I've a tragic and true tale to tell
Of a mouse (now avenged) burned to hell.
The poor bastard who did it
Lost house just to rid it
Of mouse, who in flames, spread them well.
--- David A Brooks

Don't think animal-lovers are bland,
For compassion's a powerful stand.
Would your boy march with Death
If he'd felt the warm breath
Of a dormouse asleep in his hand?
--- David A Brooks

The sultan got sore at his harem
And thought up this plan for to scare 'em:
He caught a wee mouse
Which he loosed in the house;
The confusion is called harem-scarem.
--- Anon

'Tis winter, the weather's much colder,
And the vermin have gottten much bolder.
Last night in my house,
Spied an old prarie mouse;
Smashed him up with an old candle holder.
--- Anon

To catch all the mice, old McFry
Cut cheese into cubes like a die.
Then he baited the traps
And he waited for snaps,
But the traps only yielded a mie.
--- Albin Chaplin 3024-2689

Discouraged, McFry told his spouse,
Who cut up the cheese into douse.
When the traps were all baited,
They waited and waited
But the traps only yielded a mouse.
--- Albin Chaplin 3024-2690

They hired for a prouse, expert Price,
Who fashioned the cheese into dice.
Then he set all the traps
And they heard many snaps,
And they caught all the mice in the hice.
--- Albin Chaplin 3024-2691

So men, give advise to your spice,
Don't cut like a die, but like dice.
When your cutting up cheese
To bait traps, if you please,
And you'll catch every mie in the hice.
--- Albin Chaplin 3024-2692

You know what they say about mice;
Don't have to behave much, that's nice.
Cat's gone all week,
I am not meek!
The weekend is the only price.
--- Anon

There was a wee lassie called Lucy
Who said "Mummy, I want a moosie.
They tell me that mice
Taste ever so nice--
Like gerbils, but sweet and more juicy."
--- Chris Young

A mouse in her room woke Miss Dowd.
Who was frightened and screamed very loud.
Then a happy thought hit her;
To scare off the critter,
She sat up in bed and meowed!
--- Lorna Lace P9911

A mouse scared a lady named Lee;
She died from the fright -- plain to see.
But the mouse was scared more
And it fell to the floor,
And it died much more deader than she.
--- Albin Chaplin 3024-2667

My home was once claimed by a mouse.
I set traps all over the house.
The hunt sadly ended,
I hadn't intended
To catch the big toe of my spouse!
--- Norma Jean Bears P9202

A handsome young rodent named Gratian,
As the lifeguard became a sensation.
All the lady mice waved
And screamed to be saved
By his mouse-to-mouse resuscitation.
--- Anon

"I admire your cute mouse, and I said it.
If your feelings are hurt, I regret it"
When I said this, I lied,
But then she replied,
"Well, O.K; If you like, you can pet it."
--- Jim Weaver Collection

A terrified lady named Gnauss
Was scared by a mouse in the house.
When she screamed in despair,
No one much seemed to care,
So she frightened the mouse with her blouse.
--- Albin Chaplin 3024-2595

Some scientists studying aging,
Who claim life's prolonged by low phaging,
Are wrong. Don't you heed 'em;
The secret is freedom.
A thin mouse can slip through its caging.
--- Prof M-G

There was a big fat runt
With an apppetite for rat cunt:
The vermin deceased,
Made a great feast,
So now he is back on the hunt.
--- Kevin's Limerick Page

My dad gave a big cocktail party
For Bostonians snobby and arty.
Leo, our cat,
Brought in a huge rat,
Plopped it down, then meowed, "Party Hearty!"
--- Anon

A short while ago, like a dope,
The Scots barmaid's breasts I did grope.
From there I was banned,
Thrown out by the land-
lord, but now I'm back, I hope.
--- Tiddy Ogg

I've been back to the Rat Catchers Arms,
Ogling pretty Fiona's great charms.
She served me a beer,
And said with a sneer,
"Don't touch me with those sweaty palms."
--- Tiddy Ogg

"You're only let in on probation;
Just one grope could mean termination.
My boyfriend's over there,
In that corner chair;
He's keen for a big confrontation."
--- Tiddy Ogg

