The POLLEX on palm, if you please,
May help us hitch rides with some ease.
And, as I understand,
Let prehensile band
Of primates swing through the trees.
--- Chris Papa

Unpicked offer, POLLICITATION,
May be unknown solicitation
That promises "free",
But oft involves fee
That depletes recipient's station.
--- Daniel Ford

"Let me in and I'll hold on," he beckoned.
She answered, "You won't last a second."
Promised damnation,
She was right, he silently reckoned.
--- Chris Papa

Optimistic POLLYANNA
Loves her Auntie, Dolly an' a
Dog who is ugly,
Remarking smugly,
"Cutest pug in all Indiana!"
--- Daniel Ford

POLLYANNA is stupid or bright,
Faced with scenarios that might,
Frighten most souls,
They jump in dark holes;
Last words, "Everything is all right."
--- Chris Papa

They will slip on a spot of dog poop,
Brush themselves off, and recoup.
With smile on their face,
They'll quicken the pace,
And continue the work with the scoop.
--- Chris Papa

A smile on their bright face reposes,
Result of a fall now discloses,
"Shoes with doggy-doo
Are benefit to
Me, when I step on the roses."
--- Chris Papa

I know that it is quite a wrench,
And likely to cause a great stench,
But I always thought
To be a beginner in French.
--- Chris Papa

POLYGLOT speaks of tongues many.
But if you'd extend antennae,
Though languages few,
The ideas they brew,
May sometimes make no sense in any.
--- Chris Papa

That multilingual friend POLYGLOT
Is glad she's not had what Polly got.
That cheerful young dear
Is no longer here;
Old Roger gave her a jolly shot.
--- Daniel Ford

I know a guy who curses a lot.
He can curse in many kinds of argot.
In Dutch and Hungarian,
In Czech and Bulgarian,
And twelve other tongues, a POLYGLOT.
--- Norm Brust

There once was a prim POLYGLOT
Whose bright mind was quite on the spot;
Many tongues she spoke,
But never a bloke
With bold tongue that could make her hot.
--- Chris Papa

An autodidact POLYGLOT
Found his love life was going to pot.
He'd get quite confused
Over which word be used
To request discretely what's sought.
--- J'Carlin

A POLYGLOT ought to be taught
In his head to organize thought
In only one tongue
Or up he'll get hung
And out of his mouth will come naught.
--- Gary Hallock

They say that my tongue is well hung,
Each language I conquer's a rung.
Even out of my butt,
I'm a POLYGLOT, but
Cunna-lingua is my native tongue!
--- Clynch

POLYHISTOR's these days polymath,
Whose erudition extends to Bath,
Where in the style Roman,
He spends some time foamin'
And more harvesting sheaves with his snath.
--- Daniel Ford

There was an obese POLYHISTOR,
Who sat on a tiny transistor,
And to his regret,
Just never could get
What caused his big fat ass to blister.
--- Chris Papa

"So!" scoffed a Ms Polyhistor,
"You men think that of the vista
Of knowledge, you're lords;
The know-alls are us broads.
The word should be poly-miss-tor."
--- Avi

A young lady, a real POLYHISTOR,
Told off a groping young mister,
"I don't care too much
For your wandering touch.
Save such sex for a slut sister."
--- Chris Papa

"You see, I go to great pains,
To bed young fellows with brains.
But your are a-focus
In penis head locus,
Where naught but sex pleasure pertains."
--- Chris Papa

Convienient alias frame,
Used by those smart perps,
Which justice usurps,
By hiding to escape the blame.
--- Chris Papa

Although many scholars won't tell it,
Bard William did several ways spell it.
But what's in a name?
'Taint Shakespeare to blame;
POLYONYMOUS authors would sell it.
--- Gary Hallock

Had aliases, you wonder why.
Polyonymous he,
Who liked love quite free,
And earned label of "Super Fly."
--- Chris Papa

I don't need to be POLYONYMOUS
And I don't want to be anonymous.
One name in good form;
In fact, it's the norm,
So that's my position, eponymous.
--- Norm Brust

Now Multi-named, POLYONYMOUS,
Is with con-man quite synonymous,
Who's destroying trust
With his greedy lust
And reducing sense autonomous.
--- Daniel Ford

It's very hard to bear it,
When you have to munch on a carrot
And stick to routine
Making you lean
But losing in this game has merit.
--- Barb

POLYPHAGIA'S rather amazing
And rather akin to herds grazing.
One bite leads to another;
Climb on scales, and "Oh Brother!"
You're in for some dietary hazing.
--- Barb

POLYPHAGIA often is seen;
Polydipsia's there too, I ween,
In the diabetic,
With symptoms frenetic,
In need of a blood sugar screen.
--- Chris Papa

Olympians are POLYPHYLETIC,
Obviously also athletic,
But some track events
Performed by those gents
Is equivalent to anesthetic.
--- Norm Brust

Although it can be quite pathetic,
Might be at the pound
Or wandering around,
Looking for home sympathetic.
--- Maggie

POLYSYNDETON, one more time,
Used again, and used in rhyme,
Used up till the end,
Used on foe and friend,
On latter, if used, it's a crime.

