A Scotsman emerged from the loo
To find a young Magyar in view.
"I just canna think
Why you're here - have a drink.
I expect you'll want Tokay the noo." (wine grape)
--- Alistair Sampson Liq Lims

She was not a bit dumpy or frumpy.
Where it mattered the most, she was lumpy.
What a girl about town!
What a joy to lay down!
What a marvelous mouthful of Scrumpy. (rough cider)
--- Alistair Sampson Liq Lims

In the south west of England it's clear
That scrumpy's more popular than beer.
In the evenings we troop,
Risking cider-drinkers droop
To the pub, for a pint of good cheer.

(scrumpy - strong apple cider)
--- Tiddy Ogg

In Dorset the tree roots they spray
With scrumpy each 15th of May
In the hope that the flow
Will make the tree grow,
As to the tree spirit they pray.
--- Tiddy Ogg

And though non-believers may hoot,
In Dorset a shotgun they shoot
In the branches, to fright
Any evil tree sprite,
Who'll prevent it producing good fruit.
--- Tiddy Ogg

And following this celebration,
There's usually much fornication.
For with scrumpy juice
Inhibitions are loosed,
And they're at it with no hesitation.
--- Anon

The level of fun is in rapid decline;
Morale is quite low, the outlook's not fine.
So in Lisbon we party
With cabaret hearty;
They send us away with two bottles of wine.
--- Jim Weaver Collection

A maid and a letch known as Dwight,
Chanced to play in his hot tub one night.
But the evening was spoiled
When she got him oiled,
So she ate him. For wine she chose white.
--- Jim Lambert

Once my Leda enjoyed drinking wine,
And everything would have been fine,
But she gave in to sin
And began drinking gin.
Now she's horny and acting bovine.
--- Bohdan

Now Leda, she really loves wine
In bottles. The fruit of the vine
Turns her mind to mush,
When tucked in her tush,
About six or eight inches or nine.
--- Cyber Wizard

Now Leda, she really loves wine;
A gallon or so is just fine.
Then she gets randy
And strips real handy,
And gives us a view that's divine!
--- CM

Now Leda, she really loves wine.
When she drinks it, she tends to recline.
Her pen pals in UK
Have been known to say:
That the view that she gives is divine.
--- Jeanie

I'm a frog and you may hear reports
That I imbibe wine by the quarts.
Well, I like a good sherry;
I'll inhale boysenberry.
If you love me, accept all my warts.
--- Al Willis P9710

A popular way to reduce
Is drinking a barrel of juice,
But a barrel of sherry,
So tasty and merry,
Will make you as fat as a goose.
--- Limber Limericks

When a certain young woman named Terry,
Got drunk on a small sip of sherry,
She'd insist upon games,
With embarrassing names,
Not in any refined dictionary.
--- Isaac Asimov

By imbibing a tumbler of Sherry
I can help a sad heart to be merry.
Though to some that's a lot,
I am hardly a sot.
If I get a bit giddy -- not very.
--- R J Winkler P8403

A sleep after wine is just fine;
I like it fine when you have wine.
Although I will bulge,
I dare not indulge,
Until you have signed I may dine!
--- Anon

Miranda, remember the inn,
Where we drank that tart wine from the skin?
Then we slept in the straw
Where the fleas made us sore
And the peasantry made such a din.

(Hilaire Belloc, Tarantella)
--- John Stanley

There was a gay vintner named Hines
Who produced some magnificent whines,
By opening the knickers
Of manly young pickers
And squeezing their grapes and their vines.
--- Bob Giandomenico P9111

I said to the missus, "Oh gosh!
We are really quite low on the dosh.
Bye-bye prestige cuvee;
Let us jump 'neath our duvet
And go wild as we drink Stellenbosch."

