"Let us cut the CAUSERIE quick,"
Said Fred to his lithe, pronate chick.
"'Cause with too much talk,
I'm liable to balk,
And you'll miss when it's hard and thick!"
--- Chris Papa

I thought my CAUSERIE fine
Would lead to evening divine,
but I went reeling
(Not a good feeling)
To find 'hers' was bigger than mine!
--- Phil Kinay

Of course I thought I had it made
When I spied the word CAVALCADE!
But rhymes piled higher
Like horse manure mire;
And through it all I had to wade.
--- Barb

This is result, more's the pity.
Nothing much very witty!
But I thought up a lot
Though not very hot,
Dreamed of grandeur, just like Walter Mitty.
--- Barb

If sanity you'd keep as possession,
Unless you're in legal profession,
Better not travel
Down road to CAVIL,
Lest nit-picking is your obsession.
--- Chris Papa

CELADON, of old Latin's scene,
Translates, color that sounds serene;
Immortalized name,
I'd like some of the same,
With envy, see, I'm very green.
--- Chris Papa

With rapid motion, CELERITY,
Mating rabbits show legerity
Of quick lagomorphs,
Releasing endorphs,
Producing fecund prosperity.
--- Daniel Ford

Quickly to action, CELERITY,
May bring you to great prosperity.
Though caution required,
Idea inspired,
Overcome with great temerity.
--- Daniel Ford

The CELLARER conveys the victuals
And must look after wine transmittals
For hard working monks,
And even the punks
Who come with them for beer and skittles.
--- Daniel Ford

Let's hope that the monk that they choose,
The CELLARER, who goes for the booze,
Is chaste and steady
And not so ready
His august monk's role to abuse.
--- Chris Papa

For sharing memorial places,
The CENOTAPH easy replaces
The burial site
With monument might
Or horses, broad swords, and fine laces.
--- Daniel Ford

When you want to compose a rhyme fine,
If a CENTO whose words do not shine,
In writing give pause,
Think copyright laws.
You'll be sued once for each purloined line.
--- Elois

The CENTO, poetic form prized?
Quite silly, as I've realized.
Bringing lines we've heard,
In manner absurd,
Unflatteringly plagiarized.
--- Chris Papa

Few months ago joy to us
Was getting a pup with some fuss.
Now "Leos" in yard,
Like watchdog stands guard,
A five month old fierce CERBERUS.
--- Chris Papa

CEREBRAL lass, a sex resister,
Who passed over men for a "sister",
Flat chested as well,
And ugly as hell,
Had never a lad who had missed her.
--- Chris Papa

Those who steer our good ship of state,
Never seem to CEREBRATE.
Those skilled at steering
Are quickly disappearing.
It's time those lifeboats to inflate.
--- Norm Brust

I used to often CEREBRATE;
My future I would contemplate.
Then I ceased to think
And turned to drink,
And now the outlook is just great.
--- Barrie Eksteen

Some work and also CEREBRATE,
While others content to just wait,
Have useful ploys ripened,
For government stipend,
Providing the food on their plate.
--- Chris Papa

Could this be from alien folk,
Or work of omnipotent bloke?
More likely we'll find
He's of hayseed kind,
Who thinks it's a knee-slapping joke.
--- Chris Papa

CEREOLOGIST's work surely brings
Him into a world of strange things.
'Stead of oats in a bowl
And Cheerios hole,
He finds oats gone where there are rings.
--- Chris Papa

Confetti that's made from the CHAD
Of paper punched out 'til it's had
Three little holes neat,
Falls soft on the street,
Countering the ticker tape fad.
--- Daniel

Beware of confetti-like CHAD --
Its corners are pointed and bad!
A card reader/punch
Spews out a whole bunch --
Its coners as sharp as a brad.
--- Nick

Separating the CHAD from the sheet
Is like gleaning chaff from the wheat,
Though in this case
Winning the race
Goes to one with sheet-keeping feat.
--- Daniel Ford

