Old Tom is as brave as can be;
Theme from Patton's his favorite CD.
But when he pressed play,
He was heard to bray,
"It's broken," discouragingly.
--- Hans

Tom basked in the sunny warm day,
And was awed by the tulips display.
Saw buds in the trees,
Heard the birds and the bees...
"April's over!" said Tom in dismay.
--- Ericka

Though a difficult journey, decidedly,
He restrained them from leaving, backslidedly.
"I've been told by the boss,
That tomorrow we'll cross
The Red Sea," promised Moses, dividedly.
--- Ericka

"My Swifties folks used to rate highly,
By Irishmen," Tiddy said wryly.
"My brain's ceased to frolic;
Need drink alcoholic
As lubricant," Tiddy said drily.
--- Tiddy Ogg

"I used to save money extensively
And shopped (if at all) apprehensively.
But now I don't fuss;
I don't worry or cuss;
I just spend it," said Thomas ex-pensively.
--- Peter Wilkins

She taunted and scolded and goaded;
But Tom got a gun; "It is loaded,
So don't think I'm bragging.
You keep up your nagging,
I'll shoot off hour head," Tom exploded.
--- Tiddy Ogg

"It's time now that Sterling be grounded,
And fears of inflation confounded.
So heed this alert
And to Euros convert;
It's the right thing to do," Tom expounded.
--- Peter Wilkins

"The bell tower was dark, damp and cold;
Ringing night after night got so old,
The priest gave me praises,
But never pay raises...
So I quit my job," Tom extolled.
--- Observer

While he stared at her implement blankly,
"I don't want to get paddled, Miss Wankleigh!
Though you say it's romantic,
You're making me frantic
And fearful," said Tom, freaking spankly.
--- Anon

Poor Jane, who found life somewhat slavely,
Tried ending it, often quite knavely.
"One day she just might
Do everything right,
Then we'll have to dig," said Tom gravely.
--- Archie

"While binding each volume quite slimly,
They wrote all their fairy tales primly,
For kids, short and tall,
And I seem to recall
They were brothers," reflected Tom grimly.
--- Henry Hurst

Said Mary: "To see who's the best,
Dear Tom, I will ask you one quest-
Ion: my habitation
Is here. Our relation-
Ships...?" "Um, Mary hostess..." Tom guessed.
--- Tiddy Ogg

"This morning at rest in my nest,
I was stressed when the doorbell was pressed.
Since I wanted the quiet,
And when people came by, it
Meant company's coming," Tom guessed.
--- Hugh Clary

"No, Mary, no entry's permitted.
Your ticket, my dear, you've omitted.
But as you're so sweet,
I'll find you a seat.
So come along in," Tom admitted.
--- Tiddy Ogg

My chauffeur has gone for a ride,
And the gardener recently died;
Our nanny has fled,
While the cook's gone and wed
The butler!" Tom helplessly cried.
--- Ericka

Finance, it intrigues Tom greatly.
Dividends have been low lately.
That isn't funny.
Wanting more money,
Tom spoke to the banker I-rately.
--- Tom Myers

"Oh Cynthia darling, come here,
I'll murmur sweeet nothings, my dear.
I'll be yours 'til cars
Can fly to the stars.
It's true, whispered Tom in Cyn's ear."
--- Tiddy Ogg

"Since burning those joss sticks commenced,
I'm growing yet more and more tensed.
They smell really bad,
They're making me mad
With anger," cried Tommy, incensed.
--- Tiddy Ogg

Whenever his brain gets too tired,
Tom goes to the church, and is fired
With fresh mental power.
He climbs the tall tower,
And ideas soon come...Tom's inspired!
--- Tiddy Ogg

"There's one thing in Russia that's certain;
Put blackouts not sheers, up for flirtin'.
Whether draped, tucked, or pleated
Or just old bedsheeted,
Neat coverings are IN!" Tom ironed curtains.
--- Cyber Wizard

"Of my relations, some are inbred,
So I hate when they quite often tread
To my door for a stay,
And I pray for a way
To avoid it," said Tom in kindred.
--- Hugh Clary

In grocery stores, Tom lost his head.
"I can't quite decide to buy bread
Or milk or birdseed.
I don't know what I need --
I'm useless," Tom listlessly said.
--- Ericka

