I'm getting new glasses today --
Just lenses, the frames were okay.
They're ready at three --
Meanwhile I must see
The world in a NEBULOUS way.
--- Nick

I thought "She's the right one for me!"
And professed my love on date three.
NEBULOUS at best,
She left me depressed
With, "You're just as sweet as can be."
--- Frank

The indistinct, vague, and NEBULOUS
Effect of decisions so sedulous (persistent)
By Bush in the world, (Dubya)
With our power unfurled,
Leaves many simply incredulous.
--- Daniel Ford

Common sense folks are now tremulous,
While some, reacting sibilous, (hissing)
Do fear the mistakes
A terrorist makes,
When the lion seems edentulous.
--- Daniel Ford

Hermit Dave has idea stuck in head:
NECROMANCY is something to dread.
He isn't black-arted,
Won't talk to departed;
Prefers necrophilia, instead.
--- Chris Papa

There once was a nymphet NEFARIOUS,
Who practiced positions precarious.
Result of her tricks,
Cracked peni to fix,
Along with bad bruises various.
--- Chris Papa

A NEMESIS is a real pain.
Just when you think that you might gain,
With false story smart,
With lie a la carte,
Like Willy undone by dress stain.
--- Chris Papa

The sad thing about Venice is
High tides, a constant NEMESIS.
They can flood your home
(Unless you live in Rome)
And force you to vacate the premises.
--- Norm Brust

Comforting potion, NEPENTHE,
To grandma was Creme de Menthe,
Bringing no worries
To grieving flurries,
No wormwood toxins Absinthe.
--- Daniel Ford

For drowning sorrows there's NEPENTHE,
It's the libation to down when the
Air is so heavy
Or taxes levy;
A burden you ponder and then see.
--- Daniel Ford

If one could just go to a store
And purchase NEPENTHE galore,
You might see a line
Of folks spending time
Waiting to order some more.
--- Maggie

NEPENTHE, to salve a sorrow,
Make for a better tomorrow,
And buttress the will,
To carry on still,
Existing on joy we can borrow.
--- Chris Papa

Family connects for NEPOTISM
Bring to government rheumatism.
Bureaucratic joints
Do creak at all points,
Till the people see need for schism.
--- Daniel Ford

Nepotism will only work
When the transfer involves a nice perk.
But most folks inherit
A job without merit,
From dads who have struggled as clerk.
--- Chris Papa

It is tough on the gifted child,
On whom such attention is piled,
Though deserving of spot,
Most others think not,
With jealousy just driven wild.
--- Chris Papa

Without a doubt we all can say
That NESCIENCE is rampant today,
In all walks of life,
But surely most rife
In politics where it holds sway.
--- Barb

NESCIENCE, the old ancients saw,
Did never apply to the law.
With crime or abuse,
It is no excuse,
The judge will exclaim with guffaw.
--- Chris Papa

Describing ignorance is NESCIENCE,
Belies the speaker's seeming conscience,
Nor insult impart,
But obfuscate dart
With wording that seems different essence.
--- Daniel Ford

Time passes like a beat of a drum,
And though NESCIENCE may come,
When sooner or late,
If that is one's fate,
It sure sounds much better than "dumb!"
--- Chris Papa

A NEVUS is nice when it's seen
On the cheek of a proper French Queen,
Or a serving wench
Of a horny King French,
Who's focused on thighs and between.
--- Chris Papa

Our professor new knowledge instills,
You're sure to improve your word skills,
And impress all your friends,
With message that sends,
Them, scattering off to the hills.
--- Chris Papa

On right when the old year out passes,
Folks gather and raise a few glasses.
Indulge in some drink
And usually, I think,
End up falling down on their asses.
--- Chris Papa

A NIDDERING knew to say "Nay,"
Whenever there might be a fray,
Bad fight of some sort,
Or very rough sport,
Thus saving his skin for new day.
--- Chris Papa

Consuming liquor to NIMIETY
Does not comport with a life of piety.
But a priest can take a shine
To the sacremental wine
And have an impious case of inebriety.
--- Norm Brust

I might state, without impropiety,
That one of the banes of society,
Politicians, no doubt
We can't do without.
But must there be such a NIMIETY?
--- Chris Papa

Searching each night for a slim bod,
But shunned after dance for a limp rod,
To a doc he complained,
Who Viagra explained.
He's now a veritable NIMROD.
--- J'Carlin

While in church, an old NINCOMPOOP,
Unconsciously let out a whoop,
As a shapely young lass
Passed his pew during mass,
And the priest could never regroup.
--- Observer

The silly old goose, NINCOMPOOP,
Henry Miller with girls did troop,
Till one night with June
The girls called the tune,
Which made Anais Nin come stoop.
--- Daniel Ford

'Tis said, NINJAS were created
To kill off the foes that one hated.
But these stealthy men
Screwed dames, now and then,
Unaware that they'd been penetrated.
--- Chris Papa

A stripper who wasn't so skinny,
Rebuked "Soprano," like a NINNY.
Big Tony, unmanned,
Gave the back of his hand:
"That's no way to treat this Guinea!"
--- Chris Papa

A blockheaded fool, NINNYHAMMER,
A kin of those kids Katzenjammer,
Thought he would bobsleigh
The Olympic way,
On the steep tracks of Lillehammer.
--- Daniel Ford

He taught English, though he had a stammer,
And sounded like a NINNYHAMMER.
They just let him teach
Despite his poor speech,
Becaue of expertise in grammar.
--- Norm Brust

A NINNYHAMMER novice, near vows,
Had started the priests to arouse;
She noted effect;
Was quick to defect;
And guys at strip joints she now wows.
--- Chris Papa

