Another prose post in bad taste;
I guess to reply is a waste.
She surely won't read
My limerick screed;
But out of here she should be chased.
--- Jester Jon

I fully agree -- how it sucked,
When this goldfish in prose fountains mucked.
When otherwise place,
She may well be chaste,
But when she comes back, she'll be fucked.
--- Tiddy Ogg

It's morning; I guess I'm just slow;
But curious, and would like to know
The horrible pun
I know you've begun...
So tell me just how does it go.
--- Jester Jon

I now hear you say, "What a lout!
WTF is this chap on about.
But there's no need to gloat;
'Cause I just got my coat,
And I'm already on my way out.
--- Jester Jon

Spam is a wonderful meat;
I once thought that it was a treat.
I see so much now,
I wonder just how
I once thought it couldn't be beat.
--- Burrito Man

When I'm given an obvious SPAM,
Without even a mention of "ma'am,"
'Tis not only rude
But females you exclude;
The best thing that rhymes here is "cram".
--- Jim Weaver Collection

Those dastardly bastards are sick,
And greedy and totally thick.
Spamming is criminal;
With junk mail subliminal,
Get ninety nine years in the nick.
--- Ron Bevitt

You first take a spammer like Beth,
Then strip her and spray her with meth.
Next light up a match
And apply to her thatch,
And roast the damn proser to death.
--- Tiddy Ogg

A filthy fat floozie is Beth;
She's fortunately cursed with bad breath,
Because when she breathes
Any guy around leaves,
Or else dies a very slow death.
--- David Miller

Lets see if I read you aright;
My best jokes to you I will write,
And then you'll spam me.
You say it's for free,
But I think that you're E-mailing shite.
--- Anon

So here now's an offer for you:
I'll cut off your bollocks, all two,
Then grind them up coarse,
And serve them with sauce,
To a mini-French Poodle named Lu.
--- Anon

The idiots with SPAM are abusing'
A newsgroup I find most amusin'.
I'd fill up their shorts
With explosives of sorts,
Then laugh when they blew up in confusion.
--- Chas deTampa

I trapped me a spammer in chains
And fastened his face to what stains.
His eyes are now spouting
And both ears are sprouting
Both shit and baked bits of his brains.

Good grief, it's the old farting master!
I'd heard from our paedophile pastor,
That your genes were decoded
When some tart exploded,
Which blew off your dick and dis-assed her.
--- Tiddy Ogg

The grafting has taken some time.
The surgeon has taken some spine
And bits of a whale,
And slime-of-a-snail,
But everything's blowing just fine.

Now, Sis, that was overly kind.
Fake limmers we really do mind.
I'd much rather beat'em
And cook them and eat'em,
Then kick them all up the behind!
--- Archie

Your limerick is not lame;
It is the name of the game.
To even the score,
Fill the spammer with C4
Then we we won't remember his name.
--- Chas deTampa

I'm madder than hell's what I am.
I'm just looking for someone to slam.
My server's alive!
New Posts! I have five!
And three of them are fuckin SPAM.
--- MrMalo

There's a website they call GeoCity,
That thinks pop-up windows are pretty.
But to all of their guests,
They are really pests,
So the rest of us think they are shitty.
--- Roger Morris

A nut you are not, just annoying
To us limmers intent on enjoying
Our own filthy vices.
To you our advice is:
Get useful instead of destroying.
--- Anon

I do not mean to be crude,
Or even try and be lewd,
But when dealing with SPAM,
All I can say is Damn!
Both females and males getting screwed!
--- Jim Weaver Collection

A humor-sense, son, is innate;
Your spam simply makes us irate.
So go to the zoo,
And see if there you
Can find a chimp who'll with you mate.
--- Tiddy Ogg

And after you're sated by apes,
You'd do well to get up and traipse
Over to screw
Ogg's favorite ewe,
(Which might be construed as sour grapes).
--- Randog

My ewe? You suggest this fool court her?
Now I just don't think that you oughter.
But if you took flight
Down to Dorset, he might,
Perhaps take a poke at my daughter.
--- Tiddy Ogg

Oh Tiddy. You're really an imp
Implying your daughter's a chimp.
If spam-man began a
Hot date, his banana
She'd peel. Does that make you a pimp?
--- Randog

Now, Tiddy, your verse is too kind;
These spammers have skins like a rind.
We really must cut them
And maybe de-gut them,
And leave them all un-intestined.
--- Archie

Spam is just marketing crap
So purposefully tossed in our lap;
Inappropriately posted
So authors are roasted,
Yet rarely come back for the trap.
--- Jim Weaver Collection

By your SPAM we know you're a crook,
And at you, I'd throw the rule book.
You're an inconsiderate
Crap-posting idiot
To be hung by your balls from a hook.
--- David Miller

All this spamming keeps Israel busy,
Though his posts have me in a tizzy;
Every one of them sucked!
So please, Cohen, get fucked
By a pig, until you are dizzy.
--- David Miller

It isn't that Izzy's a Jew
But if he continues to spew
He non-limerick form
When such is the norm,
I guess I'll be hating him too!
--- John Miller

Izzy, it's limericks folks
Want here, and we are picky blokes.
I hate to be mean
But prose is obscene.
(Though most of us like dirty jokes.)
--- John Miller

Now word derivations are skittish,
Limerick? From somewhere once British,
Upon Erin's fair shores.
But as through books pores,
Our Izzy, he'll claim it is Yiddish.
--- Tiddy Ogg

As others have done in the past,
I probably shouldn't lambaste
A guy who has chose
To post only prose,
'Cause I suspect that he's half-fast.
--- Observer

This is file qdl

This place ain't for spamming joke pages
And we find your intrusions outrageous.
Why do all you spam schmucks
Post an old joke that sucks?
Dickheadedness must be contagious.
--- Anon

The guy they call Kenneth Selin
Up his ass once stuck a nut praline.
Though he did this feat
To keep his bum sweet,
For spamming he needs a good ream.
--- Donald McGill

Dear Kenneth, you are such a fool;
Please stop tugging there at your tool.
It's such a thin dick,
Go learn word "limerick"
As you would, if you had been to school...
--- Tiddy Ogg

And therein consorting with gays,
And learning their ass-fucking ways,
And wearing a bra,
That you stole from your ma,
And that dress made of Broderie anglaise.

