

      An abtakha is a captured warrior who is adopted into his new Clan as a warrior.

      The batchall is the ritual by which Clan warriors issue combat challenges. Though the type of challenge varies with each ritual, most begin by the challenger identifying himself, stating what is contested, and requesting that the defender identify the forces at his disposal. Following the challenge, bidding for what forces will contest the challenge takes place. Defenders may request that the attacker risk something of worth comparable to what the defender is risking in the contest.

      The history of the Bloodnamed warriors of a particular Bloodright is called the Bloodheritage.

      Blooding is the ritual in which a Clan candidate is officially recognized by his Clan, also known as "whelping" in Clan Wolf. Blooding is a complex, ritualistic ceremony. The candidate must first demonstrate physical prowess in personal combat against two Clan warriors. Then the candidate must be verbally defended by Clan warriors when he or she is challenged by representatives from other Clans, or else face those representatives in mortal combat.

      Bloodname refers to the surname of each of the 800 Warriors who stood with Nicholas Kerensky during the Exodus Civil War. These 800 are the foundation of the Clans' elaborate breeding program. The right to use one of these surnames has been the ambition of every Clan warrior since the system was established. Only 25 warriors, which corresponds to 25 Bloodrights, are allowed to use any one surname at one time. When one of the 25 Bloodnamed warriors dies, a trial is held to determine who will assume that Bloodname. A contender must prove his Bloodname lineage, then win a series of duels with other competitors. Only Bloodnamed warriors are allowed to sit on the Clan Councils or are eligible to become a Khan or ilKhan. Most Bloodnames have gradually been confined to one or two warrior classes; however, certain prestigious names - such as Kerensky - have shown their genetic value by producing excellent warriors in all three classes (MechWarrior, Fighter Pilot, and Elemental). Bloodnames are determined matrilineally, at least after the original generation. Because a warrior can only inherit from his or her female parent, he or she can only have a claim to one Bloodname.

      A specific Bloodname lineage is called a Bloodright. Twenty-five Bloodrights are attached to each Bloodname. A Bloodright is not a lineage as we know the term, because the warriors who successively hold a Bloodright might be related only through their original ancestor. As with Bloodnames, certain Bloodrights are considered more prestigious than others, depending largely on the Bloodheritage.

      A captured warrior, called a bondsman, is considered a member if the laborer caste unless and until the capturing Clan releases him or promotes him back to warrior status. A bondsman is bound by honor, not by shackles. Custom dictates that even Bloodnamed warriors captured in combat be held for a time as bondsmen. All bondsmen wear a bondcord, a woven bracelet. The base color of the bondcord indicates to which Clan the individual belongs, and the striping indicates which unit captured him.

      Clan slang for the eugenics program of the warrior caste. It can also refer specifically to the artificial wombs.

      Anything or anyone who challenges the Clan caste system is considered a chalcas.

    • CODEX
      Each Warrior's codex is his or her individual identification. It includes the names of the original Bloodnamed warriors from which a warrior is descended. It also includes his generation number, Blood House, and codex ID, an alphanumeric code nothing the unique aspects of that persons's DNA. See also Master Codex.

      An agreement can be made between the commanders of two units by which the commander of one may include the units of the other in his bidding for rights to a battle or trial. During the invasion of the Inner Sphere, Cluster commanders within Galaxies frequently made contracts to allow greater - and often more extravagant - bidding, yet still maintain a good mix of BattleMech, Elemental, and fighter combat units.

      The minimum force necessary to win any trial for which there has been bidding. Bidders who can push their opponent into making a bid below the cutdown are considered clever. Commanders who win with a force smaller than the cutdown are greatly honored.

    • DEZGRA
      A fighting unit that disgraces itself is known as a dezgra unit. The name also refers to the ritual whereby that unit is marked and punished. Any unit that refuses orders, panics in the face of the enemy, or takes dishonorable action is disgraced. The unit warriors are given a choice; immediate execution or the dezgra, "disgraced expulsion." In pre-invasion days, dezgra warriors who chose to live were sent to one of several marginally habitable planets and left to survive or die on their own. After five years, the survivors were allowed to return, but without any guarantee of acceptance back into society. Since Tukayyid, some dezgra units have hired themselves out as mercenaries. It is highly unlikely that any Clan will accept a dezgra unit after is has served for five years as a mercenary unit, because Clan warriors consider mercenaries below even the lowest caste. Dezgra units must, by Clan law, remove all Clan markings from their weapons and uniforms and wear that historians would immediately recognize as the crest of the hated Amaris family.

      This epithet, used by trueborn members of the warrior caste, is a mortal insult to another trueborn warrior. It generally expresses disgust or frustration.

      An individual concieved and born by natural means is called a freebirth. Because the Clans value their eugenics program so highly, a freebirth is automatically assumed to have little potential.

