Thales theory, to quickly review it,
Is that everying's made from a fluid.
How it's done, he'd not venture,
Though he'd say, facing censure:
Don't forget steam and ice somehow do it.
--- Lim Hist of Philos P9410

So three cheers for this man from Miletus,
And the view (though all wet) that he'd feed us.
You might say, "What a jerk he is!"
But his town now where Turkey is,
Spawned the first abstract thinkers that greet us.
--- Lim Hist of Philos P9410

With a strange mathematical itch,
Strolled old Thales, the night black as pitch,
And while working a rum
Astronomical sum,
Fell tip over ass in the ditch.
--- A N Wilkins P8506

Are procrustean efforts now find-
ing a limerick where none was in mind?
Though Aquinas once wrote
All the lines that you quote,
Supplication was first in his mind.

(about limerick unconsciously written by Thomas Aquinas)
--- R J Winkler P8507

Extinguish concupiscent fires,
Eliminate lustful desires;
Give patience and love,
A plenitude of
What humble obeying requires.
--- R J Winkler P8507

O strengthen my efforts to rule
My passions and help me to cool
Attractions to sin,
Then help me begin
Considering virtue a jewel.
--- R J Winkler P8507

O Lord, I can prove intellectual,
A Doctor, profoundly effectual,
Whose teachings are sure
If You keep me pure
With thought that are wholly asexual.
--- R J Winkler P8507

This limerick's for purging my sin,
Ousting lust and desire from within,
Which leaves oodles of space
For agape and grace,
Plus humility, virtue, and gin.
--- Robin K Willoughby P8507

Or here's Zeno, with Logic to show,
If you move, you're unspeakably slow.
Move from B to spot A?
Well, let's first get half-way!
But that's C--and you've still half to go!
--- Lim Hist of Philos P9501

Well of course no one says, "Okey-dokey--
So Beings unspeakably pokey!"
Still, a double millenium
Had elapsed before anyone
Was quite clear when the argument's hokey.
--- Lim Hist of Philos P9501

Be these proofs, though, still living or dead,
Don't forget where we're finally led:
With these two from Elea,
We can get the idea
That an argument's good for your head.
--- Lim Hist of Philos P9501

There once was a method, RG,
That gets rid of the infinity.
Some say that the bug
Is hid by a rug,
But maybe that's how it should be.
--- David Morin et al

This answers your hasty request
To speed up your medical test:
Your increase in weight
Is nothing you ate,
It's just E over c square; just rest.
--- Edward H Green

On coming home early, old Fred
Found Ned with his wife, both in bed.
Said old Fred, so severe,
"What are you doing here?"
"We all have to be somewhere," said Ned.
--- Albin Chaplin

Mathematics is science's queen;
Electronics: technology's dean.
But all bow in awe
Besides Murphy's Law,
As the ruler of earthly routine.
--- Prof M-G

As physics gets harder and harder,
The physicists seem to get smarter.
They now know topology,
With its groups cohomology,
And those things are just for a starter.
--- Kay R Devicci

The alchemists, so I have read,
Tried hard to make gold out of lead;
But the more modern cult
(With the same end result)
Is begging from Congress, instead.
--- Daniel Mittleman

Of all thrills coming to men,
The best is the call from Sweden.
You've won the Nobel Prize;
Your chest increases in size.
Mom! Get my suitcase from out the playpen.
--- Carl A Benz

'tHooft had the realization
Of couplings' peculiar relation.
He'd only just solve
Just how they evolve,
Performing renormalization.
--- Bruce Elliot

A simple improvement I've found:
Let troublesome numbers be round,
And both pi and "e"
Be equal to three,
And kgm = 2 lb.
--- Edward H Green a

For tradition I have great respect,
And Sod's Law I'd never suspect.
But you can be tricked
When these two conflict:
Which one can you say is correct?
--- Tiddy Ogg

