To be a Senator must be great;
Six years to stand in for your state.
And serve with like 'leeches'
By making long speeches
And Biblical bile BLOVIATE.
--- Chris Papa

When politicians are BLOVIATIVE,
Their ideas are much less creative;
If they act by rote,
They won't get my vote;
Then I feel alsmost celebrative!
--- Barb

An Aussie beachcomber would BLUDGE
And settle occasional grudge
With fists all aflail,
Then landed in goal
Through deed of a pacifist judge.
--- Chris Papa

When ones who sponge from State do BLUDGE
And make a productivity smudge.
But surely that life,
Without working strife,
Must certainly be a sort of drudge.
--- Daniel Ford

I know someone who's a BLUDGE;
From work he always will fudge.
He'll thik up excuses,
Employ any ruses
To stay "slug-a-bed"! He won't budge!
--- Barb

When BLUEBEARD was down to last wife,
The settlement: forfeit his life.
By then he had learned,
You're sure to get burned,
By serial marital strife.
--- Chris Papa

BLUEBEARD's a brute, but of course;
Resorted to much evil force.
On the other hand,
He just could not stand
The high price of getting divorce.
--- Chris Papa

BLUESTOCKINGS, an interesting fact,
A derisive term to react
To women of old,
Who now could be told
of the Equal Opportunity Act.
--- Chris Papa

Derisive epithet, BLUESTOCKING,
An attempt by some men at mocking,
Was soon turned about
By women, no doubt,
With an eye to be seen as shocking.
--- Daniel Ford

BLUESTOCKINGS, reading bright buds,
More than romance and soap suds,
Quite proper, I'm bound,
Originally found,
Exclusively in the blue bloods.
--- Chris Papa

We heard a roar that was thunderous.
Then the ground began to move under us.
Was it a quake
That made the ground shake,
Or the discharge of a noisy BLUNDERBUSS?
--- Norm Brust

Bettina, the loud BLUNDERBUSS,
Longed for life's marital fuss.
As spinster she wed,
With a full grey head,
To toothless Tom, who wore a truss.
--- Chris Papa

Quintessential klutz is BLUNDERBUSS,
Whose mere survival is wonderous.
He trips through his life
Without kissing wife,
Except accidental blunder buss.
--- Daniel Ford

A BOBBY strolled in Soho's night air,
Whistling tunes to the ladies there.
The prettiest picked,
But was himself nicked
For pinching the London derriere.
--- Daniel Ford

London policeman is BOBBY,
Which is not what makes me so sobby;
It's how English cooks
Make pies of the rooks
And stews them all filled with kohlrabi.
--- Daniel Ford

An ethical hermit is Dave;
No ovines has he in his cave.
No live ewe nor ram
Endures his wham bam;
BOEOTIAN, though, Dave can behave.
--- Elois

I'm shunning a BOEOTIAN boor,
Who is just too much to endure.
His unwashed hair flows,
As everyone knows,
Full-flecked with large bits of manure.
--- Chris Papa

Pure reason was his lifetime style.
Religion? Superstitious guile!
But as the old BOFFIN
Contemplated his coffin,
He glanced upward with a tentative smile.
--- Norm Brust

Those BOFFO blasts in society,
Are reviewed with "Variety".
Describing those shows
Where everyone knows,
The actors have lost all propriety.
--- Chris Papa

Said Barney, "I simply don't know, Gus.
That sign from the Jew seller's BOGUS.
With no cloth in home, an
No business Roman,
I don't get that "CASHMERE AN' TOGAS!"