      This is the sample of DNA taken from a dead warrior. The giftake is considered the warrior's best DNA sample, and the one most likely to produce improved warriors.

    • HEGIRA
      Victorious Clan warriors sometimes extend the courtesy of hegira to defeated opponents. Hegira allows the opponent to withdraw honorably from the field without further combat or cost.

    • ISORLA
      The spoils of battle that warriors can claim as their right, including bondsmen, are known as isorla.

      This is a Clan war council. A Grand Kurultai is a war council of all Khans of the Clans. Apparently, a Grand Kurultai may be called by the ilKhan at any time or place. A normal Grand Council, on the other hand, may be convened only by the petition of three or more Clans, and must be held at the Hall of Khans on Strana Mechty.

      The Loremaster is the keeper of Clan laws and history. The position is honorable and politically powerful. The Loremaster plays a key role in inquiries and trials, where he is often assigned the role of Advocate or Interrogator.

      The master codex is the master file of the Clans' breeding programs. The master codex records the DNA maps and codex name of every warrior born over the centuries.

      The Oathmaster is the honor guard for any official Clan ceremony. The position is similar to that of an Inner Sphere sergeant-at-arms, but it carries a greater degree of respect. The Oathmaster administers all oaths, and the Loremaster records them. The position of Oathmaster is usually held by the oldest Bloodnamed Warrior in a Clan (if he or she desires the honor), and is one of the few positions not decided by combat.

    • OVKHAN
      This is a term of respect reserved for someone of higher rank.

      The vulnerability that a warrior, particularly and Elemental, feels when forced to fight without his accustomed weapons. The word is probably derived from "powerless."

      These expressions are placed at the end of rhetorical questions. If an affirmative answer is expected, quiaff is used. If the answer is expected to be negative, quineg is the proper closure.

    • RANSOM
      Clan custom dictates that a warrior who has been successful at his Trial of Bloodright may be rewarded with a gift by the Clan. Depending upon the warrior's success during the Trial, the ransom might range from the right to choose what type of weapon he will use as a warrior to the right to command a special unit. At the time Khan Natasha Kerensky of Clan Wolf returned from the Inner Sphere and then underwent her second Trial of Bloodright, ilKhan Ulric Kerensky awarded her a ransom of the right to form the Thirteenth Wolf Guards.

    • REDE
      One of the many forms honor takes in the Clans, a rede is an honor-bound promise. Breaking a rede may be punised by death.

    • RISTAR
      This term refers to a particularly gifted warrior on his or her way to high position. It is probably derived from the expression "rising star."

      A Clan council may cast a veto, or satarra, to settle or postpone disputes between castes within their jurisdiction. Satarra is invoked only when negotiations between the opponents seem at an impasse and/or threaten to disrupt the work order of the Clan. It seems to be more a ritual than an act of legislation.

      A Clan epithet.

    • SEYLA
      This word is the ritual response voiced in unison by those witnessing solemn Clan ceremonies, rituals, and other important gatherings. No one is sure of the origin or exact meaning of the word, but it is uttered only with the greatest reverence and awe.

    • SIBKO
      A group of children from the warrior caste eugenics program who have the same male and female geneparents and are raised together is known as a sibko. As they mature, they are constantly tested. Additional members of the sibko fail at each test, and are transferred to the lower castes. A sibko consists of approximately 20 members, but usually only four or five remain at the time of the final test to become warriors, the Trial of Position. These tests and other adversities may bind the surviving "sibkin" together.

      A Clan epithet, probably a combination of the Clan words stran , meaning independent, and vagon, meaning birthing.

    • SURKAI
      The surkai is the Right of Forgiveness. The Clans honor uniformity in thought and belief above all other tenets of their society. When warriors disagree, when a Clan disagrees with the Clan Council, or when a member of one caste offends a member of another caste, surkai is expected. It is a matter of pride that the offending party freely admit his wrongdoing and request punishment. Those who show great surkai are held up as examples to others for their willingness to accept the consequences of their independent thoughts. Those who do not show surkai when it is expected of them are viewed with suspicion.

      The Rede of Forgiveness, or surkairede, is the honor-bound agreement between the majority and any dissenters. According to the surkairede, once a dissenter accepts punishment for having disagreed with the majority, he should be allowed to resume his role in society without suffering any further disgrace for having spoken out.

      Used formally, this term refers to members of an extended sibko. Less formally, a warrior will use trothkin when referring to someone he considers his peer.

    • TOUMAN
      The term given to the fighting arm of a Clan.

      A trueborn is a product of the warrior caste's eugenics program.

      This is the Clan word describing the body of rules used to regulate and ritualize duels. Zellbrigen means that combatants engage in one-on-one duels, even if both sides have many warriors. Those not immediately challenged are honorbound to stay out of the battle until an opponent is free (meaning he has defeated his enemy). To attack an enemy already engaged with an opponent is a major breach of Clan code, usually resulting in at least loss of rank.