(embroidery usually white on white)
--- Tiddy Ogg

What? You're not feeling my love?
Good gracious! And Heavens above!
Why here, take my hand,
Your touch would be grand...
But first, let me put on a glove.
--- John Miller

I'm Kenneth, a scholar I ain't!
Don't holler, the sound makes me faint!
I only know that
You think I'm a rat,
And nobody thinks I am quaint.
--- John Miller

I'm Ken; a sad picture I paint
My "lims" are like shit on a taint.
The best that I've got
Is not asshole or twat --
An open latrine when it's raint.
--- John Miller

A caveman could get limericks right!
So clearly he isn't too bright.
With his rhythmical lack,
He cannot be black,
So I guess the poor bastard is white.

(Ken Selin writes really bad shit for lims)
--- John Miller

He cannot be British or French,
Though they can put up with a stench,
They quickly denounce
What they can't pronounce
Or isn't involved with a wench.
--- John Miller

I doubt if he's Irish or Dutch,
Or Belgian or Spanish or such;
He's probably a Jew,
But if that is true,
I don't care to dwell on that much.
--- John Miller

In Texas the old K K K
Would certainly scare him away.
In Arkansas, Bill
Might harbor him still,
But he wouldn't be posting this way...
--- John Miller

Some say he's Canadian stock
But somehow I think that's a crock,
Unless he is found
In moist fertile ground,
On flipping a mossy flat rock.
--- John Miller

He can't be a Finn or a Swede;
Such folk don't exist in that breed.
He can't be a Kraut,
They'd kick his ass out;
Perhaps he is simply a weed.
--- John Miller

A weed? Well, of those there's a billion;
They grow and they breed by the million.
No balls do they need
To spread wide their seed,
And so there is no weed cotillion.
--- John Miller

Now if you have been quite alert,
You'll wonder just what my verse spurt
And this subject share?
The subject's "Down There",
And weeds do it down in the dirt!
--- Scott Oliver

Ain't it strange, there's so many abusing
The spammers? Why, some folks are choosing
To limit their rights!
(Aligning gun sights
On their gourds could be just as amusing.)
--- John Miller 0274

I'll bet that ol' Tiddy is fumin',
Or maybe could be I'm assumin'
That he'd like to boil
That sucker in oil,
'Cause spammers are all less than human.
--- Observer

Many of us are aghast
When we hear "make money fast."
Every day we see spam
And know it's a scam.
I'm getting sick of being harassed.
--- Jim Weaver Collection

Spam is a general term
For posts as prolific as sperm.
The difference, of course,
Between cock and this source,
Is the "member" is not quite as firm.
--- Jim Weaver Collection

Here's an idea whose time has come;
Too bad your mom was too dumb
To know of the pill
Or a license to kill,
Before you spammed us, you scum.
--- S C Saint

Their bums are all ground up with glass,
So I think that this time I'll pass
It might hurt my hands,
And, Arch, I've got plans
To use those on my beau's sweet ass.

--- Marty

I once was a devoted Ham
But never keyed like a telegram.
My setup was sound,
This is not a put-down,
And we did not condone all the Spam.
--- S C Saint

Uncle Beer just hates to get spam;
The bastards just don't give a damn.
So e-mail me not
At the place in the spot
That says "from", 'cause that one's a sham.
--- Uncle Beer

Earn millions while skiing the slopes;
Like you, I once had great hopes
Of fooling the masses.
Those ignorant asses
Are too smart for the spammering dopes.
--- Hideout

If you'd put in lims, you might see
An inquiry or two that could be
A shekel or quarter
To fun your next porter,
And thankful you'd most likely be.
--- Hideout

My name is the way it begins.
Dot org is the way that it ends.
Between at and dot,
My name again, sot!
Just don't send me pictures of sins.
--- Uncle Beer

The US, not Brits, devised Spam,
The original pork shoulder and ham.
To blame the UK
Is like trying to say,
The fault's not the wolf, it's the lamb.
--- Steevo

"Download" pictures of pensioners bare;
"Unlimited" dandruff in their hair;
The "Free Music's" all rap,
Like their "Movies," all crap,
And the "Games" might load (with a prayer).
--- Q

Off-topic, inane and obscene,
Of intellect seriously lean;
A spam is bad meat.
The sender we beat;
They leech on the internet scene.
--- Jim Weaver Collection

'Make money' the spammers proclaim,
With their pyramid schemes, oh so lame.
But this one's a plum,
As dumb as they come;
They can't even write their own name!
--- Anon

Ring-ring -- so I sleepily raise
The phone. "Say, can we double glaze..."
The makers of phone ads
Should lose both their gonads,
And live on shit all of their days.
--- Tiddy Ogg

A "Soilder" you are, yes indeed!
How we wish that the net could be freed
From those of your ilk,
Here only to bilk
Us to satisfy your selfish greed
--- Anon

I think poor Selin was misled,
When the name of this newsgroup he read.
That second word, "jokes",
Might mean to some folks,
That more than just lims could be spread.
--- Jeff Wisnia

A note here, to Kenneth Selin:
It's not our intent to be mean,
But a non-limming twit
Gives some folks here a fit,
And they'd like to rip out your spleen.
--- Observer