Life, life: a concoction of bits
And molecules throwing small fits.
They jockey for favor
And sometimes they waiver,
And fall by the wayside -- the pits!
--- Matthew Montchalin

Amazing, these tiny small strings;
To birds -- they give them their wings.
And lions -- their claws
And dogs -- their four paws,
And scaly fish -- flippers and things.
--- Matthew Montchalin

And to eagles their wings on a ledge
And the color and shape of a hedge.
And to chocolate flavor
That we all can savor,
And that awful smell of stewed veg.
--- Michelle

As the lizard crawled up from the slime,
He said, "In a few eons of time,
With some serious groomin'
I might be a human;
I might even learn how to rhyme."
--- Ann Gasser P8811

We've all grown to fill in some niche,
Unless there's a DNA glitch.
In that case we change;
Perhaps extending our range,
But more often, face down in a ditch.
--- Science Creative Quart

Three sausages, the menu read,
But I got two, so I said,
"I'm sorry, I think
There is a missing link."
The Times sent down their Science Ed.
--- Irving Superior P8810

A primate in search of a lover,
Had a fling with a curator's mother;
And the progeny, Joe,
When grown up had to know,
"Is it true that I'm my keeper's brother?"
--- William N Nesbit

As results sometimes seem quite contrary,
Can the Primary Purpose miscarry?
Did Nature intend
To produce in the end
A Socrates or a Bill Perry?
--- A N Wilkins P8810

When God made the world in its prime,
Like begat like every time.
But then to temp fate
He commanded: MUTATE --
And that's why we're not all green slime.
--- Arthur Deex P8810a

There once was an irascible ass
Who came on to any available lass.
But by group affirmation,
To stop his procreation,
All said, on these genes, we will pass.
--- Science Creative Quart

"Evolution," observed Mr. Baer,
"Labored ages with exquisite care,
Leaving no raveled threads,
To perfect a few heads.
The others are covered with hair."
--- A N Wilkins P8810a

Said a protozoan, "Oh shoot!
For this life I don't give a hoot!
No adventure, no flex,
No war, and no sex.
Let us split, first, and then evolute!"
--- Laurence Perrine P8810

Man's term on this earth cannot last --
By the cockroach he will be surpassed.
To much credence he places
And his future he bases
On improbable tales from the past.
--- Albin Chaplin 3024 P8810

On the steep slopes of Mount Delacorte,
The antelope play and cavort.
Through Darwinian projection
And natural selection,
The left legs are normally short.
--- VOL 7

I often have flies on my fly;
And NO, I will not tell you why.
But my rapid erection
Means natural selection;
If they are too slow then they die!
--- Anon

A dino once said to his friend,
"For our life I think this is the end.
Evolution it's called,
But I think it has stalled,
Unless there's a monkey to send."
--- Bob Birch P9809

Genesis in primordial soup,
Molecules midst the goop start to group;
Troupe of one-cell creatures,
Simplistic in features,
Starting point of the great nincompoop.
--- Joel D Ash P0507

Contemplation of eon's mutation,
Slow migration to frog population;
Polliwog seeking land,
Innovation on sand,
Grand backbone of a snake, our relation.
--- Joel D Ash P0507

Years and years to the four-legged mouse,
Different branch than a louse or a grouse;
Gray titmouse not a mammal,
No path for a camel,
Wrong way to the human White House.
--- Joel D Ash P0507

The correct variation the ape,
Standing upright upon the landscape;
Chimpanzees down from trees,
Sporting right pedigrees,
To become Superman with a cape.
--- Joel D Ash P0507

Finally homo erectus evolved,
The Neanderthal man thus involved;
Early caveman resplendent,
His modern descendent,
By science and God both absolved.
--- Joel D Ash P0507

The field of biology's ruled
By those who in Darwin are schooled,
And fie on the fellow
Who fails to find mellow,
The essays of Steven Jay Gould.
--- Norm Storer

