The rocky altar on hilltop, TOR,
Is the place where Isaac to God swore
To place son on cairn,
Then sacrifice bairn.
His fealty was rammed home evermore.
--- Daniel Ford

A pitcher threw from atop a TOR,
Increasing pressure by a few torr
On the poor batter
Till he hit fatter
And then gladly around bases tore.
--- Daniel Ford

Alaska had many a high rocky TOR
Which Barb, in her zeal, will explore!
She still loves the quest
With rockhounds's zeal and zest!
But her friends still ask, "What's it for?"
--- Barb

The perfume that Monica uses,
Over which our Slick Willy enthuses,
Especially if he
Gets caught with his sexual abuses.
--- Chris Papa

You need be a TOXOPHILITE to know
That an armbrust is a German crossbow.
The second half's the same
As my last name,
So you'd best not become my foe.
--- Norm Brust

A great TOXOPHILITE named Cupid
Did something extremely stupid!
He mixed up his arrows
In both sexes marrows,
So often same sex pairs are looped.
--- Barb

Now just who would cross our Norm Brust?
Someone who can't P.R. men trust?
He's all right in the main;
Can sure entertain,
With limericks of lewdness and lust.
--- Chris Papa

TOXOPHILITES in this world pass.
Each earnest young laddie and lass
Who arrows might shoot,
I don't give a hoot;
I think they're a pain in the ass.
--- Chris Papa

Depending on where they loose arrow,
Those that shoot at deer or sparrow,
And kill just for sport,
They are of the sort
That bother me to my deep marrow.
--- Chris Papa

The compliments exchanged in TRADE-LAST
Ring hollow for ones who were made last,
Unless in a bar
Where such lines, by far,
Are accepted by those who're made fast.
--- Daniel Ford

A TRAGUS all covered with hair?
It fills a young man with despair!
From nostrils it grows
And where else...who knows?
It's all a disgusting affair.
--- Observer

Restraints and hindrances are TRAMMEL,
Like coffee, for shiny enamel,
That after some years
Produces dark smears,
So that teeth resemble old rammel. (trash, refuse)
--- Daniel Ford

Hassan settled for any mammal,
So in desert corral would TRAMMEL
His date for the night,
The sweetest in sight,
A soon to be humped she-camel.
--- Chris Papa

She wore a peignoir TRANSLUCENT,
Which most interesting hot view sent
To her eager spouse,
Who, a timid mouse,
Became lion when she that clue sent.
--- Chris Papa

If my old bod I could TRANSMOGRIFY,
To look like Arnold, I would try. (Shwarzenegger Gov of Cal)

And sharp suits I could wear.
It's all a vain dream, I fear (sigh).
--- Norm Brust

Well, to really TRANSMOGRIFY
The body I have, wouldn't justify
All the money I'd spend
To try and amend.
My wrinkles and creases would multiply!
--- Barb

Grotesque changing does TRANSMOGRIFY,
As some spam ads would glands modify.
If only I'd bite
At their tempting site,
And exchange of monies codify.
--- Daniel Ford

To those who'd advantage deny,
Though Kerry would perils defy,
The story line good
By swift boaters would
To the wicked wimp TRANSMOGRIFY.
--- Chris Papa

TRANSPONTINE seems place for the hicks,
If on London's Thames you would fix.
It's all right with me,
'Cause I'd rather be
Right there than across River Styx.
--- Chris Papa

First Avenue bars drew her in,
Attracted by men and by gin.
She found, for the night,
Then slipped back to Queens and her kin.
--- Nick

On the other bridge side, TRANSPONTINE,
Makes great culture gaps, as Hellespontine.
For Gallipoli
And Islam holy,
Where each hold the other dracontine. (dragon-like)
--- Daniel Ford

In painful difficulty of TRAVAIL,
Sometimes one must of resource avail,
In order to meet
The needs of the street,
And demands of the judge for the bail.
--- Daniel Ford

