Young Curtis thought himself a "black stallion,"
With sweet young things he liked to be dallyin'.
With manner disarming,
He was very charming,
But in fact, he was just a RAPSCALLION.
--- Sheryl

Ther once was a young RAPSCALLION
Who methinks thought he was a stallion.
But according to girls,
He was worst of the churls.
So they'd never let him dally on!
--- Barb

A Rob Roy, made with scotch and vermouth,
Is elegant, tasty and couth.
Though named for RAPSCALLION,
A kilted stallion,
Whose legend is more myth than truth.
--- Norm Brust

In Congress smart people we need,
A selfless sophisticate breed.
But from what appears,
There are none, my dears;
RARA AVIS to find there, indeed.
--- Chris Papa

Philologists are RAREFIED
Intellectuals terrified
That time will run out,
So they run about
Searching for all to be clarified.
--- Daniel Ford

Let us not to base instincts yield,
Seek interest in RAREFIED field.
If you'll do your part,
In Physics or Art,
Life may be a joy unannealed.
--- Chris Papa

Russia's businessmen are all aboil
Over the government's grab for oil,
As President Putin,
That modern RASPUTIN,
Uses Khodorovsky for a foil.
--- Norm Brust

RASPUTIN was a mad Russian
Persuaded the Czar to go crushin'
Those not in his pews,
Till nobles sent news
His own blood would soon be agushin'.
--- Chris Papa

Clear thinking RATIOCINATION
Is not the purview of high station.
For were that the case,
There'd not be a trace
Of Clintonesque prevarication.
--- Daniel Ford

To be intelligence equation
May give false reading
Of signs, thus leading
To complex rationalization.
--- Daniel Ford

Though it escapes many a fool.
And like sex on blackboards,
Todays unwashed hordes,
Learn little of it in the school.
--- Chris Papa

If a condom so lessen your sport,
That it's worth eighteen years child support,
About procreation.
Let your palm be your only consort.
--- Elois

Words like ravel, unravel do fling
A confusion at me which both bring.
Also, not to be lewd,
But the words nude, denude;
If you look them up, mean the same thing.
--- Loren Fitzhugh P0506

She had a REBARBATIVE beau,
Who wanted his bed games just so
And caused her to flex
In pursuit of sex,
In ways that were not apropos.
--- Chris Papa

Bad behavior's RECIDIVISM
Often leads to a cataclysm,
Wherein someone's crime
Of fat intake prime
Brings on a stroke or aneurism.
--- Daniel Ford

Many of your lims are abstract,
But of course they are knowledge backed.
Two wrongs don't make right,
Profoundness is all they have lacked.
--- Daniel Ford T9707

When bathing in Love's luminescence,
As Eros flits 'round in one's presence,
Those hormonal surges
Drive internal urges
That wake sex with wild RECRUDESCENCE.
--- Daniel Ford

Judeo-Christianity's strong,
As a barrier to doing wrong.
Yet there's something lewd in us,
And it'll come out before long.
--- Norm Brust

Morally straight, RECTITUDINOUS,
Men oft appear fortitudinous,
But pushing to shove,
Their rusing to love,
Is banal and platitudinous.
--- Daniel Ford

The bra that she wore was well padded
And to her small bosom she added
To help nature's erring.
Which then helped to drive him mad, did.
--- Chris Papa

If you'be been stretched by a RED HERRING,
The sound of which is overbearing,
Hold your reaction
Until redaction,
The bombastic response forswearing.
--- Daniel Ford

Detective tale, author is sharing,
Along with some deeds that are derring:
A mystery dark,
A clue or two stark,
As well as misleading RED HERRING.
--- Chris Papa

Diverting from issues, RED HERRING,
Should all thoughtful people be scaring.
For as with Bill Clinton,
Focus is on hintin'
About the dirty linen airing.
--- Daniel Ford

His first university chick
(Admittedly, only REDBRICK)
Was virgo intacta:
He promptly attacked her --
Explaining his bloody red prick.
--- Nick

REDBRICK university schools,
In Britain, set scolarship rules.
Just like in U.S.
Were same, more or less,
Turns out all those Ivy-Walled Fools.
--- Chris Papa

Leave REDOUBT and go for the fall;
Some things give more joy than the mall.
Since you are grown up,
Sip from adult cup;
Seek knowledge, use brain above all.
--- Elois

REDOUBTABLE, tough word to cobble,
On tongue it is easy to bobble.
Its meaning we know,
The French tell us so;
It's something that's quite FORMIDABLE.
--- Chris Papa

A charming young lady I knew,
With interesting curves, quite a few,
Who dressed a la vogue,
And now is in quite pregnant stew.
--- Chris Papa

Respect out of fear, REDOUBTABLE,
May lead a child to be poutable,
When big and scary
Monsters quite hairy,
Are not from closets lockoutable.
--- Daniel Ford

Illustrious, REDOUBTABLE,
So eminently toutable,
Famed people, no doubt,
Have need of redoubt,
With paparazzi unfloutable.
--- Daniel Ford

That seldom-found usage REDOUND,
(Confused with resound and abound,)
Has meanings abundant
But is really redundant
Which is why it is so seldom found.
--- Eva Amata

REDUX is a kind of replay
In hopes of recalling a day
When you hoped that your youth
Wouldn't show you uncouth
And give baser instincts away.
--- Barb

Oh the REDUX of memories of yore
And young lasses I used to adore.
When anytime of day
Was good for a lay
And in two tics I'm ready for more.
--- Barrie Eksteen

This is file jrl

Oh bring back the days in REDUX,
Of running about in my Reeboks,
With kids on the lawn
Till the bedtime yawn,
Even though there was naught to bring me bucks.
--- Daniel Ford

