When run out of town on EXCURSION,
'Cause the bride discovered subversion,
Old Clem was inclined
To ladies reclined,
As easier prey for incursion.
--- Daniel Ford

Detestable is EXECRABLE,
As some of our efforts miserable.
But I do take heart
That PIR part
Is better than some Exec rabble.
--- Daniel Ford

Katrina, that bad hurricane,
Inflicted a great deal of pain.
The help, you have guessed,
Was EXECRABLE, best,
A whole sorry national stain.
--- Chris Papa

EXECRABLE deeds do I see,
Right here in The Land Of The Free,
And most of my gripes
Deal with legal types,
All crooked, as crooked can be.
--- Chris Papa

I once saw a graffito obscene,
Nasty, dirty, and mean.
Depraved and EXECRABLE,
This filthy sex scribble
Was the worst that I'd ever seen.
--- Norm Brust

She wed a quite EXECRABLE guy
And most folks just wondered why.
She thought she could change him
And just rearrange him,
But soon for divorce will apply.
--- Chris Papa

Without sex to EXHILARATE,
Mankind would be in a sad state.
But the work is nice,
When leavened with spice,
And along the way, to procreate.
--- Chris Papa

As Bill's affairs proliferated
And marriage vows were obliterated,
His relations with Rodham
Pretty much hit bottom,
And now he lives ex-Hillary-ated.
--- Norm Brust

The male of the species indigenous
Encumbered by tool that's EXIGUOUS,
Will never get by
Or mate satisfy,
Until it becomes more prodigious.
--- Chris Papa

Scanty apparel EXIGUOUS
Leaves no impression ambiguous,
Revealing to all
Who dance at the ball,
Just what's 'tween the legs contiguous.
--- Daniel Ford

When meager cover EXIGUOUS
Allows viewing of contiguous
Places, the scanty
Bikini panty
Does make statements unambiguous.
--- Daniel Ford

Britney Spears in her clothing exiguous,
Exposes her navel continuous.
And cleavage she'll show
Above and below,
With naught 'bout her sexuality ambiguous.
--- Sheryl A Lemma

The EXIGUOUS dress that she wore,
As she slithered across the dance floor,
Appeared rather short
And caused guys to snort
And respond with a roar, "Show us more!"
--- Observer

The EXIGUOUSLY clad young gal
On the arm of my life-long friend Hal
Caused my brain to go numb,
As my hand touched her bum.
No wonder he's no longer my pal!
--- Barrie Eksteen

There once was a royal randy Rex,
Who dreamt of EXIMIOUS sex.
His forty wives, fakes,
Had constant headaches.
He'll wed few score more, one suspects.
--- Chris Papa

Excellent things are EXIMIOUS.
Wholly unknown to abstemious.
Old men so stingy
That they lead dingy
Existences ignominious.
--- Daniel Ford

Exonym example? My home
Is the 49th State, include Nome.
It's called Alaska,
So now I will ask ya
To visit our great land. Come roam!
--- Barb

With enthusiastic booster like you,
It would seem a nice thing to do,
Except for the drizzlies,
The moose and the grizzlies,
And mosquito giants that like to chew.
--- Chris Papa

Helvitia is home to the Swiss.
Say "Sverige" and a Swede's in bliss.
Say "Nederland" to the Dutch;
It's not asking much.
Using EXONYMS won't earn you a kiss.
--- Norm Brust

There are those with much on their plate,
Who still our fair country berate.
Good lesson to teach
Those spoiling our beach;
Allow each to expatiate.
--- Chris Papa

Expounding at length, EXPATIATE,
Pundits our senses do satiate.
If analyses
Contain fallacies,
It's their attempt to ingratiate.
--- Daniel Ford

A gentleman tipsy and tight,
On prowl on a wild weekend night,
Plied lady with gin,
In hopes he would win
Her love, or some sex EXPEDITE.
--- Chris Papa

Atoning for misdeeds, EXPIATE,
We cannot fully escape our fate,
For it's only grace
Will find heaven's space
And sin's consequence obliterate.
--- Daniel Ford

My wife oft starts dinner late,
A sin she'll EXPIATE
By rushing the cooking,
And when I'm not looking,
She puts half-raw food on my plate.
--- Norm Brust

Remarks meant to be spontaneous,
Do need some forethought,
Or a biting quick shot
Could mean a nose loss cutaneous.
--- Daniel Ford

Thought that he would be a great hit
With insult and jibe;
Now you could describe
That his face has a nose that won't fit.
--- Chris Papa

Surely it's plain for all that will see
That limericks are just thoughts which we,
As writers of rhyme,
Compose every time
--- Barb

In the Senate, there isn't surprise,
Where pols like to EXTEMPORIZE.
That much of their speech
Has nothing to teach;
Content neither clever nor wise.
--- Chris Papa

If state must felon EXTRADITE,
They shouldn't resist in mere spite,
But gladly be rid
Of recividid,
Offense repeating troglodyte.
--- Daniel Ford

A criminal sent on his way,
To where juisdiction will play,
The felon benighted,
Sorrowfully went on to say:
--- Chris Papa

"No longer am I running free;
How could this happen to me?
I'd rather prefer
To bypass the 'stir';
Even Philly is OK for me."
--- Chris Papa

Phillipine EXTRADITION tracks on,
Case which decided its facts on
Massive hoard shady,
Acquired by lady,
Taken from Shoeless Joe Jackson.
--- Chris Papa

There once was a doctor cutaneous,
Who removed a pimple EXTRANEOUS.
It took a deft touch,
Which meant very much
To teen with joy instantaneous.
--- Chris Papa

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What's EXTRINSIC's not inherent,
But probably not transparent.
Like mess on a dress
From lack of finess;
Its arrival there was errant.
--- Darryl