The spoiled lazy brat, oft would rail
At what he considered TRAVAIL,
Which meant any work
To indolent jerk,
Who moved with slow speed of a snail.
--- Chris Papa

The agony, torment of TRAVAIL,
When urges to write our minds assail,
Does lend our short verse
Some flavor perverse;
Objections do fly -- to no avail.
--- Daniel Ford

Some see sex as so much TRAVAIL,
Where participants do moan and wail.
Though after a while,
They might wear a smile
Of delight, enjoying detail. (de tail?)
--- Chris Papa

Corn syrup and sugar mollasses is
Mixed with some honey in glasses is
Good for what ails ya.
This TREACLE not fail ya,
But drink too much and out your ass it is.
--- Gary Hallock

He bragged on his bibliothecal,
With phrases all dripping with TREACLE,
But failed to impress me.
Now wonder, I guess he
Could not see the contents were fecal.
--- Frank

Oh yes, this sweet treat it may thrill you,
And granny may use it to fill you,
But take care, for TREACLE
Will soften things fecal
And too much will probably kill you.
--- Gary Hallock

Prudent TREACLE use, I would surmise,
Is offered by those who are wise.
Just enough is a treat;
Excess is quite sweet,
And apt to draw too many flies.
--- Chris Papa

There once was a quite TREPID lad,
Who saved every penny he had
For fast taste of love
From hooker named Dove.
The crabs that he got were real bad.
--- Chris Papa

A TREPID and morose young mouse
Led safe life, but would often grouse
About lack of cheese,
So taste tried to please.
Was snagged by snap-trap in the house.
--- Chris Papa

The moral to all is quite clear.
Just try the right course to steer
And rather than stray
To just have your way.
Protect all that you hold most dear.
--- Chris Papa

Men often if life seem to fail,
And find ways to their life impale.
Though cheese ain't the bait
They quickly tempt fate,
Pursuing some strange piece of tail.
--- Chris Papa

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TRIBOLOGY, on science scene,
Makes much of the forces between
Frictional swings
And will answer things
Like, "Who put sand in vaseline?"
--- Chris Papa

TRIBOLOGY is a subject for bores.
It can induce loud yawns, even snores.
But there's a contradiction--
You'll get off on friction
When it's going on between hers and yours.
--- Norm Brust

A TRIBUNE was the peoples champ,
So patricians couldn't just tramp
All over their rights
In old legal fights,
Right in Public Defenders' camp.
--- Chris

The TRIBUNE, officer plebeian,
Protected public rights from bein'
Lost in the trample;
Had gains quite ample,
Growing rich and epicurean.
--- Daniel Ford

The job of a Roman TRIBUNE
Was not just a mere picayune.
His duty was made
To stop those who paid
The piper from calling the tune.
--- Daniel Ford

Come now, "in a TRICE," to be frank,
Is not the shortest cosmic rank.
No, The smallest bore
Is found on the floor,
A miniscule of constant Planck. (10e-35 meter)
--- Daniel Ford

COGNOMEN, wondrous device,
Personifies evil or nice.
A "Hitler" for shame,
An "Einstein" , smart's fame,
We recognize these in a TRICE.
--- Chris Papa

A TRICE is the ancient way slick,
To connote the briefest time quick.
As the Germans say
In their Teutonic way,
"Schnell, und das alt "Augenblick".
--- Chris Papa

TRICHOLOGY, about all our hair,
Is something we have everywhere,
Except on our lips
And genital tips,
Where there's great nerve endings to spare.
--- Chris Papa

TRICHOLOGY's not a concern,
Since my scalp is as smooth as an urn.
And I don't have to comb
My stark naked dome;
Now I've lots of spare time to burn.
--- Norm Brust

A baffled old fallow named Keith
Felt a trident belonged in a sheath.
But he thought it was dumb
For the name of a gum,
For, in Latin, it means 'three teeth'.
--- Keith Gilman P0111

