Accused was the vicar of Dire,
Disgrace with the women. "You liar!"
He called his accuser,
Then said, "An abuser
Am I with the boys in the choir!"
--- Anon

Whenever he meets pretty birds,
Our vicar, who's one of life's turds,
Commences undressing them,
Instead of blessing them,
For actions speak louder than words.
--- Michael Horgan

In the crypt the nun sucks Vicar Lew.
But the Bishop, he faints ere she's through,
And the screams heard for miles
Through the crypt at St. Giles
Are those when the Bishop comes too.
--- Al Chaplin P8507

A vicar once known for high morals,
Chose unwisely to rest on his laurels.
When put to the test,
At the Devil's behest,
He'd have failed, were it not for the orals.
--- Paul M Hoffman

A grave Church of England D.D.
Ran off with a nice chimpanzee.
But do not feel remorse,
She was female, of course.
The vicar's not queer, don't you see.
--- Isaac Asimov

An arm-wrestling vicar from Looe
Invited some friends to a do.
Dressed only in shorts,
He taught them some sports
They thought very vew vicars knew.
--- Michael Palin

In the belfry one night, said the vicar,
"You ringers must really work slicker.
Get with it, you lot!
Come on, make it hot!
Like 'Top of the Pops' -- only quicker.
--- Mary Danby - 2nd Armada

With a tape, they all proved him wrong "
The vicar's WAS eighty feet long,
With a frill on the end,
Which you'd pull, with a friend,
To make his old bell go ding-dong!
--- Bob Turvey P0504

There was a young lady of Kew,
Remarked as the Vicar withdrew:
"The Verger's emerger
Is longer and lurger--
And he gets his bollocks in too."
--- G1124

Tell me what do you do to a Vicar
Who has shown that he can't hold his liquor.
Try with Guinness or stout,
And then feed from a spout
'Cause it's thicker, nutritious--and quicker.
--- Carl Ludvig Kjelsen P9606

There was an old vicar named Morgan,
Who serving his church as a warden,
Chased a fellow named Dave
Through the church and the nave,
And caught him, at last, by the organ.
--- Limericks Naughty & Gay

I've heard that the vicars in Huffham
Demand that the altar girls cuff 'em
With chains to the walls,
And then scrape their balls
With orbital sanders to buff 'em.
--- Anon

There once was a Vicar from Bray;
He drank many beers in one day.
Then he'd chase all the fellas
Who had umbrellas
And walked a peculiar way.
--- Barbara Cunningham P9506a

There was a young girl whose attire
Soon set all of the clergy afire.
She displayed her knickers
To various vicars,
And all of the boys in the choir.
--- Richard Long

"It's heavenly, just to repose,
Relaxed from your head to your toes,"
Said the vicar to me,
"With young choir-girl Bea,
Who's gently massaging my hose."
--- Tiddy Ogg

"And then when I shout Hallelujah,
She asks 'bout the white stuff, peculiar.
I say as I'm dressing,
'Tis God's holy blessing...
It sure is easy to fool her."
--- Tiddy Ogg

The parish commission at Roylette,
Bought their Vicar a pristine new toilet.
But he still voids his bowels,
On a heap of old towels,
He's so very reluctant to soil it.
--- L1731

Vicar Smedley, our pie-in-the-sky man,
Called on Clara and ruptured her hymen
On the eve of her marriage
To Tredlowe T. Clarridge,
Which I'd say is rather shrewd timin'.
--- John Ciardi A

Misconstruing the vicars intention,
On the sermon wherein he did mention
Three virgins most silly,
And thinking of willy,
She sought her own deflorestention.
--- Donald McGill

The vicar on his mare, he did kick her,
Because she wouldn't canter any quicker.
I said, "That's not nice."
He said, "Please, no advice!"
Who am I to dicker with a vicar?
--- Arnie Schoenbrun P0305

There's a Vicar who's classed as nefarious,
Since his shocking perversions are various.
He will bugger some lad
With a dildo (the cad!)
While exulting, "My pleasure's vicarious!"
--- Playboy Mag J F O'Conner

