Enlarging, enhancing, AGGRANDIZE,
As some egos do grow in their size,
Applies with some keening
To pride overweening,
And the need for political lies.
--- Daniel Ford

When you've chosen the word AGGRANDIZE,
It should not come to you as surprise,
Rhymers minds will trigger
Thoughts implying bigger,
And you'll get lots of paeans to size.
--- Elois

If a fellow thinks he's undersized,
Or if he is reluctant to rise,
There's Viagra, by George,
Which can help him engorge.
He can medically self-AGGRANDIZE.
--- Eva Amata

Some say it's not matter of size,
But a big one helps open her thighs.
And if you're well hung,
You won't need the tongue.
Check E-mail for ways to AGGRANDIZE.
--- Norm Brust

Some people misuse aggravate
When surely they mean irritate.
Pay heed, girls and boys;
Irritation annoys,
While to aggravate worsens that state.
--- Anon

He came to Vegas with French Francs.
It was too late to get to the banks.
So he made change at the Bellagio
And got hit with an AGIO,
That could have bought two Sherman tanks.
--- Norm Burst

Though classic AGIO does mean ease,
The current use seeks greed to appease.
Function suspicious
And meretricious,
Contributing corruption and sleaze.
--- Daniel Ford

Once up, I endeavor to play
Music writ in the classical way,
Which, at very least,
Helps this human beast
Soothe AGITA of each new day.
--- Chris Papa

It is hard to maintain concentration
With agita gripping our nation,
From a terrorist threat
That we just can't forget,
(It's a type of advance aggravation).
--- Shelia B

In AGITA one finds anxiety,
A bane of our civil society;
And gastric upset
For the quiet set,
Who cannot stomach impropriety.
--- Daniel Ford

When raised with a conscience too strong,
One thinks all one does must be wrong.
An added mean bane
In AGITA's pain,
A punishment all one's life long.
--- Elois

Leaking info is AGITPROP,
Whether true or false, does not stop.
For intent is clear:
Some people to smear,
And change the power in the shop.
--- Daniel Ford

Besmirching of Starr, AGITPROP,
Directed by man at the top,
Whose approval grows,
Like a puppets nose,
And Nation's IQ's steeply drop.
--- Chris Papa

AGLEY, I've encountered in turns,
Something writ by Bobbie Burns,
'Bout best plans of men,
Off-track now and then,
A lesson in life that one learns.
--- Chris Papa

AHIMSA, mid mantras and chants,
A message of "shouldn'ts" and "can'ts",
Which beings protect,
But I do suspect,
It just lets us ravage poor plants.
--- Chris Papa

AHIMSA carried to an extreme
Is an impossible, nightmarish dream.
For plants are living,
Their fruits are giving
Embryonic form to life's new stream.
--- Daniel Ford

AHIMSA may work well in theory.,
But, world over, folks don't get teary
'Bout slaughtering those
Who they would suppose
Are not of their own sect quite cheery.
--- Chris Papa

With little or no introspection,
AHIMSA I'd give good erection.
But Schweitzer to Jains
Would feel reverent pains,
When I make mosquitoes exceptions.
--- Elois

AHIMSA, harm no living thing;
But just take what Earth's offering.
And thus to savor
And curry favor
With animists mushroom hunting.
--- Daniel Ford

AHIMSA means don't eat a hog,
Nor consume the legs of a frog.
Don't stomp on a lizard,
Nor crave chicken gizzard,
And refrain from wokking the dog.
--- Observer

AHIMSA the Hindus devote
To keeping all violence remote.
This new word I've found,
Most surely does sound
Like somebody clearing one's throat.
--- Chris Papa

Ailurophiles dot our landscapes,
Who love cats in all forms and shapes.
But, call me a louse,
They're not in my house,
Or climbing up my window drapes.
--- Chris Papa

The impractical AIRY-FAIRY
Should always make each Mary wary.
For if there's no match
With the love you can catch,
What's caught makes even Harry chary.
--- Daniel Ford

