I don't want to be in the middle,
So I will not ponder or PIDDLE.
I'll just have my say
Then I'll go away;
To me, life is really a riddle!
--- Maggie

A cow who chews on his quid'll,
Fill field with cow flop and PIDDLE.
Then this fruited plain
Releases methane,
Solving the "warming Earth" riddle.
--- Chris Papa

I speak German and a little Italian,
And for French, I once earned a medalion.
But I don't speak PIDGIN,
Not even a smidgin;
It's a tongue I won't bother to dally in.
--- Norm Brust

In exchange of languages least,
Dumb pidgin is hardly a feast.
But better, by yard,
Than gestures so hard,
Though the quick commerce ain't greased.
--- Chris Papa

There once was a CONGRUENT pair,
That shared board and rent in post lair.
Which brought spate of grouses,
From respective spouses,
Who frowned on such pied-a-terre.
--- Chris Papa

With suave wit and great savoir-faire,
He lured her to his PIED-A-TERRE;
But found to his chagrin,
When they partied therein,
His former mistress was still there.
--- J'Carlin

Most men with a PIED-A-TERRE
Use it as a sexual lair,
Where they do tricks
With office chicks,
And sometimes with the au pair.
--- Norm Brust

Delilahs of great beauty rare,
Won't line up to stroke what's not there,
Unless they are wowed,
With what he's endowed,
In genital locale, elsewhere.
--- Chris Papa

PILGARLIC it does seem to me,
Means a word that beins with a "B",
Then you see "A",
Next an "L" they say,
Finally a crowning "D".
--- Darryl Plunkie

PILGARLIC, bald-headed dork,
Without political pull's torque,
Must be less furtive,
Become assertive
Ayn Rand Fountainhead hero Rourke.
--- Daniel Ford

PILIFEROUS refers to hair,
Pilferous, take notice and care,
Is like what Time does,
In taking our fuzz,
Until it is no longer there.
--- Chris Papa

A strange word is PILIFEROUS
Rictal bristle ambiguous.
Not on gherkin
But with merkin
Correct word is ulotrichous.
--- Nancy

The hairy one is PILIFEROUS,
Growing strands quite splendiferous,
But problems arise,
For unclean hair pies
Are a felt mat most odiferous.
--- Daniel Ford

When like a hair, it is PILIFORM;
Tiny, finger-like is villiform,
As seen lining gut
Or tongue surface, but
The thinnest, thread-like filliform.
--- Daniel Ford

The PILOSE bald head, if you stare,
Shows some vestigial hair.
It's not quite a mop,
That covers the top,
And some guys just feel it's not fair.
--- Chris Papa

PILOSE, covered with hair vellus,
As face and bald heads tell us,
Is not always joy,
For pimples of boy
And bald pate oft potions sell us.
--- Daniel Ford

The game: appealing to PILOSE,
Hinges on ones who would try those
And the insistence,
Market persistence
Of hucksters with heads adipose.
--- Daniel Ford

The man who will give himself pats,
About things in well furnished flats,
To impress some dame,
Plays the PINCHBECK game,
Displaying his K-Mart ersatz.
--- Chris Papa

She teased men with a lottery win check.
A wide golden chain seem to clinch neck.
Those lured to her loins
Were soon asked for coins,
For her charm, like her jewelry, was PINCHBECK.
--- J'Carlin

PING PONG is a bouncing ball game,
Describing dilemma's horned frame,
Or some mugwump's ghost,
Who sits on a post,
Can not commit, can not take aim.
--- Daniel Ford

PING PONG in a level flat plain,
YO-YO just moves up-down again.
Like Ying-Yang of space,
Return to their place;
To watch them will drive you insane.
--- Chris Papa

So YO-YO and PING PONG are trademarks;
I thought them generic game larks.
Each repeat sound mates
The alternate states,
Alliterates to aural harks.
--- Chris Papa

