort.
--- Jim Jambor P9101

A Back Bay attorney named Kyle,
Kept a very elaborate file,
On the sexual habits
Of Lowells and Cabots,
And found them surprising vile.
--- Isaac Asimov

That Flynn Air Force pilot named Kelly,
Was playing nude, belly to belly,
With a married guy,
Who was sort of sly.
Now the whole sordid tale's on the telly.
--- Frank Spectre

That curvaceous pilot named Flinn,
When they charged her with living in sin,
Said "Honey, the brass
Say I must toss your ass;
But oh, what the hell, put it in!"
--- Joe Long

There once was a Madame called Tussaud,
Who loved the grond folk in 'Who's Who' so,
That she made them in wax,
Both their front and their backs,
And she asked no permission to do so.
--- C Inge (Bibby)

Martha Stewart's insisting: "Did not
Ever fudge over stocks that I'd got."
Said she, "Honorable judge,
It ain't my kind of fudge.
And the best kind of stock's in a pot!"
--- Anon

Since the government failed to address
Enron males theft of billions, no less,
Why should Martha do time
For a much smaller crime...
'Cause she's female, and stands for success?
--- Anon

Martha told her broker by phone:
Just dump all my shares of Imclone.
This great stroke of luck
Saved her more than a buck.
Next day, the price dropped like a stone.
--- Frank Petersohn

Enjoying a trip on Titanic,
And disdaining the general panic,
Molly Brown, the unsinkable,
Ignored the unthinkable,
And successfully crossed the Atlantic.
--- K J Jennisng TP9804

Now Mrs. Houdini won't dare
To sit very long in one chair.
She shifts and she sings
The eeriest things,
But mostly the song OVER THERE.
--- Irving Superior P8710

To Mrs. Houdini -- "My Dear:
I told you, I'd somehow appear.
I told you, when able,
I'd seance your table,
So sit over there, Dear, I'm HERE!"
--- Irving Superior P8710

I went to see Dr. Dallas
To check on the state of my phallus.
"Just a quick question, Doc.
If this Dick Trickle won't stop,
Will I end up with a Rusty Wallace?"
--- Gearhart TP9807

"I'm fearful of Christmas," said Howard
"And the feeling has me overpowered."
"I see," siad his shrink,
"Well, the reason I think
Is perhaps because you're a Noel Coward."
--- Bob Biandomenico P8801

Pamela Lee looks real nice!
She's been in my dreams once or twice!
She I'd never marry,
'Cause that's just too scary;
Don't want the whole pie, just a slice!

(Britney Spears also by Observer)
--- Jumping Jack

Things aren't always Hunky Dory,
Once you've attained fame and glory.
Are so gutsey,
For a nice juicy small little story.
--- Nawahl

Paul Marks is just one of those pricks
Who would have us do Clintonesque tricks.
Just because he's a Brit,
He thinks he has wit,
And the rest of the world is all hicks.

(contributor to the Libertarian Allianace)
--- Anon

Paul Simon once said to his pal,
Wrap me up in aluminum, Hal.
Yes, wrap me in foil...
(Be careful! I'll spoil!)
Very good. Now you can call me Al.
--- Rory Ewins Q

Women's lib hates you, Phyllis Schafly.
You're so sexy and (Garbo'd say) loffly.
You stirred up the backlash
That settles their hash.
We grateful to you. Thanks awfully.

(awfully is the operative word - McW)
--- Edward C Wolfert P8112

At the annual porn star convention,
Each johnson was brought to ascension, (penis)
And the gush of the flood
One could flush from his pud,
Made many a bone of contention.
--- Hugh Clary

Ralph Waldo, how naive you are!
From the truth of the matter, how far!
Accept my advisement,
Without advertisement,
You won't sell a five-cent cigar.
--- Laurence Perrine P9208

A "man of the moment" is Reagan;
Another is "cosmical" Sagan;
But the former is antic,
The latter pendantic --
May the moment soon pass, a new Begin!
--- Kathleen A Martin P8302

That cocksucking fag Richard Simmons,
Sells diets to overgrowed wimmens.
But the diet he wants
Is his buns on a schvanze,
Like a hot dog with all of the trimmins.
--- Anon

Scott Adams shows his expertise
By portraying our lives with such ease;
For the bright engineer
Knows mismanagement by fear,
Breeds the demotivation disease.
--- Virge