The previous critters before us,
The Bronto and Tyrannosaurus;
Before that in time,
The tadpoles who climb
From out of the slime, to bore us.
--- Irving Superior P9311

Cue the Miracle: Granite resolving
To a spherical planet revolving;
Stray lightning bolts knife;
A brightening jolts life;
Through a lyrical Man, it's evolving.
--- Jerry Nordal P0306

All the glory of nature explored,
The tortoise just can't be ignored;
A bird wing and beak,
Subtle change in physique,
The enhancements mutations afford.
--- Joel D Ash

An MIT man who loved Darwin,
Believed the evolutionist's jargon.
Along came God's truth,
And he thought he had goofed.
Traditions of men are no bargain.
--- M Pacell (Imbecile?)

A fun-loving lady named Kate
And a pongo were able to mate.
The result of her sins
Was quadruplets, not twins -
A chimp, two baboons, one primate.
--- Arthur Deex P8408

With Darwin's "The Descent of Man"
A horrible rumor began.
An ape in a tree
Is now you or me.
So therefore your spouse you should scan.

(see following alternate last lines)
--- Irving Superior

If white and not red is her can;
If sideways she eats a banan-;
Not hair on his chest but a tan;
Excessive her deoderan-;
She screws like an orang-utan.
--- Irving Superior

As a youngster Charles Darwin collected
Lots of birds of the types now protected,
Spiders, beetles and bugs,
Daddy-long-legs and slugs...
While his normal school work was neglected.
--- T L McCarthy P9501

Then, discarding all circumlocution,
He faced up to the final solution,
That the shape of Mankind
Is decreed and defined
By the principles of evolution.
--- T L McCarthy P9501

You can hardly believe the sensation
That was caused by the first publication
Of his 'Origins'--Why?
Well, it seemed to imply
That the monkey was Man's close relation.
--- T L McCarthy P9501

From the pulpits priests thundered objection
To the doctrine of Nature's selection,
And it's said there were some
Who were so overcome
They forgot to take up a collection.
--- T L McCarthy P9501

This is file cqm

All the Press and both Houses were furious
And condemned his assertions as spurious.
He was snubbed at his club
And thrown out of a pub --
A circumstance known to the curious.
--- T L McCarthy P9501

In the streets every unlettered peasant
Would indulge in some gesture unpleasant,
With perhaps a short mime
Of an ape's breeding time--
Provided no ladies were present.
--- T L McCarthy P9501

Unabashed by such childish effusions
And amused by such vulgar allusions,
Darwin said, with a smile:
'Mankind's critical style
Merely serves to confirm my conclusions.'
--- T L McCarthy P9501

This sermon I'm going to preach,
Some states now forbid one to teach.
To find what you're missin'
Just come here and listen,
And let's all stand up for free speech.
--- Tiddy Ogg

Charles Darwin climbed on to The Beagle,
(In those days that wasn't illegal,)
To welcome him there
Came a drop from the air:
"Oh, Bugger!" he said, "Damn that seagull.
--- Tiddy Ogg

The next day they had lifeboat drill;
Leapt over the side with a will.
But Charles missed the boat,
Hauled out by his coat,
He emerged, with his mouth full of krill.
--- Tiddy Ogg

Their passage was terribly slow,
And rations were getting quite low;
While sailing off Riga
They were far too meagre,
And no-one had spare flesh to show.
--- Tiddy Ogg

The crew got so desperate and died,
Committing a mass suicide,
Except for one bloke,
Who, like Charles, liked a joke,
But the sad ones jumped over the side.
--- Tiddy Ogg

By this time they'd reached the Galapagos,
Whereon Charles and buddy did clap-agos,
"I spy turtle soup,"
Cries Charles, "Come on group!"
The first one there gets every scrap-agos.
--- Tiddy Ogg

Those governing us are so tedious,
Their arguments mostly egregious.
They claim they're so wise,
While telling such lies...
The origin, thus, of the specious.
--- Tiddy Ogg

Observed Darwin, "The mammals increased
Thus producing a high type of beast
When the primate was bred."
Somehow Charles never said
Whether he meant the ape or the priest.
--- A N Wilkins P8810a

