Then Mo down the mountain descended,
He saw this, and went quite demented,
And smashed up his rocks,
Put the bits in a box,
And thus was the jigsaw invented.
--- Tiddy Ogg

Young Moses, it seems had a yearning
To pursue a strange method of learning.
He ignited the hair
Of a lady's affair,
And he talked to the bush that was burning.
--- Albin Chaplin 3024-2934

Think of Moses, of biblical fame;
He didn't need a second name.
His MONONYM was enough,
'Cause when things got rough,
He'd get God to set a bush aflame.
--- Norm Brust

These are the laws you must keep:
Put God first. And images heap
In a pile. But Gods name
You must never defame.
And take a day off for a sleep!
--- Christopher Goodwins

Give honor to mom and to dad,
And don't murder folk, 'cause that's bad.
Adultry's wrong,
So is stealing, along
With saying your neighbor's a cad.
--- Christopher Goodwins

You have all you need in this life,
So don't covet things that are rife --
Not animals, spouse,
Or possessions, or house!
Evil habits cut down with a knife!
--- Christopher Goodwins

Moses' cohorts grew restive and whiny,
And constructed a gold idol shiny:
"We need something more
Up-to-date to adore
Than some 'shalts' and 'shalt nots' from Mount Sinai!"
--- Biblical Limericks P0202

Old Mo led his folks out of Egypt;
They came to a sea; in his toe dipped.
He yelled "Lord tell to me,
How do we cross this sea,
With all of my gear to be trans-shipped."
--- Anon

The Lord said: "Go find Habbakuk;
And feed loads of beans to that schmuck.
Put a plug in his ass,
Which will hold back the gas,
And in a few days, if you've luck..."
--- Anon

So on the bank Hab bared his ass,
And let forth a deafening blast.
The force of that fart
Made the great waters part,
And the whole motley crew of them passed.
--- Anon

Moses ate food from a trough. It
Was disgusting to see how he'd scoff it.
He grew round as a ball,
But was still loved by all,
Because everyone loves a 'fat prophet'.

(see Mormon Church - McW)
--- Tim

Moses was a constipated man.
Once high up on Mt. Sinai, he ran.
From a bush, the Lord hissed,
"I'll give you an assist;
Here's two tablets; they're called Serutan."

(Serutan - natures spelled backward is a nostrum - McW)
--- Anon

Said Moses to each Israelite:
"Now we've come to the Red Sea all right.
Now you can get started
While the waters are parted -
But wait for the little green light."
--- P8207

Old Moses brought laws cut in stone
And thought that his flock would atone.
But they rejected his gaff,
And they made a gold calf,
And put the thing up on a throne.
--- Frank Ward

Now this pissed him right to the bone,
And he busted those tablets of stone.
Then went back to the mountain
And for forty days countin',
Tried getting some more on a loan.
--- Frank Ward

Then Jehovah did draw down the screw;
This time let him have only two.
"Of Commandments, here's Ten,
And you had better win!
Or I'll wipe out that whole Jewish crew."
--- Frank Ward

Then Moses came down in a snit.
Said, "I've had enough of your shit!
You will obey what is written
Or you will be smitten
And cast into a bottomless pit!"
--- Frank Ward

And then he climbed up on a knoll,
And started these laws to extol.
"Now, no image you'll make!"
Then he cast a bronze snake,
And put it up high on a pole.
--- Frank Ward

But this seemed to make the Jews madder.
He explained, "If you are bit by an adder,
Just gaze at my snake.
You'll be cured by daybreak.
If you can't see it, climb up this ladder.
--- Frank Ward

Well this commandment crap got bounced around,
And through the long ages was found
That all these great rules
Were for other damned fools,
To keep them from taking your ground!
--- Frank Ward

A story not apt to inspire us
Was found on an ancient papyrus;
It seems that when Moses
Came down with sclerosis,
He prayed not to God, but Osiris.
--- Butcher Baker P9301a

"The Lord," Moses said, "gave us many things
Consistent with good kosher upbringings.
The rest can be crammed
In those little blue cans.
Gentiles will eat most anything."