EXTRINSIC means, comes from outside,
Like stain on a dress you might hide.
The spiller we'll catch,
By DNA match,
To guilty one then, "Woe betide!"
--- Chris Papa

Jocular verses, FACETIOUS,
As apologia are specious.
Yeasty with leaven,
Smell to high heaven,
Have about them an odor feceous.
--- Daniel Ford

A fine funny fellow named Fred
FACETIOUS to full, it was said.
Got laughs from tales tall,
And though gals would fall
With laughter, none fell to his bed.
--- Chris Papa

Oh poor tyro, FACETIOUS Fred,
All alone in your comfy bed.
With wit don't dicker,
Find out what's quicker,
Barley spirits or white wine or red.
--- Elois

A guy with a swell line and FACILE,
Tried pretty young maids to hassle.
When he got to see
Young Gypsy Rose Lee,
He tangled his tongue in her tassle.
--- Chris Papa

FACINOROUS folks do bad deeds;
I think that they come from bad seeds!
They do good folks in
With unoriginal sin.
I'm sure Hell will well suit their needs!
--- Barb

Said Mr Hatfield to the McCoys,
"Keep your hands off our little boys.
Performed on our kin or us
Will be met with more than just noise."
--- Norm Brust

A phoney with FACTITIOUS mien,
Posed as a rather rich bein'.
But had little cash
In bank account stash,
And was, in reality, peon.
--- Chris Papa

Please lose that phony crabmeat, FACTITIOUS,
That the Japanese think is delicious.
You can have my share
Of this ersatz fare.
I'll stick to dishes made with real fishes.
--- Norm Brust

Too bad that our pols can't avoid
News speak in the form of FACTOID.
Their biased b old lies
Of enormous size,
Leave me a great deal annoyed.
--- Chris Papa

There once was a faker FACTOTUM,
With large family jewels in his scrotum.
A "Jack of All Trades".
Work done with "D" grades,
Now wears convict's stripes to denote him.
--- Chris Papa

FAINEANT Fred, Folly's friend,
He watched others until work's end.
And never pulled his load,
Shared DNA code;
His many kids on welfare fend.
--- Chris Papa

If FAINEANT means someone idle,
Please nominate me for this title.
I always will shirk
All types of housework,
'Cause if I don't do it, my bride'll.
--- Gary Hallock

The FAINEANT is an idler,
A work avoider and sidler,
Whose natural course
Is behind the horse
And not out in front with the bridler.
--- Daniel Ford

I fear for my FAINEANT friend,
Who asks that I some money lend.
But I'm not big hearted
And from cash not parted.
She'll just have to work in the end.
--- Chris Papa

Yes, she can earn much on her back;
Get paid for a roll in the sack.
Although, "best plans laid",
The quick-aging maid,
Will yeild to Time's dreary attack.
--- Chris Papa

Perhaps she'll find a gent to marry;
A soft-spoken Johnny or Harry.
Who'll think her his queen,
Not what she had been,
And love her when she is contrary.
--- Chris Papa

Lbs leading series, FALLACIOUS,
Itself is rather mendacious,
Calling, as it does,
On sophomoric fuzz
Of sounds in sense contumacious.
--- Daniel Ford

The empty boasting of FANFARONADE
We can hope is nothing but charade.
Tastes like, don't you know,
An unsugared glass of lemonade.
--- Daniel Ford

Flirting with FANFARONADE,
Fred never got far with fair maid.
For, though he might bluster,
His loving, lackluster,
Was weaker than boasts he displayed.
--- Chris Papa

A New England cook in his yard
Proclaimed with FANFARONADE,
"As I broil my steak,
Please note that I make
The world's very best marinade!"
--- Norm Brust

The excessive slang FANTABULOUS
Describes absolutely fabulous,
With adjectives singing
Like little bell ringing,
A chorus quite tintinabulous.
--- Daniel Ford

Bindles which the hoboes haul,
May carry a load very small;
A FARDEL of clothes,
And not much of those,
When heeding the "open road's" call.
--- Chris Papa

The confused mixture FARRAGINOUS
From some speakers oleaginous,
For English does pass,
Then it gives me gas
And slime feelings mucilaginous.
--- Daniel Ford

Candidates, high mucky-mucks,
Whose fiaws are FARRAGINOUS flux
Of slogans and phrases,
Uncorticate mazes,
Which, on the whole, really sucks.
--- Chris Papa

The potpourri of FARRAGO
Describes the cuisine at Spago,
As well as the folks
Who stand and tell jokes
At Second City Chicago.
--- Daniel Ford

There once was a lady named Margo,
Whose sex life was such a FARRAGO,
She couldn't tell what
Was getting her hot,
Right there in mid-winter Chicago.
--- Chris Papa

Spouse vowed he could not ascertain
The worth of a thought in her brain.
Said, "Dear, do embargo,
Your mind's dull FARRAGO."
Divorce, half his pay, dulled her pain.
--- Elois

FARRAGO is quite a mixed dish,
As cod is to gefilte fish.
Though Goyim pronounce it,
The Tribe just denounce it
And settle for plain old "gemisch."
--- Chris Papa

A FARRAGO is a great mixture
As the English language admixture,
Where all sorts of words
Are stirred up like curds,
Until some become an affixture.
--- Daniel Ford

Sorting through career choice farrago,
Trying to find out where I can grow,
I'll try some for size,
And make a choice wise,
And see just how far I can go!
--- Sheryl A Lemma

Oh, to be a FARTLEK trainer,
Explaining to other folks saner,
"I help runner pass
Each other, not gas;
Though word truly sounds a "no brainer".
--- Chris Papa