(Kish mir in tuchis - Yiddish kiss my ass)
--- Chris Papa

When lawyer friends send me e-mail,
Their messages include without fail,
In which they state
"Don't quote me or you'll land in jail."
--- Norm Brust

Our lawyers employ BOILERPLATE
To add profit to hourly rate.
It's usually writ small,
And not clear at all,
Beyond most folks cognitive state.
--- Chris Papa

The makeing of wills also rate,
The use of cc'd BOILERPLATE.
Just fill in the blanks,
As your kin joins ranks
And on you mortality wait.
--- Chris Papa

Hillary might have foiled her mate
If she'd pre-nupped with BOILERPLATE.
Though her mind is quick,
About Bill she's thick.
In the end he will spoil her fate.
--- Phil Kinay

When lawyers help you to shed mate,
You pay at a huge going rate.
Their profits are fine,
Since their legal line
Is largely just old BOILERPLATE.
--- Chris Papa

Insurance men sound so sincere,
As they sell you balm for your fear.
But should ill wind strike,
You'll hear, "Take a hike!"
Boilerplate clauses put them in the clear.
--- Phil Kinay

BOILERPLATE, standard written copy,
An aid to those whose thinking's sloppy,
Must still be combined
In manners refined,
Or brief becomes long and quite choppy.
--- Daniel Ford

She suffered disillusionment,
When marriage planned to Jewish gent.
Did absurd parents rant,
All for her Semite sweetheart meant.
--- Elois

And they went on to moan and to piss.
But never thought what they would miss.
Passing time saw that they
Became old and grey,
But never felt their gradnchild's kiss.
--- Elois

Such a sad tale you have spun,
For though she wed circumsized one,
And had kids galore,
Folks prejudice wore.
They could not undo what they'd done.
--- Chris Papa

The youngsters had much better sense,
And sought to shed biases dense;
Thought religion fluid,
Each became a Druid.
Embraced nature with love intense.
--- Chris Papa

Though some fellow's zeal, it may quench,
When trying BON MOT on some wench,
You'll sure get her warm
By showing good form,
Delivering your smarts in French.
--- Chris Papa

He strove for a witty BON MOT,
But his wit was of the sort called slow.
His inept word plays
Were tired cliches,
And, at best, his bons mots were so-so.
--- Norm Brust

This is file htl

BONIFACE, keeper of inn.
Dispenser of beer and of gin.
His mother to blame,
For his misplaced name,
Because he was ugly as sin.
--- Chris Papa

The BOONDOCKS, known as the "boonies",
Inhabited often by loonies,
That toilets eschew,
Unlike me and you
Who treasure the plumbing of munis.
--- Chris Papa

Come now! Up here are real boondocks,
Filled with little gnats called "white sox".
Not a baseball team
But a nightmare scheme
That makes hunters look like they've small pox.
--- Barb

If you go hunting for moose,
And don't apply repellant juice,
You will pay the price
And then you'll think twice
Before puting your neck in that noose.
--- Barb

They leave a small bit that will itch
Then grow larger each scratch. (It's a bitch!)
Mosquitoes don't compare;
They hum; you're aware
And can swat but white sox leave their niche!
--- Barb

Why when demand and supply strain
That so oft local job markets drain,
We're expected to cope
With no bail-out hope,
But Big Timber's not asked to refrain.
--- Larry McGrath

Political promises BOOTLESS,
By angry young lions, all toothless,
Till November will ring
And are sure to bring
Rabid mudslinging, quite ruthless.
--- Chris Papa

I wish those owls would hoot less.
I wish car horns would toot less.
Extraqeneous noise
Upsets equipoise.
But I fear my protests are BOOTLESS.
--- Norm Brust

Here's the latest foible of BOOTLESS.
Conspiratorial and ruthless,
Pres George W:
Oh, screw all of you.
The forest need roads or they're routeless.
--- Larry McGrath

Those boborygmi, oh damn,
Have started since I ate that Spam.
The fatty food rush
Will give gut a flush,
And hit like a battering ram.
--- Chris Papa

The noisy gut from BORBORYGMI
May be frequent in such as a big me.
But then I do wonder,
If they, in their plunder,
The gurglings do afflict a pygmy.
--- Daniel Ford

