In winter two ladies named Peters
Kept warm by their cozy gas heaters.
Their gas price was low
And the reason was: "So
We are screwed by the readers of meters."
--- Albin Chaplin 3024-0292

At Timmins, a miner, ill-fated,
Would avoid safety clothes, insulated,
Which down in the pit
Didn't matter a bit,
Till he came out at night -- copperplated!
--- Mrs Don Gale, Ontario 72c

This week I'm working the first shift,
And that early I am not too swift.
With puffy red eyes,
I need help from the guys,
In locating my own fork lift.
--- Anon

If ever dear, somehow you forgot,
Not 'fork lift' but your special spot
With which you do straddle
My face and my saddle,
Both tongues will help locate your twat!
--- Anon

It's just like going into combat;
At work, while I'm still training Pat.
Up on the fork lift,
The gears he can't shift,
And the seatbelt won't go 'round his fat.
--- Carol

It must be your free-swinging tits,
That's giving poor Patrick the fits.
With using the clutch
To shift and to touch
Your breasts, while he's jerking his bits.
--- Travis Brasell

However, I've had quite a chuckle
Envisioning your trying to buckle
That seat belt 'round Pat,
Who grabs his green hat,
And thinks you are fixin' to fuckle.
--- Travis Brasell

I have to say I'm tickled too,
Imagining that sticky goo.
He's shaped like a pig;
His belly's so big,
It sticks out further than his dickie do.
--- Jeanie

Said the gutsy young lady named Dinah,
Who resigned from her job as a miner.
"That awful coal dust
Spoils a girl's snow white bust
And seeps in a miner's vagina."
--- M C Pigg P0308

Dinah tried for a job as a rigger.
The guys at the office would snigger.
"We'll hire you really quick
When you've grown a dick,
And tits are not part of your figger."
--- M C Pigg P0308

The foreman gave Dinah a gift;
She was hired for a longshoreman's shift.
In an hour she was fired
When she said, "I'm so tired
And that box is too heavy to lift."
--- M C Pigg P0308

There once was a pool man called Jean,
Who made sure that the gene pool was clean.
"Who cares about dregs
Like folks with bowlegs,"
He said as he poured in chlorine.
--- Ken Tusha

There was a hard worker named Morrie,
Who worked hard at his work in the quarry.
At the end of the day,
He was too tired to play
With his kids. He could only say sorry.
--- Arthur Pattaffy

A cat burglar, Ladderboy Bright,
Was caught on the job one fine night.
And now, so they say,
He sews mailbags all day --
Yes that case is sewn up all right.
--- Mary Danby - 2nd Armada

To Egypt a long distance call
From China, "We're building a wall.
Since your man is through,
Ask him, can he do
Less slanting, and not quite as tall?"

(Pyramid vs Chinese Wall)
--- Irving Superior P9301

He washee window way up there.
About his work he really care.
People quite buffaloed
When see him on scaffold.
They say, "There's a Nip in the air."
--- Jane D Hughes P9301

A young man, a real eager beaver,
Was soon at his job with a cleaver.
His work as a killer,
Finished up in the chiller.
He died not in the chair, but of fever.
--- Arthur Pattaffy

There once was a baker named Baker,
Who baked the mistake of a caker.
But without ado,
He took it and some glue,
And became a cabinet maker.
--- Jim Weaver Collection

A carpenter, one Archibald Featherstonehaugh
Smiled as he turned on his band saw.
He said: "Let no doubts linger,
Even if I lose a finger,
I'd rather use this than a hand saw."
--- William K Alsop Jr

A carpenter from Kalamazoo
Built a house without nail or a screw.
When the house fell apart,
He said, "Cross my heart,
That's the last time for Scotch Tape and glue!"
--- Jim Weaver Collection

The carpenter learned to improve
His love life by making a move,
From simple straight studding
To coatings for flooding,
And using antique tongue 'n groove.
--- John Miller

A carpenter in Finlandia
Said, "How long have I got to stand here?
I'm all by myself,
Trying to put up this shelf.
Won't somebody give me a hand here?"
--- Michael Palin