Hermit Dave had trouble with penetration;
Rigor Mortis the cause of his frustration.
He looked for things PINGUID,
Or at the very least liquid,
As he was rapidly approaching deflation.
--- Norm Brust

A PINTO pony named Paint
Worked all day without complaint.
When the old horse died,
His owner, teary-eyed,
Proclaimed him an equine saint.
--- Norm Brust

The cowpoke loved his PINTO pal,
Though not like the love of a gal.
For sexual pleasure
The one he would treasure
Was his saddle buddy, gay Al.
--- Chris Papa

Spicy flavors and events piquant
May follow the jeroboam decant,
As inhibitions
Yield to positions
Where beautiful minds seek the secant.
--- Daniel Ford

A lady quite zaftig and PIQUANT
Would go and every week flaunt
Her wares on display
In provocative way,
And make the men who were meek, daunt.
--- Chris Papa

I think I told you just last week
I loved those French words, so to speak.
But now I can see,
They're not all for me.
PISSOIR...It may havoc wreak!
--- Maggie

PISSOIR, it must be believed,
Is word that is not to be grieved.
When all's said and done,
When there's a need for one,
You'll find it, and then be relieved.
--- Chris Papa

PISSOIR, sidewalk relief for men,
Provides no aid for women when
They have urgent need,
With due haste or speed,
To find a squat spot for a hen.
--- Daniel Ford

As a nurse, I know it is true;
Something we humans must do.
A quick starting stream
Can feel like a dream,
If nature is beckoning you!
--- Maggie

For granted, some thing seem to be.
Till old age starts reminding thee,
That functions can fail,
You might leave a trail,
If PISSOIR is not easy to see.
--- Maggie

The menace, gunman PISTOLERO,
Was at heart a gay caballero,
Who preferred slim Lily
To juggernaut Willy
And attended to pistil narrow.
--- Daniel Ford

This is file jxl

An old PISTOLERO I knew
Had robbed service stations, a few.
But time came to pass
That he ran out of gas;
Now his sledge crushes stones with road crew.
--- Chris Papa

PISTOLEROS are a little passe
In the light of our modern day.
Now it's some damned CEO
Who flees with the dough;
Conscience never gets in the way.
--- Barb

The meagre wage is a PITTANCE,
Inadequate for life's remittance.
And I'd be impressed
If not soon redressed,
The sum will result in a quittance.
--- Daniel Ford

PLACATE a spouse, fuming and smoking,
Avoid any further flames stoking.
Then you'll have a balll
Recalling that all
Respond to a little nice stroking.
--- Chris Papa

Pit plaintive percussives PLANGENT
From Porter, who was a grand gent
Of era Flapper,
Against a rapper
Set social scenes simply frangent.
--- Daniel Ford

PLANISPHERE, home planitarium,
Like in microscopic aquarium,
I have lonely pet,
Through maze, place your bet,
On run of a lowly planarium.
--- Chris Papa

Two-dimensional PLANISPHERE
Is one of the best ways we have here
To see our celestial
Entities bestial,
Imagined by ancestors dear.
--- Daniel Ford

When your sex life begins to PLATEAU,
And it's either "too fast" or "too slow",
Be happy it's there,
With someone to share,
The rhythm of Life's to and fro.
--- Chris Papa

Sadly she stood on windy plateau
With one hand holding pretty chapeau.
With tear in eye,
She waved goodbye
As he set to sea in his bateau.
--- Ken

That high flat plain was a PLATEAU
She leaped escaping El Gato,
Who had been lover
Till she discovered
The wench dancing from his gateau. (fancy cake)
--- Daniel Ford

Now El Gato owns the chateau
Situated on high plateau,
While lover below
Is dined on by crow,
Precipitous act made morceau. (short literary piece)
--- Daniel Ford

Performers may sometimes get rich
But most of them just have an itch
To get on the stage,
To sing, dance, or rage,
Where PLAUSIVE pay-off is the niche.
--- Chris Papa

