The POTATORY skills of Gaels
Are likened to size of great whales.
In seas latter swim,
While the Celts on a whim
Would in whiskey vats there prevail.
--- Chris Papa

Five PM is my POTATORY time,
When from daily chores I climb
To a mood-altered state
Which prompts me to create
A verse in AABBA rhyme.
--- Norm Brust

The drinking pleasures POTATORY
(Excess brings feeling rotatory)
My yield expressions
In late night sessions
That have great needs annotatory.
--- Daniel Ford

Fake to the utmost degree,
But I also frown
On real Levittown,
As tacky as tacky can be.
--- Chris Papa

Will this dirty war ever cease?
Will hopes for the folks soon increase?
With war's spin spillage,
Is Baghdad of progress and peace.
--- Chris Papa

When Catherine needed a leak,
Behind all the cardboard she'd peek.
But all she couyld see
Was dire misery.
Potemkin's head she'd seek.
--- Esther Hecht

Shock and awe of POTEMKIN VILLAGE,
As our leadership does loot and pillage,
Puts the health care grab
On grandchildren's tab,
Rather than pay for honest tillage.
--- Daniel Ford

Leave it to the politicians,
Adept at obscuring conditions.
Of national tillage,
While shaking 'pork barrel' positions.
--- Chris Papa

Created by a czarist fop,
To please the queen
Who viewed the scene
From her yacht which sailed by, non-stop.
--- Norm Brust

In some of the projects and slums,
When someone of influence comes,
Instead of pillage
They see Potemkin Village,
And go home to pork barrel plums!
--- Barb

The poor and unknown in POTTER'S FIELD,
Identities forever concealed,
Became wards of state
Where none knew their fate,
On the crosswalks, without their eyes peeled.
--- Daniel Ford

If you die and are not too well heeled,
You'll probably fill POTTER'S FIELD.
And then come to terms
With plain common worms,
Who'll help to get good compost field.
--- Chris Papa

POTVALIANT, the pose of a sot,
Who's brave after he's drunk a lot.
Now counter-named sticks
Is that of "peaceniks",
Too "way out" to fight, puffing pot.
--- Chris Papa

I really admire your zeal,
And every quick rhyme which you deal;
They've juice and eclat,
And better than that,
Of sex, they show good appeal.
--- Chris Papa

Now that he's neutered and safe,
"Perry" our Doberman waif
Has but one demand, he'll
Turn to thoughts PRANDIAL,
And eat all, both kosher and traif.
--- Chris Papa

Kitchen countertops my Dals do cruise, (dalmatians)
Forever in search of more foods.
Snitching snacks at the least,
If they're lucky, a feast:
Then settle down for a post-PRANDIAL snooze.
--- Marilyn

Friendly banks will sometimes carry us
Even if our cridit is PRECARIOUS.
So as not to abuse
Those who hold our IOU's,
We should find rich gals who'll then marry us.
--- Norm Brust

"At Prez's pleasure" is PRECARIOUS;
Venue for values vicarious.
Such job glories
Often have stories,
That end on bread lines nefarious.
--- Daniel Ford

Sex with out protective measure
Is ranked as PRECARIOUS pleasure.
For STD's bad
Are there to be had,
And chance to make "wee little treasure".
--- Chris Papa

Expressing wishes, PRECATORY,
Seducers seem not predatory,
Yet drinking like fish,
A maid grants his wish,
Exchanging fluids secretory.
--- Daniel Ford

She would always be pleased if you'd lick a bit,
And take your time getting around to it.
Just jumping on top
Without getting her hot
Is rude, immature, and PRECIPITATE.
--- J'Carlin

Sperm cells separate from testes,
If speedy, they are the bestus.
Take trip through the prostate,
Speed won't make them late,
And woman prepares zygote nestus.
--- Larry

Premature ejaculation?
That is purely speculation.
Does this story rate?
We left out the ovulations.
--- Larry

No chem substance separation,
Instead joining with elation.
Better than nothing,
Premature loving,
Means there's a meagre time ration.
--- Larry

There's always foreplay and after,
To make women jump for a rafter.
And think "not bad 'tall";
Loud scream she might call,
Following up with some laughter.
--- Larry

A kid I once knew was PRECOCIAL,
Though his behavior was deemed anti-social,
At four he did know
How to write in the snow.
His message was highly self-promotial.
--- Chris Papa

I know that our children are good.
And though they don't dress as I would,
While at my behest,
That they quite the nest,
They won't leave the way that they should.
--- Chris Papa

I'm alarmed by what's on TV.
Those precocial "birds" that I see
Are dressed like young sluts,
No ifs, and or buts;
It ain't what grandma used to be.
--- Chris Papa

To their hair, weird colors they bring,
Burden earlobes with many a ring.
Pierced nares and lips,
Pants down over hips,
Carbon copies of the "in" thing.
--- Chris Papa

And what leaves me even more depressed,
Aside from the way that they're dressed,
They ignore alarms shrill
And still get a thrill
From cigarettes, in their mouths pressed.
--- Chris Papa

I'd say, as a mother of three,
Something; you may not agree.
A ring in the nose
And bells on the toes
Are matters not of kind but degree.
--- Esther Hecht

We all rebelled in some way,
Making parents cry "Lackaday!"
And yet, look at us now.
Old farts with pursed brow;
From parents path we didn't stray.
--- Esther Hecht

But now we're getting old;
It's our turn to set the mold
and decry any sway
Away from that way
We follow, till death do us hold.
--- Esther Hecht

This is file jvl

So precocial or not, I suggest,
Let them grow up and do their best,
And you'll be surprised,
Your way's not despised.
They won't stray that far from your nest.
--- Esther Hecht