Now a cat always lands on its feet;
So tradition says. And I repeat,
Toast when golden brown,
Lands butter side down,
Or Professor Sod's Law will be beat.
--- Tiddy Ogg

I needed to find out the truth,
So I took the cat up to the roof --
All fourteen floors,
Though it scratched with its claws,
And bit, I must have the proof.
--- Tiddy Ogg

To its back I strapped once slice of bread;
With butter, 'twas liberally spread;
In the interest of science,
Despite his defiance,
To the parapet's edge I did tread.
--- Tiddy Ogg

I tossed the cat over the rail;
It spat, yowled, and gave a bale-
ful glare as it fell,
It wished me to Hell...
But that's not the end of my tail.
--- Tiddy Ogg

A truck passing by in the street,
Its load covered by canvas sheet,
By the kitty was caught,
And it gallantly fought
To cling to the side with its feet.
--- Tiddy Ogg

So now with my news I've regaled
You, but my schemings all failed.
I've still no evidence
Of which takes precedence,
And probably soon I'll be jailed.
--- Tiddy Ogg

If time and space are random,
It's hard to understand 'em.
Things aren't so odd
If you picture a God,
Quod erat demonstrandum.
--- Richard Long

There once was a tunnel in Texas;
To physics, it turned out a nexus.
Congress said, "Nay!
For this we won't pay;
It won't help in building a Lexus."
--- David Morin et al

To figure the inches you've run,
Or to find the slug mass of the sun,
Forget your aversion
To unit conversion.
Just multiply wisely by 1.
--- David Morin

God said to his cosmos directors,
"I've added some stringent selectors.
One is the clause
That your physical laws
Shall be written in terms of 4-vectors."
--- David Morin

To think I spent nine years at Duke
To study the physics of Nuke,
To get my degree,
An unused Ph.D.
It's enough to make somebody puke.
--- Nick Staffa

I sing the Am. Phys. Soc's first century,
And our labors both bookish and venturey,
Now our Physical Reviews
Come in multiple hues,
Wherein none of it seems elementary.
--- Peter Price

This is file uol

There once was a student with flash,
Who set out to make a big splash.
But the profs who were rising
Had no time for advising;
She's back on the streets, selling hash.
--- David Morin et al

Professor, you should be commended
On your theory so geniusly splendid.
But some say it's luck
And that you really suck,
'Cause your theory's not what you intended.
--- David Morin

The chairman of AT&T
Said, "Your graduate physics degree
Is not worth a penny.
Of your kind, we've too many.
Perhaps you can program in C?"
--- Steve Langer PR9703

Said a researcher in nuclear fusion,
"My research will dispel all confusion;
At least it will later,
When I've doctored my data,
To make sure it supports my conclusion.
--- Jim Menger P9205

Neglecting his wife for career,
Isaac Newton, his conscience to clear,
Brought her biscuits in bed
Saying "Love you." She said,
"But I couldn't give a fig Newton, dear."
--- Peter Wilkins

There once was a Solid State Phys.
Who hated this Quantum Math biz.
"Forget all that crap,
The band has a gap,
And that's just the way that it is."
--- Devlin Gualtieri

There was a physicist named Bohr
Who said on Pigalle to a whore:
"I'm full of 'hu',
How about a good screw?
Why, that's what my Fulbright is for!"

(to rhyme it is 'hu' but in reality it is 'hv' - McW)
--- G2574

When young, the lad Isaac Newton,
While under a tree that was fruitin',
Got hit by an apple,
Which forced him to grapple
With gravity needin' computin'.
--- Prof M-G

A professor of Physics named May
Complained of the classroom today,
"The problem, you know,
Is that they're too slow.
We were far better students than they."
--- Bruce Elliot PR9703

His friend, a professor named Beecham,
Said, "It's true, you don't seem to reach 'em.
But they're not to blame,
For they haven't the same
Class of teachers that we had to teach 'em!"
--- Bruce Elliot PR9703