Collectors of coins will be needing
Info about faces and REEDING,
While I just intend
The silver to spend
On items for which I am greeding.
--- Chris Papa

My advice I hope you'll be heeding,
Don't shave from your coins the REEDING.
The effort you've spent
Won't pay the rent
Or the fee of the lawyer you're needing.
--- Norm Brust

That stubborn old goat so refractory,
May find his friend unsatisfactory,
For as he would have her,
That sweet old cadaver,
May soon be quite foul and refractory.
--- Daniel Ford

A manager thought he'd be bolder
In handling his workforce quite older.
But tried in the factory
With works refractory,
They just hand him back the cold shoulder.
--- Bob Dvorak

Dave, that old miser'd REGALE
His friends with food served in a pail.
Boiled turnips on greens,
Potatoes and beans,
With bread that was thoroughly stale.
--- Chris Papa

But they came to join in the cheer,
Since Dave was skilled at brewing beer;
Their joy, unalloyed,
Since they would avoid
The cold beauty still waiting near.
--- Chris Papa

I will not let REJOINDERS pass,
Whether from lad or a lass.
I am quick to retort
To those of that sort,
"I think you're s silly smart ass!"
--- Chris Papa

Of flora or fauna a trace,
Or woman in poor widow's place.
Today's word is picked
A useful RELICT,
Also means mark on rock face.
--- Chris Papa

When eternal hope I depect,
The "Merry Widow" I always picked.
She always did say
She awaited the day...
Relict is relicked by relict.
--- Gunjan

The sign left behind, a RELICT,
May be enough to interdict
The next action evil
Of dastardly weevil,
Who demise we then can predict.
--- Daniel Ford

A few human REMORA I've met;
More human than marine ones, I'll bet.
They suckle you dry
Till you just want to cry!
And they just never seem to regret.
--- Maggie

When we've lost count, we RENUMERATE
To find the things that we'd sooner rate.
Bill peccadilloes
With cigarillos
Gave tales we need not remunerate.
--- Daniel Ford

Let us RENUMERATE the ways
By which to the cave Chris often strays.
By his allusions to Dave,
He seeks to deprave
With his rude and tiresome word plays.
--- Norm Brust

For those that engage in wordplay,
The ones skilled at quick REPARTEE,
Give sharp verbal parry
With vocabulary
Meant to send you on your way.
--- Chris Papa

Oscar Wilde's forte, great REPARTEE,
Was clever as clever could be.
Though in Reading Gaol,
It turned plaintive wail;
Remaining so through exile Paris.
--- Chris Papa

Engaging in REPARTEE
Is a game that tickles me.
'Cause a well turned phrase,
Disguised as praise,
Can sting worse than a bee.
--- Norm Brust

When her cauldrons, perhaps, with eels fill,
The old wizard might not then feel ill.
But trusting the witch
With such fevered pitch,
Would take extraordinary steel will.
--- Daniel Ford

When my kids would start to REPINE,
Embellished with sigh and a whine,
I could convert their moans
Into weary groans,
By offering their childhood for mine.
--- Norm Brust

There once was a redneck young feller,
A regular screamer and yeller.
Creating such strife,
That REPINING wife
Locked herself in their whine celler.
--- Chris Papa

My limericks oft are REPLETE,
With rhymes of the crude male-esthete.
Please know that I send
Them not to offend,
But hoping you'll think they are neat.
--- Chris Papa

Fully provided is REPLETE;
Evidence of planning complete.
But if you'd be sure
The trip to endure,
Check your equipment and repeat.
--- Daniel Ford

A REPOSITORY, keep-hole, or box
That is bounded around with dark locks,
Is attractive to con-men
(A black curse upon them)
Though it's bolted as tight as Fort Knox.
--- Eva Amata

Pharmacy school, REPOSITORY.
For art of rolling suppository;
A delivery source,
That one could, of course,
Take in a nether depository.
--- Chris Papa

The wicked depraved old REPROBATE
Did between his pleasures alternate,
From inflatable band
He took matters in hand,
Evil urges to attenuate.
--- Daniel Ford

Let me attempt to relate
A reprobate's tale and his fate.
Finally, he found girl;
Gave the process a whirl,
But he could never "get it straight!"
--- Barb

I once knew an elderly REPROBATE,
So old, he could no longer masturbate.
So to get in his jollies,
Be bought rubber dollies
And farted to make them inflate.
--- Norm Brust

A young REPROBATE that I knew
Had vices, much more than a few.
He drank, smoked and gambled,
Down drug scenes he ambled,
And died 'fore he reached twenty-two.
--- Chris Papa

We disown, deny, REPUDIATE,
Those weak attempts to adjudicate
Whose cookies are best,
'Cause we need a rest:
Too much of that fudge Judge Judy ate.
--- Daniel Ford

If you would oppose, please, REPUGN
But think not yourself from blows immune.
For your opponents
May view postponence
As affront and your person impugn.
--- Daniel Ford

Some practices we should REPUGN,
Like those teen-agers so quick to moon.
Though ceillulite-less
Gals ends, I confess
Appeal to my senses jejune.
--- Chris Papa

In order to conquer that dame,
Don't play the G-spot game.
The REQUISITE factor
You need to attract her
Is money, or lacking that, fame.
--- Norm Brust

He tried all the REQUISITE games,
That guys use attracting some dames.
But he never got
To amorous spot;
Advances were shot down in flames.
--- Chris Pap

A REQUISITE requirement for life
Is learning to handle all strife
With grace and good wit.
If thing get rough, don't quit!
Just pass it all on to your wife.
--- Barb