This is file jel

Escaping life's cycle, NIRVANA
Is heaven to some, but I wanna
Tell you right now,
"No way! No how!
Will I enter via piranha."
--- Daniel Ford

NIRVANA, a state of the mind
That few humans will ever find.
You may enter the gate,
If you're decerebrate,
And totally deaf, dumb, and blind.
--- Chris Papa

Not yet final, an order NISI
Gives recipients feelings fleecy.
As forebodings loom
Of impending doom,
Thus forcing our prayers to Assisi.
--- Daniel Ford

Some people who find they're in hole,
But enjoy the nice welfare dole,
May develop thesis,
There' no need for NISUS,
A Faustian deal for their soul.
--- Chris Papa

Those NITID beads on lustrous hair
Are shell casings of critters lair.
Of insects not nice,
We've eclept as lice,
And which folks should not want to share.
--- Chris Papa

The bright shiny glossy and NITID
Clear stones stolen by the benighted
And bumbling burglar
For his bathroom gurgler,
Are the reasons he is indicted.
--- Daniel Ford

The Eskimos say there's no rival
For a vast landscape that's NIVAL.
They think that it's grand,
Much better than sand,
And cherish it for their survival.
--- Chris Papa

As targets of literary men's ire,
Clinton's plea: "Redirect your fire.
Dost mock you us?
How painful the barbs of satire."
--- Norm Brust

There once was a NOCUOUS lad
Much given to pranks very bad.
But the evil card,
Hoist on his petard,
An untimely ending then had.
--- Chris Papa

With majestic sweep quite symphonic,
He drowned in his own high colonic.
A washout complete;
Such idea is neat,
With retribution ironic.
--- Chris Papa

Tonight it's near forty below;
Not a NOCUOUS nor any wind blow!
But the cold sneaks around
And into the ground,
And it's hell when your car just won't go.
--- Barb

We're asked to not idle our car;
It makes ice fog too thick to see far.
So we sit in our fliver;
Till it warms up, we shiver,
And think "For Alaska, that's par!"
--- Barb

Constipation causes pain that racks,
So we reach for the box of Ex-Lax.
We empty our colons,
Which allows us, finally, to relax.
--- Norm Brust

NOLENS VOLENS means willy nilly;
Which Slick Willy thought of as silly.
A pizza was ordered
And conquest recorded
With any available filly.
--- Chris Papa

Each president sat in a chair;
Taking off mask, revealing what's there:
Mephistopheles all.
And this was their call.
Those other names, just NOMS DE GUERRE.
--- Elois

Speedy Gonzales was his NOM DE GUERRE.
Balls? Yes, he had quite a pair.
This demon of dash
Was in and out in a flash.
He secret, he wore no underwear.
--- Norm Brust

An aptronym's somebody's name,
That matches the man and the game.
Like Ms Prose, who's a writer,
Bill Boxer, a fighter;
Is it "nomen est omen"? The same. (names are prophetic)
--- Anon

Nine singers, as bad as you get,
Thought they were all right for the Met.
They sang and were game
But nobody came;
Of income they garnered NO NET.
--- Chris Papa

A roguish old roue named Russ
Beautiful gals would NONPLUS.
He'd take them to dine,
And ply them with wine.
Then leave them with nary a buss.
--- Chris Papa

The homeless man, totally nonplussed,
While nurses cleaned dirt, grim and crust,
Said, "I've lived for years
With crud in my ears.
So suddenly, why all the fust?"
--- Bob Dvorak

It's good they have shortened the stays
A hospitals in recent days,
Since President tells
They are living hells
A NOSCOMIAL death maze.
--- Chris Papa

A very short stay you should strive
If you wish to remain alive,
At hospital site,
Where you just might
NOSCOMIAL harm contrive.
--- Chris Papa

An infection, NOSCOMIAL,
From treatment, not chromosomial,
In hospital gained
From people less trained:
The dummies are quite demonial.
--- Daniel Ford

Though you may get cure, for sure,
And even when motives are pure,
The longer you stay,
There'll be hell to pay,
NOSCOMIALS' high cost of cure.
--- Chris Papa

Alarmed internists all shout,
"NOSOCOMIAL infection's about!"
Which is sure to astound
Those hospital bound,
Who figure they'd better stay out.
--- Chris Papa

The NOSEGAY sends pollen on the breeze
To make some sensitive noses sneeze.
While others must run
Right out of the sun,
Escaping, perhaps stings of bees.
--- Daniel Ford

Young Thomas, from near Aberystwyth,
A lady from Bow had a tryst with.
She thought "No, 'e's gay" -- (nosegay)
He wasn't, so they
United the organs they pissed with.
--- Nick

When Thomas had less to subsist with,
His only delight was his fist with:
But now he's employed
With Davies and Lloyd;
He's earning enought to get pissed with.
--- Nick

A lady he'd learned to play Liszt with
Implored that he drink should desist with.
She warned him of days
In alcohol's haze;
He ordered a vodka a twist with.
--- Nick

Young Thomas is now on her list with
Two others from Wales she plays whist with.
Twelve rubbers a night,
She feels is her right;
The two to her mill, he's now grist with.
--- Nick

When snake oil along with the NOSTRUM
Came from pitchmen high on the rostrum,
Little could be done,
After they had run,
But suck on a beer or colostrum.
--- Daniel Ford

NOTORIOUS statement of Queen:
"We've never Conservative been!"
In England we rule
With manners old-school --
No Tory, us: Labor's our scene!
--- Nick

Words of infamy, NOTORIOUS
Will garner hard looks censorious,
On him who would dare
Not take better care
For readers' feelings uxorious.
--- Daniel Ford