Bill, don't be a red neck slob,
Remember the blue dress to swab,"
The zaftig young staffer
Would to Willy CHAFFER,
But stain almost cost him his job.
--- Chris Papa

Braided or twisted before baking,
Like family reunion ice-breaking,
Though you love them all,
You'd much rather call,
Unlike CHALLAH, your best is leave-taking.
--- Karen

The twisted sweet bread known as CHALLAH
Does honor the many-named Allah,
Though some think it odd
That wordship of God
Accompanies Chicken Marsala.
--- Daniel Ford

CHALLAH's a special egg bread,
Dissected with ancient prayer said,
An honored tradition,
Fulfilling a mission,
Not merely a belly, instead.
--- Chris Papa

CHALLAH goes well with a roast
And it makes the very best French toast.
But cook fried eggs up sunny
With the yellow nice and runny,
That's when I like CHALLAH the most.
--- Norm Brust

If CHAMPERTY is part of law case,
I don't consider that base.
It's like if some joker
Who stakes you at poker,
And shares pot when you show the fourth ace.
--- Norm Brust

There once was a lawyer disbarred;
His clients he did disregard;
So now he will be
The one "hoist on his own petard."
--- Larry McGrath

Reward-seeking suits of CHAMPERTY
Encourage people's tricks, some dirty.
Without stringency,
Fee contingency
May be more like silver coins thirty.
--- Daniel Ford

They say CHAMPERTY's illegal, folks,
Yet daily each trial lawyer stokes
The furnace of suits,
In seeking recruits,
Who'd many more rich tort claims coax.
--- Chris Papa

Whenever he was hot and randy,
Old Tex thought the CHAPARRAL dandy.
He'd lasso a mare
And then take her there,
To cover his modus operandi.
--- Chris Papa

This is file hpl

There once was a CHAPFALLEN child,
Whose usual demeanor was wild.
But spanking he got,
Right there on the spot,
When poop in his mom's bed he piled.
--- Chris Papa

Just when I see 'em, I call 'em;
Like take the word, "CHAPFALLEN".
I'm not very glad
If someone is sad,
But I always say, "They're crestfallen!"
--- Barb

The peddler of wares was called CHAPMAN,
While dealers of rams were called tupmen.
What is in a name;
To me's all the same,
As long as there's draft from the tapman.
--- Daniel Ford

A mare can be a guy's best pal,
Hidden behind high CHAPPARAL.
Beastiality is coarse
And no fun for the horse,
But it raises the cowboy's morale.
--- Norm Brust

Describing named by CHARACTONYM
Does catch many chuckles as we skim
Through Dickens novels
On English hovels,
Filled with many characters like him.
--- Daniel Ford

I doubt that you would have guessed
That "Brust" is German for chest.
Also means big tit.
All the girls in my clan pass this test.
--- Norm Brust

While Norm "Brust" may fill out a sweater,
Knowing you are a go-getter,
Would trade all the same
For a much apter name;
I think Norm "Schwantz" might suit you better.
--- Chris Papa

For readers who sense can't make
Of Chris's most recent take,
Here's the clue
(It's slightly blue):
"Schwantz" is German for snake.
--- Norm Brust

A hypochondriacal man
Consulted an old CHARLATAN,
Who took fortune small
For nothing at all
And worse health than when he began.
--- Chris Papa

"Now Dearie, you'll get CHARLEY HORSE,
If marathon running you force;
To add to such dread,
If no use in bed,
You'll bring to us both great remorse.
--- Chris Papa

That painful muscle cramp, CHARLEY HORSE,
Oft afflicts young legs in gnarly course
Of growing longer,
And we hop stronger.
The dogged life then is arfly coarse.
--- Daniel Ford

Did you ever get a CHARLEY HORSE
In the middle of intercourse?
You say something crude,
'Cause it sure breaks the mood,
And completely dims your "life force".
--- Norm Brust