Able beyond years, PRECOCIOUS
Child's talents may be ferocious,
But soon emoting
By parents doting
Tends to become braggadocious.
--- Daniel Ford

Thirty years since in my home place,
Were PREDIAL parcels of grace,
But now with expansions
Of ticky-tack mansions,
The farms are reduced to mere trace.
--- Chris Papa

Land that builders can't get in their mitts,
In our town is filled with sand pits.
Their purpose for some
Sell sand for income.
To us they're just predial zits.
--- Elois

Founding principle, PREDICATION,
Often requires great dedication.
You can't merely state it
And hope to be mated.
The hook-up requires persperation.
--- Daniel Ford

It may lead to a bad situation
When a guy acts on PREDICATION
Bought dinners will get
Her horny and wet,
But finds "headache" and frustration.
--- Chris Papa

The danger of self-medication
Is the lack of PREDICATION.
When some people get ill,
They just reach for a pill,
Without regard for contraindication.
--- Norm Brust

Elephantine proboscic PREHENSILE,
Which sometimes seems even extensile,
Will work like a tool
Or tickle a fool,
But is mainly an eating utensil.
--- J'Carlin

For humans to become PREHENSILE
Required a brain size immensile.
To oppose the thumb,
Required skills some
Laid out on a brand new gen stencil.
--- Chris Papa

A man who discovers among
His talents a PREHENSILE tongue,
Is bound to get dated
And most highly rated.
It's better than being...well...hung.
--- Gary Hallock

The PRELUDE of sex called foreplay,
Should be pursued in an earnest way.
With care and great tact,
To lubricate act,
And ease through a loving soiree.
--- Chris Papa

The introduction is a PRELUDE
Composers have used (some would say wooed)
To show audience
An experience
They might anticipate like Qualude.
--- Daniel Ford

Male hormones for older females?
It will turn them into she-males.
Such treatment testosterous
To be decried in angry e-mails.
--- Norm Brust

PREPOSTEROUS politicians,
Embrace conflicting positions.
What you'd like to hear,
They tell you, no fear,
On their vote-hunt expeditions.
--- Chris Papa

A walk-about, PEREGRINATION,
Could change an obese situation.
If only we'd walk on
Following falcon,
Becoming a peregrine nation.
--- Daniel Ford

The Senate in land where we live,
Must either convict or forgive
The Prez who has strayed
And with Monica played,
A thoughtless PREROGATIVE.
--- Chris Papa

Special Congress right, PREROGATIVE,
After hearings interrogative,
To present the Senate
Conclusions and then it
Will ask for actions derogative.
--- Daniel Ford

If Washington had wiser heads,
We'd not have sex laws by the Feds.
But then gentlemen
Might go mental when
Offered chances at ladies beds.
--- Daniel Ford

Far be it from me to raise a paean
To activities PRIAPEAN,
But resistance power
To deshabille flower
Isn't much when faced by nymphean.
--- Daniel Ford

Procreate god of the Greeks,
Kept going for fifty-two weeks.
Such efforts now pale,
"Slick Willy" can scale
Past prior PRIAPEAN peaks.
--- Chris Papa

PRICK-SONG will be misused, I bet;
A version of sight-read and yet
I knew a few guys
To whom it applies,
Like a tenor or two that I've met.
--- Chris Papa

PRIMORDIAL urges we strain
To delete from children we train!
But some slip through the gap
And though we hate the mishap,
We love them and count it all gain.
--- Barb

The chicken and egg things a niggler,
That skips the PRIMORDIAL jiggler.
The egg in it's term
Must meet a small sperm,
And bond with that DNA wriggler.
--- Chris Papa

We all know why rooster crossed road,
To seek out the hen house abode.
With great purpose bent,
Once he caught the scent,
Of effectively getting off load.
--- Chris Papa

Somehow from PRIMORDIAL ooze
Come studs who know just how to schmooze!
And sweep sweet young lasses
Right on to their asses!
Of course, this ain't really new news!
--- Barb

The earliest form PRIMORDIAL
Was not introduced exordial,
And had even to wait
For occasional mate,
And sometimes relations cordial.
--- Daniel Ford

My abode is less than PRISTINE,
I think you will know what I mean.
If I say, "The place,
(With a smile on my face)
Is maintained about outhouse clean."
--- Chris Papa

She had breasts described as pneumatic,
Swayed in a way PROCELEUSMATIC,
With supple perfection
That brought on erection
And promise of action ecstatic.
--- Chris Papa

The meter's not PROCELEUSMATIC,
But that is not so problematic.
Only four beats
A limerick meets,
Though lines are oft undiplomatic.
--- Daniel Ford

The stormy seas we call PROCELLUS
Require sailing skills quick and zealous.
They demand athletic
Body and esthetic
That might make even Adonis jealous.
--- Daniel Ford

If I catch the drift of its meaning,
PROCLIVITY is a strong leaning,
Toward action or thought,
Where someone gets wrought,
And can lead to strong sobs and keening.
--- Chris Papa

When I hear of people who eat
Raw fish, as in Sushi rolled neat,
I don't understand
The risk that's in hand --
A PROCLIVITY I'd have to heat!
--- Maggie

His fortune lost, the PRODIGAL son
Returned to father and brother's shun.
But Dad was just glad
The chance to have had
To welcome the wastrel loved one.
--- Daniel Ford

He sought sex in PRODIGAL way,
Till he met another hot gay,
Who HIV had,
And now he's quite sad,
That he thought to do things that way.
--- Chris Papa