The school girls in Lima, Peru
Took a course where they learn how to screw;
And hammer and plane,
Use mahogany stain,
And avoid dirty people like you.
--- Arnie Schoenbrun P0512Q

A carpenter's helper named Neville
Never made anything level.
A table or chair
Was best made elsewhere,
Then taken to Neville to bevel.
--- Michael Palin

I once knew a maid down in Vance,
Who could not sing a thing or do dance.
But she was so good
When she's sawing wood,
And even better yet at romance.
--- Lims Unlimited

An old lady, from near Mississugger,
Was in love with a seasonal logger.
"Though he cannot be here
For ten months of the year,
Still I love him -- the silly old bugger!"
--- Keith MacMillan 62d

A lumberjack novice named Claude,
Quit his job and them moved abroad.
It wasn't the hills,
Or mountains or rills,
He just didn't like what he sawed.
--- Margaret A Murdock P8303

To axes now few loggers HEW;
With chain-saws they fell trees; a few.
Such hewing's a breeze,
Except when species
Are endangered by hacking they do.
--- Chris Papa

Say a tree had a penis, I'd scoff,
And suggest that your head's up your trough.
But a logger will brake
His truck for the sake
Of letting the lumberjack off.
--- Hugh Clary

Two fellows who were lumberjacks,
Took a break, while at work, to relax.
Boss perambulated,
Found them both prostrated,
And promptly gave them the axe.
--- Observer

"Would you chop down this forest?" I said
To three lumberjacks, John, Dick, and Fred.
But they muttered, "Oh dear,
It will take us all year,
For we're only tree fellers," and fled.
--- Peter Wilkins

Far up on the mountain last night,
Out under the stars full and bright,
I lifted my timber
(And I wished it was limber!)
And strained my damn guts till I shite!
--- Travis Brasell

I slung my big log 'cross my shoulder,
(Not easily done, as I'm older!)
And toted it down
The mountain to town,
And shoved it in Winnie's log holder.
--- Travis Brasell

This is file ihm

Now, Winnie's my log loading pal,
A stubborn but faithful old gal;
She sometimes unruly,
Yet for a Log Muley,
She packs well with nary a scowl.
--- Travis Brasell

Whenever I come up beside her,
I'm careful to never deride her;
She's such a sweet soul,
Who's taken my pole
So often and still lets me ride her.
--- Travis Brasell

Through many fine log mules I sifted
Till I found dear Winnie -- so gifted!
For nigh 30 years,
She's brought me to tears
When, gladly, my timber she's lifted!
--- Travis Brasell

Yes, Winnie has brought me good luck;
She's one mule who's not prone to buck;
She's always quite ready
To stand straight and steady
So that my big log won't get stuck!
--- Travis Brasell

And when up on the mountain tonight,
While under the stars full and bright,
I'll hear Winnie braying,
As her way of saying,
"My log holder's still good and tight!"
--- Travis Brasell

When you're out in our national park,
You must guard your log 'til it's dark.
Lest a woodpecker's bill
Do a rat-a-tat drill
For the worms crawling under the bark.
--- Alan Wolverton

Since I have long been a believer
That a log man must be a achiever
Of timber that's good,
I guard, as I should,
'Gainst peckerwoods -- also of beaver!
--- Travis Brasell

A lumberjack up in a fir
Yelled "tim..." but forgot to add"... ber!"
The men on the ground
Were just standing around,
And no one has found where they were.
--- Lims Unlimited

From Woolston comes arc-welder Mag.
Although she's a bit of a hag,
Whene'er she starts flashing,
The fellows come dashing,
In order to knock off the slag.
--- Tiddy Ogg

The blacksmith was plying his trade;
He sweated as hammering made
Those chastity belts
For the amorous Celts.
He got richer with every crusade.
--- Anon

There is an old butcher named Fred,
Who tries to get ladies to bed.
With sweet talk he woos,
And plies them with booze,
But they prefer sausage instead.
--- Libby Corrie

