There once was a man called Hussein
Who died in agonising pain.
The gun went CRACK!
He was shot in the back,
And never was seen again.
--- Richard Noble

He's one of the crazy dictators;
He's smart as two witless dumb-waiters.
Saddam, the barn burner,
Is just a slow learner.
And now his land has some new craters.
--- Al Willis P9610

There's a lesson Saddam should be taught:
By the Gulf War he shouldn't have fought,
But he's back to provoking.
This guy must be joking;
We'll find out Hussein and who's not!
--- Larry Hollister

The Butcher of Baghdad did bite it,
When looking up, half-undecided.
Half choosing to stay
Or run far away.
He got a cigar just to light it.
--- Tiddy Ogg

Like Osama, there ain't no damn proof,
That Saddam was beneath the roof.
In Afghanistan,
They're still bombing, man,
There's more bloodshed yet, that's the truth.
--- Tiddy Ogg

I saw how the crowds, they were dancing;
A jubilant scene and entrancing.
His pictures were trashed;
His palace was crashed;
Even if the attack was just glancing.
--- Matthew Montchalin

"The game is now over," quoth one.
"Don't ask me if war is much fun,
Or who will succeed him,
Or whether we need him
Or where his supporters will run."
--- Matthew Montchalin

I saw an old man with a shoe
Bash a picture of old you-know-who,
When up came a gent,
Lifted skirts and was bent
On the use of the pic for a loo!
--- Matthew Montchalin

You see, there's a reason for doing
That kind of thing, that is, shoeing
The face of that man
With sandal or hand;
It's better that double voodooing.
--- Matthew Montchalin

Like marriage, he could not annul it;
Mishandled his sword and did dull it.
He messed up and missed it;
His doom he sure kissed it,
When he bit off the big one, a bullet.
--- Matthew Montchalin

But just between me and just you,
I hear that his show's in the loo.
The ratings anemic,
Scripting's bulemic;
He's already bombing there too.
--- Timothy Torkildson

Yesterday, on TV, it was sad;
It's perplexed me much more than a tad;
What can this portend
When for hours on end,
CNN was not broadcasting ads!?
--- Mike

Some say Clinton attacked with no warning,
But it's obvious something's aborning,
When the President says
Before going to bed,
"We will sortie this out in the morning."
--- Mike

The casualties make this unfunny;
That buildings are levelled so cunning.
The bombed battery site
Leaves a bit of a fright,
That they murdered that little pink bunny.

(bunny is ubiquitous battery ad on TV 1998)
--- Mike

At this time of the year all my bristle
Goes away, as Noel I do whistle.
So, Hussein I do wish
You'll find love and warm kiss-
es while standing beneath your new missle.
--- Mike

Hussein, as it turned out, had hidden
In places unsafe and unbidden;
And pausing for plans,
He looked for a chance
To do what he could, but then didn't.
--- Matthew Montchalin

He'd run for it, come the next morning;
That is, he would go without warning;
Though fox-like and sly,
It seems he did die
When blown apart in a night storming.
--- Matthew Montchalin

As we aimed all those surgical strikes,
At the target of all our dislikes,
We grew slowly aware
That Saddam's facial hair
Was the lamest since, well, the Third Reich's.
--- Travis Ruetinek

Saddam once had sensitive skin
And no hair on his chinny-chin-chin.
But his lip was pubescent,
A real fertile crescent,
Where follicles quickly grew in.
--- Larry Hollister

The dictator ruling Iraq
Grew a moustache all shaggy and black.
A little while later
He lay in a crater,
As vultures approached for a snack.
--- Pat Sajak

"Dad's moustache exceeds any other,"
Cried young Uday to Qusay, his brother.
It will always be there
Because thick facial hair
Is the one trait he shared with his mother.
--- Brad Simanek

In order to set an example,
Hussein was the right guy to trample.
Now his bushy moustache
And a bit of eyelash
Are what's left for his DNA sample.
--- Bob Mader

Next to Hitler's, it's not trimmed as well;
More like Stalin's, as best I can tell.
Lenin, too, might dispute
Saddam's 'stache was a beaut.
They can argue about it in Hell!
--- Brad Simanek

