And who do you think is my guess
To replace our worn out INS?
Why, old Mexico!
The borders would go
And frictions would be a lot less.
--- John Miller

And why should we fight off the thugs,
When it comes to controlling bad drugs?
A Colombian chief
Would quell all our grief
Just as soon as he worked out the bugs.
--- John Miller

And how 'bout replacing those slobs
On the Hill, who, not doing their jobs,
Could learn from the Asians
Who, on most occasions,
Can raise enough port for their mobs.
--- John Miller

When the presidency goes to me,
There will be no more secrecy.
Each night I'll be blown
And all will be shown
On National Public TV.
--- Dirruk

My suspicions have been reinforced,
'Bout limericks John Miller endorsed;
His Thesaurus, 'though old,
Has on Ebay been sold...
His limericks are now all out-sourced.
--- John Miller

Leave a hundred billion bucks by the door,
And you'll have Egypt right there in the war.
They will march and roll
And the war takes it's toll,
And they crawl back to Cairo once more.
--- Tomer Shiran

Hamas makes the laws now, forsooth;
They're no longer unwashed, uncouth.
Criticizing Hamas
Gets a boot in the ass,
And an eye gets an eye -- ditto tooth.
--- Arthur Deex

Hamas now is legit, it's the truth.
But they yet are a group without ruth.
You can still hear them shout,
"All you Jews, get on out."
Now it's an eye for an eye or a tooth.
--- Tom Patton

Abdullah wrote up a peace plan,
As best as his Arab mind can.
"There's no cause for alarm;
Just lay down your arms;
Open wide when the shit hits the fan.
--- Tomer Shiran

The PLO leader's been felled;
Al Qaeda, perhaps, can be quelled;
But I think that HAMAS,
Though a pain in the ass,
At least is more easily spelled.
--- John Miller

I could bore you to tears with the links
Of the Arab world's sick highjinks.
They lie and they will,
Without mercy, kill;
This Islamic bullshit just stinks.
--- Tomer Shiran

In nineteen sixty-seven, Arab masses
Drafted soldiers from the lowest of classes.
They invaded Israel
And we're quite glad to tell,
They were kicked the hell out on their asses.
--- Arnie Schoenbrun P0609

I saw there tonight in the news,
Another "Revenge of the Jews":
"Kill that cripple from Hamas!
Make them cry for their mamas!
(How long can they take this abuse?)"
--- Anon

During the US Gulf War,
King Fahd fell in love with a whore.
He gave her a poke
And she gave him a stroke.
Now he reigns his sad kingdom no more.
--- Tomer Shiran

As Kofi read back through the laws,
He saw something that caused him to pause.
It's not right when you kill
Like that Arafat will,
But then the UN's founded on flaws.
--- Anon

The Kuwaitis are all without spines;
You can tell by their constant loud whines.
First they flee and they yelp,
Then they beg for our help.
Now they're acting like miserable swines.
--- Tomer Shiran

Arab nations all use the UN
To fuck the U.S. once again.
They all act very rude
And eat all our food,
While they make living bombs out of men.
--- Tomer Shiran

Comic opera Moammar Khadaffy,
Seems to suffer from pulling his taffy,
And while there isn't proof
It will make you a goof,
He is surely one duck who is daffy.
--- J Beauregard Pepys P8201

Having scrutinized Colonel Qaddafi,
Since his policy moves are so daffy,
All our analysts posit
He'd be wise to supposit
Penicillin -- not salt-water taffy.
--- Thomas A Quinine P8407

To hell with you Moammar Khadaffy,
You're a braggart and far to show-offy.
But our feet we're not draggin',
We'll just fix your wagon
By recaffeinating you coffee.
--- Ed Wolfert P8205

There's no such thing as "Peace For Land".
If you try to extend out your hand
In peace, you will learn
That deals only will earn
Yet another Arab League demand.
--- Tomer Shiran

Al Jazeera lets madmen on the air,
To incite violence with such a flair,
They all rant and rave.
What a way to behave.
To show reason, well, how could they dare?
--- Tomer Shiran

Poor old Arafat thinks he's in hell,
Confined in his own roach motel.
With his 200 men
Sharing one dirty pen,
Two more days and they'll croak from the smell.
--- Betty Ann Cansano