Our Tom rapped his fist on the table:
"Now ladies and gents, I'm unable
To find us a stall
For this poor horse at all,"
Said Tom in a manner unstable.
--- Tiddy Ogg

"Have you a sex life?" I asked quizzically.
Tom shuffled and said aphrodisiacally,
"I've only one gal,
And she's a penpal,
So I've not," he said metaphysically.
--- Tiddy Ogg

"Those classics are stuck in my head!
They run amok when I'm in bed!
I want you to know
I won't read Hugo!
I hate him!", Les miserably said.
--- Ericka

"Five dollars I'm offered, that's all
For this coffin," cries auctioneer Paul.
"Is that six I hear?"
Came a voice from the rear,
"Five fifty," Tom morbidly calls.
--- Tiddy Ogg

"Theatrical agent Jim Crittall?
This part as a frog does belittle
My talents and so,
I can't say yes or no
To that role, sir," said Tom non-kermit-al.
--- Tiddy Ogg

"Beg your pardon, dear Tom," said Miss Dormull,
"Though I don't wish to sound quite so formal,
What's the cause of that bulge?
Are you well? Please divulge!"
"Worry not," said Tom stiffly, "It's normal."
--- Scott

Canuck-luring long has been banned
By RCMP royal command.
"Those caught in the act
With fingers intact,
Will lose 'em", Tom murmured, offhand.
--- Anon

"I must get it through my thick head,
That Doctor Doolittle is dead.
I won't be tryin'
To pet that lion
Again." Tom offhandedly said.
--- Ericka

"I do easy math in my head,
Sum it up just as fast as auld Ned.
Take six and add four;
Or eight plus two more;
Is half a score," Tom often said.
--- Ericka

So Tom left the tower for lunch;
Bent down, from his back came a crunch.
"I reckon as I know
How old Quasimodo
Got his," murmured Tom on a hunch.
--- Tiddy Ogg

The noise that a bee makes, frenetically,
Is ordained by nature, genetically.
"From that, without doubt,
The word 'buzz' came about,"
Said Tom, onomatopoetically.
--- Murphy

This is file xol

"At dinner time, frying the hash,
I decided to pour in a splash
Of brandy, but rot!
The pan was so hot,
It ignited," said Tom, with panache.
--- Hugh Clary

While cooking his bacon and hash,
The fry-pan caught fire in a flash.
His wife shouted "Hon?
What the Hell have you done?"
"It exploded," said Tom with panache.
--- Peter Wilkins

"I've built a spitoon, automatic,"
Called Tom from way up in the attic.
"It grabs every bit
Of crud that you spit,"
Said Tom, in a tone quite phlegmatic.
--- Tiddy Ogg

This week, I've been reading it nightly,
And I have to confess most contritely,
"The Raven"'s too long
With a meter too strong
For enjoyment," Tom mentioned politely. (Poe-lightly)
--- Hugh Clary

Through the Okefenokee he wandered;
He hithered and thithered and yondered.
"It won't float a barge,
But is this thing large
Enough for a lake?" Tom pondered.
--- Ericka

"Oh Tom," cried Miss Mary, demurely,
"I do think you're acting impurely."
But Tom found he'd leaked,
Before she had peaked,
"I'm coming," said Tom prematurely.
--- Tiddy Ogg

I'm getting this terrible sense
Of doom, and disaster, and hence,
I'm all in a flurry,
And twitching with worry,"
Said Tom, in the present tense.
--- Tiddy Ogg

Quite tight in the throat, poor Tom grasped,
And with his last breath, out he gasped:
"I don't think it's straw
That's stuck in my craw.
Just what are those berries," Tom rasped.
--- Ericka

"Oh, Bloody old Murphy," he muttered.
That law that he shouldn't have uttered
On rotating toast,
"It bugs me the most
At breakfast," said Tom, then rebuttered.
--- Archie

"Oh, doG, by the Church I've been hired,
'Cause my singing voice is inspired!
I've asked this before;
Can't believe they want more;
Should I do it?" our Tom reinchoired.
--- Cybe R Wizard

