So sad he was all the night through,
By dawn the boy knew what to do:
His horn he employs.
Folks cried, "What's that noise?"
He heaved a cyan said, "I'm blew!"
--- Gary Hallock

Socrates' shrew-wife XANTHIPPE,
Began tirades in tones snippy,
Though soon in sound bold,
Her scold would take hold,
And Soc chose hemlock drink zippy.
--- Daniel Ford

A man would be happy if he,
Were not married to Xanthippe,
Who had a sharp tongue,
Now listed among,
Viragos, most definitely.
--- Chris Papa

Hospitality XENIAL
Begs preparations menial,
To make guests happy
With hot canapes,
And cool libations genial.
--- Daniel Ford

The Greeks were exceeding good hosts,
Except for their retsina toasts;
Duties XENIAL,
Quite congenial,
Observed on Aegean coasts.
--- Chris Papa

New England heritage YANKEE,
Whom sloth will surely make cranky,
Is hard-working kind,
Prefers daily grind:
No nonsense, no hanky panky.
--- Daniel Ford

YANKEE Doodle pejorative
Is now more commemorative;
Again we've usurped
What British had "perp'ed," (perpetrated)
Into paean majorative.
--- Daniel Ford

Yankee, a word in my noodle,
Part of a song very crudal,
Where pasta is sung,
Or otherwise hung,
On somebody's hat, guy named "Doodle".
--- Chris Papa

Who's watching for our country's good?
It's something each President should.
But one quite adept,
Slick Willy, yclept,
Was more into bobbing his hood.
--- Chris Papa

The safe-cracking robber's a YEGG.
With speculation, difference I beg:
Without precision,
Wording elision
Yields safecrackers who break the egg.
--- Daniel Ford

An impatient YEGG I once knew,
Once got in a helluva stew.
He tried to be quick
With a dynamite stick;
And now he is called Gimpy Lou.
--- Chris Papa

Jill was thrown out of her birthplace;
Poor thing lives in total disgrace,
Ever since the day
(It's a shame, I say,)
She was caught with YEGG on her face.
--- Gunjan

The YEGG's name was Halibut Hal,
Who had ways of pleasing each gal.
The prissy or louche,
With or without douche,
He loved scents both perfumed and mal.
--- Chris Papa

There once were some clumsy young YEGGS,
Who fumbled with their powder kegs.
The safe blew sky high,
With them standing by;
They've drained "bitter cup" to its dregs.
--- Chris Papa

Safecrackers or robbers may be YEGGS.
Oft drawn from society's dregs,
Though Damon Runyon,
The Peeler of Onion,
Often described them as good eggs.
--- Daniel Ford

Pariah of the other proud press.
Which though it's unchaste,
Meets popular taste.
Sells many more papers, not less.
--- Dr Limerick

It's not opium, smoked in a den,
Nor cannabis: No it is men.
Young or old, straight or gay,
I must have one today,
For I'm gripped in the vice of a YEN.
--- Eva Amata

It's safe to admit that most men,
For ladies, have definite YEN.
Frustrated by breaks,
For pads and headaches,
Which seem to intrude now and then.
--- Chris Papa

For sex I will always have YEN;
I want it again and again.
I'm lucky, you see,
Wife gives it to me.
Don't have to visit sleazy den.
--- Barrie Eksteen

Said Hilde, the new lesbian,
"For the ladies, I too, have a YEN.
Yes, it's Merkins for me
Because men, you see,
Have always been beyond my ken!
--- Sheryl A Lemma

The poor deprived guy with the YEN,
Is one of the bipeds called men,
Who may go to bed
With dumb quadruped,
When YEN tops the scale, one to ten.
--- Elois

Such strong longings for sex as YEN.
Does cut both ways, a partners cry "When!"
The subsequent stress
Does create a mess,
Of internal strife, hives and a wen.
--- Daniel Ford

As a youth, I had quite a YEN,
To meet a gal who's a "ten".
Now I would settle
For much less mettle;
Like a "six" who prefers older men.
--- Norm Brust

