To Spain's Santillana del Mar
Come tourists fro near and afar,
To gawk at old art
Some rendered in part
With carbon, and boarshit, and tar.
--- Dick Menkes

From Darwin's 'The Descent of Man,'
A sequel, 'The ascent of Man.'
The Atom Bomb -- BOOM
And up up we zoom.
Sub titled, 'The Ass End Of Man.'
--- Irving Superior P8810

An option one time man did seize
To live on the ground, if you please.
From the progress he's made,
And the talents displayed,
It is time to go back to the trees.
--- Albin Chaplin 3024-2788

There once was a caveman named Ig
Whose club was incredibly big;
But the girls had no word
For a tool so absurd,
So they dubbed it a "thingumajig."
--- Mark Levy P0204

Evolution's a theory, my dear,
That explains why we have eye and ear,
Why we have upright walk
And why we can talk --
Big tits and appendix aren't clear.
--- Arthur Deex P8810a

I hope to discover a genus
Of man with gargantuan penis;
In the faith humankind,
Will not be confined,
With twig sized proportional weenis.
--- Anon

A troglodyte heard of Club Med.
(Yes, they had them back then, it is said.)
But he thought that it meant.
Bring your club when you went
To more easily bop some broad's head.
--- Don Moore P0203

A fellow from Cardiff assails
Darwin's theory and tells how it fails,
"Don't believe all those japes
That we're children of apes --
My ancestors," he said, "come from Wales."
--- Bob Giandomenico P8810

A cave man was dragging a maid
Around in a cool mossy glade,
And he said, "All my life
I have feared a young wife,
A fear that will now be allayed."
--- Limber Limericks

Most bestial cavemen were farces;
They typically tried to make passes
At large carnivores,
Who would bone them like whores,
And they'd die of tyrannosore-arses.

I've researched my own family tree;
It's impressive, I'm sure you'll agree.
The chart, though immense,
Will, with effort, condense:
"From Cheetah to Tarzan to me."
--- Arthur Deex

Long ago a big male chimpanzee
Spied a female and screwed her with glee.
It's good no disfuncion
Curtailed their conjunction,
For their fun led to my pedigree.
--- Julia Strawn P8810

He deciphered his DNA code,
And here's what the diagram showed:
If it changed one scintilla,
He'd have been a gorilla
And the jungle would be his abode.
--- Arnie Schoenbrun P0306

For a very large part of prehistory,
Where babies came from was a mystery;
Till a Cro-Magnon virgin
Whose hormones were surgin',
Had Neanderthal kids. End of mystery.
--- John E Mayhood P0203

While Darrow and Bryan are sparrin' --
Their famous court battle -- Charles Darwin
Who watched from above
Gave Adam a shove
And said with a drawl, "Ah guess Ah win."
--- Irving Superior P8810

I ponder the ages to be,
When humans at last cease to be.
Will some sad primate
Then degenerate
Into something like you and like me?
--- Anon

We can trace man's descent from the monkey;
Like us they are horny and spunky,
And compared to the French,
Who are known for their stench,
The monkeys don't smell all that funky.
--- Anon

Sneered a dyslexic deist named Phogg,
"People don't come from apes or some frog;
So trust me you must;
My argument's just:
Genus homo's created by Dog."
--- Armand Singer

The cave man is passe,
And no one is disfrait.
He has no drag
With maid or hag
In this enlightened day.
--- Lims Unlimited

For homework my daughter must see
If she can do her pedigree.
Which is truly unfair,
Other kids think she's square,
'Cause there's branches in our family tree.
--- John Miller 0261

There was an old man with a beard,
Who said: "When our species appeared,
We at first took the shape
Of a primitive ape,
But then gradually re-engineered.
--- Richard Long

Long ago when Earth started to harden
Was the time that the first farms were startin'.
B.C. Brown all aglow
Plants his crops in a row.
Too bad it was just a rock garden.
--- Tom Patton P0203