(South African wine from the West Cape)
--- Alistair Sampson Liq Lims

There was an old maid of Vancouver,
Who captured a man by maneuver.
She jumped on his knee
With some rare eau de vie,
And nothing on earth could remove her.
--- Anon

I once knew a fellow who chose
To sip wine through the end of his nose.
He said that the pleasure
Was quite beyond measure,
And curled up the ends of his toes.
--- John Pickersgill

And if the wine was a French 'un,
His hair would stand up at attention.
But a husky dry red
Taken just before bed,
Had results that we don't care to mention.
--- John Pickersgill

I know of an old Muscovite
Whose morals collapse when she's tight.
With two quarts of Tokay,
She claims that it's okay
To screw all the rest of the night.
--- Armand E Singer 155

In vino, they say, veritas,
Too much, though, when you're with a lass,
Will cause brewer's droop,
You just can't recoup
The chance of a fine piece of ass.
--- Anon

I've just had some cider called Inch's,
And say from experience, it pinches
One's sexual libido,
To Her I must say "No,
Right now, love, I'm down to three inches."
--- Anon

Veritas is in vino, forsooth,
And I think Merlot vintners uncouth,
When they say that's not true
For their wines, old or new,
And that saying holds just for Vermouth.
--- Loren Fitzhugh P0507

Fred used to sing, "I've a cellar,
A cellar with Valpolicella. (red Italian wine)
A massive Jacuzzi,
A full-breasted floozy,
And a series of portraits by Kneller."
--- Alistair Sampson Liq Lims

When reading The Times in New York,
At the ads I am liable to gawk.
I see bottles of wine
Folks drink when they dine;
I can't afford even the cork.
--- Arnie Schoenbrun P0401

At last I've seduced the au pair
On steak and a chocolate eclair,
Some peas and some chips,
Three Miracle Whips,
And a carafe of vin ordinaire.
--- Cyril Ray P8301

"I just lie," said the souse to the sleuth,
"It's a habit I learned in my youth;
But I cannot conceal
It was I at the wheel;
Yikes, that wine makes me tell you the truth!"
--- Mark Levy P9710

When engaged in the giving of head,
Should the wine be rose, white or red?
White (goes well with fish)
Red (the robust meat dish)
Or Rose for that dry cheese instead?
--- Anon

She pleasured herself below ground,
With a wine bottle pushed in her mound.
The result of the motion
Was the bottle's explosion,
And the cork, it has never been found.
--- Anon

This is file qym

A wine with a certain charm,
Is disposed to hepatic harm.
That I cannot stand
But in great demand,
Goes by the name of "Boone Farm".
--- Chris Papa

Some Gallo wines, I have heard,
Are good, with high prices, absurd.
The jug that you had,
That made you so bad,
Was most likely, raw "Thunderbird".
--- Chris Papa

There once was a beauty called Sally;
They voted her Miss Napa Valley.
Then she married. Their son
They named Opus One.
By Opus Fifteen they'd lost talley.
--- Alistair Sampson Liq Lims

Miss Toccata, a bit of a Gorgon,
Was playing a fugue on the organ.
Then she pulled out the stops
And had a few drops
Of a passable vintage of Morgan. (Monterrey California)
--- Alistair Sampson Liq Lims

Ignoring the trade brands so swell,
As any good wino can tell,
When push comes to shove,
There nothing above
A belt of some fine muscatel!
--- Chris Papa

Your erudite oenophilia
Makes my plight seem even sillier.
But all will be well
When I drink muscatel,
'Cause enough of that T'bird will kill ya.
--- Norm

When the time came for Cecil to pass on,
His wife at the wake drank Paul Masson.(Calif mass producer)

Where they drink Hirondelle, (Bordeaux chateau)
And Gallo is greatly in fashion. (Giant Calif producer)
--- Alistair Sampson Liq Lims

Suzanne, quite a bird, used to stipple
The words "Have a drink" 'round each nipple.
He bosom friend Kirsty
Once said, "I feel thirsty,
But not for quite that sort of Ripple."

(a particularly nauseous alcoholic type soft drink)
--- Alistair Sampson Liq Lims

When going to sleep I count mouton
Or pheasants, should there be a shoot on.
If I still cannot sleep,
I watch some Stag's Leap. (Calif wine)
Now that's something I'd spend hard-earned loot on.
--- Alistair Sampson Liq Lims

A real connoisseur so I've heard,
Who juice of the red grape preferred,
Until hard times came
And his drink became
Bagged bottle of brisk Thunderbird.
--- Chris Papa

An aging young lady called Betty
Got married and stood on a jetty.
She said, "Thank God I'm spliced.
Get the Bollinger iced
While I cover myself in confetti."
--- Alistair Sampson Liq Lims