A certain Phys Rev referee
Considers all papers with glee:
"What's new is not true,
And what's true is not new,
Unless it was written by me."
--- George Cody PR9703

There are several Great Lies that we know.
One is "I'll love you tomorrow."
Here's another false word
That we've recently heard,
"With less money, your research will grow!"
--- Beall Flower

The ad said, for one little fee,
You can skip all that grad-school ennui.
So sent your tuition,
No need for admission!
Get your mail-order physics degree!
--- David Morin et al

A grad student's search for advisors
Turned up a boatload of misers.
There was barely a nickel,
Cash flowed in a trickle,
And not, as expected, in geysers.
--- David Morin et al

Since the Unending Frontier's demise,
A change in perspective seems wise.
For no grants will be hatched
With string theories attached,
While society's eye's on the prize.
--- Peter Price

There once was an academician,
Whose papers should've earned the position,
But were too-fewly numbered,
So untenured he lumbered,
Till he fell to the ranks of attrition.
--- David Morin et al

Who needs balance and check?
Screw peer review -- what the heck!
Send all of your crap
To the internet -- zap!
Who cares if it's nothing but dreck!
--- David Morin et al PR9703

"Your physics proposal is clear,"
Said the fund officer with a sneer.
"But I can't grant your dough;
Your research is too slow;
Only one Nobel Prize every year."
--- Stanley Bashkin

When Physics professors get old,
As thousands do yearly, I'm told,
And the question is what
Should be done with this glut,
Why, just kick them out in the cold.
--- Stanley Bashkin

The referee caused him much strife.
She sounded so much like his wife.
"Accept my derisions
On all your revisions,
And get the hell out of my life!"
--- David Morin et al

To students unsure of their station,
Our colleague made prognostication.
Your competitor's facts
In ordering acts,
Rank physics before fornication.
--- Phil Best on M Walker

An attractive young person named Fader,
Though psychiatrists struggled to aid her,
Believed that she was
A robot because
Her physics professor had made her.
--- A N Wilkins P8311A

There once was a world full of things,
But Ed said "'Tis nothing but strings.
With Kaluza extensions
To Eleven dimensions,
It's really quite simple," he sings.
--- David Morin et al

Our search for the Boson of Higgs
Was arrested by Washington bigs.
Though we lost our collider,
We retain the provider
Of bon mots, cause we got Joe Bob Briggs.
--- Pecos Bill

A physicist at MIT
Constructed a new T.O.E.
He was fit to be tied
When he found it implied
That seven plus four equals three.

(Theory of Everything)
--- Martin Gardner P9801

Whether abstract, profound, or just mystic,
Or boring, or somewhat simplistic,
A theory should lead
To results that we need
In limits, non-relativistic.
--- David Morin

This brilliant academician
Was constantly wishin' and wishin',
That he could invent
A new element,
Or an item like nuclear fission.
--- Al Willis

Your units are wrong! cried the teacher.
Your church weighs six joules -- what a feature!
The people inside
Are six hours wide,
And eight Gauss away from the preacher.
--- David Morin et al

A fellow with rings in his nose,
Had strange insubstantial woes,
That lightning might strike
Through his schnozz to his psyche,
So he grounded himself through his toes.
--- Jan Sand

Ampere, combing Volta's toupee,
Was arrested (ecstatic, they say),
And wired to Watt:
"I was shocked; I forgot
That Volta'd be Ohm Faraday."
--- Cyber Geezer

A lady removing her scanties
Heard them crackle electrical chanties.
Said her husband, "My dear,
I very much fear
You suffer from amps in your panties."
--- Anon

A fellow, Ben Franklin by name,
At trying new things, he was game.
On dark stormy night,
Tied a key to a kite;
And proved lightning and 'lectric the same.
--- Gifford Wherry

A TV repairman named Spencer
Concocted a fucking dispenser.
But a fucker did prove
If you're not in the groove,
When you blow, you will blow a condenser.
--- Albin Chaplin 3024-2316