Went to see the wife of the vicar,
In the hope that I might get to dick her.
"Were we oportunicable,
'Twould be excommunicable."
She said, but she did let me lick her.
--- MrMalo

On the bank sat the vicar of Buckingham
With stones in his pocket and chucking `em
At frogs in the creek;
Who once every week,
Exercised mightily by ducking `em.
--- Lims Unlimited

The Vicar of Pevensey Bay
Went abroad for a year and a day.
His flock, off the tether,
Assembled together,
And took a decision to stray.
--- Tom Baker P8806

The Vicar of Jude's in High Wycombe
Was asked by the nuns not to trick 'em
Into showing his act,
Laying balls on a tract,
And asking a novice to lick 'em.
--- Jim Weaver Collection

There once were two ladies in Tottenham
Who thought that the vicar was pottin' `em,
And while they were thinking
And drinking and drinking,
The vicar had craftily gotten `em.
--- Limber Limericks

One morning, at tea with the Vicar,
Maud's maidenhood disappeared quicker
Than the blink of an eye,
When he dripped Spanish Fly
In her tea, and she prayed him to prick her!
--- Donald Hall P8705

There was a shy vicar of Twickenham
Who visited homes with wives sick in 'em.
The most bred, he discovered
Doing crosswords, uncovered,
And asked if they wanted his dick in 'em.
--- David A Brooks

"Ah Vicar, we've lined up some men.
Take a really good look at them; then
Will you tell us in time,
Who committed the crime?"
Said the Vicar, "It's hymn number ten!"
--- Peter Wilkins

There was a young man from Blighty
Who wore a transparent nightie.
The vicar said, "Son,
It's really not done,
It's not wrong, but it's also not rightie."
--- Spike Milligan P0106

There was a young lady from Tottenham,
Whose manners--well, she'd forgotten 'em.
While at tea at the vicar's,
She kicked off her knickers,
Explaining she felt much too hot in 'em.
--- Anon L1590

Young Jane's off to tea at the vicars.
I hope that she's wearing fresh knickers.
For he's pretty keen
That a virgin looks clean,
Before he will shove in his dickers.
--- Tiddy Ogg

The vicar said, "Jane, like your mother,
Your figure compares to no other;
Your tits are a rackage,
But I want the package
That's stuffed in the pants of your brother."
--- Travis Brasell

This is file uam

The screams and the squeals from St John
Are the passionate cries of Yvonne,
As she whips off her knickers
To entertain vicars
And strangely, some priests from Taiwan.
--- Peter Wilkins

"How exciting." wheezed Archbishop Wickers,
The chief prelate among London's vicars.
"It's my first trip abroad
And I know I'll be awed
To see young New York lads wearing knickers."
--- Loren C Fitzhugh P0203

There was an old vicar of Croydon,
Whose cook was a regular hoyden.
She would sit on his knees,
While shelling the peas,
Or similar duties employed on.
--- Anon

Terry, a miner from Leeds
Had many fundamental needs.
He consulted a vicar,
And proceeded to trick her
Into performing several lewd deeds.
--- Anon

The cricketing Vicar of Stoke
Was quite an incredible bloke.
With a man an inning,
He did all his sinning,
But never did offer a stroke.
--- SFA

Of ministers, vicars, and priests,
The none-conform bunch prefer beasts.
While priests get their joys
From ten year old boys,
While vicars, from schoolgirls make feasts.
--- Tiddy Ogg

A vicar from Esher named Hughes
Used to greatly enjoy a quick snooze
At lunchtime or tea,
If the pupit was free,
And if not, then he'd nap in the pews.
--- Michael Palin

Said the Bishop, "Dear Duchess, I hope
That someday you'll learn how to cope
With the terrible blow,
Suffered by your ego,
Since the vicar left you for the Pope!"
--- Jim Weaver Collection

A very sick maiden named Stricker
Confessed all her sins to the vicar.
"When I think what I've missed,"
He said, "I insist
You get better before you get sicker."
--- Lims Unlimited

The vicar looked out o'er the pews
And watched members paying their dues;
He then turned to look
Outside by the brook
And thanked heaven for all the ewes.
--- Anon

