To facilitate beautification,
We should exercise hard EPURATION.
So, clear the House and the air,
Outlaw sprawl and the blare,
And bring an end to Californication.
--- Kim

When day equals night at EQUINOX,
The Partners give all some equal knocks.
Of limericks raunch,
We're supporters staunch,
Though oft we're not so heterodox.
--- Daniel Ford

EQUITANT love play is "in",
And though once considered a sin,
Even the missionary
Has learned to vary
Ways that might make your head spin.
--- Chris Papa

A unit of work, on one hand,
ERG's also a strip of the strand
Where sea breezes blow,
While Latin ERGO,
Means hence, in a manner quite grand.
--- Chris Papa

It took not an ERG of intelligence,
The first job I had that gave recompense.
I, proud as can be,
That someone paid me,
Knew the value of work ever thence.
--- Elois

The work expended, many an ERG,
To reach top of frozen iceberg,
Will generate heat
As summit you meet,
Invoking principle Heisenberg.

(measuring affects measurement)
--- Daniel Ford

On days when I feel quite bonhomic,
And everything's bright and most comic,
I muse that a chap
May offer his lap
To lady, as seat ERGONOMIC.
--- Chris Papa

George W talks through his hat,
And turns wish into fact and all that.
His skill is deceiving;
The voters, believing,
They won't call hims eristicrat.
--- Bob Dvorak

A verbal dispute, ERISTIC,
Can cause physical battle, fistic.
To avoid the fray,
Watch what you say,
And make you argument logistic.
--- Norm Brust

Our pols speak in ways quite ERISTIC
And cloak thoughts in slogans simplistic.
They rant and they snort,
Yet still get support
In ways that border on mystic.
--- Chris Papa

An ERISTIC couple I knew,
Always there when an argument flew,
Intent on point scoring,
Erotics ignoring,
Are now seeking each, partners new.
--- Chris Papa

ERISTIC I can become,
Encountering politicos dumb,
Who with diatribe,
Try to proscribe
And hope that I will then succumb!
--- Barb

I think the winner'd be plain,
If we could choose John McCain,
Or Lieberman, Joe,
'Cause most voters go
For the middle, both parties disdain.
--- Phil Kinay

"ERSTWHILE" has a poetic feel,
While "WHILOM" is too big a deal.
Guess 'FORMER''s okay
In a common way,
But not if you'd sound like big wheel.
--- Chris Papa

The stylish man, designer ERSTWHILE,
Enjoyed success on way to first pile.
But Rodeo Drive
Found another five.
So now he thinks that's a cursed mile.
--- Daniel Ford

Though micturition duels are best,
When you lads compete for the jest.
The challenge I'd rate,
Decidedly puerile contest.
--- Daniel Ford

My mate and I quickly withdrew
From a bilious church-going shrew
Then rudely stated,
"You people have sat in my pew!"
--- Observer

ERUCTATES and flatulent ways
Are very much part of my days!
I chart notes with glee,
Just glad it's not me,
But reminded that youth is a phase.
--- Maggie

The belcher's hymns of ERUCTATION
Have no peers from insufflation.
Unless it's that part
That delivers the fart,
In equally rude lamentation.
--- Daniel Ford

I once knew an ERUDITE elf,
Who'd read every book on the shelf.
So smart, in the end,
He had nary a friend,
Though he sure was full of himself.
--- Chris Papa

Her soft, inviting rump bent;
Urgings of coming hump sent.
And could scarcely contain
The warm tug and strain
Felt in his phallus ERUMPENT.
--- Chris Papa

Spring daffodils trumpet ERUMPENT,
A robust releasing of drum pent
Up by winter's roil
Of wind-frozen soil,
Till we see those jonquils so pungent.
--- Daniel Ford

If hoarding of riches you care,
Be certain to provide an heir.
Or else you'll be beat
By the state's ESCHEAT;
They'll swoop in and take all the share.
--- Peter Wilkins

I'm sure that it can be a feat
To forestall a statehood's escheat,
By making a will.
However the bill
Will leave you just white as a sheet.
--- Barb

If you're eighty and would not be dissed,
ESCHEW confusion, on this insist:
When ladies lie down,
Don't stand there and frown,
Always refer to your little list.
--- Daniel Ford

Though they might not ever ESCHEW,
The chasing of girls, quite a few,
Those guys in their eightys,
When catchin' their Katies,
May not recall what they're to do.
--- Chris Papa

The avoidance habit does ESCHEW,
But it's not easy -- we know it's true.
When color's needed
And brown is ceded,
The stuff hits the fan and then you.
--- Daniel Ford

Though vulgarity I generally ESCHEW,
Occasionally my verse does turn blue.
There are times, I submit,
When a word like "shit"
Just fills the rhyme and adds color, too.
--- Norm Brust

Synthetic forces ESEMPLASTIC
Oft change our thinking in ways drastic,
As perhaps a word
Is not quite what's heard;
Delicious turns paronomastic.
--- Daniel Ford

I know an old limericist spastic,
Who thinks that all sex is fantastic.
And will in most times
Insert into rhymes
This theme in a way ESEMPLASTIC.
--- Chris Papa

With girls ESEMPLASTIC each night
To take masochistic delight,
The Marquis de Sade
Stayed hard and en garde,
Excited by sight of their plight.
--- Nick Lanyon

All along the greening ESPLANADE,
To the pretty young ladies he'd nod
And think in his head
About antics in bed;
Little wonder his pants fit so odd!
--- Sheryl

The soldiers were beseiged in their fort,
And stocks of food were growing short.
So they sent a fusilade
Across the ESPLANADE,
Forcing the beseigers to abort.
--- Norm Brust

