A subject worthy of Lord Byron,
The long lustrous hair found on siren,
Will seduce fine men
To try for hymen,
Making fools of themselves to tire on.
--- Daniel Ford

Her hair had LISSOTRICHOUS flow,
But her ardent lover would know
That's just her top coif,
And where he might quaff,
Was tightly curled, right there below
--- Chris Papa

An author whose words weren't chaste,
Offending the bounds of good taste,
Complained bitterly,
Used only four letters. no waste!
--- Chris Papa

A ranch-owning Texas redhead,
Got offers, from cowboys, to wed.
They all did agree,
That she had one heck of a spread.
--- Observer

As our planet spins throughout space,
We see but its tough outer face,
To which we are near.
Between the hot rock and hard place.
--- Chris Papa

So if the lithosphere weren't there,
We the people, would be just where?
Up to our asses
In waves or hot gasses.
Correct term would likely be "Nowhere!"
--- Barb

The rocky mantle of LITHOSPHERE
Allows earthly beings to live here.
With out feet singeing,
Existence hinging
On balance of heat-cold to appear.
--- Daniel Ford

Lets give a rousing big cheer
For our nice crusty lithosphere.
Were it not for it,
We'd be in deep shit;
Up to our ass in lava, I fear.
--- Norm Brust

To praise with the phrase "She's not bad",
Just shows how LITOTES can add
To critical words,
On singer's sharp thirds,
A meaning that renders her glad.
--- Nick

LITOTES, which comes form Greek "simple",
Can prick our election sore pimple;
Such choice as we've had,
From a "hanging chad"
To pursuit of the "pregnant dimple."
--- Chris Papa

Good linguists will seek to maake sure all
Bright folks, both urban and rural,
Whomever you please,
Knows that LITOTES,
Is the single noun LITOTES, plural.
--- Chris Papa

Monica's mouth was attractive,
For Willy, "non-sex" interactive.
Took load of our boy.
As told in Starr tale, non-redactive.
--- Chris Papa

The insane behavior of LOCO
Is like the fine lines of rococo.
With turns in and out
Through marble and grout,
Or Chanel filled channels of Coco.

(Coco Chanel - McW)
--- Daniel Ford

The Gore campaign's starting to scurry,
But Al, who does not seem in a hurry,
That's familiar to us...
Al Neuman from Mad -- What, me worry?"
--- Frank

Classics citing, LOCUS CLASSICUS,
Is used by professor (classy cuss)
As sort of e.g.
For students, you see,
So they'll know just how the ass to cuss.
--- Daniel Ford

A prophet guides through the LOCUST YEARS,
When hard times hardship has focused fears.
Getting through the lean can
Mimic Alan Greenspan (Chairman US Econ Board retired '06)
And the prophet may hear the folk's cheers.
--- Daniel Ford

The depression gave us LOCUST YEARS;
So much grief and even tears.
But amid the drear
There was some cheer
Because we got to drink low-cost beers.
--- Norm Brust

Quite lean are the LOCUST YEARS,
With citizens beset by fears
And debts never ending,
From government spending,
With Congressional grinding of gears.
--- Chris Papa

A sailor ashore, raunchy rogue he
Drank too much wine and smoked stogie.
Result of such doin',
His head is a ruin;
On land, feels at sea, and quite LOGY.
--- Chris Papa

LONGUEUR, redolent in tedium,
Depends a great deal on the medium,
That one wonders just how
The monks can just plow
Through a one-noted chant te deum.
--- Daniel Ford

In the interests of literary good taste,
We should occasionally aim above the waist.
I've heard a rumor
That one can find humor
In subjects, high-minded and chaste.
--- Norm Brust

Limerick writers can't be LOQUACIOUS
Since their form is hardly spacious.
They need to be terse
When writing their verse,
Or the results could be hellacious.
--- Norm Brust

Those who are most LOQUACIOUS
Are also often contumacious.
"If you can't say saomething nice..."
Is exellent advice,
Bordering on the sagacious.
--- Norm Brust

My goodness, that man is LOQUACIOUS.
His mind is obviously capacious.
He'll challenge writers
To be verse fighters,
But in winning surely be gracious.
--- Daniel Ford

LOQUACIOUS people's loquacity
May be covering mendacity,
For truth seeking
Wants clear speaking,
Not some long-winded opacity.
--- Daniel Ford

Lenny, a LOQUACIOUS lad,
Loved little Lolita, real bad.
But incessant talk
Cause lady to balk.
Now he talks to himself, raving mad.
--- Chris Papa

Sonnets are beyond my skill.
There are too many lines to fill.
My protests subdued,
I'll go back to lewd,
And give readers another cheap thrill.
--- Norm Brust

LOQUACIOUS is counted among
Misplaced misuse of the tongue,
Which should start in the mouth
Then head for parts South,
To Delta of Venus, not bung.
--- Chris Papa

In Brooklyn there's LORIMER Street,
Where very nice people you'll meet.
Though none's on a horse
Save on police force,
Except for poor cop on the beat.
--- Chris Papa

All that seems worthless is not LOSEL,
Just as Christopher Robin's ruse'll
Be only a trap
With a long-term nap
For the heffalump and the woozle.
--- Daniel Ford

The woman I wed, when I choose'll,
Not be a shrew or a LOSEL,
Or wanton wench,
Who'll make my teeth clench,
Whenever she'd like to bamboozle.
--- Chris Papa

There once was a louche lovely lass
Who never said "No" to a pass.
Result of her folly:
Twelve children, by golly!
And twelve "no-pay" dads chased by brass.
--- Chris Papa

And what of the LOUCHE lazy dads,
Who, frog-like, spawn unwanted tads?
Were it up to me,
I'd make them heir-free
And vas-ect their careless gonads.
--- Elois

This is file ikl

You're right. At whatever sex, rubes
Should receive equal tratment as boobs.
For him cut the vas;
For her treatment has
To be, the sure cutting of tubes.
--- Chris Papa

Love is a four-letter word
Ubiquitous, constantly heard.
Love, I am told,
Is more precious than gold,
More sweet than the song of a bird.