"We all come from apes!" some guy swears.
"No, it's Adam and Eve!" one declares.
But I am no fool,
And I learned at my school,
We descended of course, from four bears.
--- Don Moore P0306

The first upright bipedal mammalian
Just might have been Episcopalian.
He was Bruce and not Adam
I'm so sorry, madam;
Our gene pool's main source is Australian.
--- Arthur Deex P0408

Though Archie will give you a jape,
We won't let the riddle escape;
Your enigma is solved
Where mankind evolved:
A gregarious anthropoid ape.
--- Anon

A young schoolboy who lives near the fens,
Was fitted with strong contact lens.
Now while in his classes,
Without using his glasses,
He can see the Homo sapiens.
--- Arthur Pattaffy

Cried a comely young cave girl named Doris,
"I was raped by a male brontosaurus."
Her mother said, "Pshaw!
I'd blame either your paw
Or that Homo erectus called Horace."
--- Arthur Deex P9703

From aeons of natural selection,
It's there to be seen in reflection;
To me nothing's clearer,
When faced with a mirror,
I'm the pinnacle of perfection.
--- Anon

Homo sapiens may not respect us
But we women have guile to protect us;
With the wink of an eye
We can transmogrify
Homo sap. into Homo erectus.
--- J Mayhood P9703 A

A caveman named Agar Ageel
Cried out with historical zeal:
"I'm the first man alive
Who can go for a drive,
Because I've invented the wheel."
--- Charles Barsotti

I looked up in my family tree;
I was shocked as ever could be.
There's no variations
In my past relations.
All were lazy and dumb, just like me.
--- Jerry Mendelson TP9804

There was an eccentric old gent
Who boasted his ancient descent.
In fact you could trace
From the cast of his face,
How far back his pedigree went.
--- J R Johnson P0505

The 'Origin of Species' states
That Man to Ape (not Eve) relates.
Whose sons are we?
Brings up Premise Three --
From bitches Man originates.
--- Irving Superior P8810

This is file cpm

He took shelter with his entire clan.
A nomadic life he did not plan.
He was not prone to roam
From his one room cave home.
He was not a MEANDERTHAL man.
--- Loren Fitzhugh

There once was a napper of stone,
Who lived in a cave all alone;
He wanted a bride,
But couldn't decide:
Neanderthal or Cro-Magnon?
--- Rosy Bouche P9803a

There once was a group named Oasis,
Whose eyebrows met on their faces.
When asked why this was,
They said it's because
We come from Neanderthal races.
--- Richard Long

The Neaderthal lived in a cave,
And used cold glacial melt for a lave.
He wore both hide and hair
Of the Ice Age cave bear,
And never did bother to shave.
--- Cephas Harte

Atavistic behavior is boring.
You're not a Neanderthal, roaring
And waving your arm,
Like some jerk bent on harm.
You're most likely to set me to snoring.
--- Mimi

The ape-man Pithecanthropus erectus,
Has many offspring to dissect us.
With them, might is right,
And if we can't fight,
There's nothing to make them respect us.
--- Arthur Guiterman

Oh come all and take a good gander
At this curious archaic Neander-
thal, Not on the stream
Of true moderns, 'twould seem,
But a backward and stagnant meander.
--- C Loring Brace P9704

Evolving has worked cleverly;
Two eyes for stereoscopy;
At the end of each wrist,
A most inticate fist,
And two legs, so much better than three.
--- Jim Weaver Collection

Charles Darwin was slow to direct us
To the condor's uncertain prospectus.
Consonation mutation
Means reincarnation
As accessory to Homo erectus.

