Whether weather withers WETHERS?
Query's not from ewes on tethers,
For they know the sort
Who frolic and sport
Won't become diploma leathers.
--- Daniel Ford

Oh whither the WETHER tonight?
Will he sport with the ewes 'til first light?
No, the wether won't tup
For he cannot lift up
What the ram finds exceedingly light.
--- Eva Amata

Whether ewes will, as WETHER ewes won't,
The sheepish responses really don't
Matter to rams,
For they stand on gams,
Driving ewes home, as is their wont.
--- Daniel Ford

Ewes find "guy" WETHERS not hot,
Because of the treatment they got.
The buzz with the "gals"
Is not "Who're these pals?"
It's whether they can or cannot.
--- Chris Papa

There once was a ram on a tether
Who was trapped in that midwinter weather.
He sat on the ground
Where quite swiftly he found
That he'd changed from a ram to a WETHER!
--- Eva Amata

That'll teach the dumb ram not to squat,
Or set down in a frigid spot.
With return of warm sun,
With ewes he'll ne'er run;
For them it's just wether or not.
--- Chris Papa

To treat sex like a loving crop,
(If you're thinking of whips, please stop!),
Then by wit and WHEEDLE,
The implant of seed'll
Be something to which one might hop.
--- Chris Papa

I worried the wild wave would WHELM
And tightened my grip on the helm.
And prayed to the gods
To increase the odds
Of returning to Main Street and Elm.
--- Chris Papa

To such a safe haven fated,
I desperately clung there and waited,
Till storm's fury spent,
Then bound for home went,
Thoroughly soaked but elated.
--- Chris Papa

While WHILOM is old way to say,
Something "former" in a funny way,
Other things aside,
When it comes to a bride,
The maiden named is counted as "nee".
--- Chris Papa

The former writer oft called WHILOM,
Used the writer's wiles to beguile 'em.
He'd never telgraph
How he'd make them laugh;
Surprised readers sounded like asylum.
--- Daniel Ford

With regard to charges current or WHILOM,
My phone company's reaction is "bill 'em!"
They seem to rejoice
In a four page invoice.
"We paid for envelopes; lets fill 'em."
--- Norm Brust

The capricious acts are WHIMSICAL,
Considered by some as mystical,
Where a dervish dance
May cause some lost pants,
Amid frantic, beating musical.
--- Daniel Ford

She thought him a WHIMSICAL wimp,
Espying his flaccid tool, limp.
"Though sex goddess I,
I won't even try
To get a small rise from that shrimp."
--- Chris Papa

Drunk gent coming home from a binge,
Was set for wife's tirade or WHINGE.
What he got, alack,
Cayenned scrotal sac,
And "family jewels" felt the singe.
--- Chris Papa

Like the squeak of an un-oiled hinge,
The deen of the toddler's WHINGE
Cuts through conversation,
Kills all conjugation,
And treatens one's mind to unhinge.
--- Eva Amata

In the aftermath of his wild binge,
Willy would wail and he'd WHINGE.
That Satan had dealt him
Effects that might melt him,
In manner of a sqeaky hinge.
--- Chris Papa

It's enough to make Christian Right cringe,
This whole gay marriage ruckus and WHINGE.
But folks in the middle
Don't give a diddle
'Bout affairs of the lesbian fringe.
--- Phil Kinay

The crying and wailing of WHINGE
May cause one to come off the hinge,
But enough wining
Completely dining,
Will give your world a rosy tinge.
--- Daniel Ford

I've a friend who's a cigar-smoking nut.
He smokes a cigar to the butt.
If his moustache he should singe,
He's got no right to whinge.
It's a habit he really should cut.
--- Norm Brust

Our WHIRLIGIG world daily turns
And millions a fortunate earns.
But most merely toil
For grubs in the soil,
While Lady Luck their orbit spurns.
--- Chris Papa

A WHITE ELEPHANT is emphatic
Item, from land, or aquatic,
That will usually grace,
A cobwebby space
Deep within bowels of the attic.
--- Chris Papa