Chardonnay, Soave, and Chablis
With bubbles do wonders for me.
They perk up my stalk,
Till I'm popping my cork.
Even better's Champagne, you agree?
--- Peter Wilkins

A bibulous chap from Duquesne,
Drank a whole jeroboam of champagne.
Said he with a laugh,
As he quaffed the last quaff,
"I tried to get drunk, but in vain."
--- Anon

Napoleon's Russian campaign,
Became before long, a damn pain;
But sweet Josephine
Helped him hide from the scene
By soaking her pants in Champagne.
--- Norm Storer P9710a

Lord Peter, you won't offer in vain
Some wee drink to us, make it champagne.
As we're ladies (we are!
Men do say, near and far...)
We don't booze! (At least that is our aim...)
--- Anon

For your sword we'll take care after this.
Just a month? You will see that the bliss
We are able to give
Is much longer to live,
And you'll never forget our kiss...
--- Anon

...In those places where sun doesn't shine.
We're artistic, just call us divine.
Hope you care for a muff
With your tea, and above;
Like to sip it for more than one time.
--- Anon

A gourmet from Alsace Lorraine,
Loved to mix his beer with champagne.
He would froth it all up
With cracked ice in a cup,
Then pour it all down the next drain.
--- Mike O'Conner

A cautious young lady named Knopp
Put a cork in her cunt for a stop.
But it caused undue strain
When she opened champagne:
She got fucked when a man heard it pop.
--- Albin Chaplin 3024 G2391

"A hangover?" asked Mrs. Powers.
Her husband explained that in showers
And downpours that night,
The plush champagne flight
Had circled O'Hare for three hours.
--- A N Wilkins P9005

Champagne was her only type booze,
But the bottles she'd always abuse
By using her snatch
To open a batch:
It seems she was fond of cork screws.
--- Anon

I once met a gal from Vancouver
Who said Champagne was likely to move her
In shameless intrusions
On reckless protrusions,
In the manner of Kenmore and Hoover.
--- Eric Hinds

I tried Sauvignon Blanc, Vodka cooler,
And Aste Spimonte to fool her.
"The matter is moot.
If you can't fill my flute,
I'll move one to a classier suitor!"
--- Eric Hinds

A headhunter based in St Ives
Disposed of a series of wives.
He'd good sense, had this murderer;
He served Louis Roederer, (very very expensive)
So his wives had the deaths of their lives.
--- Alistair Sampson Liq Lims

Though virginal, bashful and plain,
I'm drunk as a skunk on champagne!
Let's meet for a quickie
And get hot and sticky,
Before you get back on the train.
--- Anon

An oenophile based in Torquay
Gave up sex when he hit ninety-three,
"But I'll never abandon
My Moet and Chandon; (very expensive)
In my will I have left it to me.
--- Alistair Sampson Liq Lims

A young lady was fond of a stunt;
She took off her clothes in a punt;
And uncorking champagne,
And without any shame,
She sprayed it all over her front.
--- Bertie

And there, looking at her, stood Stu.
Who said, "I'm not sure what to do;
She's dead and petite
But she has size ten feet!
I must drink champagne from her shoe.
--- David Miller

Your massage of my poor aching feet,
Is causing my anger to retreat.
If the champagne you'd trickle,
To cause that sweet tickle,
Then all'd be forgiven, Sweet Pete.
--- Jim Weaver Collection

At a bar, Seamus looked quite in pain
And said, "I'll not drink here again!
The beer's much to fizzy --
It's made me all dizzy."
Cried a voice, "Hey, who's pinched my champagne!"
--- Mary Danby - 2nd Armada

"As to fizz", said my great uncle Nico,
(Dear old buffer but rather a thicko)
"When my Moet's all gone,
I drink Dom Perignon,
Or that ravishing widow Veuve Clicquot."

(V C - another champagne also called 'the widow'.)
--- Alistair Sampson Liq Lims

Seems years since we saw you, dear Jayne,
So I've poured us a glass of Champagne.
With your figure so neat
And so sweetly petite,
You still cause me great underwear strain.
--- Anon

When acting in the Mikado,
I spotted Brigitte Bardot.
She was licking a Walls
At the front of the stalls
And sippping Amontillado. (pale dry sherry)
--- Alistair Sampson Liq Lims