I turned and I looked at the fellow.
Inside I was quaking like Jello.
About seven foot tall;
Built like a brick wall;
No wonder I felt very yellow.
--- Tiddy Ogg

Fiona was heavily breathing;
With each breath her bosom was heaving.
Those breasts in that blouse
Would a dead man arouse.
How now could I think about leaving?
--- Tiddy Ogg

While her boyfriend had gone for a leak,
I heard a thin high-pitched squeak.
"It's a mouse," whispered she,
And came rushing to me;
Put her arms 'round my neck with a shriek!
--- Tiddy Ogg

You all can guess what happened next;
Her boyfriend entered most vexed.
The last thing I saw
As I fell to the floor,
Was Fiona who looked quite perplexed.
--- Tiddy Ogg

Why do things not go my way?
She was there in my arms on that day.
And the plan seem ideal,
That mouse to conceal...
A very bruised jaw was my pay.
--- Tiddy Ogg

There was an old man who supposed
That the street door was partially closed;
But some very large rats
Ate his coats and his hats,
While that futile old gentleman dozed.
--- Edward Leer

There was a young farmer named Sig
Whose prick was too long and too big.
His perverted passion,
Contrary to fashion,
Consisted of fucking a pig.
--- G1323

Babirussa: An East Indies pig
That has canines prodigiously big
Curving out of his snout;
If you see him, watch out!
'Cause the pig gets indignant, you dig?
--- Rory Ewins

Said a pig at a farm on the moor,
"I've prizes and trophies galore.
I'm the world's finest sow,
But life's dreary, somehow,
For my husband's the world's biggest boar!"
--- Mary Danby - 2nd Armada

A sow sidled up to the wagon
Where the farmer spilled booze from his flagon.
She lapped up the liquid
Like any good pig would,
And both of them got quite a jag on.
--- Cow Sheep Petersen Rhodes

The boar is a creature most lewd:
Its eighteen-inch rod's not for prudes.
Like a corkscrew, it's curled,
Through the cervix it's twirled,
Giving new life to the phrase "getting screwed".
--- Actaeon

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Oriental pig's attack frontal
Left him spun in lines contrapuntal.
Disoriented pig
Also lost voice big,
Which did the poor porker disgruntle.
--- Daniel

Big Bob's not a sheep that can bleat,
But into his sty will retreat
For devouring my swine.
That suits me just fine
Cause I know: 'What we are what we eat'!
--- Anon

An alluring young shoat of Paris,
Fills all of her suitors with glee,
For when they implore
Her to give a bit more,
She invariably answers "Wee Wee!"
--- Anon

Once someone said: "If pigs could fly..."
A gleam came to one boffin's eye,
"That's what we've been praying
For, we can start spraying
The crops with muck dropped from the sky."
--- Tiddy Ogg

A piglet whose tail was too straight
Put curling pins on for a date.
But the pins were too hot,
And a twiddly knot
Tied itself in the tail, sad to state.
--- Mary Danby - 2nd Armada

The sow toppled over the cream,
And lay in the widening stream;
Said she, "It's my duty
To care for my beauty.
To look like Miss Piggy's my dream."
--- Cow Sheep Petersen Rhodes

I'm tired of this inelegant dig
Of women calling all men "Pig!"
Pigs are not men;
Men belong in a pen;
Pigs are gentle and sensitig.
--- Jim Weaver Collection

With his female pig ailing somehow,
They say an old farmer named Dow
Resolved to give her
A dose of liquer
In hopes that it might Curacao.
--- A N Wilkins P8403

I once knew a pig that could fly
From the Abattoir back to his sty.
He was such a sharp dasher,
He never made rasher
Nor ever became a pork pie.
--- Peter Wilkins

A milkmaid addressing her cows,
Promised each one a series of vows.
She said that she'd never
Be ever so clever
As to try and milk one of the sows!
--- Mark A Smeby

I just paid a pig's traffic fine.
When you hear this, you'll know I'm not lyin'.
He laid down at the curb
And oinked "Do not disturb."
But he didn't see the 'No Porking' sign!
--- Joseph Eldridge

The pig is of the porcine ilk;
This I know, his ears aren't silk.
He uses grunts and snuffles,
And is good finding truffles.
His wife, the sow, I think gives milk.
--- William K Alsop Jr