Saddam cut a figure quite charming --
Stalin-like, but perhaps less alarming.
His lip was hirsute,
Which he thought made him cute.
It's too bad that he wasn't disarming.
--- Joseph Moore

Samson's strength was dependent on hair.
Can Saddam Hussein's mustache compare?
We could tell our troops: Wait!
Spend a buck ninety-eight.
You can rub out the bastard with Nair.
--- Michael Sheinbaum

While Saddam grew his 'stache with no trouble,
Not so lucky was Chucky, his double.
Though Hussein in his wrath
Threw Rogaine in the Baath,
He could still hardly sprout more than stubble.
--- Larry Hollister

Saddam, now most likely the late,
Suffered one final, humbling fate:
His moustache ditched his lip
Like a rat from a ship,
And was seen crawling south towards Kuwait.
--- Joseph Moore

Saddam, a prince among shits,
Giving the whole world shit-fits,
With his brazen hoodwinking...
What was God thinking
When he made him from atomy bits?
--- Tutta Gioia

At it again, that goat's pizzle,
That weasely scumbag of jizz'll
Dodge, weave and mislead...
What we desperately need
Is a single, well-aimed, cruise-type missile.
--- Tutta Gioia

To one thing we can't get attuned:
The sight of those kids all marooned
In Saddam's regime...
Their silent eyes scream
And lay open your heart like a wound.
--- Tutta Gioia

If this government just had the nerve
To do what they must, and not swerve,
It would not be fun
But we'd get the job done,
And Saddam would get what he deserves.
--- Kaylin

Saddam is too brutal for words,
But his threat has been reduced by two-thirds.
Once he torched the Kuwaitis,
From Tigris-Euphrates,
But now he just hassles the Kurds.
--- Larry Hollister

He's the foe of the Kurds and the Turks;
The man's ruthless, he kills while he smirks.
Then he rattles his sabres,
Alarming his neighbors;
The Mother of All Total Jerks.
--- Larry Hollister

This is file fzl

That statue in Baghdad's now rubble,
But was it Saddam? That's the trouble.
That nasty dictator
Used impersonators,
So was that thing him or a double?
--- Tiddy Ogg

Of course it was him; 'tweren't no ruse;
Consider the bevy of clues:
It's toppling was slow,
(A two hour show!)
And folks beat the thing with their shoes.
--- Travis Brasell

That Saddam continues to gloat,
Cock sure that he'll never be smote.
The UN should raid
While he's getting laid,
They might get both him and his goat.
--- Frank a

I can just see him fucking that goat,
With his takritty penis abloat.
The sirens he'd hear,
But stuck in his rear,
He'll wish that he'd just blown a shoat.
--- Tutta Gioia

The aftermath soon will be seen
With tyrants like Saddam Unseen,
Reduced and erased,
His shoes half-unlaced,
And retied with his balls chained between.
--- Matthew Montchalin

Some say he's here and not there;
And others say, saved by a hair.
But really, what mattered
Was whether he's scattered
Like dust blown aloft in the air.
--- Matthew Montchalin

Perhaps, when you read between lines,
Or see from the signs of the times,
Or hear the winds blow,
Hussein had to go,
For doing the Devil's designs.
--- Matthew Montchalin

I asked a commander from Texas,
"Pray tell, how Saddam affects us?"
He said, "What would you do?
This Saddam has voodoo;
We've got to bomb him or he'll hex us."
--- Dohpaz

Said I, "What you're saying is silly.
Your real motivation shows clearly.
All this military toil
Is an aid to cheap oil,
To please some gun-toting hill-billy.
--- Dohpaz

Odai and Qusai...oh how sad;
'Twas known that those two sons were mad.
And no tears are shed,
Now that they're both dead.
So what's left to do but bag dad!
--- Observer

I'm sure that Saddam's not a-quake
With fear; he's with some friendly sheikh;
And for those pics
Of his boys, that a fix,
Like Hollywood film-makers make.
--- Tiddy Ogg