(SPAM comes in a little blue can)
--- Will Briggs

Ten times cried Moses, "Let us go!"
Ten times the Pharaoh answered, "No!"
Ten times plus one,
Perhaps a pun,
"You're not," cried he, "Fair, Oh, Pharaoh."
--- Irving Superior P8207

A horny old Hebrew named Moses
Watched girls in unnatural poses,
But claiming this odd
Vice sacred to God,
Came out of it smelling like roses.
--- Armand E Singer 348

God gave Moses a holy command,
"To the Pharaoh show tricks in his land."
But Moses was short
In the magical sport.
Said the Lord, "TAKE MY ROD IN YOUR HAND."
--- Al Chaplin P9608

Exterminator: Specialty roses.
No poisons -- no traps -- and no hoses.
Infestations of frogs,
Rodents, plagues, and wild dogs.
Free inspection -- will travel -- See Moses.
--- Arthur Deex P8703

When Moses found out what was what,
Eight out of ten were SHALT NOT.
You may think that strong,
But you would be wrong;
Nobody intends to get caught.
--- Laurence Perrine P8604

Old Moses loved virgin Zipporah,
And also, 'twas rumored, a whorah;
Plus Jew Law, you see,
So Moses loved three:
Zipporah, the whorah, the Torah.
--- Travis Brasell

The ark ran aground on Ararat,
The rain had stopped and that was that.
Then Noah stepped on deck,
And said: "Where the heck
This stinking and fat ship is at?"
--- William K Alsop Jr

Old Noah thought, "Since this damn flood'll
Last months, with the sheep I will huddle;"
He heard his wife speak,
"This ark sprang a leak;
I found, by the sheep, a white puddle!"
--- Travis Brasell

When Noah set sail in the ark,
'Twas hard to find in the dark.
But later on, you could tell
Because of the smell;
You could easily find the ark park.
--- William K Alsop Jr

A fundamentalist update --
While forty days and nights they wait,
Those beasts know as "extincts"
(Includes two Missing Links)
Are what the other two ate.
--- Irving Superior P9009

Old Noah and his wife, Joan of Arc,
Went out for a walk in the park.
Alas, they soon found
There was no solid ground,
And they sank 'neath the sea, cold and dark.
--- Tiddy Ogg

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While wading the Styx deep and bottomless,
They met with a candid hippopotamus.
"Now don't be bereft,
Take first turn on your left,
And wait for the queue--there's a lot of us."
--- Cyber Wizard

"You, Noah, deserve to be saved,
For you're not even mildly depraved.
Build an ark. Make it huge,
To withstand the deluge,
Lest you sink to a watery grave."
--- Old Test Made Easy P0110

Depressed were the spermatozoa
Born many long eons agoa.
With no chance for frolics
Or fun in the bollocks
Of ancient and wizened old Noah.
--- Peter Wilkins

They yearned for the chance to dabble
At swimming upstream (what a rabble)
But Noah was old
And his blood had grown cold,
To they ended their days playing scrabble.
--- Peter Wilkins

In twos, as they entered the Ark,
A "psst psst" made Noah remark,
"Mosquitoes 'psst psst'
I should check my list,"
However by then it was dark.
--- Irving Superior P9611

A stained-class designer named Mark,
Comissioned to do Noah's Ark,
Show Noah and crew
And their wifes, two by two,
Getting down to it--just for a lark.
--- Chris Young

Said God, "This contemptible race
Has proved itself shockingly base.
Such rascals! Confound them,
I fear I must drown them.
They're sinning all over the place.
--- Old Test Made Easy P0110

When the dove returned from the dark
And fluttered on deck of the ark,
Old Noah got a peek
Of a bug in its beak,
And said, "It is time to debark."
--- Chris Papa

Forty days, forty nights, how it poured!
They were itchy, rheumatic, and bored.
But they weathered the flood,
And debarked in the mud.
"Last one off is a slug!" said the Lord.
--- Old Test Made Easy P0110

"What's that, Pa?" said Japheth, "A tent?"
Said Noah, "Just 'ark and repent!"
Said Shem, "It's a sham."
"What's it made of?" said Ham.
"Gopher Wood," Noah said. So they went.
--- John Dole P9604 a

When light skin contacts skin that's dark,
Perhaps behind shrubs in a park,
Such pairings are neat,
Though it could face defeat,
If Noah should rebuild his Ark.
--- Tucker D Ott P8911

When Noah was loading his barge,
Reb Levi he had to discharge,
'Cause he lost his cool,
When he saw Reb's tool;
"LEVIATHAN is just too large!"
--- Chris Papa

We heard that the ark builder, Noah
Put two unicorns and a boa
Constrictor on board,
His boat, per the lord;
Thus we don't see horned horses no moa.