There are hard times for poor cobbler Bill;
There's only ten pence in the till.
His whole stock in trade
Is once piece of suede,
So how's he his belly to fill?
--- Tiddy Ogg

That leather he thinks he will take,
One last pair of shoes for to make;
But he's wondering who
Wants hyacinth blue
Suede mules but it's not make or break.
--- Tiddy Ogg

Here's Suzy, who's been on the booze;
She tries not her balance to lose.
But knocks down, the fool,
A sharp bladed tool.
"Don't step, dear on my shoe blade, Suze!"
--- Tiddy Ogg

He makes them a massive size 9,
And reckons they look mighty fine.
And hopes that some miner
From South Carolina
Will buy them for huge Clementine.
--- Tiddy Ogg

Then in comes a big greasy schmuch,
Hair styled like the rear of a duck.
"Need shoes for one night,
So if it's all right,
I'll take them, but down on my luck."
--- Tiddy Ogg

"I'll promise, and this ain't no trick, see,
We're men of the world down in Dixie,
If they fit my feets,
You've half the receipts,
Of my disc sales, or I'm a green pixie."
--- Tiddy Ogg

To which cobbler Bill makes this cry:
"You think that A Fool Such As I,
That chance up would throw,
Son, take them and go."
And waves him farewell with a sigh.
--- Tiddy Ogg

And prosper did old cobbler Bill,
With Suzy, his dreams did fulfill.
Lived happily ever after?
That stupid! None dafter!
He now lies in peace in Boot Hill.
--- Tiddy Ogg

A firefighter named Hearnd
Forgot everything he had learned;
A careless mishandle
Of a decorative candle;
He watched as his property burned.
--- Puff Adder

A vigilant fireman named Byron
Extinguished the fire in a siren,
But it smoldered and flamed
And he sadly proclaimed
There were too many fires for his iron.
--- Albin Chaplin 3024-0074

As the tired fireman reeled in the hose,
He was so cold that he almost froze.
Unless he got some heat
From his head to his feet,
He'd have parts that would soon decompose.
--- Arthur Pattaffy

The fireman could not have been sadder;
Lack of sex made him mad as a hatter.
His locked bedroom door
Was on the third floor.
He needed a hooker and ladder.
--- Arnie Schoenbrun

The hairdresser, combing quite errant
Pulled hard on his pate. "Oh you weren't
To do that!" cried he
(Who was balder than thee!)
She replied, "Just making hair apparent."
--- LaDonna Jones P8503

A horologist, making a clock,
Said, "My sign gives tailhunters a shock.
They come in a whirl
With hotpants for a girl,
When there's none to be had in THIS block!"
--- Grand Prix Lim 437

A parquetry expert called Good
Was oftentimes misunderstood,
From various sectors
Like porno directors,
Who asked if he always had wood.
--- Donald McGill

An adept pizza maker in town,
For his thick crusts, enjoys some renown.
He'll leaven across,
Knead, roll out, and toss
Dough, that's too weighty to down.
--- Jerry Nordal

I would rather make pots out of ball clay
Than the plastic you buy at the mall, clay.
Until fired, it is dark.
Then it's white; what a lark!
And it's permanent once and for all clay.
--- Anon

A printer who lives in Sudan
Runs his press just as fast as he can.
To make matters worse,
He once ran in reverse,
And finished before he began.
--- Anon

An Intertype girl from LeMans
Sets type with both of her hands.
And sometimes her toes
And the tip of her nose.
What ever production demands.
--- Anon

A printer of old worked with lead.
"It's bad for you!" it was said.
He would cry with a jeer,
"I'll live many a year!"
But at age ninety nine he was dead.
--- Anon

One day while treadling her press,
A gear caught her old-fashioned dress.
As it got torn away,
She was heard to say,
"I got caught but I wasn't impressed!"
--- Anon

A pressman who's now in perdition
Came to work in a drunken condition.
He fell into the press
Which made quite a mess.
It was surely his final edition.
--- Anon

A German man quite laconic
Would print things only teutonic.
Like instructions for strudles,
Sauerbraten with noodles,
And notes for the Bonn Philharmonic.
--- Anon