Explosions compacting and lifting;
The desert sands loosened and shifting.
It looks like deep trouble
Beneath all the rubble,
If we figure it needs some more sifting.
--- Matthew Montchalin

To look for some person's remains,
I mean, that is, Saddam Hussein's,
Which may have been thrown up
Or otherwise blown up,
And mixed into desert sand grains.
--- Matthew Montchalin

It makes a guy wonder about
The nuclear things not allowed
In underground places,
Assuming mere traces
Of things that we haven't a doubt.
--- Matthew Montchalin

These lead to explosions and booms
Which raise up great cloud-like mushrooms,
With particles showing
As hot ash, and glowing
Like Saturday Morning cartoons.
--- Matthew Montchalin

When suddenly, BOOM, it went dark,
And all of the house fell apart.
The building a-rumbling
And other stuff tumbling,
A sudden end to a long start.
--- Tiddy Ogg

I'm afraid it is just as I feared.
Saddam Hussein has appeared.
Not at a tribunal
Or at his own funeral,
But hosting a talk show quite weird.
--- Timothy Torkildson

His guests come from all walks of life --
The butcher, the baker, the fishwife.
Do they have sex
Or write out bad checks,
He asks at the point of a knife.
--- Timothy Torkildson

His sponsors have the demographic
To prove he appeals to the Catholic.
Also the Gypsy
Whenever they're tipsy,
And those who are stuck in slow traffic.
--- Timothy Torkildson

There was a young sailor from Rome
Who found the girls over the foam
All acted the same
In the sexual game,
So he might just as well have stayed home.
--- Isaac Asimov

That infamous sailor named Davey
Regretted his time in the Navy,
So he ate navy beans
And shot submarines
But they made him clean up all the gravy.
--- Neal Wilgus P8406

A puzzle theosophically weighty,
Involves a young sailor named Katey.
She's reportedly been
Simultaneously seen
In many places, possibly eighty.
--- Anon

The Animal is in Charge of the Navy,
His beard and his hair are quite wavy.
You don't have to be told
That his heart is pure gold,
But his stomach is chips and brown gravy.
--- Anon

The medico's surname is Bee,
But they just call him Bumble at sea.
As well as the pills,
He dispenses for ills,
He'll administer a beer, for a fee.
--- Anon

There was a man chemist named Lee,
Who sailed with Australian Navy.
He tested their shit
For a week and a bit;
That's more than enough, you'll agree.
--- Anon

When the young lady demos a life vest,
It inflates at her gentle behest.
It would make my eyes boggle
If she pulled on my toggle,
But you will have to imagine the rest.
--- Anon

The greenie we have on our boat
Is tragically subject to bloat.
He's said to amass
More abdominal gas
That two cows, three sheep, and a goat.
--- Anon

A seaman by the name of Smitty,
Has an attitude chronically shitty.
Pessimistically cursed,
He assumes the worst.
When he wakes in the morning, says "Pity".
--- Anon

U is for Uniform, here
All sorts of brass buttons appear;
And when the Gyrene
In his glory is seen,
On the Cit it is pretty Severe.
--- William O Stevens 1906

A young sailor who stopped at all ports,
Got in trouble with girls of all sorts.
So a new leaf he turned
And his britches he burned.
He now walks around in his shorts.
--- Albin Chaplin 3024-3006

Come all ye landlubber folks all
And join with us seafarin' blokes all.
The boatswain and coxswain
Are posing with frocks on;
There's fun to be had in the forecastle.
--- Peter Wilkins

There once a seaman named Davey,
Who permed up his pubic hairs wavey.
But at top-side inspection,
By Captain's direction,
'Twas crewcut to stay in the Navy.
--- Jim Weaver Collection A

X is eXcursionists rude,
A wild-eyed, inquisitive brood;
The badges they wear
Would make Sousa despair,
And they're not at all bashful with food.
--- William O Stevens 1906

The crew on the cruiser did rig it;
The crowd on the dock seemed to dig it.
A lady said "What
Would you call such a yacht?"
A sailor nearby mumbled "Frig it!"
--- Anon