This is file idl

In Boston there is ESPLANADE
Along the Charles river to trod.
Get cold beer for sips,
Enjoy fish and chips,
But know that the former is scrod.
--- Chris Papa

Some folks haven't heard of that food
And think that the word does allude,
In a tired sense,
To sex act's past tense,
As after a couple has screwed.
--- Chris Papa

A zealout ESPOUSES a cause,
About which he boringly jaws,
But a spouse just espouses
A spouse (skirt or trousers,)
Along with the dreaded in-laws.
--- Eva Amata

Maids know men, a cad or plain louse,
Who merry "free love" will ESPOUSE.
But marry the lout,
And too soon find out,
It's something they get out of house.
--- Chris Papa

Sweet marriage, young man would ESPOUSE,
When beautiful maid would arouse.
He'd sample the wares,
Then free from all cares,
Quickly denounce all his vows.
--- Chris Papa

A bull found a field full of cows.
"Hmmm," he said, "I think I'll just browse."
He selected eight
And with each one he'd mate,
But not a one did he ESPOUSE.
--- Norm Brust

The ESTIVAL season now wanes,
And with it mosquito bite pains.
I leave it with shrugs
And all of its bugs,
As lawn greens with most welcome rains.
--- Dr Limerick

Brackish waters of the ESTUARY
Are home to bittern solitary,
But he's seldom seen
Amid rushes green,
Because that heron is too wary.
--- Daniel Ford

ESTUARY, far arm of the sea,
Into right where the river should be,
Life interesting makes,
But sadly it takes
Some potable water from me.
--- Chris Papa

A factoid most certainly strange,
Of how human minds can derange.
It seems that for some,
ETERNITY's come,
While waiting for red light to change.
--- Chris Papa

There was an ETHEREAL dancer
Who was nether a stomper nor prancer.
Her step was so light
That she seemed to take flight --
Which she did, from every romancer.
--- Eva Amata

Bad boy, who left food on his plate
Was doomed to a hidious fate:
With cane was behinded,
Of China reminded,
And good health would ETIOLATE.
--- Chris Papa

Make pale and feeble, ETIOLATE,
Does have effects that accumulate,
Resulting in sire
With a future dire,
For lack of a son does emasculate.
--- Daniel Ford

He surely was never a prize!
And he wasn't a prince in disguise!
To my satisfaction
With netherworld's inaction,
He'll be roasting like fast food french fries!
--- Barb

Sea level changes, EUSTASY,
Will put surfers into ecstasy.
And all that swimming
Will keep us trimming
And improve our global eucrasy. (state of fitness)
--- Daniel Ford

I once walked along a nude beach,
Where a sly glance did not produce a screech.
But due to EUSTASY
Those tits I used to see
Are no longer within my reach.
--- Norm Brust

When EUSTASY appears 'fore your eyes,
The shore folks are in for a surprise.
As high ground they reach
To start their new beach,
'Twill be where the mountain hawk flies.
--- Chris Papa

Do we need the word EVENTUATE?
It's ugly and should be shown the gate.
Our tongue is quite rich
Without this big glitch.
It's a locution I've grown to hate.
--- Norm Brust

He thought that she was a hot date,
And found he was in turgid state.
Relief he thus sought
And after wine bought,
Such pleasure they'd EVENTUATE.
--- Chris Papa

When that innocent grin on your guy
EVINCES some sin, never try
By interrogation
To vent your frustration,
And whatever you do, don't ask "Why?".
--- Eva Amata

If alcohol breath makes you wince,
And can't quite be covered by mints,
The one with the load
Should stay off the road,
Since smellable guilt will EVINCE.
--- Chris Papa

It seems in the political hive,
Corruption and bribery thrive;
Where the greedy jerks
Embellish great perks
And only deceive and connive.
--- Chris Papa

EVITABLE things are quite few
In Life, but that's really not new.
Temptations and taxes,
Moral relaxes,
Even our pols can't eschew.
--- Chris Papa

Although things gold we EXALT,
Even those liquids from the malt.
All glitterers are gilt,
As pearls 'fore swine spilt,
The big boar may sometimes be gelt.
--- Daniel Ford

Those fellows on to wife whacking,
Have cerebral good sense lacking.
They're either insane,
Or in place of a brain,
Have shavings and EXCELSIOR packing.
--- Chris Papa

An EXCEREBROSE executive,
Said to himself, "That's the way to live,
With wives quite a few,
Was to regularly screw
Each, no matter what else you give."
--- Chris Papa

The warts and horns of skin EXCRESCENCE
Are rather normal in senescence,
But something is wrong
When odor is strong,
Resembling the foul of putrescence.
--- Daniel Ford

EXCRESCENCES, both large and small,
Some usual, some not at all,
One property share,
Most people will stare,
And each growth will viewer enthrall. (appall?)
--- Chris Papa

Today's perps their merry ways wend,
When in juries they find a friend
To sell "victim" story
They're never to blame in the end.
--- Chris Papa

"No conversion EXCURSION for me,
I've immersion aversion," said he.
"It scares me to think
That face in the drink,
Quite suddenly permanent may be."
--- Elois

His wife remarked, with bitter smile,
A smart broad but without much guile,
"I'd go in a flash
To where the waves crash,
Since I haven't got wet in a while."
--- Chris Papa

Immersion aversion baptismal
Made his life exceedingly dismal.
His soul, his concern,
Wife did a slow burn;
Vacations together abysmal.
--- Elois

She for affection appealed.
His sick heart against her steeled.
With toe in the sea,
She thought tenuously,
"It's time to start playing the field."
--- Elois

'Tis too bad the disgruntled bride
Looked for some stuff on the side.
Once toe's in the sea,
Where shark's roaming free,
Collect and then it's "woe be tide."
--- Chris Papa