One could make the argument
That children are WHITE ELEPHANTS.
From daycare to college,
The cost of their knowledge
Will drive us all to impoverishment.
--- Sheryl

Against the usual way, WIDDERSHINS,
So often these days is how one wins.
Back against the flow
Finds holes, don't you know.
Through which a runner creates big grins.
--- Daniel Ford

In roundabouts, DEASIL's the flow.
In rotaries, WIDDERSHINS GO,
Unless each is used,
One may get confused.
Go wrong, and get injured. Oh woe!
--- Elois

Our land is in liquidity,
Despite all the pols cupidity.
Something we'll not lose
Is the surfeit of all their stupidity.
--- Chris Papa

When I drink tea, one cup is enough.
Milk? I can't stand the stuff.
But when imbibing booze,
So I can stick my face in the trough.
--- Norm Brust

Pronouncing words the Brooklyn way
Is a WILD CARD, I often play
In composing limericks.
You need some new tricks
And phony rhymes can save the day.
--- Norm Brust

Unexpected power from WILD CARD
May leave your poker fortune-pile charred.
Revert to limericks
And you'll take slimmer tricks,
But have success as power-styled bard.
--- Daniel Ford

That Gilbert, of G&S, bard,
Wrote plots about wide as a yard;
Hard to figure out.
They leave you in doubt,
Till end when he deals the WILD CARD.
--- Chris Papa

Far ranging stockselling WILDCATTER
Will promise of quick wealth wild scatter.
But results do show
Investor's funds go,
With WILDCATTER's account miles fatter.
--- Chris Papa

The risky ventures of WILDCATTER
Have much in common with Mad Hatter,
Whose nonsense was routed
Through tophat and spouted
Over all, in the tea party spatter.
--- Daniel Ford

WILLIWAWs churn up the surf,
Along marine shorelines turf.
We Alaskans turn blue
And so can you
Resemblea a comic strip Smurf!
--- Barb

This is file kyl

A winebibber I'm definitly not
Or any other kind of a sot,
But now and then,
I sip Forest Glen,
A white "zin" that smacks off "Bon mot!"
--- Barb

Pretending cleverness, WISEACRE,
Oft claims to be the prize taker.
But cannot come through
With ribbon of blue,
When tough question's asked as tie-breaker.
--- Daniel Ford

There once was a Los Angeles Laker
Who was an outrageous WISEACRE.
He'd not try to mask it,
And went for the basket.
He was the league's hottest shot maker.
--- Norm Brust

This hot shot was met with a groan,
When he spread his sperm in a small town.
But a jail term escaped,
For the "ho" that he "raped"
Had "round heels" completely worn down.
--- Chris Papa

A WISENHEIMER married me.
Within months he'd planted a seed.
Near my tummy he'd lurk,
And point to his work,
To show the world, he'd done the deed.
--- Sheryl

Garrison Kellor is a radio ace
Who's brought fame to an obscure place --
Lake WOEBEGONE in Minnesota,
Where at least half the biota
Comprises corn and the Norwegian race.
--- Norm Brust

There once was a WOEBEGONE waif,
Who thought raw pork chops were safe.
On them she would glut,
Till worms in her gut
Convinced her to eschew things treyf. (non-kosher)
--- Chris Papa

A frown on a girl or a boy,
Could happiness easily destroy.
But Keillor's okay
Seeing people that way,
A WOEBEGONE look is a joy.
--- Bob Dvorak

A careless and quick Chinaman,
Who used a WOK in his game plan,
Once added gunpowder
To his bird's nest chowder,
And now he's a flash in the pan.
--- Chris Papa

WOOLGATHERING was Willy's wrecker,
Accused by strict teacher checker,
Of wandering mind
And act most unkind,
Exposed for diddling his pecker.
--- Chris Papa

WOOLGATHERING's what I excel at,
But keep the news under your hat!
Please don't expose
My creative throes,
Lest you become odious fink rat!
--- Barb