Charles Darwin knew whereof he spoke,
He wasn't just making a joke.
But apes in the tree
Looking down on D.C.,
Protest we can't be their kinfolk.
--- Evelyn Bogen A

After Cambridge, on H.M.S. Beagle,
He examined a bald-headed eagle,
And discovered the reason
Why, even in season,
It never could mate with a seagull.
--- T L McCarthy P9501

It was probably far too ambitions
Of the doughtier long-ago fishes
To crawl from the seas
And walk among trees,
But the outcome was fairly propitious.
--- David Morin

The Flat-Earther's President said that,
"We'd fall off if the world wasn't flat;
Our theory's been tested;
On Sunday God rested.
Earth's a Klein bottle, on which he sat."
--- Q

The Galapagos Islands the place,
The H.M.S. Beagle as base;
A rare strip of flora,
A new type of fauna,
Charles Darwin the sleuth on the case.
--- Joel D Ash

Sweet mystery of life all around,
Small clues that are there to be found;
Observing a finch,
Grasping meaning no cinch,
Anthropologists can't be hidebound.
--- Joel D Ash

A theory that's based on inspection,
Grand concept of natural selection;
The fittest survive,
Better species all thrive,
The collection of proof takes reflection.
--- Joel D Ash

Excitement that made his heart race,
A willingness to face disgrace;
Evolution onslaughts,
So sure of his thoughts,
Revolution the world must embrace.
--- Joel D Ash

"The Origin of Species" is written,
Theologians and doubters not smitten;
A storm of debate,
Darwin finally proved great,
"The Descent of Man" lauded in Britain.
--- Joel D Ash

My fingers are extremely long;
My toes are fantastically strong.
Am I really me
Or a damn chimpanzee?
Just hope old Darwin was not wrong.
--- Tony Burrell

I think now I'll have to agree
That Darwin knew my family tree.
I cannot escape
From Great Uncle Ape,
Since Life's made a monkey of me.
--- Timothy Torkildson

Young Darwin, he found him a turtle,
Fell in love with it, called the beast Myrtle.
And then off he goes
To the Galapagos,
And Myrtle the turtle was furtled.
--- Tiddy Ogg

He'd been asked for his source of affection
For his Emma, and without objection,
Charles Darwin replied,
With a wink in his eye,
'Twas for him just a natural selection.
--- AsSumut

I'm Darwin, I had an erection
Of several square inches cross-section.
So I set out to screw
Every Duchess I knew,
In the interests of Natural Selection.
--- David Halliday

At long last the enigma is solved;
In the past though confusion revolved
Around that town down under.
We no longer need wonder,
Darwin wasn't conceived, he evolved.
--- Loren Fitzhugh P0102

There once was a young man named Darwin
Who spent five years tossed to the far wind.
Wrote a book for his peers
After twenty short years,
And now he's as pop as George Carlin.
--- Science Creative Quart

It was probably far too ambitious
Of the doughtier long-ago fishes
To crawl from the seas
And walk among trees,
But the outcome was fairly propitious.
--- Anon

On Darwin's "The Descent of Man,"
From treetops each orangutan
On reaching below,
Less hair we must grow.
And also must whiten our can.
--- Irving Superior

With "also must whiten our can,"
The Indian troubles began.
And what's wrong with red?
The Chinese then said,
While blacks offered shadings of tan.
--- Irving Superior

And so as each century passes,
Distinctive in color each ass is.
"Mine's better than yours,"
Accounting for wars
And also the phrase "kicking asses."
--- Irving Superior

On the voyage of the "Beagle", the scribe
Cautioned Darwin, "They'll claim you imbibe.
You'll find society
Never will set you free,
From long, endless years of diatribe."
--- Loren Fitzhugh

A bard from the Lago di Como,
A smelly Tibetan from Gomo,
Two faggots from Florence,
Another from Lawrence --
In this they're alike: genus Homo.
--- Armand E Singer 474