(original from Ogden Nash)
--- John Miller

Hate, we are told, isn't smart;
Hate is what keeps us apart.
But Hate is a verb
That to me is superb,
And Love but a drug on the mart.
--- John Miller

Hate has held sway from the start
While love plays a laughable part.
Any kiddie in school
Can love like a fool,
But hating, my boy, is an Art.
--- John Miller

Love, I am constantly told,
Is a treasure more precious than gold,
But Hate is the verb
That to me is superb;
So vicious and biting and cold.
--- John Miller

All your Love is a drug on the mart;
It is Hate that folks hug to their heart.
Any kiddie at school
Can love like a fool,
But Hating, my boy, is an Art.
--- John Miller

She put on a fragrant new scent,
Along with loose peignoir LUCENT.
The message was clear,
As he said "My dear,
I'm here on the signals you sent."
--- Chris Papa

Best sample of true LUCUBRATION:
Application of fine lubrication.
Enables a lark
To work in the dark,
And leads to exquisite elation.
--- Naz

My college son shuns LUCUBRATION,
But nightly enjoys celebration,
Where morals are skipped,
And much booze is sipped,
Till comatose inebration.
--- Chris Papa

It doesn't take much LUCUBRATION
To see the sad state of our Nation.
By casualties worn
And politics torn;
Hardly a time for elation.
--- Chris Papa

Said Willy, "Let's romp in way LUDIC,
I'll insert cigar in way rude, [ick].
And then, as we say,
Please, my skin flute play.
You'll see that it's a twisted cue dick.
--- Chris Papa

Activity thought to be ludic,
Can certainly be therapeutic.
When involved in a war,
If with girl grunt can score,
He beams. It's been thus since Wars Punic.
--- Elois

Not smart; can't do roots square or cubic,
But sex play comes under old rubric,
Which you have confused
Or you would have used,
As, "It's been thus since Wars Pubic."
--- Chris Papa

Though idealist LUFTMENSCH is said
For one whose art is in the bone bred,
There are times today
When such I would say,
Have modern appelation: air head.
--- Daniel Ford

Free cares from Life's harried vise-wrench,
Seek out complementative bench,
To hell with the rent,
On pleasure your bent,
Living as happy LUFTMENSCH.
--- Chris Papa

There once was a guy named McMurty
Who decided to retire at thirty.
He lived on a park bench;
His clothes hobo chic, but dirty.
--- Norm Brust

The LUFTMENSCH, and "air-head" to some,
Who will not work for his income,
Just ain't very charming.
Society harming,
He's rightly still known as a bum.
--- Chris Papa

There once was a LUGUBRIOUS maid
Who sat unconsoled in the shade,
All because of a lad
(This is rather sad)
All he wanted was to get laid!
--- Barb

LUGUBRIOUS, more than a frown,
From someone who really is down,
With connection made
To a face displayed,
With real tears on cheek of a clown.
--- Chris Papa

The weighted lights, LUMINARIA,
Along arcades of wisteria,
Are a holiday gift,
A Mexican lift,
Like Sangria wine fruitaria.
--- Chris Papa

LUMINARIA, there to admire,
Peace with their warm glow inspire.
But when made of paper,
And wood cuts a caper,
They make quite a hell of a fire.
--- Chris Papa

The privileged folk in the upper class,
Keep everything clean as a drinking glass.
Their grown kids, it's been found,
Get each bug that's around,
While LUMPEN, unwashed, are immune, en masse.
--- Elois

The LUMPEN crowd, surly crew,
Don't always do what they should do.
They live for their ale,
Spend some time in jail,
And help "cannon fodder" renew.
--- Chris Papa

A LYRIC that's writ about me --
What could a thing like that be?
Why, a LYmeRIC, sir,
And I'm sure you'll concur
That I've rhymed it appropriately.
--- Eva Amata

The words of a G&S LYRIC,
Are often quite smart and satiric.
But plot lines are such,
With topsy-turvy touch,
Which call for an ending empiric.
--- Chris Papa

The LYRIC, composed for the Lyre
Should kindle in hearers a fire.
The fount of the muses,
A good lyric uses
Fine words and a hint of desire.
--- Eva Amata

Melodic, emotional, LYRIC,
Yes, G&S songs are round, spheric;
But when with polignards
Each cut other's cards,
The victory then was quite Pyrrhic.
--- Daniel Ford

Each without the other was bland;
No shine to the Savoy or Strand.
When all's said and done,
The canon's much fun,
And a few are even quite grand.
--- Daniel Ford

Campaigning ideas are MACABRE,
Come from rich guys that hobnob
With powerful banks,
But say that their ranks
Derive from the common poor slobs.
--- Chris Papa

Crushed rock and asphalt make MACADAM,
Paving way for modern day Adam,
Who, seeking reprieve,
Soon finds his MacEve,
Whose tartan has children to plaid 'im.
--- Daniel Ford

That word with a regal baronic,
I'd ne'er heard before MACARONIC,
To me it just hasta'
Refer to Wop pasta,
Or else it is oxymoronic.
--- Chris Papa

Those, who in manner moronic,
Babble in tongue MACARONIC,
Both inane and trite
To sound erudite,
We'll flush with a good high-colonic.
--- Chris Papa

Bilingual punning MACARONIC
Is gleeful experience phonic,
Replete with dire groans,
Amid giggle tones,
And hilarities ultrasonic.
--- Daniel Ford