A warthog exclaimed, between snorts,
"Oh, why don't I have any warts!
I've consulted the virus
That lives in Epirus,
And I've stayed at the hoptoad resorts."
--- Lims Unlimited

There was a young pig called Sam Handwich,
Who met with a dirty old man which
Converted poor Sam
Into five tins of Spam,
And Sam Handwich is now a ham sandwich.
--- Anon

It's Autumn, the season of pannage.
I'll see if this year I can manage,
While having a snuffle,
For acorns, not truffles;
Of a sexy sow I'll take advantage.

(pannage - when pigs are released to forest to eat acorns)
--- Tiddy Ogg

A man from Newcastle-on-Tyne
Kept pigs in a penthouse divine.
He fed them strange things
Like tiaras and rings --
He was casting his pearls before swine!
--- Mary Danby - 2nd Armada

I once owned a pig that could fly,
But simply would not multiply.
"What good is that trick
When the sows are heart-sick?
Come down! You have furrows to ply."
--- Marty TP9807

The wife of a farmer in Stoke,
Always one for a dubious joke,
Caught her sow in the act,
And reported the fact
To her spouse as "a pig in a poke."
--- Anon

There once was a pig named Mork,
Who lived on the streets of New York.
He got in a fight
In an alley one night
And then he was sliced up for pork.
--- John Ponto

A virtuous porker of Nome
Had no inclination to roam.
The rest of the brood
Would go out and get stewed,
But this little piggy stayed home.
--- VOL 11

Barnyard life's really the pits.
That shoat's just about frayed my wits!
If I ever find
That Piglet, I'll grind
Him up into wee bacon bits.
--- Anon

I wish you'd control that damn Piglet,
He keeps rootin' around for my riglet.
When I'm standin' out
To pee, his cold snout
Keeps nudgin' my hose when I wiggle it!
--- Anon

Well, Piglet, I'm really quite tickled
To learn that ol' Hamhock ain't fickled;
His lessons? Believe 'em!
Just pork 'em and leave 'em!
Your feet won't wind up gettin' pickled!
--- Anon

If she will stop and open her eyes,
She could see there are plenty of guys,
In the place that's a shrine,
That is fit for a swine.
For the pigs mainly wallow in sties.
--- Anon

The pig was an absolute charmer;
She used all her wiles on the farmer,
But he's keeping books,
So in spite of her looks,
She now wears a wrap labeled Armour.
--- Cow Sheep Petersen Rhodes

Pigs are such vile dirty swine;
They wallow in muck and urine.
But when the culinary talk,
Turns to bacon and pork,
They're suddenly becoming divine.
--- Al Lichtman

A fellow named Phineas Fly,
Lived right in a muddy pigsty.
If you asked why this was,
He'd reply, "Oh because--
It's none of your business, that's why!"
--- Anon

While visiting Uncle Moe's farm,
Right there in the house, keeping warm,
There lay an old sow.
I raised an eye-brow.
The pig had a prosthetic arm!
--- H Welchel

Now what's with the amputee beast?
I asked. Uncle Moe said, "She greased
And pampered and sung to.
We wipe off her bung, too.
If not for her, I'd be deceased.
--- H Welchel

A chestnut tree fell on my back
About seven miles off of the track.
That pig heard me cry
And broke from her sty,
And brought me a plank and a jack!
--- H Welchel

Said I, "I'm amazed at her stunts!
But why the three legs?" Uncle grunts.
Your head sure is fat!
A good pig like that --
You don't eat the whole thing at once!
--- H Welchel

When the razorback hog in the ark
Was stropping himself on some bark,
All the animals knew
That when he was through,
He'd let go with a cutting remark.
--- Lims Unlimited

In a recent astute observation,
With hungry pigs we bear a relation.
I do take exception
About this reflection,
To sully the pig's reputation.
--- William Tozzi

Two Alsatian pigs met in a bar.
Both were soccer fans, excellence par.
One said, "My team's the 'Scruffles'."
Said the other, "Mine's 'Truffles'.
They're the ones which I always root for."
--- Loren C Fitzhugh P9706