The polls show George Bush losing steam;
He will gather up his closest team.
When he gets their advice,
He will top playing nice.
Yasser Arafat's ass he will ream.
--- Tomer Shiran

There once was a Saudi diplomat
Whose King was terribly fat.
The ambassador's nose
Quite often goes
Where Fahd has most recently shat.
--- Tomer Shiran

In Arabic, Islam means "Peace",
But their terrorists will never cease.
If they run out of sons
For their suicide bombs,
Then they's gladly send out a niece.
--- Tomer Shiran

In the West Bank, camps watch the UN.
Let the killers set up shop again.
They will turn a blind eye
While civilians die,
From the suicide bombs made of men.
--- Tomer Shiran

A militant sect in Riyadh
Is the little known "Gaelic" Jihad.
Their aim is to goad
The Arab dress code,
By garishly dressing in plaid.
--- Alex Heydon P0507

They oppose the traditional vogue
Of the states that are deemed to be rogue;
Calling out from afar
With an, "Allah ach-bar!"
In a plainly discernable brogue.
--- Alex Heydon P0507

When the oil is dried up and gone,
There will be hardtimes for King Fahd's spawn.
They will sell rugs and sheets
On the trash-covered streets,
But I won't let them work on my lawn.
--- Tomer Shiran

There was an old rag-head named Yasser
Who picked up the phone for a natter.
But no one would chat
With this terrorist prat,
About Israel or any other matter.
--- Lester Haines

On a culture built on such shame,
Gaza will burn like a flame.
Punishment for his crime,
Yasser screams one last time;
He's struck blind, crippled and lame.
--- Tomer Shiran

Poor Yasser was trapped like a rat,
With a napkin that's used as a hat.
"I'm too timid to fight.
If this hat were just white,
I'd surrender and leave it at that."
--- Tomer Shiran

This is file vrl

Today's Mid-East peace, to my eyes,
Involves Christian acts in disguise.
There the Arab and Jew,
Act like most Christians do,
And are killing each other like flies.
--- James M Menger P9501 a

In Israel lived a GAUCHE goy,
An impulsive and silly brash boy.
He courted the rich
With ham products which
Neither Arabs or Jews might enjoy.
--- Chris Papa

He plied them with warm Krispy Kremes,
Which though the real stuff of his dreams,
Contained much pork lard,
Or such is the canard.
Thus he failed with his ambitious schemes.
--- Chris Papa

"Though," said Bill, "we have talked a whole lots
We've signed nothing on lines of black dots.
Though I like both of you
Yasser: Netanyahu.
We're three leopards who won't change our spots.
--- Loren C Fitzhugh P9706

When Arafat offered his hand
To Rabin, the old firebrand,
Yitzhak's anger did linger,
He gave Yasser the finger,
A nonverbal stern reprimand.
--- Nancy Henry-Kline P9402

I'll tell what I've heard, so I'll parrot-that,
Old Moses, he went to Mount Ararat.
But the man's spelling flaws
Are no doubt the cause
Why Sharon now hates Arafat.
--- Anon

They ignore their own partisan bellows
And embrace as each ancient feud mellows.
Can we ask if they're gay?
It is truthful to say
That in bed they make very strange fellows.
--- Jim Vandermeer P9402

Now Bush and his cronies can see
MidEast can't do democracy.
After Palestine voted,
Hamas, whom they noted,
It won't work in theocracy.
--- Anon

In history, forty years is just a blink.
So why now do Arabs make a stink.
Lebanese and Israeli
Make all the headlines daily,
And peacekeepers hang on the brink.
--- Tom Patton

Said a guy who sells title insurance,
"I can't give you that much assurance.
The deed says "signed by God",
Yet I find it quite odd
That it's based on a shady occurrence."
--- Arthur Deex P0609

Said the previous owner, "Alas,
God signed my deed, too, in times past;
Now some arrogant louse
Is entrenched in my house --
Look out, buddy, it's time to kick ass!"
--- Arthur Deex P0609

The Muslims and Jews have few trees;
It's hotter than Hell and don't freeze!
In the cool morn they sup,
Then each other blow up
To just get a bit of a breeze.
--- David Miller

Perhaps I should gum us some hummus
And blast them from Haifa to Qumus.
While shit-sticky-icky
They might be less picky,
United in cursing my bummus.