BORBORYGMUS comes sooner or later
From gas, the GI inflater. (gastro-intestinal)
And all of that rumbling
Can be pretty humbling,
Happening in a crowded elevator.
--- Norm Brust

Those many who through life have pined
For diamonds, we quite often find,
Come off somewhat short;
Must settle for BORT,
The grim grit of their daily grind.
--- Chris Papa

The diamond bits and fragments called BORT,
Appear in jewelry of escort,
Where her swing and sway
Catches light with pave',
Along the streets of night time cavort.
--- Daniel Ford

Diamonds that are known as BORT
Are a very inferior sort.
Not really jewels,
They're used for tools
And one large will buy you a quart.
--- Norm Brust

A BOSKY section of my local park
Served me well for trysts after dark.
But the winter made it rough,
Snow and ice are to tough
On teens trying for a sylvan lark.
--- Norm Brust

BOSKY places, where I like to frisk,
Engage in activities brisk,
And gambol around
The frond that is found
At delta of dear odalisque.
--- Chris Papa

Hairy lady demurred 'bout her "whatsky,"
Venus delta growing quite BOSKY.
"When I peek at that nook,
It does have the look
Of either Rasputin or Trotsky."
--- Chris Papa

There once was a BOSKY young Rusky,
Whose torso was hairy and husky --
He was eager and active
And not unattractive,
Though his B.O. was just a touch musky.
--- Eva Amata

For convenience a BOSTON MARRIAGE
May unite a coupole in carriage,
And love may then bloom
When they share a room,
Though prudish critics may disparage.
--- Daniel Ford

In Boston, BOSTON MARRIAGE is legal;
No, not between a poodle and a beagle.
But gay women may wed,
And what happens in bed
Is the business of she-gal and he-gal.
--- Norm Brust

While BOSTON MARRIAGE endured,
Today, lass to Frisco is lured.
In menage sicky
To get a real quickie,
From a Lesbo lover, well-whored.
--- Chris Papa

If you heard me speak, then you'd know
It isn't the "e"s I drop, though;
Boston bo'n and bred,
It's the "r"s instead;
My ca's pa'ked when I'm not on the go.
--- Elois

'Tis duty that complements BOUNDEN,
As such it's a phrase that's found in,
"Pirates of Penzance",
Where just by some chance,
"SLave of Duty"s hanging round in.
--- Chris Papa

Obligatory duty, BOUNDEN,
Is excuse for some to be houndin'
All others about
Who little rules flout,
And over the fences are boundin'.
--- Daniel Ford

Beyond venues of native BOURN
The immigrant with grief is torn.
Though assimilation
Into the host nation
Will help to raise those quite forlorn.
--- Chris Papa

Today we see opposite trend,
Where those to whom foreign shores wend,
Remain isolate.
Then smoulder in hate
And to self destruction oft tend.
--- Chris Papa

There once was no welfare state; pity.
For newly arrived to the city,
Who struggled in sweat
For all they could get,
Yet found for their loves, a life pretty.
--- Chris Papa

Though history pages may burn,
There is a great lesson to learn.
From the days gone by,
So that we might try,
The disheartening tide to slow turn.
--- Chris Papa

To sanitize language, BOWDLERIZE,
Censors let nothing evade your eyes;
And tyranical,
Their life-purged books become social lies.
--- Daniel Ford

The Starr Report lifted disguise,
Of Slick Willy's life, no surprise.
In future we'll see
This grand legacy,
For children, we must BOWDLERIZE.
--- Chris Papa

I'd like to retreat to my BOWER,
The one with the ivory tower.
I'd have you for tea
And then you'd agree,
Friendship and Love give one power.
--- Maggie

Like cabal, extravagant plot,
To join those alike in BOYCOTT,
Just as embargo,
Effect may not far go,
Depending on allies you've got.
--- Chris Papa

Concerted avoidance, BOYCOTT,
May follow demise of Koi brought,
From the goldfish ick
Which made them so sick,
Of the fish merchant's boy caught.
--- Daniel Ford