(repitition in poetry)
--- Chris Papa

Thick hairy skin like a pelt
Left dirty is as a dead smelt;
With enough pounding
Of hair on the mounding,
Polytrichous mat can be felt. (Hirsute)
--- Daniel Ford

POLYVALENT shouldn't overtly describe
Relations of mayor-council tribe,
But on closer look
Find more than on schnook
Who will electorate's trust circumscribe.
--- Larry McGrath

This is file jwl

Themes of our POLYVALENT rhyme,
Sardonic, with jibes sublime.
They deflfate large ego,
And as far as we go,
Are salacious a deal of the time.
--- Chris Papa

POMPADOUR powdered her quiff,
For Louis, who just liked to sniff.
She used curly wiles
In rococco styles
To greatly assist the royal stiff.
--- Chris Papa

Elvis was known to get sore
If you messed with his POMPADOUR.
He's recomb it with care,
Replacing each hair,
Then pop a pill from his vast store.
--- Norm Brust

Those who have great hair are more
Inclined to sport a POMPADOUR.
Large standing waves
Attention craves.
I'll bet they also, pomp adore.
--- Gary Hallock

As a teenager I wore a POMPADOUR;
Lots of hair and waves galore.
But now there's just skin,
Smooth as a shark's fin.
How I yearn for those days of yore.
--- Norm Brust

There once was a young strutting buck;
Can't say he had much courting luck.
This during times
Of rock and roll chimes
And babes tresses like asses of duck.
--- Larry McGrath

Our hero in search of amour,
Bought new look for himself, POMPADOUR.
Now when mirror's passed,
He stops long to gaze fast;
Has now found true love evermore.
--- Larry McGrath

I, with humble modesty state,
Through aegis of birth-naming fate,
When I speak, you see,
It's Papal Decree,
Though I never do PONTIFICATE.
--- Chris Papa

Though Papa's my name, you may gather
To PONTIFICATE with Papal blather,
Is game I eschew.
Between me and you,
To hob-nob with sinners I'd rather.
--- Chris Papa

Catholic dogma has not changed much of late.
Will male dominance ever abate?
One day I hope
To see a female pope,
Named Katherice and called Pontiff Kate.
--- Norm Brust

The words, "I've a headache.", PORTEND,
That on your own side you will spend,
A cool night in bed,
And when all is said,
Won't have your way in the end.
--- Chris Papa

PORTENTOUS my limericks ain't,
Though some may be described as quaint.
Often below the belt,
I just wrote what I felt.
I certainly am not a saint.
--- Barrie Eksteen

My limericks I scribble with ease
And write pretty much as I please.
It's not stuff PORTENTOUS,
More likely licentious;
No storm, it is more like a breeze.
--- Chris Papa

In the Senate long tenure's PORTENTOUS
And they rise for long speeches pretentious.
With ideas bereft
Observers are left,
With impressions of many dementias.
--- J'Carlin

Politician with PORTENTOUS prose,
In the old Senate chamber arose
To filibuster
The sleeping cluster
Of colleagues, while Time itself froze.
--- Chris Papa

Word synthesis making PORTMANTEAU
May not yield the sounds of bel canto.
But in its fashion,
Such word rehashin'
Makes neologisms pro tanto.
--- Daniel Ford

Though cerebright and pearlcasting
May be short-lived or long-lasting.
Cocksure and swellhead
Survive at the wellhead
And need no further forecasting.
--- Daniel Ford

PORTMANTEAU words are real fine,
Made by cerebright minds, such as mine.
Though others don't ken,
I use now and then,
Pearl casting for some of the swine.
--- Chris Papa

There should be a word POSTCOCIOUS,
For those oldsters meritocious;
Young beyond their years,
Sharper than their peers,
Though some may become glaucocious.
--- Daniel Ford

Noah and his crew in the ark,
Had to put up with growl, grunt and bark.
By they all felt groovy in
When the sun broke through the clouds dark.
--- Norm Brust

Crepuscular storms unabated
Came, vespertine, and inundated
My soil needs improvin',
For it's been severely downgraded.
--- Gary Hallock

POSTDILUVIAN small fish were stuck
On a mountain top, covered with muck.
They dried thin and wispy
With tubers sun-crispy.
In a bag, fish and chips, ten a buck.
--- Elois

Hermit Dave in his lonely corral
Is never in need of a gal.
His urges are met
As good as you get,
By service from POSTHUMOUS pal.
--- Chris Papa

One day I may die, but 'til then
Many more witty verses I'll pen.
So that when I'm dead,
And those lines are read,
They'll say I'm posthumorous again.
--- Gary Hallock

POSTHUMOUS, my mind it does roil,
As over its meaning I toil,
The word seems to me,
To deal with the mailing of soil.
--- Chris Papa

A POSTPRANDIAL walk is just silly,
Especially if the landscape is hilly.
Better to take a rest;
Use your energy to digest.
And later you can exercise your willy.
--- Norm Brust

In old age, a joy tha I choose
Is meat finished off with some booze.
So after I dine,
It sets me up fine
To take my postprandial snooze.
--- Chris Papa

"Shoulders back," you hear moms say,
As children grow from day to day!
"Walk tall and walk proud,"
I've said it out loud!
"Don't slouch! Or your POSTURE will pay!"
--- Maggie

Politicians, POSTURE will take,
And many false promises make.
They raise the sure hopes
For votes of poor dopes,
Who'll later find out, it's all fake.
--- Chris Papa

In posing, the poser does POSTURE,
Imposing a vold in imposture,
Which means to deceive
Until roll receive;
Beware of his attitude cocksure.
--- Daniel Ford

Refering to rivers, POTAMIC,
Describes flowing streams quite dynamic.
To go with the flow
In DC, you know,
Makes Potomic floods panoramic.
--- Daniel Ford

While bathing in waters riparian,
You're "laving POTAMIC" and therein,
You'll go with the flow
Which is Volga, you know,
Unless you're a Russo-Hungarian.
--- Gary Hallock

Mississippi, a POTAMIC mess,
Won't stay in its course, more or less.
And sweeps its great mud
To form delta crud,
Meaning both land and folks, I guess.
--- Chris Papa