Or maybe a gorganzo feast
Could prime me to set free The Beast!
My greatest and best,
I'll bow to the west,
And level all lands to the east.

All their mullahs and sheiks will be bared
As both rabbis and camels: dehaired
By this mighty hot breeze;
All will fall to their knees
And then pray to the King to be spared.

With Yasser and Rabin side by side,
And the knot of peace firmly tied,
Now that these two are wed,
When they climb into bed,
I wonder which one plays the bride.
--- Jim Menger P9403

At peace they're no longer bucking,
Thorny issues they're no longer ducking.
They've cleaned up their act,
And made a peace pact.
I wonder which side got the fucking?
--- Jim Menger P9403

There once was a lady centurion
Who had an affair with Ben-Gurion.
He enjoyed her in peace
For she was from Greece
And 'twas Arabs he spent all his fury on.
--- Isaac Asimov

A land full of milk and of honey?
I guess, Lord, that you think it's funny.
That glutinous gel
Will make walking pure hell.
How about showers of money?
--- Tiddy Ogg

You what? Ah, at last I construe,
The land of the Canaanites, who
Believe not in thee,
So it's okay if we
Go blat them till all of them's slew.
--- Tiddy Ogg

You'll then make us friends with the Yanks,
Who'll give us big rockets and tanks.
We'll blast Palestinians,
Their Hesbollah minions,
And still not get peace? Well gee, thanks.
--- Tiddy Ogg

When Monica spilled the beans on Bill,
He dropped bombs to create a new thrill.
Now when he gets erections,
Spy satellite detections
Show Turbans, as they head for the hills.
--- Jimi Lee

Said a jack-booted Tel Aviv Jew,
"I found that my instincts were true.
It is great fun to shoot
In the camps near Beruit.
Did you enjoy my Holocause II?"
--- Said Haman P8407

"My hobbies are simple and few --
Bombs I hid and grenades that I threw --
I struck up real terrors
For West Bank Arab mayors
And beat dead a prisoner or two."
--- Said Haman P8407

The Israelis have pulled off a show stopper;
Shot him leaving his church, was a whopper.
They nailed him right there
In his little wheel chair,
With missles they fired from a chopper.
--- John Miller

The subject line might have held clues
Suggesting some incorrect views.
Since I cannot invest
In a bullet-proof vest,
Now way will I mention the Jews.
--- John Miller

Please don't be afraid or don't show it.
If you're in some danger, we'll know it.
If a Jew takes your life,
With a bomb, gun, or knife,
You should suspect a suicide poet.
--- Ward Hardman

I saw there tonight on the news,
Another "Revenge of the Jews";
"Kill that Cripple from Hamas!
Make them cry for their Mamas!
(How long can they take this abuse?)
--- Ward Hardman

In the toilet of Minister Begin
Is the seat of today's famous Fagin.
Toilet paper rolls
Bear religious scrolls,
And the face of dear President Reagan.
--- Ferris T McMilford P8303

The Israelis are God's chosen guys;
In business they carry no flies.
They're chosen as scabs
To be picked by Arabs,
Sharing land with the Hesbollah spies.
--- Tony Burrell

The Israelis blood starts to boil
'Cause the Arabs have got all the oil.
Arabs don't understand;
They offered them sand.
The rest they must find by their toil.
--- Tony Burrell

The Israelis have plenty of troops;
Some say that they even have nukes.
But life is real crappy,
When they are not happy,
Which they're certainly not, by the looks.
--- Tony Burrell

Jews find this event analgesic:
"Thank heaven the guy's paraplegic!
This may seem ignoble
(He's rather immobile);
It's terribly bad luck to be sick."

(Israelis kill Arab paraplegic anti-Jew with missles)
--- Ward Hardman

When Yasser arrives on the scene,
The old sabra, Yitzhak Rabin
Says, "Of bloodshed enough!"
Of his fag takes a puff,
And departs to go visit the queen.
--- Nancy Henry-Kline P9402