The work that is done in CHARRETTE
Is frantic as frantic can get.
Till a goal you are,
Then off to the bar
For something refreshing and wet.
--- Chris Papa

He had eyes on a nice filly fine;
To ride her was his grand design.
His friend to abet,
Said "Dan, lets CHARRETTE!"
"No way," said Chris, "This project's all mine!"
--- Gunjan

I like the color CHARTREUSE
'Cause it helps me to shed the blues.
I like it on ties
Where it dazzles the eyes,
But I don't think it works well on shoes.
--- Norm Brust

Poor blind folks who dress without clues,
May bring with the clothes that they choose,
Darks, somber and quiet
Or rainbows of riot,
Neon pinks with a splash of CHARTREUSE.
--- Chris Papa

On the other hand I have to tell
I see sighted folk there, as well,
Whose matches oft seem
Like a colorblind scheme,
Picked by a seeing-eye dog from Hell.
--- Chris Papa

Discreetly cautious, we are CHARY
Of commenting on someone hairy.
Is that a toupee?
We cannot just say,
For the reaction could be scary.
--- Daniel Ford

In U.S. 'twould be extraordinary
For people to chortle at CHARY.
I think we would find
That what comes to mind
Is the wholly acceptable "wary."
--- Chris Papa

Of charity, sir, I'd be CHARY,
As of warranties one should be wary.
Each one has a motive
That's not always votive --
And nowhere is there a good fairy.
--- Eva Amata

When the Good Lord hastens to CHASTEN,
One wonders just how much His grace and
Compassion allow
Any sinners now
To find their own way in world racin'.
--- Daniel Ford

As the bricklayer worked on the wall,
He allow a huge brick to fall.
Before we CHASTEN
This erring mason,
We must pay the shop steward a call.
--- Norm Brust

With CHATOYANT stuff 'round their necks,
Which some gals like better than checks,
'Cause glitter and gold
Will help when they're old,
And the sleek vessels are merely old wrecks.
--- Chris Papa

The changeable luster CHATOYANT
Does help advertising flamboyant.
Giving each viewer
A different skewer,
As though seen through some glass ondoyant. (undulating)
--- Daniel Ford

Imelda thought CHAUSSURE...great word.
Her closet, they say was absurd!
With thousands of pair,
Feet never went bare!
But maybe it's lies that we heard!
--- Maggie

Observe "ma CHAUSSURE", shining bright,
Bought at Thom McCan for price right.
Although you can tell
From that funny smell,
They trampled through dog-poop last night.
--- Chris Papa

There once was a man whose CHAUSSURE
Was so smart you just knew he was poor --
For the rich don't require
The trappings of 'squire';
They have 'it' already, monsieur.
--- Eva Amata

The footgear I prefer as CHAUSSURE
Are great clodhoppers, you can be sure.
Those wrap-around boots
Take care of my roots,
So I quickly wash off all manure.
--- Daniel Ford

CHAUVINISM, scoundrel's haven,
Attracts both bold and the craven,
To blindly defend,
To the bitter end,
As biased, know-it-all maven.
--- Chris Papa

This Chauvin sounds not so much fun,
Napoleonist amok run,
Though perhaps not as grim,
As his latter-day kin,
A CHAUVINIST telling blonde pun.
--- Karen

There was a sweet girl they named Kate,
Who found out she was very late.
When she called her Max,
And gave him the facts,
He swiftly left, saying, "checkmate!"
--- Barb

When sailors are too long at sea,
Ship's captain try quite properly
To overyfly CHECKMATE
Sex with a deck mate;
In foc'sle will be what will be.
--- Chris Papa

The neocons have set a trend
Towards which centrists are trying to bend.
But like Mom and apple pie,
Of liberals is still tax and spend.
--- Norm Brust

Though hobbyhorse, CHEVAL de BATAILLE,
Is also the favorite thereby.
Most often, of course,
Its beaten dead horse,
Which politicos ride throught the sky.
--- Daniel Ford