(one consonant changes condor to condom - McW)
--- Emily

As males, I contend it affects us,
And it pains me if I should sound sexist.
We must take a stand.
Our ancestry's not bland.
We're from Pithecanthropus Erectus
--- Loren C Fitzhugh

'Tis written in the ancient runes
That man has evolved from baboons.
He learned how to shave
And live in a cave,
Hairy legs covered by PANTALOONS.
--- Chris Papa

We humans would not be the same,
Or even be left in the game,
Except mating done,
For pleasure and fun,
And dressed up in Eros' fair name.
--- Chris Papa

Evolution is really a loop;
It's only ourselves that we dupe.
There's no point in skirting
The fact I'm reverting,
Straight back to primordial soup.
--- Richard Long

Said a monk, as he swung by his tail,
To the little monks, female and male:
"From your offspring, my dears,
In not too many years,
May evolve a professor at Yale."
--- Anon A

Living things are programmed and obsexed.
First survival, then love, kids come next.
They continue our line;
Deter species decline.
Brains, brawn, culture, footnotes the main text.
--- Esther Koch P0204

The primitive Pithecanthropus erectus,
With whom the ethnologists connect us,
Defended his own
By cudgel and stone.
Why isn't he here to protect us?
--- Arthur Guiterman

"One assumes," said a man named Carruthers,
"That among human sisters and brothers
With their various shapes,
Some descended from apes
More recently than did some others."
--- A N Wilkins P8810

Evolution, from what I have seen,
Does not necessarily mean,
We get better per se:
There's a chance that one day
We'll evolve into what we have been!
--- Anon

The people from whom I've descended,
Their lunacy's truly extended;
There's a knot I can see,
Up my family tree,
Where it seems that all sanity ended.
--- Cap'n Bean P0306

A famed biochemist from Thrace
Claims people take up too much space,
So now he is thinking
Of working on shrinking
Mankind to a half-pint sized race.
--- Armand E Singer 906

Early man didn't survive
Due to high IQ with which to strive.
It was BO, the stink,
That made carnivores think
Twice 'fore eating him or his wive.
--- Sam Shaffe P8810

But you may be right, my dear Pan;
I should get out more when I can.
'Twould require better clothes
But for now I shall close, with
Respectfully yours, Stone Age Man.
--- Anon

The arrogant Pithecanthropus erectus,
Whose traits, through inheritance, affect us,
Was sure it was good
To grab all he could,
Like some of those whose morals deject us.
--- Arthur Guiterman

The great ape was chewing a fern;
His thoughts made his visage seem stern.
They say, "Way back when,
We evolved into men."
So where did they take the wrong turn?
--- Arnie Schoenbrun P0306

Two researchers who never would quit,
Traced their family tree, they admit,
So far in the past,
They discovered at last,
Their ancestors climbing in it.
--- A N Wilkins

In Niffelheim 'twere cold and snows;
For our sins some say Jesus rose.
And Australopithecus
Had tales quite mythic; us
Moderns will have to suppose.
--- Anon

Proposals of marriage of yore;
A dragging by hair through the door.
It was "Vidi Vici"
With guttural "Veni"
With courtship considered a bore.
--- Irving Superior P9711

Who says humans must be the last
To evolve? Evolution's not fast.
I'm sure we will see
A creature more smart and whole-assed.
--- Sam Shaffe P8810

Little by little degree,
The first man came down out of the tree.
And what revolution
Brought this evolution?
More likely, his wife had to pee.
--- MrMalo

A primitive humanoid, Ag,
Went hunting, a tiger to bag.
After eating his meat,
One of them was replete,
And went off to look for a shag.
--- TuttaGioia

A primitive humanoid, Ak,
Was very much taken aback,
'Cause the Marquis de Sade
Had not yet been made,
When his mate gave his prick a great whack.
--- TuttaGioia

A primitive humanoid, Ath,
Was the very first osteopath.
But he never got paid,
The bills never made,
'Cause they hadn't invented the math.
--- TuttaGioia

A primitive humanoid, Ave,
Thought, "I think what I want, is concave...
Or is it convex?
I know I want sex!
I wonder if other shapes they've.
--- TuttaGioia a

A primitive humanoid, Dee,
Was searching her crack for a flea.
The flea went for a ride
Right up inside,
'Cause it jumped on her finger, you see.
--- TuttaGioia