AIRY-FAIRY quite contrary,
Wasn't very, very merry!
She gained lots of weight
From just what she ate,
Now she thinks of hari kari.
--- Barb

"The Aviator," a film ordinary,
From H Hughes life, doesn't vary.
It shows, it is said,
He'd all starlets bed--
Though flighty, he's no AIRY-FAIRY.
--- Chris Papa

A luftmensch, he was light in his loafers.
Though rich, he eschewed limos and chauffeurs.
But somewhat contrary,
Employs six boys who he called his gofers.
--- Norm Brust

Said poor Cockney Bob, "I just 'ate
To waste my time on this 'ere AIT.
A-fishing all day,
An' them gets away,
An' wastes a good deal o' me bait."
--- Chris Papa

When Huck Finn discovered an AIT
In the river, he couldn't wait
For the solitude
With its terpitude,
And excape to another fate.
--- Daniel Ford

My house is quite near Chiswick Eyot,
A few miles upstream from the Tate.
The Boat Race goes past --
The losers aghast,
The winner elate in their eight.
--- Nick

There once was a hooker named Frieda,
Turned tricks nightly at ALAMEDA,
Till she met a loner,
Who had a big boner,
With an upthrust that damn near treed her.
--- Chris Papa

Learn Spanish place names with ease;
Remember names they give to trees.
The poplar not the cedar
Grows in Alameda
And sways in Los Alamos in the breeze.
--- Norm Brust

ALBEIT, a useful contraction,
To modify stated reaction,
And gain wiggle-space,
When making a case,
To bring about some satisfaction.
--- Chris Papa

One adverb that Chaucer would write,
Namely alday, was I think always alright.
Its meaning, you see,
Was continually,
As in all of the day and alnight.
--- Anon

This is file hbl

The ending may or may not be,
If you leave final script to me.
Cross the Styx, you'll pass,
Muslims on your ass,
Like Pharoah across the Red Sea.
--- Chris Papa

Your love life you may sorely vex,
With naught but ALEATORY sex;
When taking a chance
On fleeting romance,
Beware of that bad V.D. hex!
--- Chris Papa

A poet with scansion real bad,
Used alcohol when he was sad.
Then he'd try to rhyme,
But most of the time,
He, ALEMBIC pentameter had!
--- Chris Papa

ALEMBICS in the Ozark hills,
Where, practices in sub rosa skills,
The moonshiners toil
With kettles aboil,
Though there they are still known as "stills."
--- Chris Papa

Chris's rhymes of questionable taste,
Often focused on parts below waist.
If they get any sexier,
I'll opt for ALEXIA
Or shift to a website more chaste.
--- Norm Brust

If one of your colleagues suspects ya
Have got a bad case of ALEXIA,
Just say, "I can't tell.
It's been a long spell
Since I have been checked." That protects ya.
--- Gary Hallock

ALEXIA, from where I sit,
Is to dyslexia, quite opposite!
But if words mix, or none,
Reader just has no fun
And is liable to just say, "Oh shit!"
--- Barb

ALEXIA, defect at the core,
Can't recognize words, and what's more,
The defect so strict,
It seems to afflict
Many a mangling editor!
--- Chris Papa

ALFRESCO, not bounded by halls,
Or surrounded by ceilings and walls.
Though the great out-of-doors
Quite frequently bores,
Compared to the great shopping malls.
--- Eva Amata

California, is one place, it's true,
Where ALFRESCO is all the year through.
Outdoors seems to be
Preferred, and you see
That casual dress? It will do!
--- Maggie

ALFRESCO, untrammelled and free --
A chance to be stung by a bee,
And the poisonous ivy
Can nettle your privy,
If you nip 'round a bush for a pee.
--- Eva Amata

What one does 'round the base of a tree,
Like any male dog running free,
May shock the unlearned,
Whose senses are "burned",
But Eva, it's all right with me.
--- Chris Papa