PLEONASM, don't mind it a bit,
As long as it's served with some wit.
I just had a thought
That just might be bought:
Oxymoron's its sure opposite.
--- Chris Papa

Superflous words, PLEONASM,
Are result of a loquacious spasm.
The language answer
To a precancer,
Now often termed a NEOPLASM.
--- Daniel Ford

From new dermatology text,
"PLICA Polonica" exed:
Lack of hygiene, plain,
Caused hard tangled skein.
This non-P.C. name sorely vexed.
--- Chris Papa

My girlfriend's a cross-country biker.
Her bottom contains a large PLICA.
But I pay no attention
To this ugly extension,
Which shows you just how much I like 'er.
--- Win

An architect who came from Warwick
Hated the old style called Doric.
A column form Corinth
On its matching PLINTH
Would make him absolutely euphoric.
--- Norm Brust

The symbol for lead is Pb,
And now should be clearer to thee,
How that came around,
The answer is found,
In the lesson I sent for free.
--- Chris Papa

Chemical symbol for lead; Pb,
Is derived from Plumbum, you see.
Not tramp of Isle Plum
Or other Plum bum,
But Latin's lead, toxic to thee.
--- Daniel Ford

You're right about Betz cells, some dead,
And loss of near memory, dread,
But PLUMBUM, dear friend,
Word Latin, I send,
It shows erudition, instead.
--- Chris Papa

My biology teacher, Miss Cheneys,
She taught us, in reference to weenies,
Although it sounds whacked,
It's grammatical fact,
That the plural for penis is penes.
--- Cap'n Bean

His POCKET VETO's not too cool
With his spouse, who favored the rule;
His price for transgression,
'Stead of loving session,
Cold bed, practice of "pocket pool."
--- Chris Papa

I'm more than just pococurante
Over these whimsical games we play,
With such little schooling,
You think it mere fooling,
But I'll be a great genius one day!

(pococurante - indifferent, nonchalant)
--- Ken

I hail from small town, USA.
They call it PODUNK here today,
But I call it home,
There near the sea foam,
Not far from the mountains to play.
--- Daniel Ford

PODUNK is the name of my town,
Where coyotes and rattlers abound.
There's road runners too,
Who're faster than you.
At night you will hear nature sound.
--- Maggie

A flop as a local broadcaster,
In rhyme he's first class poetaster;
But he made a killing;
Though this may be chilling,
As town's number one epitaphster.
--- Elois

Writing limericks, he deemed himself master;
In fact, he was a mere POETASTER.
His scansion unsure,
His rhyming, impure,
Results: unmitigated disaster.
--- Norm Brust

POETASTER, the new badge of pride,
For limericists, all true and tried.
There, within five lines,
Verse sparkles and shines,
With smart rhymes along for the ride.
--- Chris Papa

Just want you all to know,
Even if my reply is a bit slow,
With poetick "spam,"
Leaving trail of limericks to show!
--- Barb

To some it may come as surprise,
With work of POINTILLISTIC guys.
The nearer you get,
It is a sure bet
That spots you'll see there 'fore your eyes.
--- Chris Papa

Seurat, the painter POINTILLISTIC,
One morning became quite ballistic.
When he got out of bed,
He could not find his red,
So he used his girlfriend's glossy lipstick.
--- Norm Brust

When diplomats exchange POLEMIC
In bellicose manner systemic,
The fevers of war
Involves more and more,
Spreading psychoses epidemic.
--- Daniel Ford

The lack of tact, so IMPOLITIC,
For polite folks, does make us all sick.
In a pol's pucker,
See a blood sucker,
Of the sort we just might call a tick.
--- Daniel Ford

Oh forester, listen to this,
This warning please do not dismiss,
To POLLARD a tree,
It would seem to me,
Is the sylvan form of a "bris".
--- Chris Papa