When the Vicar sees cute adolescents,
The thought of their boyish pubescence,
Makes his pulse start to throb
And the bob of a knob
In his cassock betrays his tumescence.
--- Hugh Clary

The wife of a thirsty old vicar
Is angry because he won't dick her.
He pours Bull from Schlitz
On her snatch and her teats,
Then says, "I'm the worlds best malt licker!"
--- Peter Wilkins

To a vicarage in the vicinity,
Went a chick to learn more of the trinity.
Though quick was the vicar,
Her kicker was quicker,
So he just barely nicked her virginity.
--- Pierce Evans

There was a young girl from Purdue
Who said to the rector, "We're through.
I have just met a vicar
Who is quicker and slicker
And he's not one to bicker like you."
--- Albin Chaplin

There was a sex-mad nun named Sue;
With the vicar, she went for a screw.
From New Years to Lent,
Her sex was heaven sent,
But was something they'd not know how to do.
--- Funny Bone

In December the vicar is jolly,
With services, carols and holly.
At his bedside he prays
That God hears what he says,
Then services Carol and Holly.
--- Anon

A frustrated young laundress of Lamas
Would imagine great amorous dramas
For the spots she espied
Dried and hardened inside
The pants of the vicar's pajamas.
--- Archie

There once was a Vicar of Clymping,
Who earned tons of money from pimping.
When his Bishop asked why,
He replied with a sigh,
"Well, you can't have a man of God skimping."
--- Anon

I like to play leap-frog with vicars,
For it plays merry hell with their tickers.
They utter loud cries
And then drop like flies,
In a heap, like a scrum down a Twickers.
--- Bill Wall

Thank you for making things clear;
I wondered as I drank my beer,
If the 'toon should show boys
'Stead of ladies with poise:
I thought most folks priestly were queer.
--- John Miller

A party was held at the Vicar's,
And the nuns were all giggles and snickers,
When they loudly yelled "Fire!"
As he changed his attire,
And they saw him run off in his knickers.
--- Cap'n Bean

And then there is May from West Bay,
Who demands to be screwed every day,
From the top of a steeple,
By all of the people,
Who've screwed with the Vicar of Bray.
--- Anon

While the vicar's wife you've been topping,
The vicar and I have been bopping
And bouncin'; what's more,
On the floor, near the door,
Like two screwing rabbits, we're hopping!
--- Arden

There was a young lady of Chean,
Who crept into the vestry unseen.
She pulled down her knickers,
Likewise the Vicar's,
And said, "How about it, old bean?"

(And rammed in the Episcopal bean.)
--- Gerda Juhlen L0539

One evening while listening to Brahms,
The vicars wife leaped in my arms.
In the ensuing melee,
She danced on my belly
And set off the fire alarms.
--- Bill Wall

My favourite church is St Matthew;
The vicar's a female called Kath. You
Must talk not of sex,
Though, for muscles she'll flex,
As she dunks you in water to bath you.
--- Anon

"Given faith", sighed the vicar of Deenham,
"From the lusts of the flesh we might wean 'em.
But the human soul sighs
For a nice pair of thighs,
And a little of what lies between 'em."
--- Anon G1100

The reverend Vicar of Bude,
When sleep-walking totally nude,
Arrived quite by chance
At a charity dance,
And tossed off all over the food.
--- Michael Horgan

A vicar, the Reverend Bowles,
Took care to protect all our souls.
With a stern but fair grin,
He would steer us from sin
And make godly living our goal.
--- Anon

My grandpa had a really good still
Behind the outhouse on the hill.
The greatest corn liquor
He sold to the vicar,
Who gave sermons stewed to the gills.
--- Azul

Said a snuff-taking Vicar, "With ease,
I can stifle the noisiest sneeze."
But in chapel one day,
His asshole gave way,
And the shit filled his drawers to the knees.
--- L1679

The Vicar said, "Why, praise the Lord!
My pecker's as stiff as a board!
That the first time in years,
And it's cured all my fears,
That the word has more might than my sword!"
--- ROE

Is it two-fifty still on the ticker?
Won't time ever go any quicker?
And after a jar
Will I see pas de chat
From a Terpsichorean vicar?
--- Jim Weaver Collection