As this definition explains,
ALGOLAGNIA is sex, but with pains.
For me that's too rough;
I guess I'm not tough
Enough for the whips and the chains.
--- Chris Papa

Normal pain fear, ALGOPHOBIA,
Joins extremes like claustrophobia,
To bring anxiety
With some propriety,
When those doctors attempt to probe ya.
--- Daniel Ford

I don't go to work-outs and such;
It's not that I'm all out of touch,
But hard work aerobic
Leaves me algophobic,
So I just don't exercise much.
--- Chris Papa

A person of some foreign race
Or a little green being from space:
Whatever their kind,
In each case you'll find,
An alien's not from your place.
--- Rory Ewins Q

An ALIENIST and potter made a team,
Not as strange as it may seem.
Interdisciplinary dynamics
Produced "Psychoceramics,"
And crackpots applauded the scheme.
--- Norm Brust

How many a crook has been caught
Escaping with penalty naught,
Avoiding the sword,
'Cause he could afford
The best of an ALIENEST bought.
--- Chris Papa

An ALLUVION's sometimes a flood,
Or the waves hitting shore with a thud.
But there's also a third
Way to use this odd word:
It's your land where the water's left mud.
--- ShielaB

Poisons may cause ALOPECIA,
Slow-acting as Borgia Lucretia;
Had her victims known,
The might then have flown,
To rise again from Phoenicia.
--- Daniel Ford

If you might show a bald spot,
ALOPECIA is all that you've got.
There are many kinds,
The good doctor finds
A specific cause, if he's hot.
--- Chris Papa

ALOPECIA, the medical touch,
Connotes things of hair loss, and such.
The skin doc amuses,
Because what he uses,
Can sure make the bill's twice as much.
--- Chris Papa

A perfect example of ALTERITY
Are the newly-rich reduced to austerity.
With the market booming,
They ignored the looming
Return of the cyclical verity.
--- Norm Brust

When to New Orleans I'd first visit,
With food and quaint sights exquisite,
The tongue of the city,
Supposedly English, or is it?
--- Chris Papa

The unfortunate person who lands
In this mess will meet many demands.
He has lost both his fists;
They're cut off at the wrists.
He's amanous, or: "Look Ma, no hands!"
--- Anon

The AMATIVE angst of sweet Anne,
To depths of her very soul ran.
Teen, mad at herself,
Already on shelf,
'Cause she hadn't slept with a man.
--- Chris Papa

Though she's slow in pursuits AMATIVE,
Once started, our Anne's animative
And does quite enjoy
A certain old boy
Whose thoughts run to acts combinative.
--- Daniel Ford

As AMATIVE amateurs go,
She went. And so now she's a pro.
Her menu for men:
A condom, and then
A hand-job, vaginal, or blow.
--- Nick

In the study of plants, my pet peeve's
All the difficult terms one perceives.
No clearer than mud,
An ambiparous bud
Is the kind with both flowers and leaves.
--- Sheila B

Ambitious ones may stretch the AMBIT,
Like young male sheep who have rammed it
Up hill and down dale,
Quite beyond the pale,
In search of ewe needing a lamb it.
--- Daniel Ford

My poetic AMBIT confines
Me to a limit of fine lines,
But I do what I can
In pentatette's span,
Through which salacious stuff shines.
--- Chris Papa

Of two minds, feeling AMBIVALENT,
The young soul thought she was prevalent.
Before operation
To change gender station,
Social climate was malevolent.
--- Daniel Ford

Sweet Angie was AMBIVALENT
'Bout giving her boyfriend consent.
He'd no condom, so
She told him to go.
So instead of coming, he went!
--- Chris Papa

AMBROSIA, the "food of the gods",
Ingested by mere mortal clods,
With nectar as wash
Will most hungers quash,
And help to add girth to their bods.
--- Chris Papa