A fellow may date now and then,
A lady for whom he's no YEN;
But if he has bucks,
He may get some yucks,
Though likely she isn't a "10".
--- Gary Hallock

Testosterone which flows in men,
For sex creates powerful YEN.
But once they are wed,
Cool in wife's bed,
With estrogen's words, "Not again!"
--- Chris Papa

Or "head ache" will oft intervene,
Which sours the domestic scene.
As mailman intrudes,
While poor hubby broods
Or moves on to new pastures green.
--- Chris Papa

I've always had this YEN
To see what would happen when
I ever got "thin",
The clothes I was in
Made me look exactly like Jen. (nifer Lopez)
--- Barb

But when "outside" on a spree,
There's one shop where they know me.
When I buy their threads,
Without rueful dreads,
I can rightfully get to say "whee!"
--- Barb

If I'd like to dish the latest dirt,
With all the bad news I could blurt,
I might go rent a
Genuine YENTA
Who'd then all the neighbors alert.
--- Chris Papa

How did rumors make ears ring
Before telephones were the thing?
One simply sent a
Message to a YENTA
And everyone got the word, bada-bing!
--- Norm Brust

Yesterday's eventide was YESTREEN,
During which some couples made routine
The pursuit leisure
Of mutual pleasure,
With some feeling betwixt and between.
--- Daniel Ford

I think that, between you and me,
Some YLEM we never will see.
With "Big Bang" it went,
All totally spent,
All gone into eternity.
--- Chris Papa

A rowdy hooligan is a YOB;
For Jorge Jorgeson, it's a job.
This backward spelling,
For such raise helling,
With my syntax surely does play hob.
--- Daniel Ford

This is file kxl

For back-slang, defined in the SOD, (Shorter Oxford Dict.)
A sample, we see, so we nod:
A 'yob' is perverse,
(It's 'boy' in reverse),
Demonstrably, damnably odd.
--- Nick

Encounter a YOB?, I would flee one,
And prefer not even to see one.
"Bad-assed", second rate,
Contorted with hate,
'Tis pity that some try to be one!
--- Daniel Ford

According to creed of YOUNG TURKS,
Established guys are hoary jerks.
They'd like to get out,
So they, too, can flout
The power, positions, and perks.
--- Chris Papa

The YOUTHQUAKE at my house is fine;
I'm proud of this teen male of mine!
His grades are real good;
He does what he should.
He never walks over the line.
--- Maggie

Come on, guys, give me a break,
The fad that you'd call a "YOUTHQUAKE",
Is loud music, manic,
In a tongue profanic,
Designed to produce huge headache.
--- Chris Papa

With studs piercing all body parts,
Adorned by the bad tattoo arts,
In ill-fitting clothes,
A bone through the nose,
And icicles there in their hearts.
--- Chris Papa

Now every swabbie sure knows,
It's safer to play with YOYO's;
A much better match,
Who knows what you'll catch,
From messing in bars, with GoGo's.
--- Chris Papa

Some folks like to fool with YOYO's,
But for me, I abstain with no no's.
I more like a bed
With a sexy redhead,
Taking vitamin E with my NoDoze.
--- Ken Bonnell

The YUPPIFIED sections of Boston
That visiting parents get lost in,
They admire with pride
And are then stupified
On learning what kids' rent is costin'.
--- Elois

The old gent announced with a sigh,
Since his condo did YUPPIFY,
Like "Sex in the City",
He ogled girls pretty,
But could not quite remember why.
--- Chris Papa

Where I live, it's the YUPPIES that rule.
It's like the dorm at graduate school.
To truly YUPPIFY
You need a WIFI, (wireless network for internet connection)

--- Norm Brust

Young urban wealthy do YUPPIFY
Whole regions with prices up. If I
Wanted to live there
Near Washington Square,
Where no decent ladies shtupify.
--- Daniel Ford