The tripartite image is TRIPTYCH,
The reasons for which are quite cryptic.
I imagine those
Like Durante's nose
Just need more space for the elliptic.
--- Daniel Ford

A whirling Dervish does dance trochal,
As some bosses in room of smoke'll
Act like big wheels,
With circling spiels,
Trying to fool each rube and yokel.
--- Daniel Ford

Yes, I think Kerry is vocal,
But what's more to the point, he is "focal",
And not quick to bless
The dilemma and mess
That Bush left us, foreign and local!
--- Barb

A TROGLODYTE is how Dave is known
And over the years he has shown
He enjoys the life
With his cold-hearted wife;
Just a pity he's never been blown.
--- Barrie Eksteen

Reactionaries are TROGLODYTES
Who bully their way to many fights
And show no remorse,
For they're right, of course,
And cleanup is descendent's delight.
--- Daniel Ford

Beware the TROIKA, leading trio,
If you're a neighbor down near Rio,
For when the junta
Acts contrapunta,
Disappearance follows con brio.
--- Daniel Ford

A TROIKA in loving won't do,
Because when it comes time to do
The menage-a-trois-like,
You may take a far hike
When the frozen out lover, is you!
--- Chris Papa

The panoply of poetic TROPE,
A substitute phrase kaleidoscope,
Includes combinations
That give nauseations
Or make one a grouchy misanthrope.
--- Daniel Ford

Ye writers, abandon all hope!
Nor leave the poor reader to cope
With inactive verbs
And those monstrous blurbs,
Replete with much saccharin TROPE.
--- Chris Papa

In writing my graduate thesis
On chiasmus, plus other caprices,
And rhetorical tropes,
I failed like the dopes
For mentioning T-fucking-mesis.
--- Hugh Clary

The TROPISM towards which men tend
Are ladies, which help them unbend,
And makes them grow straight
Towards the flesh bait
Or whatever the pheromones send.
--- Chris Papa

When about sex I start to TROW.
(BTW that rhymes with blow)
It's a job that I love,
It's far and above
Any other. It's the way to go!
--- Norm Brust

If you trust and believe, you do TROW.
But if you would in worldly ways grow,
Just between me and thou,
Some who may say TROW
Might just Gilbert and Sullivan know.
--- Daniel Ford

Said the knight of old, "I do TROW,
You're the sweetie I love -- just now.
But you will soon find
I'm not of the kind
Who for milk, would purchase a cow."
--- Chris Papa

To her every whim he might TRUCKLE,
In hopes that sweet bosom he'd suckle.
Then undo her sheath
And get there, beneath;
His goal: a hand's breadth from her buckle.
--- Chris Papa

With TRUNNEL, his wet swollen peg,
He boarded the gunwale her leg.
Then fastening, they
Were well under way,
His semen on course for her egg.
--- Nick

The swelling wood fastener, TRUNNEL,
Holds planks from keel to the gunwale,
So that sloop will sail
Without need to bail,
Avoid deep of Neptune's tunnel.
--- Daniel Ford

A mischievous imp full of fun'll
Find ways to fasten a TRUNNEL,
In a fine wine cask
So you'll have to ask
To drink, when it blows, with a funnel.
--- Chris Papa

A French friend of mine, name of Susan,
On a large Japanese boat went cruisin'.
Then came a TSUNAMI;
Now no more Sue, ami.
I hate such a pal to be losin'.
--- Gary Hallock

Your TSURIS is all it must be.
I've listened and am weeping, see.
And so what else, nu,
Can I also do?
Accept this card in sympathy.
--- Chris Papa

Hegemony breeds troubles, TSURIS,
Oft described in novels by Uris:
From Exodus pains
To Belfast Sinn Feins,
No place for accidental touris'.
--- Daniel Ford

Vigorous promoter, TUB-THUMPER,
Appears every four years: campaign pumper.
The season protracted,
Few words redacted.
The process is headed for the dumper.
--- Daniel Ford