Tom dreamt that he died in damnation,
But was later reborn, in rotation,
As a hillbilly lad
In coveralls clad...
That's right, it was reintarnation.
--- Hugh Clary

"I'm not giving up meats of red!
Nor fruitcake, nor chocolate, nor bed;
Once again this year.
Not scotch and not beer!
Not me!" Tom relentlessly said.
--- Ericka

Young Jefferson lightly debarked
From the Page on which he had parked.
But his frolicsome nat-
Ure had smudged his John H.
"I'll sign it again," Tom remarked.
--- Brian Belge

Road markings were dim and unsightly,
And near misses happened there nightly.
Tom Swift is a saint,
"I'll get me some paint,
And shine them up," Tom remarked brightly.
--- Tiddy Ogg

"There's no way that I can endorse
This communication resource.
Oh, what a huge pain
To telegraph again!
But I will." he said with remorse.
--- Ericka

Said Mary, "The school lab's now sported
A load of new gear, most imported."
A pipette and flask
Made elsewhere, I ask?
"Ain't it a shame," Tom retorted.
--- Tiddy Ogg

My attempts at cake baking were thwarted,
'Cause I had all my layers assorted.
The sous-chef came along,
And mixed them all wrong.
I'm really ticked off," Tom retorted.
--- Theater Gypsy

While driving his carriage, 'twas jolted;
By lightning shafts it was bolted.
"Now listen here, friend,
This will be the end.
I'm fed up with you!" Tom revolted.
--- Archie

"With both Gus and Ted, you have dallied,
But from my despair I have rallied,
For I have a new gal,
And her name is Sal,
Begone, faithless woman!" Tom sallied.
--- Anon

"I earlier partied cavortly,
Loving women both slender and portly,
But my fatal endeavor
Was the fact that I'd ever
Gone to bed with that nun," said Tid shortly.

(Sis Chris has teeth in her vagina)
--- Ericka

Tom gasped and struggled around,
"I think it's the plum, that I found"
He tried to spit out
The plum in his throat
And then he shot the plum on the ground.
--- Anon

"Though ill, with my nose running thickly,
In the Gulag, I always worked quickly,
Building banners of wood
That cold winters withstood
In Siberia," hammered Tom sickly.
--- Hugh Clary

You're drunk and disgusting!" she cried,
As Tom staggered in from outside.
"You're ugly, it's clear;
But tomorrow, my dear,
I'll be sober," Tom Swiftly replied.
--- Peter Wilkins

"I'd be likely to win the award
When the anagram contest is scored,
Were there just a way
'Model import' to say.
Can anyone help?" Tom implored.
--- Hugh Clary

He woke in the chill of the morn
To admire his garden, reborn.
"How terrible! How crass!
Someone's stolen my grass!"
Cried poor old Tom, looking forlorn.
--- Anon

A diet of bird seed was followed,
And soon Tom Swift looked very hollowed;
But this explains why
Tom flew in the sky;
It happened each time that he 'swallow'ed.
--- Travis Brasell

This fellow perhaps has the gift; he
Has humor enough to uplift me;
And good enough verse
That I'm not adverse,
To hasten to welcome Tom swiftly.
--- Anon

"Bad punning becomes so unruly,
I've decided, no more of it, truly.
If I'm caught once again,
My promise is plain:
To hang down my head," said Tom duly.
--- Hugh Clary

The dressing-room models had leaped
To places their clothes had been heaped:
"Oh girls, do not rise!
I assure you my eyes
Are covered completely," Tom peeped.
--- Hugh Clary

She whipped her blade past young Tom's head,
Then stabbed his left buttock instead.
Said, "Now you know, hoss,
Just who is the boss."
"Well touche!" Tom sordidly said.
--- Ericka

"Too all of your stuff, I'm entitled,
So lets not a court case incite. All
Done with your shit?
I'll get rid of it."
Our young Tom exclaimed, unbridaled.
--- Anon

"You're older than I would have guessed,
Just based on the way you are dressed.
Your clothes aren't the fashion,
And I have no passion
For wrinkles!" said Tom, unimpressed.
--- Marlene Lewis

To restaurant manager Jones:
"This meal has the taste of dry bones.
Don't give the chef compliments
For such lack of condiments,"
Tom said in unsavory tones.
--- Anon