We heard that the ark builder, Noah,
Put two unicorns and a boa
Constrictor on board
His boat, per the Lord.
Thus we don't see horned horses no moa.
--- Vie

Come to Noah's for wine and strong waters,
And for diddling in clean classy quarters.
I assure every guest,
I've made personal test,
Of my booze, and my bed, and my daughters.
--- Anon G0115

Said Noah, "This long heavy shower
Has messed up my reckoning power.
According to me,
We're on the Black Sea -
Yet we've just passed the Post Office Tower."
--- P8207

Though the Bible's not apt to remark
'Bout the beasts on old Noah's ark.
Confinement is wearing
And tempers were flaring,
But the bite was no worse than his Barque.
--- P8207

When the Ark was just over Genoa
Mrs. Noah burst forth at poor Noah,
"Who's this Joan of Arc?
You are keeping her dark:"
Oh No! I don't know her," said Noah.
--- P8207

The ark had reached Mount Ararat.
The Bible says that after that,
They rushed outside
And multiplied
As fast as you can say "begat."
--- Irving Superior P8207

On the ark there was soon a great jam,
So Noah ate much veal and young lamb.
But the taboos on pig,
Made that meat infra dig,
Though in secret Noah sometimes ate Ham.
--- Anon

While sailing his ark, Captain Noah
Had an angry exchange with a boa.
For excessive constricting
Noah threatened evicting,
But the boa pledged Noah "No mo'a!"
--- P8207

Ham saw his father's bare booty,
So the Jews treated his kids like cooties;
They slaughtered them here
And murdered them there;
Ol' Noah's butt must have been quite a beauty.
--- Robert Moore

The Ark came when the world was ill-fated.
Then the rains appeared strong, unabated.
There it suddenly sat
Atop Mt. Ararat,
The only spot uninundated.
--- Loren Fitzhugh P0308

On the top of a mountain stood Noah
And found it was raining no moah,
He saw that the ark
Had a safe place to park,
And then he flung open the doah.
--- Lims Unlimited

It was valiant Captain Noah who
Turned his boat into a floating zoo.
But when population grew,
And he declared sex taboo,
Two gnu withdrew; they'd rather screw.

And the crew, it's true, bid Noah adieu.
--- Lynn Mostafa

I have studied me Bible real good,
But there's one thing I've not understood:
It's why Noah," the clot!
Didn't get out his swat,
And kill both them flies when he could!
--- Jim Fitzpatrick P0504

When Noah took the pairs to the Ark,
Conditions on board were quite stark.
When he sent out a dove
Which brought signs from above,
He knew he'd find somewhere to park.
--- Arthur Pattaffy

Then Noah (his family, too)
Assembled an unabridged zoo.
"What a stench!" Noah cried,
Hanging over the side.
"Every one of them needs a shampoo."
--- Old Test Made Easy P0110

There was a cute fellow named Noah
Who knew when rain came, it would pour.
So he built a nice ark,
But thought it no "lark"
When the elephant stuck in the door.
--- Miss N Saunders

As God made his point, the rain stopped,
And on to Mt Ararat dropped
The Ark. All within it
Cried, "Praise God! We've done it!
And onto dry land they then popped.
--- Christopher Goodwins

Every animal found in the zoo
Ambled onto the Ark, two by two.
Two impalas, who leapt;
Two iguanas, who crept;
Two guanacos, two gnats and two gnu.
--- David Morin

Where do you suppose God got the notion
Before launching the Ark into motion;
Lobsters, Whales, Jellyfish,
With free will or free wish,
Would climb into that craft from the ocean?
--- Loren Fitzhugh P0011

"I've wondered," confessed Mr Klein,
"When it came time out there on the brine
To tie up the Ark,
So that they could debark,
Who was it who caught Noah's line?"
--- Attic Salt P0001