ZABERNISM is deed of the damned,
Where innocents often are slammmed
By unrighteous force,
As matter of course,
And with great injustices crammed.
--- Chris Papa

The bullying of ZABERNISM,
Accompanied by saber schism
And head removal
Without reproval,
Reveals character's priapism.
--- Daniel Ford

A ZAFTIG big Inuit maid
Would swim nude at zip centigrade.
With no suit of rubber,
'Cause just like whale blubber,
Those layers of fat, frost allayed.
--- Chris Papa

Monica, a ZAFTIG maidel,
That Willy had snatched from the cradle,
And on pizza fed,
Was known to give head,
And things that no intern aide'll.
--- Chris Papa

The ZAFTIG maids get noticed fast;
Their figures, full bosomed and assed.
They're fun in the car,
And bound to go far,
With padding that's sure meant to last.
--- Chris Papa

"She'll be ZAFTIG," her genetics said,
But with other genes too, she was bred.
Many guys will opine,
She should carry a sign,
Saying "Dangerous Curves Are Ahead!"
--- Bob Dvorak

ZAFTIG Monica lured Willy with "head",
Though she really wanted him in bed.
But Willy said "No,
There I won't go!
That's sex, according to Senator Ted."
--- Norm Brust

Her accusations unfounded,
The woman is solid and grounded;
If you care to sample,
Her bosom is ample;
She's ZAFTIG and pleasinly rounded.
--- Antigone

ZAFTIG? Don't be down in the dump!
Remember, you're pleasingly plump!
Some men like to grab
What models call flab.
Just wait 'til age gives them a slump!
--- Barb

In an era when brides were still chaste
And ZAFTIG was the preferred taste,
Sugar daddies were raunchy
(And frequently paunchy)
And gave diamonds that really were paste.
--- Norm Brust

Now paste gems would make ladies burn,
Who worked hard for what they might earn.
Their anger they'd vent
With the cheapskate gent,
By giving the clap in return.
--- Chris Papa

ZAIBATSU, which has certain flaws,
Would not last in U.S., because
Our Justice would howl
And scream and cry "Foul!
You've broken our anti-trust laws!"
--- Chris Papa

Commedia deli'arte foil ZANY
Is clownish John who's not too brainy,
Who nevertheless
Enjoys great success
Rocking emotions like Ma Rainy. ('20's jazz singer)
--- Daniel Ford

The comics we think of as ZANY
Can be surprisingly brainy.
You can't be too thick
And create a schtick
That's both funny and slightly insane-y.
--- Norm Brust

Now ZANY meant "over-the-top",
Something just like "Keystone Kop".
But as we see
It evidently
Relates to a comical wop.

(French zani, from Italian zanni, nickname for Giovanni)
--- Chris Papa

My rude, inconsiderate neighbor
Arises at five to go labor.
He forgets to disarm
His vehicle alarm...
We call him the local ZEITGEBER.
--- Observer

A leaf blower that belongs to my neighbor
Serves as an accurate ZEITGEBER.
It means autumn is here,
And winter is near,
And soon, with snow, we will labor.
--- Norm Brust

A marker of time, ZEITGEBER,
Gives us each a cue to day's labor.
Changes diurnal
Make life infernal
In commute to be shared with neighbor.
--- Daniel Ford

When the sun moves over to the west,
That's the signal that I like the best.
This ZEITGEBER sublime
Tell me that it's time
For martinis spiked with lemon zest.
--- Norm Brust

The sun, if I may now surmise,
When morning, will shine in my eyes,
Or those of a neighbor
Is merely ZEITGEBER,
With the message that we should arise.
--- Chris Papa

A ZEITGEBER works in my pup,
Who is ready just as he gets up,
To rattle his plate
And quickly indicate
We'd better provide him some sup.
--- Chris Papa

Our dog is the best of ZEITGEBERS,
Sharp as those Wilkinson sabers.
He barks for his chow,
"Not later, right now!"
Effectuve as bugles and tabors.
--- Chris Papa