WOOLGATHERING is a worthless pursuit.
It yields no cloth from which to make a suit.
But it passses the time
And inspired this rhyme,
By a shiftless, lazy old coot.
--- Norm Brust

A man who was known as a WOWSER
Grabbed a girl and tried to arouse her.
A crowd soon collected;
When sommeone objected,
He explained "I plan to espouse her."
--- Norm Brust

He pretended to be a WOWSER,
But it was only a ruse to arouse her.
He said, the Lord would keep her,
And indeed, it was cheaper
Than if he spent to feed and house her.
--- Norm Brust

The antipodean name WOWSER
Describes killjoy, bland life espouser.
But here in the north,
For wows, we go forth,
And order tickets on our browser.
--- Daniel Ford

Old Bruce was not known as a WOWSER --
A swiver was he, and carouser.
He did not try to throttle
The Imp in the bottle,
And he heeded the snake in the trouser.
--- Eva Amata

Wanda was one wicked WRAITH.
Or so all the gentleman saith,
Who fine dinner fed,
Then took her to bed,
Where she was undressed and then laith.
--- Chris Papa

The ghostly shadow that's called a WRAITH
Might just be part of observer's faith,
While grieving the dead
Who have lost a head,
To Grim Reaper's hand on the snathe. (handle of scythe)
--- Daniel Ford

There once was a draper named Roth,
Who became exceedingly WROTH,
When he found a rat in
A bolt of red satin,
So outraged was this man of the cloth.

(where the drapes of Roth are stored)
--- Norm Brust

In extreme anger the bride felt WROTH,
Due to companions apparent sloth.
Excuse invention
Revealed intention:
He just never would pledge her his troth.
--- Daniel Ford

Anna Nicole is quite WROTH
As judge has served up evil broth,
Which deprives her bits
She earned with her tits,
Over which the old gaffer would froth.
--- Chris Papa

'Twas not WROTH guys felt, they'd be glad
To have time with Nicole, as mate had.
She teased with her breast
To make him attest,
She'd be rich when he croaked. That ain't bad.
--- Elois

Directly as seen, WYSIWYG,
For those of you who give a fig,
Is evolution
Of revolution:
The post tea party whizzy whig.
--- Daniel Ford

It really is very wise to sample
The wares in many ways ample.
Before knot is tied,
To make sure the bride
Will great expaectations not trample.
--- Chris Papa

The bulge in his speedo was big.
On his chest was tattooed WYSIWYG.
But the bulge was a sock;
Boy, what a crock!
His dork was no bigger than a fig.
--- Norm Brust

WYSIWYG, acronym with a punch;
A good one, and I have a hunch,
We'd also do well
On TINSTAAFL to dwell:
There ain't no such thing as a free lunch.
--- Fran

It seems certain fate of Mankind
To hope it may XANADU find.
They realize late
That paradise great
Is always a place in one's mind.
--- Chris Papa

The marathon's high equals XANADU,
For those with the gumption to see it through.
But when the first dash
Depletes reserve stash,
Then leaving the race makes you kinda blue.
--- Elois

Idyllic luxury, XANADU,
May bring to mind thought of Katmandu.
But only the latter
Can wildly shatter
The Shangri-la scene so through and through.
--- Daniel Ford

To rhyme a word with XANADU
Is something that I canna' do.
I know it's absurd,
But I wish that this word
I never had yet run into.
--- Gary Hallock

We wanted a trip to XANADU,
But were told by the agent, "The place ain't true."
Then he insisted,
"If it existed,
It would be too expensive for you."
--- Elois

Some fellow, who thought wars romantic,
Enlisted with fierce fervor frantic.
But soon shot and shell
Revealed the true hell
And wide sagital streak XANTHIC.
--- Chris Papa

A XANTHIC young man with a horn
Got lost in a great field of corn.
This camouflaged fellow
Was mute, could not bellow.
All night he was lost and forlorn.
--- Gary Hallock